#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Based on reproducible_html_packages.sh © 2014 Holger Levsen # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 # # Build rb-pkg pages (the pages that describe the package status) from reproducible_common import * html_package_page = Template((tab*2).join(("""
$package $version $status at $build_time: $links PTS BTS sources debian/{changelog,rules} ${bugs_links} reproducible builds
""" % REPRODUCIBLE_URL ).splitlines(True))) def sizeof_fmt(num): for unit in ['B','KB','MB','GB']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: if unit == 'GB': log.error('The size of this file is bigger than 1 GB!') log.error('Please check') return str(int(round(float("%3f" % num), 0))) + "%s" % (unit) num /= 1024.0 return str(int(round(float("%f" % num), 0))) + "%s" % ('Yi') def check_package_status(package, suite): """ This returns a tuple containing status, version and build_date of the last version of the package built by jenkins CI """ try: query = ('SELECT r.status, r.version, r.build_date ' + 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + 'WHERE s.name="{pkg}" ' + 'AND s.suite="{suite}"').format(pkg=package, suite=suite) result = query_db(query)[0] except IndexError: print_critical_message('This query produces no results: ' + query + '\nThis means there is no tested package with the name ' + package + '.') raise status = str(result[0]) version = str(result[1]) build_date = str(result[2])+" UTC" return (status, version, build_date) def gen_extra_links(package, version, suite, arch): eversion = strip_epoch(version) notes = NOTES_PATH + '/' + package + '_note.html' rbuild = RBUILD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + \ eversion + '.rbuild.log' buildinfo = BUILDINFO_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + \ '_' + eversion + '_amd64.buildinfo' dbd = DBD_PATH + '/' + package + '_' + eversion + '.debbindiff.html' links = '' default_view = False # check whether there are notes available for this package if os.access(notes, os.R_OK): url = NOTES_URI + '/' + package + '_note.html' links += 'notes\n' default_view = url else: log.debug('notes not detected at ' + notes) if os.access(dbd, os.R_OK): url = DBD_URI + '/' + package + '_' + eversion + '.debbindiff.html' links += 'debbindiff\n' if not default_view: default_view = url else: log.debug('debbindiff not detetected at ' + dbd) if pkg_has_buildinfo(package, version, suite): url = BUILDINFO_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + \ '_' + eversion + '_amd64.buildinfo' links += 'buildinfo\n' if not default_view: default_view = url else: log.debug('buildinfo not detected at ' + buildinfo) if os.access(rbuild, os.R_OK): url = RBUILD_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + suite + '/' + package + '_' + \ eversion + '.rbuild.log' log_size = os.stat(rbuild).st_size links +='rbuild (' + \ sizeof_fmt(log_size) + ')\n' if not default_view: default_view = url else: log.warning('The package ' + package + ' did not produce any buildlog! Check ' + rbuild) return (links, default_view) def gen_bugs_links(package, bugs): html = '' if package in bugs: for bug in bugs[package]: html += '#' + str(bug) + ' ' return html def gen_packages_html(packages, suite='sid', arch='amd64', no_clean=False): """ generate the /rb-pkg/package.html page packages should be a list """ bugs = get_bugs() log.debug(str(len(bugs)) + ' bugs found: ' + str(bugs)) total = len(packages) log.info('Generating the pages of ' + str(total) + ' package(s)') for pkg in sorted(packages): pkg = str(pkg) status, version, build_date = check_package_status(pkg, suite) log.info('Generating the page of ' + pkg + ' ' + version + ' built at ' + build_date) links, default_view = gen_extra_links(pkg, version, suite, arch) bugs_links = gen_bugs_links(pkg, bugs) status, icon = join_status_icon(status, pkg, version) html = html_package_page.substitute(package=pkg, status=status, version=version, build_time=build_date, icon=icon, links=links, bugs_links=bugs_links, default_view=default_view) destfile = RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + pkg + '.html' desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + RB_PKG_URI + '/' + pkg + '.html' title = pkg + ' - reproducible build results' write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, noheader=True, noendpage=True) log.info("Package page generated at " + desturl) if not no_clean: purge_old_pages() # housekeep is always good def gen_all_rb_pkg_pages(suite='sid', arch='amd64', no_clean=False): query = 'SELECT s.name ' + \ 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE r.status !="" AND s.suite="%s"' % suite rows = query_db(query) pkgs = [str(i[0]) for i in rows] log.info('Processing all the package pages, ' + str(len(pkgs))) gen_packages_html(pkgs, suite=suite, arch=arch, no_clean=no_clean) def purge_old_pages(): presents = sorted(os.listdir(RB_PKG_PATH)) for page in presents: pkg = page.rsplit('.', 1)[0] log.debug('Checking if ' + page + ' (from ' + pkg + ') is still needed') query = 'SELECT s.name ' + \ 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="%s" AND r.status != "" AND s.suite="sid"' % pkg result = query_db(query) if not result: # actually, the query produces no results log.info('There is no package named ' + pkg + ' in the database.' + ' Removing old page.') os.remove(RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + page)