#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Based on reproducible_html_indexes.sh © 2014 Holger Levsen # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 # # Build quite all index_* pages from reproducible_common import * """ Reference doc for the folowing lists: * queries is just a list of queries. They are referred further below. + every query must return only a list of package names (excpet count_total) * pages is just a list of pages. It is actually a dictionary, where every element is a page. Every page has: + `title`: The page title + `header`: (optional) sane html to be printed on top of the page + `header_query`: (optional): the output of this query is put inside "tot" of the string above + `body`: a list of dicts containing every section that made up the page. Every section has: - `icon_status`: the name of a icon (see join_status_icon()) - `icon_link`: a link to hide below the icon - `query`: query to perform against the reproducible db to get the list of packages to show - `text` a string. Template instance with $tot (total of packages listed) and $percent (percentage of all packages) - `timely`: boolean value to enable to add $count and $count_total to the text, where: * $percent becomes count/count_total * $count_total being the number of all tested packages * $count being the len() of the query indicated by `query2` - `query2`: useful only if `timely` is True. - `nosuite`: if true do not iterate over the suite/archs, use only the current suite+arch + global: if true, then the page will saved on the root of rb.d.n, and: - the query also takes the value "status" - force the suite/arch to the defaults + notes: if true the query also takes the value "status" Technically speaking, a page can be empty (we all love nonsense) but every section must have at least a `query` defining what to file in. """ # filter_query is defined in reproducible_common.py and excludes some FTBFS issues queries = { 'count_total': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}"', 'reproducible_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="reproducible" ORDER BY r.build_date DESC', 'reproducible_last24h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="reproducible" AND r.build_date > datetime("now", "-24 hours") ORDER BY r.build_date DESC', 'reproducible_last48h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="reproducible" AND r.build_date > datetime("now", "-48 hours") ORDER BY r.build_date DESC', 'reproducible_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="reproducible" ORDER BY name', 'FTBR_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "unreproducible" ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'FTBR_last24h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "unreproducible" AND build_date > datetime("now", "-24 hours") ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'FTBR_last48h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "unreproducible" AND build_date > datetime("now", "-48 hours") ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'FTBR_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "unreproducible" ORDER BY name', 'FTBFS_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "FTBFS" ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'FTBFS_last24h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "FTBFS" AND build_date > datetime("now", "-24 hours") ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'FTBFS_last48h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "FTBFS" AND build_date > datetime("now", "-48 hours") ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'FTBFS_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "FTBFS" ORDER BY s.name', 'FTBFS_filtered': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status = "FTBFS" AND r.package_id NOT IN (SELECT n.package_id FROM NOTES AS n WHERE ' + filter_query + ' ) ORDER BY s.name', 'FTBFS_caused_by_us': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status = "FTBFS" AND r.package_id IN (SELECT n.package_id FROM NOTES AS n WHERE ' + filter_query + ' ) ORDER BY s.name', '404_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "404" ORDER BY build_date DESC', '404_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "404" ORDER BY name', 'depwait_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "depwait" ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'depwait_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "depwait" ORDER BY name', 'depwait_last24h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "depwait" AND build_date > datetime("now", "-24 hours") ORDER BY name', 'depwait_last48h': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "depwait" AND build_date > datetime("now", "-48 hours") ORDER BY name', 'not_for_us_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "not for us" ORDER BY build_date DESC', 'not_for_us_all_abc': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "not for us" ORDER BY name', 'blacklisted_all': 'SELECT s.name FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND status = "blacklisted" ORDER BY name', 'notes': 'SELECT s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN notes AS n ON n.package_id=s.id JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="{status}" ORDER BY r.build_date DESC', 'no_notes': 'SELECT s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="{status}" AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT package_id FROM notes) ORDER BY r.build_date DESC', 'notification': 'SELECT s.name FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON s.id=r.package_id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" AND r.status="{status}" AND s.notify_maintainer = 1', } pages = { 'reproducible': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which built reproducibly', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which built reproducibly in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'FTBR': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which failed to build reproducibly', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'query': 'FTBR_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which failed to build reproducibly in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'FTBFS': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which failed to build from source', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'query': 'FTBFS_filtered', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which failed to build from source in $suite/$arch: (this list is filtered and only shows unexpected ftbfs issues - see the list below for expected failures.)') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'query': 'FTBFS_caused_by_us', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which failed to build from source in $suite/$arch due to our changes in the toolchain or due to our setup.\n This list includes packages tagged ' + filter_html + '.'), } ] }, '404': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} where the sources failed to download', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': '404', 'query': '404_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages where the sources failed to download in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'depwait': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'query': 'depwait_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages where the build dependencies failed to be satisfied. Note that temporary failures (eg. due to network problems) are automatically rescheduled every 4 hours.') } ] }, 'not_for_us': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which should not be build on "{arch}"', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'not_for_us', 'query': 'not_for_us_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which should not be build in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'blacklisted': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} which have been blacklisted', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'query': 'blacklisted_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which have been blacklisted in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'all_abc': { 'title': 'Alphabetically sorted overview of all tested packages in {suite}/{arch}', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'icon_link': '/index_unreproducible.html', 'query': 'FTBR_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot packages ($percent%) failed to build reproducibly in total in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'FTBFS_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot packages ($percent%) failed to build from source in total $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'not_for_us', 'icon_link': '/index_not_for_us.html', 'query': 'not_for_us_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages which should not be build in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': '404', 'icon_link': '/index_404.html', 'query': '404_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) source packages could not be downloaded in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) source packages failed to satisfy their build-dependencies:') }, { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html', 'query': 'blacklisted_all', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages are blacklisted and will not be tested in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) packages successfully built reproducibly in $suite/$arch:') }, ] }, 'last_24h': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} tested in the last 24h for build reproducibility', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'icon_link': '/index_unreproducible.html', 'query': 'FTBR_last24h', 'query2': 'FTBR_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build reproducibly in total, $tot of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'FTBFS_last24h', 'query2': 'FTBFS_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build from source in total, $tot of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_last24h', 'query2': 'depwait_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, $tot of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_last24h', 'query2': 'reproducible_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'successfully built reproducibly in total, $tot of them in the last 24h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, ] }, 'last_48h': { 'title': 'Packages in {suite}/{arch} tested in the last 48h for build reproducibility', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'icon_link': '/index_unreproducible.html', 'query': 'FTBR_last48h', 'query2': 'FTBR_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build reproducibly in total, $tot of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'FTBFS_last48h', 'query2': 'FTBFS_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to build from source in total, $tot of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_last48h', 'query2': 'depwait_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'failed to satisfy their build-dependencies, $tot of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'reproducible_last48h', 'query2': 'reproducible_all', 'text': Template('$count packages ($percent% of ${count_total}) ' + 'successfully built reproducibly in total, $tot of them in the last 48h in $suite/$arch:'), 'timely': True }, ] }, 'notes': { 'notes': True, 'title': 'Packages with notes', 'header': '

There are {tot} packages with notes in {suite}/{arch}.

', 'header_query': 'SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM sources AS s JOIN notes AS n ON n.package_id=s.id WHERE s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}" GROUP BY s.name) AS tmp', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'db_status': 'unreproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'db_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'depwait', 'db_status': 'depwait', 'icon_link': '/index_depwait.html', 'query': 'depwait_all_abc', 'text': Template('$tot ($percent%) source packages failed to satisfy their build-dependencies:') }, { 'icon_status': 'not_for_us', 'db_status': 'not for us', 'icon_link': '/index_not_for_us.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot not for us packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'db_status': 'blacklisted', 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot blacklisted packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'db_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'notes', 'nosuite': True, 'text': Template('$tot reproducible packages in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'no_notes': { 'notes': True, 'notes_hint': True, 'title': 'Packages without notes', 'header': '

There are {tot} faulty packages without notes in {suite}/{arch}.{hint}

', 'header_query': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT s.id FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status IN ("unreproducible", "FTBFS", "blacklisted") AND s.id NOT IN (SELECT package_id FROM notes) AND s.suite="{suite}" AND s.architecture="{arch}")', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'db_status': 'unreproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html', 'query': 'no_notes', 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'db_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'no_notes', 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch:') }, { 'icon_status': 'blacklisted', 'db_status': 'blacklisted', 'icon_link': '/index_blacklisted.html', 'query': 'no_notes', 'text': Template('$tot blacklisted packages in $suite/$arch:') } ] }, 'notify': { 'global': True, 'notes': True, 'nosuite': True, 'title': 'Packages with notification enabled', 'header': '

The following {tot} packages in {suite}/{arch} have notifications enabled. On status changes (e.g. reproducible → unreproducible) the system sends an email to $srcpackage@packages.debian.org, notifying the maintainer and relevant parties. (You can subscribe through the PTS or Tracker if you are interested in such emails).
Please ask us to enable notifications for your package(s) in our IRC channel #debian-reproducible or via mail!

', 'header_query': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sources WHERE suite="{suite}" AND architecture="{arch}" AND notify_maintainer = 1', 'body': [ { 'icon_status': 'FTBR', 'db_status': 'unreproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBR.html', 'query': 'notification', 'text': Template('$tot unreproducible packages in $suite/$arch:'), 'nosuite': True }, { 'icon_status': 'FTBFS', 'db_status': 'FTBFS', 'icon_link': '/index_FTBFS.html', 'query': 'notification', 'text': Template('$tot FTBFS packages in $suite/$arch:'), 'nosuite': True }, { 'icon_status': 'reproducible', 'db_status': 'reproducible', 'icon_link': '/index_reproducible.html', 'query': 'notification', 'text': Template('$tot reproducible packages in $suite/$arch:'), 'nosuite': True } ] } } def build_leading_text_section(section, rows, suite, arch): html = '

\n' + tab total = len(rows) count_total = int(query_db(queries['count_total'].format(suite=suite, arch=arch))[0][0]) try: percent = round(((total/count_total)*100), 1) except ZeroDivisionError: log.error('Looks like there are either no tested package or no ' + 'packages available at all. Maybe it\'s a new database?') percent = 0.0 try: html += '' no_icon_link = False except KeyError: no_icon_link = True # to avoid closing the tag below if section.get('icon_status'): html += 'reproducible icon' if not no_icon_link: html += '' html += '\n' + tab if section.get('text') and section.get('timely') and section['timely']: count = len(query_db(queries[section['query2']].format(suite=suite, arch=arch))) percent = round(((count/count_total)*100), 1) html += section['text'].substitute(tot=total, percent=percent, count_total=count_total, count=count, suite=suite, arch=arch) elif section.get('text'): html += section['text'].substitute(tot=total, percent=percent, suite=suite, arch=arch) else: log.warning('There is no text for this section') html += '\n

\n' return html def build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch): try: if pages[page].get('global') and pages[page]['global']: suite = defaultsuite arch = defaultarch if pages[page].get('notes') and pages[page]['notes']: query = queries[section['query']].format( status=section['db_status'], suite=suite, arch=arch) else: query = queries[section['query']].format(suite=suite, arch=arch) rows = query_db(query) except: print_critical_message('A query failed: ' + query) raise html = '' footnote = True if rows else False if not rows: # there are no package in this set log.debug('empty query: ' + query) # do not output anything. return (html, footnote) html += build_leading_text_section(section, rows, suite, arch) html += '

\n' + tab + '\n' for row in rows: pkg = row[0] html += tab*2 + link_package(pkg, suite, arch, bugs) else: html += tab + '\n' html += '

' if section.get('bottom'): html += section['bottom'] html = (tab*2).join(html.splitlines(True)) return (html, footnote) def build_page(page, suite=None, arch=None): gpage = False if pages[page].get('global') and pages[page]['global']: gpage = True suite = defaultsuite arch = defaultarch if not gpage and suite and not arch: print_critical_message('The architecture was not specified while ' + 'building a suite-specific page.') sys.exit(1) if gpage: log.debug('Building the ' + page + ' global index page...') title = pages[page]['title'] else: log.debug('Building the ' + page + ' index page for ' + suite + '/' + arch + '...') title = pages[page]['title'].format(suite=suite, arch=arch) page_sections = pages[page]['body'] html = '' footnote = False if pages[page].get('header'): if pages[page].get('notes_hint') and pages[page]['notes_hint'] and suite == defaultsuite: hint = ' These are the packages with failures that still need to be investigated.' else: hint = '' if pages[page].get('header_query'): html += pages[page]['header'].format( tot=query_db(pages[page]['header_query'].format(suite=suite, arch=arch))[0][0], suite=suite, arch=arch, hint=hint) else: html += pages[page].get('header') for section in page_sections: if gpage: if section.get('nosuite') and section['nosuite']: # only defaults html += build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch)[0] else: for suite in SUITES: for arch in ARCHS: if arch == 'armhf' and suite != 'unstable': continue log.debug('global page §' + section['db_status'] + ' in ' + page + ' for ' + suite + '/' + arch) html += build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch)[0] footnote = True else: html1, footnote1 = build_page_section(page, section, suite, arch) html += html1 footnote = True if footnote1 else footnote if gpage: destfile = BASE + '/index_' + page + '.html' desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + '/index_' + page + '.html' suite = defaultsuite # used for the links generated by write_html_page else: destfile = BASE + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/index_' + page + '.html' desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/index_' + \ page + '.html' write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, suite=suite, arch=arch, style_note=footnote) log.info('"' + title + '" now available at ' + desturl) def generate_schedule(arch): """ the schedule pages are very different than others index pages """ log.info('Building the schedule index page for ' + arch + '...') title = 'Packages currently scheduled on ' + arch + ' for testing for build reproducibility' query = 'SELECT sch.date_scheduled, s.suite, s.architecture, s.name ' + \ 'FROM schedule AS sch JOIN sources AS s ON sch.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE sch.date_build_started = "" AND s.architecture="{arch}" ORDER BY sch.date_scheduled' text = Template('$tot packages are currently scheduled for testing on $arch:') html = '' rows = query_db(query.format(arch=arch)) html += build_leading_text_section({'text': text}, rows, defaultsuite, arch) html += '

\n' + tab html += '' html += '\n' for row in rows: # 0: date_scheduled, 1: suite, 2: arch, 3: pkg name pkg = row[3] url = RB_PKG_URI + '/' + row[1] + '/' + row[2] + '/' + pkg + '.html' html += tab + '' html += '\n' html += '
#scheduled atsuitearchitecturesource package
 ' + row[0] + '' + row[1] + '' + row[2] + '' html += link_package(pkg, row[1], row[2], bugs) html += '

\n' destfile = BASE + '/index_' + arch + '_scheduled.html' desturl = REPRODUCIBLE_URL + '/index_' + arch + '_scheduled.html' write_html_page(title=title, body=html, destfile=destfile, style_note=True) bugs = get_bugs() if __name__ == '__main__': for arch in ARCHS: generate_schedule(arch) for suite in SUITES: if arch == 'armhf' and suite != 'unstable': continue for page in pages.keys(): if 'global' not in pages[page] or not pages[page]['global']: build_page(page, suite, arch) for page in pages.keys(): if 'global' in pages[page] and pages[page]['global']: build_page(page)