#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2015 Mattia Rizzolo # Copyright © 2015-2016 Holger Levsen # Based on the reproducible_common.sh by © 2014 Holger Levsen # Licensed under GPL-2 # # Depends: python3 python3-psycopg2 # # This is included by all reproducible_*.py scripts, it contains common functions import os import re import sys import json import errno import atexit import sqlite3 import logging import argparse import psycopg2 import html as HTML from string import Template from subprocess import call from traceback import print_exception from datetime import datetime, timedelta DEBUG = False QUIET = False # don't try to run on test system if os.uname()[1] == 'jenkins-test-vm': sys.exit() # tested suites SUITES = ['testing', 'unstable', 'experimental'] # tested architectures ARCHS = ['amd64', 'i386', 'armhf'] # defaults defaultsuite = 'unstable' defaultarch = 'amd64' BIN_PATH = '/srv/jenkins/bin' BASE = '/var/lib/jenkins/userContent/reproducible' REPRODUCIBLE_JSON = BASE + '/reproducible.json' REPRODUCIBLE_TRACKER_JSON = BASE + '/reproducible-tracker.json' REPRODUCIBLE_DB = '/var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db' DBD_URI = '/dbd' DBDTXT_URI = '/dbdtxt' LOGS_URI = '/logs' DIFFS_URI = '/logdiffs' NOTES_URI = '/notes' ISSUES_URI = '/issues' RB_PKG_URI = '/rb-pkg' RBUILD_URI = '/rbuild' HISTORY_URI = '/history' BUILDINFO_URI = '/buildinfo' DBD_PATH = BASE + DBD_URI DBDTXT_PATH = BASE + DBDTXT_URI LOGS_PATH = BASE + LOGS_URI DIFFS_PATH = BASE + DIFFS_URI NOTES_PATH = BASE + NOTES_URI ISSUES_PATH = BASE + ISSUES_URI RB_PKG_PATH = BASE + RB_PKG_URI RBUILD_PATH = BASE + RBUILD_URI HISTORY_PATH = BASE + HISTORY_URI BUILDINFO_PATH = BASE + BUILDINFO_URI REPRODUCIBLE_URL = 'https://tests.reproducible-builds.org' JENKINS_URL = 'https://jenkins.debian.net' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true") group.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--ignore-missing-files", action="store_true", help="useful for local testing, where you don't have all the build logs, etc..") args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() log_level = logging.INFO if args.debug or DEBUG: DEBUG = True log_level = logging.DEBUG if args.quiet or QUIET: log_level = logging.ERROR log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(log_level) sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s')) log.addHandler(sh) started_at = datetime.now() log.info('Starting at %s', started_at) log.debug("BIN_PATH:\t" + BIN_PATH) log.debug("BASE:\t\t" + BASE) log.debug("DBD_URI:\t\t" + DBD_URI) log.debug("DBD_PATH:\t" + DBD_PATH) log.debug("DBDTXT_URI:\t" + DBDTXT_URI) log.debug("DBDTXT_PATH:\t" + DBDTXT_PATH) log.debug("LOGS_URI:\t" + LOGS_URI) log.debug("LOGS_PATH:\t" + LOGS_PATH) log.debug("DIFFS_URI:\t" + DIFFS_URI) log.debug("DIFFS_PATH:\t" + DIFFS_PATH) log.debug("NOTES_URI:\t" + NOTES_URI) log.debug("ISSUES_URI:\t" + ISSUES_URI) log.debug("NOTES_PATH:\t" + NOTES_PATH) log.debug("ISSUES_PATH:\t" + ISSUES_PATH) log.debug("RB_PKG_URI:\t" + RB_PKG_URI) log.debug("RB_PKG_PATH:\t" + RB_PKG_PATH) log.debug("RBUILD_URI:\t" + RBUILD_URI) log.debug("RBUILD_PATH:\t" + RBUILD_PATH) log.debug("HISTORY_URI:\t" + HISTORY_URI) log.debug("HISTORY_PATH:\t" + HISTORY_PATH) log.debug("BUILDINFO_URI:\t" + BUILDINFO_URI) log.debug("BUILDINFO_PATH:\t" + BUILDINFO_PATH) log.debug("REPRODUCIBLE_DB:\t" + REPRODUCIBLE_DB) log.debug("REPRODUCIBLE_JSON:\t" + REPRODUCIBLE_JSON) log.debug("JENKINS_URL:\t\t" + JENKINS_URL) log.debug("REPRODUCIBLE_URL:\t" + REPRODUCIBLE_URL) if args.ignore_missing_files: log.warning("Missing files will be ignored!") tab = ' ' html_header = Template(""" $meta_refresh $page_title """) try: JOB_URL = os.environ['JOB_URL'] except KeyError: JOB_FOOTER = '' else: JOB_NAME = os.path.basename(JOB_URL[:-1]) JOB_FOOTER = 'This page was built by the jenkins job ' JOB_FOOTER += JOB_NAME+' which is configured via this ' JOB_FOOTER += 'git repo.' html_footer = Template("""

""" % (JOB_FOOTER, JENKINS_URL)) html_head_page = Template((tab*2).join(("""


""" % REPRODUCIBLE_URL ).splitlines(True))) html_foot_page_style_note = Template((tab*2).join("""

A package name displayed with a bold font is an indication that this package has a note. Visited packages are linked in green, those which have not been visited are linked in blue.
A # sign after the name of a package indicates that a bug is filed against it. Likewise, a + sign indicates there is a patch available, a P means a pending bug while # indicates a closed bug. In cases of several bugs, the symbol is repeated.

""".splitlines(True))) html_project_links = Template((tab*2).join(""" """.splitlines(True))) url2html = re.compile(r'((mailto\:|((ht|f)tps?)\://|file\:///){1}\S+)') # filter used on the index_FTBFS pages and for the reproducible.json filtered_issues = ( 'ftbfs_in_jenkins_setup', 'ftbfs_build_depends_not_available_on_amd64', 'ftbfs_build-indep_not_build_on_armhf' ) filter_query = '' for issue in filtered_issues: if filter_query == '': filter_query = 'n.issues LIKE "%' + issue + '%"' filter_html = '' + issue + '' else: filter_query += ' OR n.issues LIKE "%' + issue + '%"' filter_html += ' or ' + issue + '' @atexit.register def print_time(): log.info('Finished at %s, took: %s', datetime.now(), datetime.now()-started_at) def print_critical_message(msg): print('\n\n\n') try: for line in msg.splitlines(): log.critical(line) except AttributeError: log.critical(msg) print('\n\n\n') class bcolors: BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' RED = '\033[91m' GOOD = '\033[92m' WARN = '\033[93m' + UNDERLINE FAIL = RED + BOLD + UNDERLINE ENDC = '\033[0m' def convert_into_hms_string(duration): if not duration: duration = '' else: duration = int(duration) hours = int(duration/3600) minutes = int((duration-(hours*3600))/60) seconds = int(duration-(hours*3600)-(minutes*60)) duration = '' if hours > 0: duration = str(hours)+'h ' + str(minutes)+'m ' + str(seconds) + 's' elif minutes > 0: duration = str(minutes)+'m ' + str(seconds) + 's' else: duration = str(seconds)+'s' return duration def _gen_pkg_sets_link(suite, arch): html = '' if suite != 'experimental': html = '
  • package sets
  • ' return html def _gen_arch_links(suite, arch): html = '
  • ' for a in ARCHS: html += ' ' + a + '  ' html += '
  • ' return html def _gen_suite_links(suite, arch): html = '
  • ' for s in SUITES: html += ' ' + s + '  ' html += '
  • ' return html def write_html_page(title, body, destfile, suite=defaultsuite, arch=defaultarch, noheader=False, style_note=False, noendpage=False, packages=False, refresh_every=None): now = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC') html = '' meta_refresh = '' % \ refresh_every if refresh_every is not None else '' html += html_header.substitute( page_title=title, meta_refresh=meta_refresh) if not noheader: link_archs = _gen_arch_links(suite, arch) link_suites = _gen_suite_links(suite, arch) link_pkgsets = _gen_pkg_sets_link(suite, arch) project_links=html_project_links.substitute() html += html_head_page.substitute( page_title=title, suite=suite, arch=arch, link_archs=link_archs, link_suites=link_suites, link_pkgsets=link_pkgsets, project_links=project_links) html += body if style_note: html += html_foot_page_style_note.substitute() if not noendpage: html += html_footer.substitute(date=now) else: html += '\n' try: os.makedirs(destfile.rsplit('/', 1)[0], exist_ok=True) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: # that's 'File exists' error (errno 17) raise with open(destfile, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fd: fd.write(html) def start_db_connection(): return sqlite3.connect(REPRODUCIBLE_DB, timeout=60) def query_db(query): cursor = conn_db.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query) except: print_critical_message('Error executing this query:\n' + query) raise conn_db.commit() return cursor.fetchall() def start_udd_connection(): username = "public-udd-mirror" password = "public-udd-mirror" host = "public-udd-mirror.xvm.mit.edu" port = 5432 db = "udd" try: try: log.debug("Starting connection to the UDD database") conn = psycopg2.connect( database=db, user=username, host=host, password=password, connect_timeout=5, ) except psycopg2.OperationalError as err: if str(err) == 'timeout expired\n': log.error('Connection to the UDD database replice timed out. ' 'Maybe the machine is offline or just unavailable.') log.error('Failing nicely anyway, all queries will return an ' 'empty response.') return None else: raise except: log.error('Erorr connecting to the UDD database replica.' + 'The full error is:') exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) log.error('Failing nicely anyway, all queries will return an empty ' + 'response.') return None conn.set_client_encoding('utf8') return conn def query_udd(query): if not conn_udd: log.error('There has been an error connecting to the UDD database. ' + 'Please look for a previous error for more information.') log.error('Failing nicely anyway, returning an empty response.') return [] try: cursor = conn_udd.cursor() cursor.execute(query) except: log.error('The UDD server encountered a issue while executing the ' + 'query. The full error is:') exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) log.error('Failing nicely anyway, returning an empty response.') return [] return cursor.fetchall() def package_has_notes(package): # not a really serious check, it'd be better to check the yaml file path = NOTES_PATH + '/' + package + '_note.html' if os.access(path, os.R_OK): return True else: return False def link_package(package, suite, arch, bugs={}): url = RB_PKG_URI + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '.html' query = 'SELECT n.issues, n.bugs, n.comments ' + \ 'FROM notes AS n JOIN sources AS s ON s.id=n.package_id ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="{pkg}" AND s.suite="{suite}" ' + \ 'AND s.architecture="{arch}"' try: notes = query_db(query.format(pkg=package, suite=suite, arch=arch))[0] except IndexError: # no notes for this package html = '' + package + '' else: title = '' for issue in json.loads(notes[0]): title += issue + '\n' for bug in json.loads(notes[1]): title += '#' + str(bug) + '\n' if notes[2]: title += notes[2] title = HTML.escape(title.strip()) html = '' + package + '' finally: html += get_trailing_icon(package, bugs) + '\n' return html def link_packages(packages, suite, arch): bugs = get_bugs() html = '' for pkg in packages: html += link_package(pkg, suite, arch, bugs) return html def get_status_icon(status): table = {'reproducible' : 'weather-clear.png', 'FTBFS': 'weather-storm.png', 'FTBR' : 'weather-showers-scattered.png', '404': 'weather-severe-alert.png', 'depwait': 'weather-snow.png', 'not for us': 'weather-few-clouds-night.png', 'not_for_us': 'weather-few-clouds-night.png', 'untested': 'weather-clear-night.png', 'blacklisted': 'error.png'} spokenstatus = status if status == 'unreproducible': status = 'FTBR' elif status == 'not for us': status = 'not_for_us' try: return (status, table[status], spokenstatus) except KeyError: log.error('Status ' + status + ' not recognized') return (status, '', spokenstatus) def strip_epoch(version): """ Stip the epoch out of the version string. Some file (e.g. buildlogs, debs) do not have epoch in their filenames. """ try: return version.split(':', 1)[1] except IndexError: return version def pkg_has_buildinfo(package, version=False, suite=defaultsuite, arch=defaultarch): """ if there is no version specified it will use the version listed in reproducible.db """ if not version: query = 'SELECT r.version ' + \ 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="{}" AND s.suite="{}" AND s.architecture="{}"' query = query.format(package, suite, arch) version = str(query_db(query)[0][0]) buildinfo = BUILDINFO_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + \ '_' + strip_epoch(version) + '_' + arch + '.buildinfo' if os.access(buildinfo, os.R_OK): return True else: return False def pkg_has_rbuild(package, version=False, suite=defaultsuite, arch=defaultarch): if not version: query = 'SELECT r.version ' + \ 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ON r.package_id=s.id ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="{}" AND s.suite="{}" AND s.architecture="{}"' query = query.format(package, suite, arch) version = str(query_db(query)[0][0]) rbuild = RBUILD_PATH + '/' + suite + '/' + arch + '/' + package + '_' + \ strip_epoch(version) + '.rbuild.log' if os.access(rbuild, os.R_OK): return (rbuild, os.stat(rbuild).st_size) elif os.access(rbuild+'.gz', os.R_OK): return (rbuild+'.gz', os.stat(rbuild+'.gz').st_size) else: return () def get_bugs(): """ This function returns a dict: { "package_name": { bug1: {patch: True, done: False}, bug2: {patch: False, done: False}, } } """ query = """ SELECT bugs.id, bugs.source, bugs.done, ARRAY_AGG(tags.tag) FROM bugs JOIN bugs_usertags ON bugs.id = bugs_usertags.id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT id, tag FROM bugs_tags WHERE tag='patch' OR tag='pending' ) AS tags ON bugs.id = tags.id WHERE bugs_usertags.email = 'reproducible-builds@lists.alioth.debian.org' AND bugs.id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM bugs_usertags WHERE email = 'reproducible-builds@lists.alioth.debian.org' AND ( bugs_usertags.tag = 'toolchain' OR bugs_usertags.tag = 'infrastructure') ) GROUP BY bugs.id, bugs.source, bugs.done """ # returns a list of tuples [(id, source, done)] global conn_udd if not conn_udd: conn_udd = start_udd_connection() global bugs if bugs: return bugs rows = query_udd(query) log.info("finding out which usertagged bugs have been closed or at least have patches") packages = {} for bug in rows: if bug[1] not in packages: packages[bug[1]] = {} # bug[0] = bug_id, bug[1] = source_name, bug[2] = who_when_done, # bug[3] = tag (patch or pending) packages[bug[1]][bug[0]] = { 'done': False, 'patch': False, 'pending': False } if bug[2]: # if the bug is done packages[bug[1]][bug[0]]['done'] = True if 'patch' in bug[3]: # the bug is patched packages[bug[1]][bug[0]]['patch'] = True if 'pending' in bug[3]: # the bug is pending packages[bug[1]][bug[0]]['pending'] = True return packages def get_trailing_icon(package, bugs): html = '' if package in bugs: for bug in bugs[package]: html += ''.format(bug=bug) html += '#' elif bugs[package][bug]['pending']: html += 'bug-pending" title="#' + str(bug) + ', pending">P' elif bugs[package][bug]['patch']: html += 'bug-patch" title="#' + str(bug) + ', with patch">+' else: html += 'bug" title="#' + str(bug) + '">#' html += '' return html def get_trailing_bug_icon(bug, bugs, package=None): html = '' if not package: for pkg in bugs.keys(): if get_trailing_bug_icon(bug, bugs, pkg): return get_trailing_bug_icon(bug, bugs, pkg) else: try: if bug in bugs[package].keys(): html += '#' elif bugs[package][bug]['pending']: html += 'bug-pending" title="#' + str(bug) + ', pending">P' elif bugs[package][bug]['patch']: html += 'bug-patch" title="#' + str(bug) + ', with patch">+' else: html += 'bug">' html += '' except KeyError: pass return html def irc_msg(msg): kgb = ['kgb-client', '--conf', '/srv/jenkins/kgb/debian-reproducible.conf', '--relay-msg'] kgb.extend(str(msg).strip().split()) call(kgb) class Bug: def __init__(self, bug): self.bug = bug def __str__(self): return str(self.bug) class Issue: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name query = 'SELECT url, description FROM issues WHERE name="{}"' result = query_db(query.format(self.name)) try: self.url = result[0][0] except IndexError: self.url = '' try: self.desc = result[0][0] except IndexError: self.desc = '' class Note: def __init__(self, pkg, results): log.debug(str(results)) self.issues = [Issue(x) for x in json.loads(results[0])] self.bugs = [Bug(x) for x in json.loads(results[1])] self.comment = results[2] class NotedPkg: def __init__(self, package, suite, arch): self.package = package self.suite = suite self.arch = arch query = 'SELECT n.issues, n.bugs, n.comments ' + \ 'FROM sources AS s JOIN notes AS n ON s.id=n.package_id ' + \ 'WHERE s.name="{}" AND s.suite="{}" AND s.architecture="{}"' result = query_db(query.format(self.package, self.suite, self.arch)) try: result = result[0] except IndexError: self.note = None else: self.note = Note(self, result) class Build: def __init__(self, package, suite, arch): self.package = package self.suite = suite self.arch = arch self.status = False self.version = False self.build_date = False self._get_package_status() def _get_package_status(self): try: query = 'SELECT r.status, r.version, r.build_date ' + \ 'FROM results AS r JOIN sources AS s ' + \ 'ON r.package_id=s.id WHERE s.name="{}" ' + \ 'AND s.architecture="{}" AND s.suite="{}"' query = query.format(self.package, self.arch, self.suite) result = query_db(query)[0] except IndexError: # not tested, look whether it actually exists query = 'SELECT version FROM sources WHERE name="{}" ' + \ 'AND suite="{}" AND architecture="{}"' query = query.format(self.package, self.suite, self.arch) try: result = query_db(query)[0][0] if result: result = ('untested', str(result), False) except IndexError: # there is no package with this name in this return # suite/arch, or none at all self.status = str(result[0]) self.version = str(result[1]) if result[2]: self.build_date = str(result[2]) + ' UTC' class Package: def __init__(self, name, no_notes=False): self.name = name self._status = {} for suite in SUITES: self._status[suite] = {} for arch in ARCHS: self._status[suite][arch] = Build(self.name, suite, arch) if not no_notes: self.note = NotedPkg(self.name, suite, arch).note else: self.note = False try: self.status = self._status[defaultsuite][defaultarch].status except KeyError: self.status = False query = 'SELECT notify_maintainer FROM sources WHERE name="{}"' try: result = int(query_db(query.format(self.name))[0][0]) except IndexError: result = 0 self.notify_maint = '⚑' if result == 1 else '' self.history = [] self._load_history() def _load_history(self): keys = ['build ID', 'version', 'suite', 'architecture', 'result', 'build date', 'build duration', 'node1', 'node2', 'job', 'schedule message'] query = """ SELECT id, version, suite, architecture, status, build_date, build_duration, node1, node2, job, schedule_message FROM stats_build WHERE name='{}' ORDER BY build_date DESC """.format(self.name) results = query_db(query) for record in results: self.history.append(dict(zip(keys, record))) def get_status(self, suite, arch): """ This returns False if the package does not exists in this suite """ try: return self._status[suite][arch].status except KeyError: return False def get_build_date(self, suite, arch): """ This returns False if the package does not exists in this suite """ try: return self._status[suite][arch].build_date except KeyError: return False def get_tested_version(self, suite, arch): """ This returns False if the package does not exists in this suite """ try: return self._status[suite][arch].version except KeyError: return False # init the databases connections conn_db = start_db_connection() # the local sqlite3 reproducible db # get_bugs() is the only user of this, let it initialize the connection itself, # during it's first call to speed up things when unneeded # also "share" the bugs, to avoid collecting them multiple times per run conn_udd = None bugs = None