#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 Holger Levsen # released under the GPLv=2 . /srv/jenkins/bin/common-functions.sh common_init "$@" # FIXME: needed as long as #763328 (RFP: /usr/bin/diffp) is unfixed... # fetch git repo for the diffp command used later if [ -d debbindiff.git ] ; then cd debbindiff.git git pull cd .. else git clone git://git.debian.org/git/reproducible/debbindiff.git debbindiff.git fi # create dirs for results mkdir -p results/ mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/diffp/ /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/pbuilder/ # create sqlite db PACKAGES_DB=/var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db if [ ! -f ${PACKAGES_DB} ] ; then sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} ' CREATE TABLE source_packages (name TEXT NOT NULL, version TEXT NOT NULL, status TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (status IN ("FTBFS","reproducible","unreproducible","404", "not for us")), build_date TEXT NOT NULL, diffp_path TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (name))' sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} ' CREATE TABLE source_stats (suite TEXT NOT NULL, amount INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (suite))' sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} ' CREATE TABLE job_sources (name TEXT NOT NULL, job TEXT NOT NULL)' sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} ' CREATE TABLE sources (name TEXT NOT NULL, version TEXT NOT NULL)' fi # 30 seconds timeout when trying to get a lock INIT=/var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init cat >/var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.init <<-EOF .timeout 30000 EOF # this needs sid entries in sources.list: grep deb-src /etc/apt/sources.list | grep sid # try apt-get update twice, else fail gracefully, aka not. sudo apt-get update || ( sleep $(( $RANDOM % 70 + 30 )) ; sudo apt-get update || true ) set +x # if $1 is an integer, build $1 random packages if [[ $1 =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] ; then TMPFILE=$(mktemp) curl http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/main/source/Sources.xz > $TMPFILE AMOUNT=$1 if [ $AMOUNT -gt 0 ] ; then REAL_AMOUNT=0 GUESSES=$(echo "${AMOUNT}*3" | bc) PACKAGES="" CANDIDATES=$(xzcat $TMPFILE | grep "^Package" | grep -v "^Package-List:" | cut -d " " -f2 | egrep -v "^linux$" | sort -R | head -$GUESSES | xargs echo) for PKG in $CANDIDATES ; do if [ $REAL_AMOUNT -eq $AMOUNT ] ; then continue fi RESULT=$(sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} "SELECT name FROM source_packages WHERE name = \"${PKG}\"") if [ "$RESULT" = "" ] ; then PACKAGES="${PACKAGES} $PKG" let "REAL_AMOUNT=REAL_AMOUNT+1" fi done AMOUNT=$REAL_AMOUNT for PKG in $PACKAGES ; do RESULT=$(sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} "SELECT name FROM job_sources WHERE ( name = '${PKG}' AND job = 'random' )") if [ "$RESULT" = "" ] ; then sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO job_sources VALUES ('$PKG','random')" fi done else # this is kind of a hack: if $1 is 0, then schedule 33 failed packages which were nadomly picked and where a new version is available CSVFILE=$(mktemp) sqlite3 -csv -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "DELETE from sources" (xzcat $TMPFILE | egrep "(^Package:|^Version:)" | sed -s "s#^Version: ##g; s#Package: ##g; s#\n# #g"| while read PKG ; do read VERSION ; echo "$PKG,$VERSION" ; done) > $CSVFILE echo ".import $CSVFILE sources" | sqlite3 -csv -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} rm $CSVFILE AMOUNT=33 PACKAGES=$(sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "SELECT DISTINCT source_packages.name FROM source_packages,sources,job_sources WHERE (( source_packages.status = 'unreproducible' OR source_packages.status = 'FTBFS') AND source_packages.name = job_sources.name AND source_packages.name = sources.name AND job_sources.job = 'random' AND source_packages.version != sources.version) ORDER BY source_packages.build_date LIMIT $AMOUNT" | xargs -r echo) AMOUNT=0 for PKG in $PACKAGES ; do let "AMOUNT=AMOUNT+1" done fi # update amount of available packages (for doing statistics later) P_IN_SOURCES=$(xzcat $TMPFILE | grep "^Package" | grep -v "^Package-List:" | cut -d " " -f2 | sort -u | wc -l) sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO source_stats VALUES (\"sid\", \"${P_IN_SOURCES}\")" rm $TMPFILE else PACKAGES="$@" AMOUNT="${#@}" JOB=$(echo $JOB_NAME|cut -d "_" -f3-) for PKG in $PACKAGES ; do RESULT=$(sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} "SELECT name FROM job_sources WHERE ( name = '${PKG}' AND job = '$JOB' )") if [ "$RESULT" = "" ] ; then sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO job_sources VALUES ('$PKG','$JOB')" fi done fi echo "=============================================================================" echo "The following source packages will be build: ${PACKAGES}" echo "=============================================================================" echo NUM_CPU=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep ^processor|wc -l) COUNT_TOTAL=0 COUNT_GOOD=0 COUNT_BAD=0 COUNT_SKIPPED=0 GOOD="" BAD="" SOURCELESS="" SKIPPED="" for SRCPACKAGE in ${PACKAGES} ; do set +x echo "=============================================================================" echo "Trying to build ${SRCPACKAGE} reproducibly now." echo "=============================================================================" set -x let "COUNT_TOTAL=COUNT_TOTAL+1" rm b1 b2 -rf set +e DATE=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') VERSION=$(apt-cache showsrc ${SRCPACKAGE} | grep ^Version | cut -d " " -f2 | sort -r | head -1) # check if we tested this version already before... STATUS=$(sqlite3 ${PACKAGES_DB} "SELECT status FROM source_packages WHERE name = \"${SRCPACKAGE}\" AND version = \"${VERSION}\"") # if reproducible or ( unreproducible/FTBFS by 50% chance ) if [ "$STATUS" = "reproducible" ] || (( [ "$STATUS" = "unreproducible" ] || [ "$STATUS" = "FTBFS" ] ) && [ $(( $RANDOM % 100 )) -gt 50 ] ) ; then echo "Package ${SRCPACKAGE} (${VERSION}) with status '$STATUS' skipped, no newer version available." let "COUNT_SKIPPED=COUNT_SKIPPED+1" SKIPPED="${SRCPACKAGE} ${SKIPPED}" continue fi rm -f ${SRCPACKAGE}_* > /dev/null 2>&1 # host has only sid in deb-src in sources.list apt-get source --download-only --only-source ${SRCPACKAGE} RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT != 0 ] ; then SOURCELESS="${SOURCELESS} ${SRCPACKAGE}" sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO source_packages VALUES (\"${SRCPACKAGE}\", \"${VERSION}\", \"404\", \"$DATE\", \"\")" set +x echo "Warning: ${SRCPACKAGE} is not a source package, or was removed or renamed. Please investigate." continue else VERSION=$(grep "^Version: " ${SRCPACKAGE}_*.dsc| grep -v "GnuPG v" | sort -r | head -1 | cut -d ":" -f2-) ARCH=$(grep "^Architecture: " ${SRCPACKAGE}_*.dsc| sort -r | head -1 | cut -d ":" -f2) if [[ ! "$ARCH" =~ "amd64" ]] && [[ ! "$ARCH" =~ "all" ]] && [[ ! "$ARCH" =~ "any" ]] ; then sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO source_packages VALUES (\"${SRCPACKAGE}\", \"${VERSION}\", \"not for us\", \"$DATE\", \"\")" echo "Package ${SRCPACKAGE} (${VERSION}) shall only be build on \"$ARCH\" and was thus skipped." let "COUNT_SKIPPED=COUNT_SKIPPED+1" SKIPPED="${SRCPACKAGE} ${SKIPPED}" continue fi # EPOCH_FREE_VERSION was too long EVERSION=$(echo $VERSION | cut -d ":" -f2) sudo DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=$NUM_CPU" pbuilder --build --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/base-reproducible.tgz --distribution sid ${SRCPACKAGE}_*.dsc | tee ${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}.pbuilder.log if [ -f /var/cache/pbuilder/result/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes ] ; then mkdir b1 b2 dcmd cp /var/cache/pbuilder/result/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes b1 sudo dcmd rm /var/cache/pbuilder/result/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes rm ${SRCPACKAGE}_*.pbuilder.log /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/pbuilder/${SRCPACKAGE}_*.pbuilder.log sudo DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=$NUM_CPU" pbuilder --build --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/base-reproducible.tgz --distribution sid ${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}.dsc dcmd cp /var/cache/pbuilder/result/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes b2 sudo dcmd rm /var/cache/pbuilder/result/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes set -e cat b1/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes LOGFILE=$(ls ${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}.dsc) LOGFILE=$(echo ${LOGFILE%.dsc}.diffp.html) rm -f ./results/${LOGFILE} > /dev/null 2>&1 ./debbindiff.git/debbindiff.py --html ./results/${LOGFILE} b1/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes b2/${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}_amd64.changes || true if [ ! -f ./results/${LOGFILE} ] ; then rm -f /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/diffp/${SRCPACKAGE}_*.diffp.log > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/diffp/${SRCPACKAGE}_*.diffp.html > /dev/null 2>&1 figlet ${SRCPACKAGE} echo echo "${SRCPACKAGE} built successfully and reproducibly." sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO source_packages VALUES (\"${SRCPACKAGE}\", \"${VERSION}\", \"reproducible\", \"$DATE\", \"\")" let "COUNT_GOOD=COUNT_GOOD+1" GOOD="${SRCPACKAGE} ${GOOD}" else rm -f /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/diffp/${SRCPACKAGE}_*.diffp.log > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/diffp/${SRCPACKAGE}_*.diffp.html > /dev/null 2>&1 cp ./results/${LOGFILE} /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/diffp/ sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO source_packages VALUES (\"${SRCPACKAGE}\", \"${VERSION}\", \"unreproducible\", \"$DATE\", \"\")" set +x echo "Warning: ${SRCPACKAGE} failed to build reproducibly." let "COUNT_BAD=COUNT_BAD+1" BAD="${SRCPACKAGE} ${BAD}" fi rm b1 b2 -rf else sqlite3 -init $INIT ${PACKAGES_DB} "REPLACE INTO source_packages VALUES (\"${SRCPACKAGE}\", \"${VERSION}\", \"FTBFS\", \"$DATE\", \"\")" mv ${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}.pbuilder.log /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/pbuilder/ set +x echo "Warning: ${SRCPACKAGE} failed to build from source." fi dcmd rm ${SRCPACKAGE}_${EVERSION}.dsc rm -f ${SRCPACKAGE}_* > /dev/null 2>&1 fi set +x echo "=============================================================================" echo "$COUNT_TOTAL of $AMOUNT done. Previous package: ${SRCPACKAGE}" echo "=============================================================================" set -x done set +x echo echo echo "$COUNT_TOTAL packages attempted to build in total." echo "$COUNT_GOOD packages successfully built reproducibly: ${GOOD}" echo "$COUNT_SKIPPED packages skipped (either because they were successfully built reproducibly in the past or because they are not Architecture: 'any' nor 'all' nor 'amd64'): ${SKIPPED}" echo "$COUNT_BAD packages failed to built reproducibly: ${BAD}" echo "The following source packages doesn't exist in sid: $SOURCELESS"