#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Copyright © 2015-2016 Holger Levsen # Based on reproducible_html_indexes.sh © 2014 Holger Levsen # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 # # Build quite all index_* pages from reproducible_common import * from sqlalchemy import select, and_, or_, func, bindparam, desc """ Reference doc for the folowing lists: * queries is just a list of queries. They are referred further below. + every query must return only a list of package names (excpet count_total) * pages is just a list of pages. It is actually a dictionary, where every element is a page. Every page has: + `title`: The page title + `header`: (optional) sane html to be printed on top of the page + `header_query`: (optional): the output of this query is put inside "tot" of the string above + `body`: a list of dicts containing every section that made up the page. Every section has: - `icon_status`: the name of a icon (see get_status_icon()) - `icon_link`: a link to hide below the icon - `query`: query to perform against the reproducible db to get the list of packages to show - `text` a string. Template instance with $tot (total of packages listed) and $percent (percentage of all packages) - `timespan`: value set to '24' or '48' to enable to add $count, $count_total. $timespan_cound and $timespan_percent to the text, where: * $percent becomes count/count_total * $count_total being the number of all tested packages * $count being the len() of the query indicated by `query2` * $timespan_count is the number of packages tested in that timespan in hours * $timespan_percent is the percentage of $query in that timespan - `query2`: useful only if `timespan` is set to a value. - `nosuite`: if true do not iterate over the suite/archs, use only the current suite+arch + global: if true, then the page will saved on the root of rb.d.n, and: - the query also takes the value "status" - force the suite/arch to the defaults + notes: if true the query also takes the value "status" Technically speaking, a page can be empty (we all love nonsense) but every section must have at least a `query` defining what to file in. """ timespan_date_map = {} timespan_date_map[24] = (datetime.now()-timedelta(hours=24)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') timespan_date_map[48] = (datetime.now()-timedelta(hours=48)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # sqlalchemy table definitions needed for queries results = db_table('results') sources = db_table('sources') notes = db_table('notes') # filtered_issues is defined in reproducible_common.py and # can be used to excludes some FTBFS issues filter_issues_list = [] for issue in filtered_issues: filter_issues_list.append(notes.c.issues.contains(issue)) if not filtered_issues: filter_issues_list = [None] count_results = select( [func.count(results.c.id)] ).select_from( results.join(sources) ).where( and_( sources.c.suite == bindparam('suite'), sources.c.architecture == bindparam('arch') ) ) select_sources = select( [sources.c.name] ).select_from( results.join(sources) ).where( and_( sources.c.suite == bindparam('suite'), sources.c.architecture == bindparam('arch') ) ) queries = { "count_total": count_results, "count_timespan": count_results.where( results.c.build_date > bindparam('timespan_date'), ), "reproducible_all": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'reproducible', ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "reproducible_last24h": select_sources.where( results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[24] ), "reproducible_last48h": select_sources.where( results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[48], ), "reproducible_all_abc": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'reproducible', ).order_by( sources.c.name ), "FTBR_all": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'unreproducible', ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "FTBR_last24h": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'unreproducible', results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[24], ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "FTBR_last48h": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'unreproducible', results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[48], ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "FTBR_all_abc": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'unreproducible', ).order_by( sources.c.name ), "FTBFS_all": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'FTBFS', ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "FTBFS_last24h": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'FTBFS', results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[24], ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "FTBFS_last48h": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'FTBFS', results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[48], ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "FTBFS_all_abc": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'FTBFS', ).order_by( sources.c.name ), "FTBFS_filtered": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'FTBFS', sources.c.id.notin_( select( [notes.c.package_id] ).select_from( notes ).where( or_(*filter_issues_list) ) ) ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "FTBFS_caused_by_us": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'FTBFS', sources.c.id.in_( select( [notes.c.package_id] ).select_from( notes ).where( or_(*filter_issues_list) ) ) ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "404_all": select_sources.where( results.c.status == '404', ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "404_all_abc": select_sources.where( results.c.status == '404', ).order_by( sources.c.name ), "depwait_all": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'depwait', ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "depwait_all_abc": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'depwait', ).order_by( sources.c.name ), "depwait_last24h": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'depwait', results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[24], ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "depwait_last48h": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'depwait', results.c.build_date > timespan_date_map[48], ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "not_for_us_all": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == 'not for us', ) ).order_by( sources.c.name ), "blacklisted_all": select_sources.where( results.c.status == 'blacklisted', ).order_by( sources.c.name ), "notes": select( [sources.c.name] ).select_from( sources.join(results).join(notes) ).where( and_( results.c.status == bindparam('status'), sources.c.suite == bindparam('suite'), sources.c.architecture == bindparam('arch') ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "no_notes": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == bindparam('status'), sources.c.id.notin_(select([notes.c.package_id]).select_from(notes)) ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), "notification": select_sources.where( and_( results.c.status == bindparam('status'), sources.c.notify_maintainer == 1 ) ).order_by( desc(results.c.build_date) ), } pages = { 'reproducible': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which built reproducibly', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which built reproducibly in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'FTBR': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which failed to build reproducibly', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'query': 'FTBR_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'FTBFS': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which failed to build from source', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'query': 'FTBFS_filtered', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which failed to build from source in $suite/$arch: (this list is filtered and only shows unexpected ftbfs issues - see the list below for expected failures.)') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'query': 'FTBFS_caused_by_us', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which failed to build from source in $suite/$arch due to our changes in the toolchain or due to our setup.\n This list includes packages tagged ' + filter_html + '.'), } ] }, '404': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} where the sources failed to download', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': '404', 'query': '404_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages where the sources failed to download in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'depwait': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'query': 'depwait_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied. Note that temporary failures (eg. due to network problems) are automatically rescheduled every 4 hours.') } ] }, 'not_for_us': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which should not be build on "{arch}"', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'not_for_us', 'query': 'not_for_us_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which should not be build in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'blacklisted': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which have been blacklisted', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'query': 'blacklisted_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which have been blacklisted in $suite/$arch: (If you see packages listed here without a bug filed against them, it \'s probably a good idea to file one.)') } ] }, 'all_abc': { 'title': 'Alphabetically sorted overview of all tested packages in {suite}/{arch}', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'icon_link': '/index_unreproducible.html', 'query': 'FTBR_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot packages ($percent%) failed to build reproducibly in total in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'FTBFS_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot packages ($percent%) failed to build from source in total $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'not_for_us', 'icon_link': '/index_not_for_us.html', 'query': 'not_for_us_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which should not be build in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': '404', 'icon_link': '/index_404.html', 'query': '404_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) source packages could not be downloaded in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) source packages failed to satisfy their build-dependencies:') }, { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html', 'query': 'blacklisted_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages are blacklisted and will not be tested in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages successfully built reproducibly in $suite/$arch:') }, ] }, 'last_24h': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'icon_link': '/index_unreproducible.html', 'query': 'FTBR_last24h', 'query2': 'FTBR_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build reproducibly in total, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 24 }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'FTBFS_last24h', 'query2': 'FTBFS_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build from source in total, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 24 }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_last24h', 'query2': 'depwait_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 24 }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_last24h', 'query2': 'reproducible_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'successfully built reproducibly in total, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 24 }, ] }, 'last_48h': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'icon_link': '/index_unreproducible.html', 'query': 'FTBR_last48h', 'query2': 'FTBR_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build reproducibly in total, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 48 }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'FTBFS_last48h', 'query2': 'FTBFS_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build from source in total, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 48 }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_last48h', 'query2': 'depwait_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 48 }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_last48h', 'query2': 'reproducible_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'successfully built reproducibly in total, $tot ($timespan_percent% of $timespan_count) of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timespan': 48 }, ] }, 'notes': { 'notes': True, 'title': 'Packages with notes', 'header': '

There are {tot} packages with notes in {suite}/{arch}.

', 'header_query': "SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN notes AS n ON n.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}' GROUP BY s.name) AS tmp", 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'db_status': 'unreproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch, ordered by build date:') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'db_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch, ordered by build date:') }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'db_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) source packages failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, ordered by build date:') }, { 'icon_status': 'not_for_us', 'db_status': 'not for us', 'icon_link': '/index_not_for_us.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot not for us packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'db_status': 'blacklisted', 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot blacklisted packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'db_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot reproducible packages in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'no_notes': { 'notes': True, 'notes_hint': True, 'title': 'Packages without notes', 'header': '

There are {tot} faulty packages without notes in {suite}/{arch}.{hint}

', 'header_query': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT s.id FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status IN ('unreproducible', 'FTBFS', 'blacklisted') AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT package_id FROM notes) AND s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}') AS tmp", 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'db_status': 'unreproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html', 'query': 'no_notes', 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch, ordered by build date:') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'db_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'no_notes', 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch, ordered by build date:') }, { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'db_status': 'blacklisted', 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html', 'query': 'no_notes', 'text': Template('$tot blacklisted packages in $suite/$arch, ordered by name:') } ] }, 'notify': { 'global': True, 'notes': True, 'nosuite': True, 'title': 'Packages with notification enabled', 'header': '

The following {tot} packages have notifications enabled. (This page only shows packages in {suite}/{arch} though notifications are send for these packages in unstable and experimental in all tested architectures.) On status changes (e.g. reproducible → unreproducible) the system notifies the maintainer and relevant parties via an email to $srcpackage@packages.debian.org. Notifications are collected and send once a day to avoid flooding.
Please ask us to enable notifications for your package(s) in our IRC channel #debian-reproducible or via mail - but ask your fellow team members first if they want to receive such notifications.

', 'header_query': "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sources WHERE suite='{suite}' AND architecture='{arch}' AND notify_maintainer = 1", 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'db_status': 'unreproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html', 'query': 'notification', 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch:'), 'nosuite': True }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'db_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'notification', 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch:'), 'nosuite': True }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'db_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'notification', 'text': Template('$tot reproducible packages in $suite/$arch:'), 'nosuite': True } ] } } def build_leading_text_section(section, rows, suite, arch): html = '

\n' + tab total = len(rows) count_total = int(query_db(queries['count_total'].params({'suite': suite, 'arch': arch}))[0][0]) try: percent = round(((total/count_total)*100), 1) except ZeroDivisionError: log.error('Looks like there are either no tested package or no ' + 'packages available at all. Maybe it\'s a new database?') percent = 0.0 try: html += '' no_icon_link = False except KeyError: no_icon_link = True # to avoid closing the tag below if section.get('icon_status'): html += 'reproducible icon' if not no_icon_link: html += '' html += '\n' + tab if section.get('text') and section.get('timespan'): count = len(query_db(queries[section['query2']].params( {'suite': suite, 'arch': arch}))) percent = round(((count/count_total)*100), 1) timespan = section['timespan'] timespan_date = timespan_date_map[timespan] timespan_count = int(query_db(queries['count_timespan'].params( {'suite': suite, 'arch': arch, 'timespan_date': timespan_date}))[0][0]) try: timespan_percent = round(((total/timespan_count)*100), 1) except ZeroDivisionError: log.error('Looks like there are either no tested package or no ' + 'packages available at all. Maybe it\'s a new database?') timespan_percent = 0 html += section['text'].substitute(tot=total, percent=percent, timespan_percent=timespan_percent, timespan_count=timespan_count, count_total=count_total, count=count, suite=suite, arch=arch) elif section.get('text'): html += section['text'].substitute(tot=total, percent=percent, suite=suite, arch=arch) else: log.warning('There is no text for this section') html += '\n

\n' return html def build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch): try: if pages[page].get('global') and pages[page]['global']: suite = defaultsuite arch = defaultarch if pages[page].get('notes') and pages[page]['notes']: query = queries[section['query']].params({ 'status': section['db_status'], 'suite': suite, 'arch': arch}) else: query = queries[section['query']].params({'suite': suite, 'arch': arch}) rows = query_db(query) except: print_critical_message('A query failed: %s' % query) raise html = '' footnote = True if rows else False if not rows: # there are no package in this set log.debug('empty query: %s' % query) # do not output anything. return (html, footnote) html += build_leading_text_section(section, rows, suite, arch) html += '

\n' + tab + '\n' for row in rows: pkg = row[0] html += tab*2 + link_package(pkg, suite, arch, bugs) else: html += tab + '\n' html += '

' if section.get('bottom'): html += section['bottom'] html = (tab*2).join(html.splitlines(True)) return (html, footnote) def build_page(page, suite=None, arch=None): gpage = False if pages[page].get('global') and pages[page]['global']: gpage = True suite = defaultsuite arch = defaultarch if not gpage and suite and not arch: print_critical_message('The architecture was not specified while ' + 'building a suite-specific page.') sys.exit(1) if gpage: log.debug('Building the ' + page + ' global index page...') title = pages[page]['title'] else: log.debug('Building the ' + page + ' index page for ' + suite + '/' + arch + '...') title = pages[page]['title'].format(suite=suite, arch=arch) page_sections = pages[page]['body'] html = '' footnote = False if pages[page].get('header'): if pages[page].get('notes_hint') and pages[page]['notes_hint'] and suite == defaultsuite: hint = ' These are the packages with failures that still need to be investigated.' else: hint = '' if pages[page].get('header_query'): html += pages[page]['header'].format( tot=query_db(pages[page]['header_query'].format(suite=suite, arch=arch))[0][0], suite=suite, arch=arch, hint=hint) else: html += pages[page].get('header') for section in page_sections: if gpage: if section.get('nosuite') and section['nosuite']: # only defaults html += build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch)[0] else: for suite in SUITES: for arch in ARCHS: log.debug('global page §' + section['db_status'] + ' in ' + page + ' for ' + suite + '/' + arch) html += build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch)[0] footnote = True else: html1, footnote1 = build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch) html += html1 footnote = True if footnote1 else footnote suite_arch_nav_template = None if gpage: destfile = DEBIAN_BASE + '/index_' + page + '.html' desturl = DEBIAN_URL + '/index_' + page + '.html' suite = defaultsuite # used for the links in create_main_navigation else: destfile = DEBIAN_BASE + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/index_' + \ page + '.html' desturl = DEBIAN_URL + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/index_' + \ page + '.html' suite_arch_nav_template = DEBIAN_URI + '/{{suite}}/{{arch}}/index_' + \ page + '.html' left_nav_html = create_main_navigation( suite=suite, arch=arch, displayed_page=page, suite_arch_nav_template=suite_arch_nav_template, ) write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, style_note=True, left_nav_html=left_nav_html) log.info('"' + title + '" now available at ' + desturl) bugs = get_bugs() # this variable should not be global, else merely importing _html_indexes always queries UDD if __name__ == '__main__': for arch in ARCHS: for suite in SUITES: for page in pages.keys(): if 'global' not in pages[page] or not pages[page]['global']: build_page(page, suite, arch) for page in pages.keys(): if 'global' in pages[page] and pages[page]['global']: build_page(page)