#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2012 Holger Levsen # released under the GPLv=2 # # called by ~jenkins/.procmailrc # to turn jenkins email notifications into irc announcements with kgb # see http://kgb.alioth.debian.org/ # LOGFILE=/var/lib/jenkins/email_log # # parse email headers to check if they come from jenkins # HEADER=true VALID_MAIL=false MY_LINE="" while read line ; do if [ "$HEADER" == "true" ] ; then # check if email header ends if [[ $line =~ ^$ ]] ; then HEADER=false fi # valid From: line? if [[ $line =~ ^(From: jenkins@jenkins.debian.net) ]] ; then VALID_MAIL=true fi # catch Subject (to send to IRC later) if [[ $line =~ ^(Subject: .*) ]] ; then SUBJECT=${line:9} fi # determine the channel to send notifications to # by parsing the To: line if [[ $line =~ ^(To: .*) ]] ; then echo $line >> $LOGFILE CHANNEL=$(echo $line | cut -d "+" -f2| cut -d "@" -f1) echo "CHANNEL = $CHANNEL" >> $LOGFILE fi # check if it's a valid jenkins job if [[ $line =~ ^(X-Jenkins-Job: .*) ]] ; then JENKINS_JOB=${line:15} fi fi # catch first line of email body (to send to IRC later) if [ "$HEADER" == "false" ] && [ -z "$MY_LINE" ] ; then MY_LINE=$line # if this is a multipart email it comes from the email extension plugin if [ "${line:0:5}" = "-----" ] ; then read line read line MY_LINE=$(read line) MY_LINE=$(echo $MY_LINE | cut -d " " -f1-2) else MY_LINE=$(echo $line | tr -d \< | tr -d \>) fi fi done # check that it's a valid job if [ -z $JENKINS_JOB ] ; then VALID_MAIL=false fi # only send notifications for valid emails if [ "$VALID_MAIL" == "true" ] ; then echo -e "----------\nvalid email\n-----------" >> $LOGFILE date >> $LOGFILE echo "Job: $JENKINS_JOB" >> $LOGFILE echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" >> $LOGFILE echo "My line: $MY_LINE" >> $LOGFILE # only notify if there is a channel to notify if [ ! -z $CHANNEL ] ; then # log message echo "#$CHANNEL: $SUBJECT. $MY_LINE" >> $LOGFILE MESSAGE="$SUBJECT. $MY_LINE" # notify kgb kgb-client --conf /srv/jenkins/kgb/$CHANNEL.conf --relay-msg "$MESSAGE" && echo "kgb informed successfully." >> $LOGFILE echo >> $LOGFILE else echo "But no irc channel detected." >> $LOGFILE fi else echo -e "----------\nbad luck\n-----------" >> $LOGFILE fi