#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2012 Holger Levsen # released under the GPLv=2 # # default settings # export LC_ALL=C set -e check_for_mounted_chroots() { CHROOT_PATTERN="/chroots/${1}-*" OUTPUT=$(mktemp) ls $CHROOT_PATTERN 2>/dev/null) > $OUTPUT || true if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then figlet "Warning:" echo echo "Probably manual cleanup needed:" echo echo "$ ls -la $CHROOT_PATTERN" # List the processes using the partition echo fuser -mv $CHROOT_TARGET cat $OUTPUT rm $OUTPUT exit 1 fi rm $OUTPUT } report_disk_usage() { du -schx /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/${1}_* |grep total |sed -s "s#total#${1} jobs#" # FIXME: if $2 is given check, that disk usage is below $2 GB - same for report_filetype_usage() } report_filetype_usage() { OUTPUT=$(mktemp) find /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/${1}_* -type f -name "*.${2}" 2>/dev/null|xargs -r du -sch |grep total |sed -s "s#total#$1 .$2 files#" > $OUTPUT if [ "$3" = "warn" ] && [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then echo "Warning: there are $2 files and there should not be any." cat $OUTPUT echo "Checking for running QEMU processes:" ps fax | grep [q]emu-system || true else cat $OUTPUT fi rm $OUTPUT } report_squid_usage() { REPORT=/var/www/calamaris/calamaris.txt if [ -z $1 ] ; then cat $REPORT else head -31 $REPORT fi } general_housekeeping() { echo uptime echo df -h echo for DIR in /var/cache/apt/archives/ /var/spool/squid/ /var/cache/pbuilder/build/ /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ ; do sudo du -shx $DIR 2>/dev/null done JOB_PREFIXES=$(ls -1 /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/|cut -d "_" -f1|sort -f -u) for PREFIX in $JOB_PREFIXES ; do report_disk_usage $PREFIX done echo vnstat df |grep tmpfs > /dev/null || ( echo ; echo "Warning: no tmpfs mounts in use. Please investigate the host system." ; exit 1 ) } # # if $1 is empty, we do general housekeeping, else for some subgroup of all jobs # if [ -z $1 ] ; then general_housekeeping report_squid_usage brief else case $1 in chroot-installation) report_disk_usage $1 check_for_mounted_chroots $1 ;; g-i-installation) report_disk_usage $1 report_filetype_usage $1 raw warn report_filetype_usage $1 iso report_filetype_usage $1 png report_filetype_usage $1 ppm warn report_filetype_usage $1 bak warn ;; squid) report_squid_usage ;; *) ;; esac fi echo echo "No problems found, all seems good." figlet "Ok."