#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015-2016 Mattia Rizzolo # Copyright © 2016-2017 Holger Levsen # # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 # # Build a page full of CI issues to investigate from reproducible_common import * import time import os.path def unrep_with_dbd_issues(): log.info('running unrep_with_dbd_issues check...') without_dbd = [] bad_dbd = [] sources_without_dbd = [] query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status='unreproducible' ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC''' results = query_db(query) for pkg, version, suite, arch in results: eversion = strip_epoch(version) dbd = DBD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '_' + \ eversion + '.diffoscope.html' if not os.access(dbd, os.R_OK): without_dbd.append((pkg, version, suite, arch)) if pkg not in sources_without_dbd: sources_without_dbd.append(pkg) log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version + ') is ' 'unreproducible without diffoscope file.') else: log.debug(dbd + ' found.') data = open(dbd, 'br').read(3) if b'<' not in data: bad_dbd.append((pkg, version, suite, arch)) log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version + ') has ' 'diffoscope output, but it does not seem to ' 'be an HTML page.') if pkg not in sources_without_dbd: sources_without_dbd.append(pkg) return without_dbd, bad_dbd, sources_without_dbd def count_pkgs(pkgs_to_count=[]): counted_pkgs = [] for pkg, version, suite, arch in pkgs_to_count: if pkg not in counted_pkgs: counted_pkgs.append(pkg) return len(counted_pkgs) def not_unrep_with_dbd_file(): log.info('running not_unrep_with_dbd_file check...') bad_pkgs = [] query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status != 'unreproducible' ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC''' results = query_db(query) for pkg, version, suite, arch in results: eversion = strip_epoch(version) dbd = DBD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '_' + \ eversion + '.diffoscope.html' if os.access(dbd, os.R_OK): bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch)) log.warning(dbd + ' exists but ' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version + ')' ' is not unreproducible.') return bad_pkgs def lack_rbuild(): log.info('running lack_rbuild check...') bad_pkgs = [] query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status NOT IN ('blacklisted', '') ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC''' results = query_db(query) for pkg, version, suite, arch in results: if not pkg_has_rbuild(pkg, version, suite, arch): bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch)) log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version + ') has been ' 'built, but a buildlog is missing.') return bad_pkgs def lack_buildinfo(): log.info('running lack_buildinfo check...') bad_pkgs = [] query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status NOT IN ('blacklisted', 'not for us', 'FTBFS', 'depwait', '404', '') ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC''' results = query_db(query) for pkg, version, suite, arch in results: eversion = strip_epoch(version) buildinfo = BUILDINFO_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + \ '_' + eversion + '_' + arch + '.buildinfo' if not os.access(buildinfo, os.R_OK): bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch)) log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version + ') has been ' 'successfully built, but a .buildinfo is missing') return bad_pkgs def pbuilder_dep_fail(): log.info('running pbuilder_dep_fail check...') bad_pkgs = [] # we only care about these failures in the testing suite as they happen # all the time in other suites, as packages are buggy # and specific versions also come and go query = '''SELECT s.name, r.version, s.suite, s.architecture FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status = 'FTBFS' AND s.suite = 'testing' ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC''' results = query_db(query) for pkg, version, suite, arch in results: eversion = strip_epoch(version) rbuild = RBUILD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + '_' + \ eversion + '.rbuild.log' if os.access(rbuild, os.R_OK): log.debug('\tlooking at ' + rbuild) with open(rbuild, "br") as fd: for line in fd: if re.search(b'E: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.', line): bad_pkgs.append((pkg, version, suite, arch)) log.warning(suite + '/' + arch + '/' + pkg + ' (' + version + ') failed to satisfy its dependencies.') return bad_pkgs def alien_log(directory=None): if directory is None: bad_files = [] for path in RBUILD_PATH, LOGS_PATH, DIFFS_PATH: bad_files.extend(alien_log(path)) return bad_files log.info('running alien_log check over ' + directory + '...') query = '''SELECT r.version FROM sources AS s JOIN results AS r ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE r.status != '' AND s.name='{pkg}' AND s.suite='{suite}' AND s.architecture='{arch}' ORDER BY s.name ASC, s.suite DESC, s.architecture ASC''' bad_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): if not files: continue suite, arch = root.rsplit('/', 2)[1:] for file in files: # different file have differnt name patterns and different splitting needs if file.endswith('.diff.gz'): rsplit_level = 2 elif file.endswith('.gz'): rsplit_level = 3 else: rsplit_level = 2 try: pkg, version = file.rsplit('.', rsplit_level)[0].rsplit('_', 1) except ValueError: log.critical(bcolors.FAIL + '/'.join([root, file]) + ' does not seem to be a file that should be there' + bcolors.ENDC) continue try: rversion = query_db(query.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite, arch=arch))[0][0] except IndexError: # that package is not known (or not yet tested) rversion = '' # continue towards the "bad file" path if strip_epoch(rversion) != version: try: if os.path.getmtime('/'.join([root, file])) ' html += header html += '
        for pkg in pkgs:
            html += tab + link_package(pkg[0], pkg[2], pkg[3]).strip()
            html += ' (' + pkg[1] + ' in ' + pkg[2] + '/' + pkg[3] + ')\n'
        html += '

\n' return html def _gen_files_html(header, entries): html = '' if entries: html = '

' + str(len(entries)) + ' ' html += header html += '

        for entry in entries:
            html += tab + entry + '\n'
        html += '

\n' return html def create_breakages_graph(): png_file = os.path.join(DEBIAN_BASE, 'stats_breakages.png') table = "stats_breakages" columns = ["datum", "diffoscope_timeouts", "diffoscope_crashes"] query = "SELECT {fields} FROM {table} ORDER BY datum".format( fields=", ".join(columns), table=table) result = query_db(query) result_rearranged = [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in result] with create_temp_file(mode='w') as f: csv_tmp_file = f.name csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(f, columns) csv_writer.writeheader() csv_writer.writerows(result_rearranged) f.flush() graph_command = os.path.join(BIN_PATH, "make_graph.py") main_label = "source packages causing Diffoscope to timeout and crash" y_label = "Amount (packages)" log.info("Creating graph for stats_breakges.") check_call([graph_command, csv_tmp_file, png_file, '2', main_label, y_label, '1920', '960']) def update_stats_breakage(diffoscope_timeouts, diffoscope_crashes): # we only do stats up until yesterday YESTERDAY = (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') result = query_db(""" SELECT datum, diffoscope_timeouts, diffoscope_crashes FROM stats_breakage WHERE datum = '{date}' """.format(date=YESTERDAY)) # if there is not a result for this day, add one if not result: insert = "INSERT INTO stats_breakages VALUES ('{date}', " + \ "'{diffoscope_timeouts}', '{diffoscope_crashes}')" query_db(insert.format(date=YESTERDAY, diffoscope_timeouts=diffoscope_timeouts, diffoscope_crashes=diffoscope_crashes)) log.info("Updating db table stats_breakage on %s with %s timeouts and %s crashes.", YESTERDAY, diffoscope_timeouts, diffoscope_crashes) else: log.debug("Not updating db table stats_breakage as it already has data for %s.", YESTERDAY) def gen_html(): html = '' # files that should not be there (e.g. removed package without cleanup) html += _gen_files_html('log files that should not be there:', entries=alien_log()) html += _gen_files_html('diffoscope files that should not be there:', entries=alien_dbd()) html += _gen_files_html('rb-pkg pages that should not be there:', entries=alien_rbpkg()) html += _gen_files_html('buildinfo files that should not be there:', entries=alien_buildinfo()) html += _gen_files_html('history pages that should not be there and thus have been removed:', entries=alien_history()) # diffoscope report where it shouldn't be html += _gen_packages_html('are not marked as unreproducible, but they ' + 'have a diffoscope file:', not_unrep_with_dbd_file()) # missing files html += _gen_packages_html('have been built but don\'t have a buildlog:', lack_rbuild()) html += _gen_packages_html('have been built but don\'t have a .buildinfo file:', lack_buildinfo()) # diffoscope troubles without_dbd, bad_dbd, sources_without_dbd = unrep_with_dbd_issues() html += _gen_packages_html('are marked as unreproducible, but there is no ' + 'diffoscope output - so probably diffoscope ' + 'crashed:', without_dbd) html += _gen_packages_html('are marked as unreproducible, but their ' + 'diffoscope output does not seem to be an html ' + 'file - so probably diffoscope ran into a ' + 'timeout:', bad_dbd) html += str(len(sources_without_dbd)) html += ' source packages on which diffoscope ran into a timeout (' html += str(count_pkgs(bad_dbd)) + ') or crashed (' html += str(count_pkgs(without_dbd)) + ').' html += '
Artifacts diffoscope crashed on are available for 48h for download.' # pbuilder-satisfydepends failed html += _gen_packages_html('failed to satisfy their build-dependencies:', pbuilder_dep_fail()) # gather stats and add graph update_stats_breakage(count_pkgs(bad_dbd), count_pkgs(without_dbd)) create_breakages_graph html += '
' return html if __name__ == '__main__': bugs = get_bugs() html = '

This page lists unexpected things a human should look at and ' html += 'fix, like packages with an incoherent status or files that ' html += 'should not be there. Some of these breakages are caused by ' html += 'bugs in diffoscope ' html += 'while others are probably due to bugs in the scripts run by jenkins. ' html += 'Please help making this page empty!

\n' breakages = gen_html() if breakages: html += breakages else: html += '

COOL!!! Everything is GOOD and not a single issue was ' html += 'detected. Enjoy!

' title = 'Breakage on the Debian pages of tests.reproducible-builds.org' destfile = DEBIAN_BASE + '/index_breakages.html' desturl = DEBIAN_URL + '/index_breakages.html' left_nav_html = create_main_navigation(displayed_page='breakages') write_html_page(title, html, destfile, style_note=True, left_nav_html=left_nav_html) log.info('Breakages page created at ' + desturl)