#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Copyright © 2015 Holger Levsen # Based on reproducible_html_notes.sh © 2014 Holger Levsen # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 python3-yaml # # Build html pages based on the content of the notes.git repository import copy import yaml import popcon import pystache from collections import OrderedDict from math import sqrt from reproducible_common import * from reproducible_html_packages import gen_packages_html from reproducible_html_indexes import build_page renderer = pystache.Renderer() notes_body_template = renderer.load_template( os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'notes_body')) NOTES = 'packages.yml' ISSUES = 'issues.yml' NOTESGIT_DESCRIPTION = 'Our notes about issues affecting packages are stored in notes.git and are targeted at packages in Debian in \'unstable/amd64\' (unless they say otherwise).' note_issues_html = Template((tab*3).join(""" Identified issues: $issues """.splitlines(True))) note_bugs_html = Template((tab*4).join(""" Bugs noted: $bugs """.splitlines(True))) note_comments_html = Template((tab*3).join(""" Comments: $comments """.splitlines(True))) note_issue_html_url = Template((tab*6).join(""" URL $url """.splitlines(True))) note_issue_html_desc = Template((tab*6).join(""" Description $description """.splitlines(True))) note_issue_html = Template((tab*5).join((""" $issue_info
Identifier: $issue
""" % ISSUES_URI).splitlines(True))) issue_html_url = Template((tab*4).join(""" URL: $url """.splitlines(True))) issue_html = Template((tab*3).join(""" $urls
Identifier: $issue
Suites: $suite_links
Description: $description
Packages in '$suite' known to be affected by this issue:
(the 1/4 most-popular ones (within this issue) are underlined)


""".splitlines(True))) def load_notes(): """ format: { 'package_name': {'version': '0.0', 'comments'}, 'package_name':{} } """ with open(NOTES) as fd: possible_notes = yaml.load(fd) log.debug("notes loaded. There are " + str(len(possible_notes)) + " package listed") notes = copy.copy(possible_notes) for package in possible_notes: # check if every package listed on the notes try: # actually have been tested query = 'SELECT s.name ' + \ 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="{pkg}" AND r.status != ""' query = query.format(pkg=package) result = query_db(query)[0] except IndexError: log.warning("This query produces no results: " + query) log.warning("This means there is no tested package with the name " + package + ".") del notes[package] log.debug("notes checked. There are " + str(len(notes)) + " package listed") return notes def load_issues(): """ format: { 'issue_name': {'description': 'blabla', 'url': 'blabla'} } """ with open(ISSUES) as fd: issues = yaml.load(fd) log.debug("issues loaded. There are " + str(len(issues)) + " issues listed") return issues def fill_issue_in_note(issue): details = issues[issue] html = '' if 'url' in details: html += note_issue_html_url.substitute(url=details['url']) if 'description' in details: desc = details['description'].replace('\n', '
') html += note_issue_html_desc.substitute(description=desc) else: log.warning("The issue " + issue + " misses a description") return note_issue_html.substitute(issue=issue, issue_info=html) def gen_html_note(package, note): """ Given a note as input (as a dict: {"package_name": {"version": "0.0.0", "comments": "blablabla", "bugs": [111, 222], "issues": ["issue1", "issue2"]}} ) it returns the html body """ infos = '' # check for issues: if 'issues' in note: tmp = '' for issue in note['issues']: tmp += fill_issue_in_note(issue) issues_count.setdefault(issue, []).append(note['package']) infos += note_issues_html.substitute(issues=tmp) # check for bugs: if 'bugs' in note: bugurls = '' for bug in note['bugs']: try: bug_title = ': "%s"' % bugs[package][bug]['title'] except KeyError: bug_title = '' bugurls += '' + str(bug) + '' + \ get_trailing_bug_icon(bug, bugs, package) + \ bug_title + '
' infos += note_bugs_html.substitute(bugs=bugurls) # check for comments: if 'comments' in note: comment = note['comments'] comment = url2html.sub(r'\1', comment) comment = comment.replace('\n', '
') infos += note_comments_html.substitute(comments=comment) try: version = str(note['version']) return renderer.render(notes_body_template, { 'version': version, 'infos': infos, 'notesgit_description': NOTESGIT_DESCRIPTION }) except KeyError: log.warning('You should really include a version in the ' + str(note['package']) + ' note') return renderer.render(notes_body_template, { 'version': 'N/A', 'infos': infos, 'notesgit_description': NOTESGIT_DESCRIPTION }) def gen_html_issue(issue, suite): """ Given a issue as input (as a dict: {"issue_identifier": {"description": "blablabla", "url": "blabla"}} ) it returns the html body """ # links to the issue in other suites suite_links = '' for i in SUITES: if suite_links != '': suite_links += ' / ' if i != suite: suite_links += '' + i + '' else: suite_links += '' + i + '' # check for url: if 'url' in issues[issue]: url = issue_html_url.substitute(url=issues[issue]['url']) else: url = '' # add affected packages: affected = '' try: arch = 'amd64' for status in ['unreproducible', 'FTBFS', 'not for us', 'blacklisted', 'reproducible', 'depwait']: pkgs = [x[0] for x in all_pkgs if x[1] == status and x[2] == suite and x[3] == arch and x[0] in issues_count[issue]] if not pkgs: continue affected += tab*4 + '

\n' affected += tab*5 + '\n' affected += tab*5 + str(len(pkgs)) + ' ' + status + ' packages in ' + suite + '/' + arch +':\n' affected += tab*5 + '\n' pkgs_popcon = issues_popcon_annotate(pkgs) try: for pkg, popcon, is_popular in sorted(pkgs_popcon, key=lambda x: x[0] in bugs): affected += tab*6 + link_package(pkg, suite, arch, bugs, popcon, is_popular) except ValueError: pass affected += tab*5 + '\n' affected += tab*4 + '

\n' except KeyError: # The note is not listed in any package, that is affected = 'None' # check for description: try: desc = issues[issue]['description'] except KeyError: log.warning('You should really include a description in the ' + issue + ' issue') desc = 'N/A' desc = url2html.sub(r'\1', desc) desc = desc.replace('\n', '
') return issue_html.substitute(issue=issue, urls=url, description=desc, affected_pkgs=affected, suite=suite, suite_links=suite_links, notesgit_description=NOTESGIT_DESCRIPTION) def purge_old_notes(notes): removed_pages = [] to_rebuild = [] presents = sorted(os.listdir(NOTES_PATH)) for page in presents: pkg = page.rsplit('_', 1)[0] log.debug('Checking if ' + page + ' (from ' + pkg + ') is still needed') if pkg not in notes: log.info('There are no notes for ' + pkg + '. Removing old page.') os.remove(NOTES_PATH + '/' + page) removed_pages.append(pkg) for pkg in removed_pages: for suite in SUITES: try: query = 'SELECT s.name ' + \ 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="{pkg}" AND r.status != "" AND s.suite="{suite}"' query = query.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite) to_rebuild.append(query_db(query)[0][0]) except IndexError: # the package is not tested. this can happen if pass # a package got removed from the archive if to_rebuild: gen_packages_html([Package(x) for x in to_rebuild]) def purge_old_issues(issues): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ISSUES_PATH): if not files: continue for file in files: try: issue = file.rsplit('_', 1)[0] except ValueError: log.critical('/'.join([root, file]) + ' does not seems like ' + 'a file that should be there') sys.exit(1) if issue not in issues: log.warning('removing ' + '/'.join([root, file]) + '...') os.remove('/'.join([root, file])) def iterate_over_notes(notes): num_notes = str(len(notes)) i = 0 for package in sorted(notes): log.debug('iterating over notes... ' + str(i) + '/' + num_notes) note = notes[package] note['package'] = package log.debug('\t' + str(note)) html = gen_html_note(package, note) title = 'Notes for ' + package + ' - reproducible builds result' destfile = NOTES_PATH + '/' + package + '_note.html' write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile) desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + NOTES_URI + '/' + package + '_note.html' log.debug("Note created: " + desturl) i = i + 1 log.info('Created ' + str(i) + ' note pages.') def iterate_over_issues(issues): num_issues = str(len(issues)) for suite in SUITES: i = 0 for issue in sorted(issues): log.debug('iterating over issues in ' + suite +'... ' + str(i) + '/' + num_issues) log.debug('\t' + str(issue)) html = gen_html_issue(issue, suite) title = 'Notes about issue ' + issue + ' in ' + suite destfile = ISSUES_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + issue + '_issue.html' left_nav_html = create_main_navigation(displayed_page='issues') write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, style_note=True, left_nav_html=left_nav_html) desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + ISSUES_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + issue + '_issue.html' log.debug("Issue created: " + desturl) i = i + 1 log.info('Created ' + str(i) + ' issue pages for ' + suite) def issues_popcon_annotate(issues_list): # outputs [(package, popcon, is_popular)] where is_popular True if it's # in the upper 1/4 of issues_list, i.e. a relative measure try: n = len(issues_list) popcon_dict = dict((p, 0) for p in issues_list) popcon_dict.update(popcon.package(*issues_list)) issues = sorted(popcon_dict.items(), key=lambda p: p[0]) issues_by_popcon = sorted(issues, key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) issues_with_popcon = [(p[0], p[1], i\n" + tab + "\n" + tab*2 + "\n" \ + tab*3 + "Identified issues\n" + tab*2 + "\n" + tab*2 + "\n" \ + "".join( tab*3 + k + "\n" + tab*2 + "\n" + tab*2 + "\n" for k in scorefuncs.keys()) \ + tab*3 + "Affected packages
\n" \ + tab*3 + "(the 1/4 most-popular ones (within the issue) are underlined)\n" \ + tab*2 + "\n" + tab + "\n" html = (tab*2).join(templ.splitlines(True)) for issue in sorted(issues, key=lambda issue: sort_issues(firstscorefunc, issue)): html += tab*3 + '\n' html += tab*4 + '' + issue.replace("_", " ") + '\n' issues_list = issues_count.get(issue, []) for scorefunc in scorefuncs.values(): html += tab*4 + '' + str(scorefunc(issues_list)) + '\n' html += tab*4 + '\n' issues_with_popcon = issues_popcon_annotate(issues_list) issue_strings = [ '%s' % ( 'class="package-popular" ' if p[2] else '', p[1], p[0] ) for p in issues_with_popcon] html += tab*5 + ', '.join(issue_strings) + '\n' html += tab*4 + '\n' html += tab*3 + '\n' html += tab*2 + '\n' html += tab*2 + '

For a total of ' + \ str(len([x for x in notes if notes[x].get('issues')])) + \ ' packages categorized in ' + str(len(issues)) + \ ' issues.

' html += tab*2 + '


' title = 'Known issues related to reproducible builds' destfile = DEBIAN_BASE + '/index_issues.html' desturl = DEBIAN_URL + '/index_issues.html' left_nav_html = create_main_navigation(displayed_page='issues') write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, left_nav_html=left_nav_html) log.info('Issues index now available at ' + desturl) if __name__ == '__main__': all_pkgs = query_db('SELECT s.name, r.status, s.suite, s.architecture ' + 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + 'ORDER BY s.name') issues_count = {} bugs = get_bugs() notes = load_notes() issues = load_issues() iterate_over_notes(notes) iterate_over_issues(issues) index_issues(issues, OrderedDict([ ("Sum of packages' popcon scores", lambda l: sum(popcon.package(*l).values())), ("Sum of square-roots of packages' popcon scores", lambda l: int(sum(map(sqrt, popcon.package(*l).values())))), ("Number of packages", len), ])) purge_old_notes(notes) purge_old_issues(issues) gen_packages_html([Package(x) for x in notes]) for suite in SUITES: for arch in ARCHS: build_page('notes', suite, arch) build_page('no_notes', suite, arch) build_page('FTBFS', suite, arch)