#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2016 Valerie Young # Based on reproducible_html_pkg_sets.sh: # © 2014-2016 Holger Levsen # © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3, reproducible_common, time, sqlite3, pystache, csv # # Build rb-pkg pages (the pages that describe the package status) from reproducible_common import * import csv import time import sqlite3 import pystache from collections import OrderedDict # Templates used for creating package pages renderer = pystache.Renderer() pkgset_navigation_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'pkgset_navigation')) pkgset_details_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'pkgset_details')) pkg_legend_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'pkg_symbol_legend')) # we only do stats up until yesterday YESTERDAY = (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') def gather_meta_stats(suite, arch, pkgset_name): pkgset_file = os.path.join(PKGSET_DEF_PATH, 'meta_pkgsets-' + suite, pkgset_name + '.pkgset') try: with open(pkgset_file) as f: pkgset_list = [s.strip() for s in f.readlines()] except FileNotFoundError: log.warning('No meta package set information exists at ' + pkgset_file) return {} if not pkgset_list: log.warning('No packages listed for package set: ' + pkgset_name) return {} package_where = "s.name in ('" + ("', '").join(pkgset_list) + "')" root_query = """ SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}' AND date(r.build_date)<='{date}' AND {package_where} """.format(suite=suite, arch=arch, date=YESTERDAY, package_where=package_where) stats = {} good = query_db(root_query + "AND r.status = 'reproducible' " + "ORDER BY s.name;") stats['good'] = [t[0] for t in good] stats['count_good'] = len(stats['good']) bad = query_db(root_query + "AND r.status = 'unreproducible'" + "ORDER BY r.build_date;") stats['bad'] = [t[0] for t in bad] stats['count_bad'] = len(stats['bad']) ugly = query_db(root_query + "AND r.status = 'FTBFS'" + "ORDER BY r.build_date;") stats['ugly'] = [t[0] for t in ugly] stats['count_ugly'] = len(stats['ugly']) rest = query_db(root_query + "AND (r.status != 'FTBFS' AND " + "r.status != 'unreproducible' AND " + "r.status != 'reproducible') ORDER BY r.build_date;") stats['rest'] = [t[0] for t in rest] stats['count_rest'] = len(stats['rest']) stats['count_all'] = (stats['count_good'] + stats['count_bad'] + stats['count_ugly'] + stats['count_rest']) stats['count_all'] = stats['count_all'] if stats['count_all'] else 1 stats['percent_good'] = percent(stats['count_good'], stats['count_all']) stats['percent_bad'] = percent(stats['count_bad'], stats['count_all']) stats['percent_ugly'] = percent(stats['count_ugly'], stats['count_all']) stats['percent_rest'] = percent(stats['count_rest'], stats['count_all']) return stats def update_stats(suite, arch, stats, pkgset_name): result = query_db(""" SELECT datum, meta_pkg, suite FROM stats_meta_pkg_state WHERE datum = '{date}' AND suite = '{suite}' AND architecture = '{arch}' AND meta_pkg = '{name}' """.format(date=YESTERDAY, suite=suite, arch=arch, name=pkgset_name)) # if there is not a result for this day, add one if not result: insert = "INSERT INTO stats_meta_pkg_state VALUES ('{date}', " + \ "'{suite}', '{arch}', '{pkgset_name}', '{count_good}', " + \ "'{count_bad}', '{count_ugly}', '{count_rest}')" query_db(insert.format(date=YESTERDAY, suite=suite, arch=arch, pkgset_name=pkgset_name, count_good=stats['count_good'], count_bad=stats['count_bad'], count_ugly=stats['count_ugly'], count_rest=stats['count_rest'])) log.info("Updating db entry for meta pkgset %s in %s/%s on %s.", pkgset_name, suite, arch, YESTERDAY) else: log.debug("Not updating db entry for meta pkgset %s in %s/%s on %s as one exists already.", pkgset_name, suite, arch, YESTERDAY) def create_pkgset_navigation(suite, arch, view=None): # Group the package sets by section sections = OrderedDict() for index in range(1, len(META_PKGSET)+1): pkgset_name = META_PKGSET[index][0] pkgset_section = META_PKGSET[index][1] pkgset = { 'class': "active" if pkgset_name == view else "", 'pkgset_name': pkgset_name, } thumb_file, thumb_href = stats_thumb_file_href(suite, arch, pkgset_name) # if the graph image doesn't exist, don't include it in the context if os.access(thumb_file, os.R_OK): pkgset['thumb'] = thumb_href # add the package set to the appropriate section sections.setdefault(pkgset_section, []).append(pkgset) context = { 'suite': suite, 'arch': arch, 'pkgset_page': True if view else False } context['package_set_sections'] = \ [{'section': s, 'pkgsets': sections[s]} for s in sections] return renderer.render(pkgset_navigation_template, context) def create_index_page(suite, arch): title = 'Package sets in %s/%s' % (suite, arch) body = create_pkgset_navigation(suite, arch) destfile = os.path.join(DEBIAN_BASE, suite, arch, "index_pkg_sets.html") suite_arch_nav_template = DEBIAN_URI + \ '/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_pkg_sets.html' left_nav_html = create_main_navigation( suite=suite, arch=arch, displayed_page='pkg_set', suite_arch_nav_template=suite_arch_nav_template, ignore_experimental=True, ) log.info("Creating pkgset index page for %s/%s.", suite, arch) write_html_page(title=title, body=body, destfile=destfile, left_nav_html=left_nav_html) def gen_other_arch_context(archs, suite, pkgset_name): context = [] page = "pkg_set_" + pkgset_name + ".html" for arch in archs: context.append({ 'arch': arch, 'link': "/".join(['/debian', suite, arch, page]) }) return context def stats_png_file_href(suite, arch, pkgset_name): return (os.path.join(DEBIAN_BASE, suite, arch, 'stats_meta_pkg_state_' + pkgset_name + '.png'), "/".join(["/debian", suite, arch, 'stats_meta_pkg_state_' + pkgset_name + '.png']) ) def stats_thumb_file_href(suite, arch, pkgset_name): return (os.path.join(DEBIAN_BASE, suite, arch, 'stats_meta_pkg_state_' + pkgset_name + '-thumbnail.png'), "/".join(["/debian", suite, arch, 'stats_meta_pkg_state_' + pkgset_name + '-thumbnail.png']) ) def create_pkgset_page_and_graphs(suite, arch, stats, pkgset_name): html_body = "" html_body += create_pkgset_navigation(suite, arch, pkgset_name) pkgset_context = ({ 'pkgset_name': pkgset_name, 'suite': suite, 'arch': arch, 'pkg_symbol_legend_html': renderer.render(pkg_legend_template, {}), }) png_file, png_href = stats_png_file_href(suite, arch, pkgset_name) thumb_file, thumb_href = stats_thumb_file_href(suite, arch, pkgset_name) yesterday_timestamp = (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=1)).timestamp() if ( not os.access(png_file, os.R_OK) or os.stat(png_file).st_mtime < yesterday_timestamp ): create_pkgset_graph(png_file, suite, arch, pkgset_name) check_call(['convert', png_file, '-adaptive-resize', '160x80', thumb_file]) pkgset_context['png'] = png_href other_archs = [a for a in ARCHS if a != arch] pkgset_context['other_archs']= \ gen_other_arch_context(other_archs, suite, pkgset_name) pkgset_context['status_details'] = [] status_cutename_descriptions = [ ('unreproducible', 'bad', 'failed to build reproducibly'), ('FTBFS', 'ugly', 'failed to build from source'), ('rest', 'rest', 'are either in depwait state, blacklisted, not for us, or cannot be downloaded'), ('reproducible', 'good', 'successfully build reproducibly'), ] for (status, cutename, description) in status_cutename_descriptions: icon_html = '' if status == 'rest': for s in ['depwait', 'blacklisted', 'not_for_us', '404']: s, icon, spokenstatus = get_status_icon(s) icon_html += gen_status_link_icon(s, None, icon, suite, arch) else: status, icon, spokenstatus = get_status_icon(status) icon_html = gen_status_link_icon(status, None, icon, suite, arch) details_context = { 'icon_html': icon_html, 'description': description, 'package_list_html': link_packages(stats[cutename], suite, arch, bugs), 'status_count': stats["count_" + cutename], 'status_percent': stats["percent_" + cutename], } if (status in ('reproducible', 'unreproducible') or stats["count_" + cutename] != 0): pkgset_context['status_details'].append(details_context) html_body += renderer.render(pkgset_details_template, pkgset_context) title = '%s package set for %s/%s' % \ (pkgset_name, suite, arch) page = "pkg_set_" + pkgset_name + ".html" destfile = os.path.join(DEBIAN_BASE, suite, arch, page) suite_arch_nav_template = DEBIAN_URI + '/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/' + page left_nav_html = create_main_navigation( suite=suite, arch=arch, displayed_page='pkg_set', suite_arch_nav_template=suite_arch_nav_template, ignore_experimental=True, ) log.info("Creating meta pkgset page for %s in %s/%s.", pkgset_name, suite, arch) write_html_page(title=title, body=html_body, destfile=destfile, left_nav_html=left_nav_html, include_pkgset_js=True) def create_pkgset_graph(png_file, suite, arch, pkgset_name): table = "stats_meta_pkg_state" columns = ["datum", "reproducible", "unreproducible", "FTBFS", "other"] where = "WHERE suite = '%s' AND architecture = '%s' AND meta_pkg = '%s'" % \ (suite, arch, pkgset_name) if arch == 'i386': # i386 only has pkg sets since later to make nicer graphs # (date added in commit 7f2525f7) where += " AND datum >= '2016-05-06'" query = "SELECT {fields} FROM {table} {where} ORDER BY datum".format( fields=", ".join(columns), table=table, where=where) result = query_db(query) result_rearranged = [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in result] with create_temp_file(mode='w') as f: csv_tmp_file = f.name csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, columns) csv_writer.writeheader() csv_writer.writerows(result_rearranged) f.flush() graph_command = os.path.join(BIN_PATH, "make_graph.py") main_label = "Reproducibility status for packages in " + suite + \ " from " + pkgset_name y_label = "Amount (" + pkgset_name + " packages)" log.info("Creating graph for meta pkgset %s in %s/%s.", pkgset_name, suite, arch) check_call([graph_command, csv_tmp_file, png_file, '4', main_label, y_label, '1920', '960']) bugs = get_bugs() for arch in ARCHS: for suite in SUITES: if suite == 'experimental': continue create_index_page(suite, arch) for index in META_PKGSET: pkgset_name = META_PKGSET[index][0] stats = gather_meta_stats(suite, arch, pkgset_name) if (stats): update_stats(suite, arch, stats, pkgset_name) create_pkgset_page_and_graphs(suite, arch, stats, pkgset_name)