ToDo for =========================== :Author: Holger Levsen :Authorinitials: holger :EMail: :Status: working, in progress :lang: en :Doctype: article :Licence: GPLv2 == About See link:["about"] for a general description of the setup. Below is the current TODO list, which is long and probably incomplete too. The links:[the preferred form of contributions] are patches via pull requests. == Fix user submitted bugs * There are link:;["bugs filed against the pseudopackage '' with usertag 'jenkins'"] in the BTS which would be nice to be fixed soon, as some people actually care. == General ToDo * replace amd64 in scripts with $HOSTARCH ** alioth... just manually push it * *backup*: ** gpg encrypted to some keys ** run on alioth or paradis ** '/var/lib/jenkins/jobs' (the results - the configs are in .git) ** '/var/lib/munin' ** '/var/log' ** '/root/' (contains etckeeper.git) ** '/var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db' (is backed up manually) ** '/srv/' (is backed up manually) ** '/var/lib/jenkins/plugins/*.jpi' (can be derived from jdn-scm-sync.git) ** '/srv/' ** '/etc/.git' and '/etc' === move this setup to jenkins.d.o The plan is to run a jenkins.d.o host, which is maintained by DSA, but we are maintaining jenkins on it (so we can install any plugins we like etc). then we also setup several jenkins slaves, probably/maybe also maintained by DSA (so we get them into their munin), but on which we can use sudo as we need it. (or maybe not dsa-maintained slaves, so that we can use sudo as we need, for the price of not being in DSAs munin.) * chroot jobs should use real schroot sessions, and not just use schroot as poor chroot(8) replacement. some links: ** ** ** * sudoers.d/jenkins: ** not suitable for jenkins.d.o, thus we will run all tests on slaves, where DSA doesnt care what we do * upgrade to jessie, software used which is not in jessie / available as jenkins plugin: ** jenkins.deb *** DSA prefers if we could use jenkins from jessie-backports *** 2nd option: own repo, only contains jenkins.deb *** 3rd option: use upstreams repo ** jenkins-job-builder probably needs to be more properly packaged *** could be installed locally in jenkins home ** livescreenshot plugin (we use a patched version) *** jenkins maintaince probably is best done by jenkins users (as opposed to DSA) so that's up to us * munin monitoring of the slaves ** DSA munin configuration is auto generated by puppet, so the slaves should become .d.o hosts too, to be included * the existing jenkins.d.o host needs to be renamed to something else (thats "just work" to do but not a major obstacle) === To be done once jenkins.d.n runs jessie * replace with bin/ workaround with setsid from the util-linux package from jessie * etc/pbuilderrc: remove /run/shm bindmount once we are running jessie - this is a workaround for #700591 * bin/g-i-installation: use lvcreate without --virtualsize * check if the sudo workaround in bin/g-i-installation is still needed: 'guestmount -o uid=$(id -u) -o gid=$(id -g)' would be nicer, but it doesnt work: as root, the files seem to belong to jenkins, but as jenkins they cannot be accessed. * reproducible: let the scheduler use the xz-compressed file instead of the gzip one. This is because of missing lzma module in wheezy's python. === To be done once bugs are fixed * link:[#767260] workaround in bin/ (console-setup doesn't support parallel build) * link:[#767032] manual fix in etc/munin/plugins/munin_stats * link:[#767100] work in progress in etc/munin/plugins/cpu * link:[#767018] work in progress in etc/munin/plugins/iostat_ios * link:[#774685] workaround in bin/ === jenkins-job-builder related * use jessie version plus my patches from kali * change of syntax: ---- properties: - priority-sorter: priority: 150 ---- * this seems to be helpful: (pyyaml which jenkins-job-builder uses supports them) * cleanup my patches (eg add documentation) and send pull requests on github: ** publisher:logparse ** publisher:htmlpublisher ** svn:scm ** wrappers:live-screenshot === livescreenshot plugin * publish forked livescreenshot plugin and send pull request for my bugfix == lvc, work in progress, just started * put this on debian isos too: config/chroot_local-includes/lib/live/config/9999-autotest * add another (smaller) test: download+run torbrowser daily * re-read the docs! ** * generate feature files from templates? to cope with sub-products? -> no. detect desktop type and set variables accordingly -> simpler: pass an environment variable with the type * get iso * tables for looping through features: see tails/iuk.git/features/download_target_file/Download_Target_File.feature * to debug cucumber: --verbose --backtrace --expand * drop / remove * can probably go: dhcp.rb firewall_leaks.rb dhcp.feature firewall_leaks.feature * more occurances of "the computer boots Tails" * @source (only keep product tests) * disabled stuff in common_steps.rb ** #if @vm.execute("service tor status").success? * "I set sudo password" not needed for debianlive nor debian(edu): ** #@screen.wait("TailsGreeterAdminPassword.png", 20) * $misc_files_dir needed? * def sort_isos_by_creation_date Dir.glob("#{Dir.pwd}/*.iso").sort_by {|f| tails_iso_creation_date(f)} -> useless for us, purpose is to automatically select the latest iso if none is given * search case-in-sensitive for tails+tor+amnesia * put in ---- addgroup tcpdump dpkg-statoverride --update --add root tcpdump 754 /usr/sbin/tcpdump setcap CAP_NET_RAW+eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump adduser $USER tcpdump adduser $USER libvirt adduser $USER libvirt-qemu ---- == Improve existing tests === reproducible * issues in packages or debbindiff: ** find debbindiff problems: ---- egrep -R -l '(debbindiff had trouble comparing|maybe there is still )' /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/rbuild/ ---- * packages build with different dependencies, should be rescheduled: ---- grep '(=.*).,.$' rygel_0.24.2-1.debbindiff.html | uniq -c | sort | grep -c '^\s*1 ' ---- ** if the value is larger than 0, there are differing dependencies... ** the grepping should probably only done on files younger then $check_frequency * misc ** move all content into /var/lib/userContent/reproducible/ ** more graphs: graph average build duration by day ** meld bin/ into bin/ and alias the former to the latter ** "fork" etc/schroot/default into etc/schroot/reproducible ** use one css for all, not two minimally different ones ** repo-comparison: check for binaries without source * notes related ** hint issues of a package while hovering over it ** new page with annoted packages without categorized issues ** new page with notes that doesnt make sense: a.) packages which are reproducible but should not, packages that build but shouldn't, etc. * pkg sets related: ** for all pkg sets: only display FTBR+FTBFS and reproducible packages with notes by default, provide a way to show them all... ** replace bin/ with a proper data provider from DSA * db schema 2.0 ** move "untested" field in stats table too? (as in csv output...) ** support for irc-notification of test done (without leaving artifacts) * missing tests: variation in kernel and date and cpu type ** variations in date are only practical to do in c-i fashion using faketime, thus I suggest to wait for those until we test in the wild... ** kernel / uname output is changed (using linux64) and shall be changed more in future by doing the 2nd build on a different build host running a different kernel..., no need to do fancy stuff with building in qemu or such... ** different cpu type: Opteron_G3 AMD Opteron 23xx (Gen 3 Class Opteron) is the most powerful one that's different to current Opteron_G4 *** that 2nd slave can also run with a different date (or year, so probably 1984) * enable people to upload test packages, to be built in jenkins: h01ger: another wild future request by me: allowing us to upload something and let jenkins test it. rationale: I sent (another) patch for debian-keyring, to fix a timestamp issue in debian control files (due to not_using_dh-builddeb), but there is also a umask issue. I don't want to bother me to setup the very same things jenkins tests locally (I already did too much in this regards, imho), but really people can't tests everything jenkins tests. mapreri: please add the feature request to the todo. i'm thinking now that it maybe should just be a jenkins job not integrated into the rp.d.n webui, but... maybe we find a nice way to do it h01ger: I'm instead thinking about a repo defining a reproducible-specific suite or something on that line, that integrates well with the current setup. but this is really something wild. well, and everybody in debian-keyring from sid can uplood? :) that would be wonderful. ===* * udd-versionskew: also provide arch-relative version numbers in output too === d-i_manual* * svn:trunk/manual/po triggers the full build, should trigger language specific builds. * svn:trunk/manual is all thats needed, not whole svn:trunk === d-i_build* * build packages using jenkins-debian-glue and not my hacks? * run scripts/digress/ ? * bubulle wrote: "Another interesting target would be d-i builds *including non uploaded packages* (something like "d-i from git repositories" images). That would in some way require to create a quite specific image, with all udebs (while netboot only has udebs needed before one gets a working network setup). === chroot-installation_* * use schroot for chroot-installation, stop using plain chroot everywhere * add alternative tests with aptitude and possible apt * split etc/schroot/default * inform debian-devel@l.d.o or -qa@? * warn about transitional packages installed (on non-upgrades only) * install all the tasks "instead", thats rather easy nowadays as all task packages are called "task*". ** make sure this includes blends === g-i-installation_* Development of these tests has stopped. In future the 'lvc*' tests should replace them. These small changes are probably still worth doing anyway: * g-i: replace '--' with '---' as param delimiter. see #776763 / 5df5b95908 in d-e-c * download .isos once in central place * g-i_presentation: use preseeding files on jenkins.d.n and not * turn job-cfg/g-i.yaml into The following ideas should really only be implemented for the new 'lvc*' tests.... (but are kept here for now) * pick LANG from predefined list at random - if last build was not successful or unstable fall back to English ** these jobs would not need to do an install, just booting them in rescue mode is probably enough * for edu mainservers running as servers for workstations etc: "d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select atomic" to be able to use smaller disk images ** same usecase: -monitor none -nographic -serial stdio == Further ideas... === Test them all * build packages from all team repos on alioth with jenkins-debian-glue on team request (eg, via a .txt file in a git.repo) for specific branches (which shall also be automated, eg. to be able to only have squeeze+sid branches build, but not all other branches.) == Debian Packaging related This setup should come as a Debian source package... * /usr/sbin/ needs to be written * what does, needs to be put elsewhere... * debian/copyright is incorrect about some licenses: ** the profitbricks+debian+jenkins logos ** the preseeding files ** ./feature/ is gpl3 // vim: set filetype=asciidoc: