TODO ---- == About * This is pretty much work in progress, (hopefully) doing something useful since October 15th 2012 * Join #debian-qa on to report bugs or give other feedback! * git clone git:// == general todo - add copyright notes - firewall host - switch to /srv/jenkins to be fetch from git - mv "welcome to jenkins.d.n"-intro text to "about jenkins.d.n" in navigation (and use the html rendered version of this very file (in asciidoc syntax)) - use mirror.1und1.d - mail notifications (to where?) - proper backup (=daily) - moar tests (see below) - use to create _all_ job configurations (if possible, else mix with job-dsl-plugin or - proper git repo, outside ~holger === minor stuff - squid, cache files bigger than 20MB? (maximum_object_size in squid.conf) - only trigger^wreally run jobs if available+used packages have changed (save packages in db and compare) - install desktop-base, plymouth? == more tests: === test images: and i plan to test (at first) weekly images of amd64 std,kde,lxde+xfce weekly and the first sid daily daily. anything obvious+useful i miss? .oO( "other archs" ) - use jigdo: - start client VMs using the profitbricks API: (and dhcp) === test tasks: how do i install a task outside d-i? what interesting tasks are there? tasksel install h01ger: == to document properly #missing: how jenkins was installed apt-get install mtr-tiny dstat apt-get install debootstrap sudo figlet graphviz apache2 python-yaml python-setuptools apt-get install build-essential devscripts && apt-get build-dep python-jenkinsapi a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_http == to backup - backup: /etc /srv/jenkins /var/lib/jenkins/job/*/config.xml /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/ - mkdir /chroots ; chown jenkins.jenkins /chroots - /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins - /etc/squid/squid.conf - /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80proxy - /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default