#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Based on reproducible_html_packages.sh © 2014 Holger Levsen # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 # # Build rb-pkg pages (the pages that describe the package status) from reproducible_common import * import pystache import apt_pkg apt_pkg.init_system() # Templates used for creating package pages renderer = pystache.Renderer(); package_page_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'package_page')) package_navigation_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'package_navigation')) suitearch_section_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'package_suitearch_section')) suitearch_details_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'package_suitearch_details')) project_links_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'project_links')) def sizeof_fmt(num): for unit in ['B','KB','MB','GB']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: if unit == 'GB': log.error('The size of this file is bigger than 1 GB!') log.error('Please check') return str(int(round(float("%3f" % num), 0))) + "%s" % (unit) num /= 1024.0 return str(int(round(float("%f" % num), 0))) + "%s" % ('Yi') def get_buildlog_links_context(package, eversion, suite, arch): log = suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + eversion + '.build2.log.gz' diff = suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + eversion + '.diff.gz' context = {} if os.access(LOGS_PATH+'/'+log, os.R_OK): context['build2_uri'] = LOGS_URI + '/' + log context['build2_size'] = sizeof_fmt(os.stat(LOGS_PATH+'/'+log).st_size) if os.access(DIFFS_PATH+'/'+diff, os.R_OK): context['diff_uri'] = DIFFS_URI + '/' + diff return context def get_dbd_link_context(package, eversion, suite, arch, status): dbd = DBD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + \ eversion + '.diffoscope.html' dbdtxt = DBDTXT_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + \ eversion + '.diffoscope.txt.gz' dbd_url = DBD_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + \ eversion + '.diffoscope.html' dbdtxt_url = DBDTXT_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + \ eversion + '.diffoscope.txt' context = {} if os.access(dbd, os.R_OK): context['dbd_url'] = dbd_url if os.access(dbdtxt, os.R_OK): context['dbdtxt_url'] = dbdtxt_url else: if status == 'unreproducible' and not args.ignore_missing_files: log.critical(DEBIAN_URL + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + ' is unreproducible, but without diffoscope output.') return context, dbd_url def gen_suitearch_details(package, version, suite, arch, status, spokenstatus, build_date): eversion = strip_epoch(version) buildinfo_file = BUILDINFO_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + \ '_' + eversion + '_' + arch + '.buildinfo' context = {} default_view = '' # Make notes the default default view notes_file = NOTES_PATH + '/' + package + '_note.html' notes_uri = NOTES_URI + '/' + package + '_note.html' if os.access(notes_file, os.R_OK): default_view = notes_uri # Get summary context context['status_html'] = gen_status_link_icon(status, spokenstatus, None, suite, arch) context['build_date'] = build_date # Get diffoscope differences context dbd = get_dbd_link_context(package, eversion, suite, arch, status) if dbd[0]: context['dbd'] = dbd[0] default_view = default_view if default_view else dbd[1] # Get buildinfo context if pkg_has_buildinfo(package, version, suite, arch): url = BUILDINFO_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + \ '_' + eversion + '_' + arch + '.buildinfo' context['buildinfo_uri'] = url default_view = default_view if default_view else url elif not args.ignore_missing_files and status not in \ ('untested', 'blacklisted', 'FTBFS', 'not for us', 'depwait', '404'): log.critical('buildinfo not detected at ' + buildinfo_file) # Get rbuild, build2 and build diffs context rbuild = pkg_has_rbuild(package, version, suite, arch) if rbuild: # being a tuple (rbuild path, size), empty if non existant url = RBUILD_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + \ eversion + '.rbuild.log' # apache ignores the trailing .gz context['rbuild_uri'] = url context['rbuild_size'] = sizeof_fmt(rbuild[1]) default_view = default_view if default_view else url context['buildlogs'] = get_buildlog_links_context(package, eversion, suite, arch) elif status not in ('untested', 'blacklisted') and \ not args.ignore_missing_files: log.critical(DEBIAN_URL + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + ' didn\'t produce a buildlog, even though it has been built.') context['has_buildloginfo'] = 'buildinfo_uri' in context or \ 'buildlogs' in context or \ 'rbuild_uri' in context default_view = '/untested.html' if not default_view else default_view suitearch_details_html = renderer.render(suitearch_details_template, context) return (suitearch_details_html, default_view) def determine_reproducibility(status1, version1, status2, version2): newstatus = '' versionscompared = apt_pkg.version_compare(version1, version2); # if version1 > version2, # ignore the older package (version2) if (versionscompared > 0): return status1, version1 # if version1 < version2, # ignore the older package (version1) elif (versionscompared < 0): return status2, version2 # if version1 == version 2, # we are comparing status for the same (most recent) version else: if status1 == 'reproducible' and status2 == 'reproducible': return 'reproducible', version1 else: return 'not_reproducible', version1 def gen_suitearch_section(package, current_suite, current_arch): # keep track of whether the package is entirely reproducible final_version = '' final_status = '' default_view = '' context = {} context['architectures'] = [] for a in ARCHS: suites = [] for s in SUITES: status = package.get_status(s, a) if not status: # The package is not available in that suite/arch continue version = package.get_tested_version(s, a) if not final_version or not final_status: final_version = version final_status = status else: final_status, final_version = determine_reproducibility( final_status, final_version, status, version) build_date = package.get_build_date(s, a) status, icon, spokenstatus = get_status_icon(status) if not (build_date and status != 'blacklisted'): build_date = '' li_classes = ['suite'] if s == current_suite and a == current_arch: li_classes.append('active') package_uri = ('{}/{}/{}/{}.html').format(RB_PKG_URI, s, a, package.name) suitearch_details_html = '' if (s == current_suite and a == current_arch): suitearch_details_html, default_view = gen_suitearch_details( package.name, version, s, a, status, spokenstatus, build_date) suites.append({ 'status': status, 'version': version, 'build_date': build_date, 'icon': icon, 'spokenstatus': spokenstatus, 'li_classes': ' '.join(li_classes), 'arch': a, 'suite': s, 'untested': status == 'untested', 'current_suitearch': s == current_suite and a == current_arch, 'package_uri': package_uri, 'suitearch_details_html': suitearch_details_html, }) if len(suites): context['architectures'].append({ 'arch': a, 'suites': suites, }) html = renderer.render(suitearch_section_template, context) reproducible = True if final_status == 'reproducible' else False return html, default_view, reproducible def shorten_if_debiannet(hostname): if hostname[-11:] == '.debian.net': hostname = hostname[:-11] return hostname def gen_history_page(package): keys = ('build date', 'version', 'suite', 'architecture', 'result', 'build duration', 'node1', 'node2', 'job') try: head = package.history[0] except IndexError: html = '

No historical data available for this package.

' else: html = '\n{tab}\n{tab}{tab}'.format(tab=tab) for i in keys: html += ''.format(i) html += '\n{tab}'.format(tab=tab) for record in package.history: # remove trailing .debian.net from hostnames record['node1'] = shorten_if_debiannet(record['node1']) record['node2'] = shorten_if_debiannet(record['node2']) # add icon to result status, icon, spokenstatus = get_status_icon(record['result']) result_html = spokenstatus + ' {spokenstatus}' record['result'] = result_html.format(icon=icon, spokenstatus=spokenstatus) # human formatting of build duration record['build duration'] = convert_into_hms_string( int(record['build duration'])) html += '\n{tab}\n{tab}{tab}'.format(tab=tab) for i in keys: html += ''.format(record[i]) html += '\n{tab}'.format(tab=tab) html += '
' destfile = os.path.join(HISTORY_PATH, package.name+'.html') title = 'build history of {}'.format(package.name) write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, noendpage=True) def gen_packages_html(packages, no_clean=False): """ generate the /rb-pkg/package.html pages. packages should be a list of Package objects. """ total = len(packages) log.debug('Generating the pages of ' + str(total) + ' package(s)') for package in sorted(packages, key=lambda x: x.name): assert isinstance(package, Package) gen_history_page(package) pkg = package.name notes_uri = '' notes_file = NOTES_PATH + '/' + pkg + '_note.html' if os.access(notes_file, os.R_OK): notes_uri = NOTES_URI + '/' + pkg + '_note.html' for suite in SUITES: for arch in ARCHS: status = package.get_status(suite, arch) version = package.get_tested_version(suite, arch) build_date = package.get_build_date(suite, arch) if status == False: # the package is not in the checked suite continue log.debug('Generating the page of %s/%s/%s @ %s built at %s', pkg, suite, arch, version, build_date) suitearch_section_html, default_view, reproducible = \ gen_suitearch_section(package, suite, arch) history = '{}/{}.html'.format(HISTORY_URI, pkg) project_links = renderer.render(project_links_template) navigation_html = renderer.render(package_navigation_template, { 'package': pkg, 'suite': suite, 'arch': arch, 'version': version, 'history': history, 'notes_uri': notes_uri, 'notify_maintainer': package.notify_maint, 'suitearch_section_html': suitearch_section_html, 'project_links_html': project_links, 'reproducible': reproducible, 'dashboard_url': DEBIAN_URL, }) body_html = renderer.render(package_page_template, { 'default_view': default_view, }) destfile = RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + \ pkg + '.html' desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + RB_PKG_URI + '/' + suite + \ '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '.html' title = pkg + ' - reproducible builds result' write_html_page(title=title, body=body_html, destfile=destfile, no_header=True, noendpage=True, left_nav_html=navigation_html) log.debug("Package page generated at " + desturl) if not no_clean: purge_old_pages() # housekeep is always good def gen_all_rb_pkg_pages(no_clean=False): query = 'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM sources' rows = query_db(query) pkgs = [Package(str(i[0]), no_notes=True) for i in rows] log.info('Processing all %s package from all suites/architectures', len(pkgs)) gen_packages_html(pkgs, no_clean=True) # we clean at the end purge_old_pages() def purge_old_pages(): for suite in SUITES: for arch in ARCHS: log.info('Removing old pages from ' + suite + '/' + arch + '.') try: presents = sorted(os.listdir(RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch)) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # that's 'No such file or raise # directory' error (errno 17) presents = [] log.debug('page presents: ' + str(presents)) for page in presents: pkg = page.rsplit('.', 1)[0] query = 'SELECT s.name ' + \ 'FROM sources AS s ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="{name}" ' + \ 'AND s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}"' query = query.format(name=pkg, suite=suite, arch=arch) result = query_db(query) if not result: # actually, the query produces no results log.info('There is no package named ' + pkg + ' from ' + suite + '/' + arch + ' in the database. ' + 'Removing old page.') os.remove(RB_PKG_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + page)