About jenkins.debian.net ======================== :Author: Holger Levsen :Authorinitials: holger :EMail: holger@layer-acht.org :Status: in progress :lang: en :Doctype: article :Licence: GPLv2 == About jenkins.debian.net * This is pretty much work in progress, (hopefully) doing something useful since October 15th 2012 * Join #debian-qa on irc.debian.org to report bugs or give other feedback! * git clone git://git.debian.org/git/users/holger/jenkins.debian.net.git * (virtual) hardware sponsored by http://www.profitbricks.com == General todo * firewall host (with shorewall-lite and shorewall6-lite) * mail notifications (to where?) * proper backup (=daily), bottom of this document * more tests (see below) * use https://github.com/openstack*ci/jenkins*job*builder to create _all_ job configurations (if possible, else mix with job*dsl*plugin or https://github.com/JoelJ/Templating.git === Minor stuff * split TODO and about.txt? ** use nice stylesheet for about.html ** use job description to create .txt file to be included in about.txt/TODO? * proper git repo url, outside users/holger * squid, cache files bigger than 20MB? (maximum_object_size in squid.conf) * only trigger (=really run) jobs if available+used packages have changed (save packages in db and compare) * use mirror.1und1.d? == More tests to be run === Test cd-images: * start client VMs using the profitbricks API: https://www.profitbricks.com/us/media/docs/PB_PublicAPI_EN.pdf (and dhcp) * to test (at first) weekly images of amd64 std,kde,lxde+xfce weekly and the first sid-di daily ** http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/amd64/jigdo-cd/ ** http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/sid_d-i/20121020-1/amd64/ * use jigdo to download those images === Test tasks: ---- how do i install a task outside d-i? what interesting tasks are there? tasksel install h01ger: http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/tasksel ---- (FIXME: tasksel doesn't work like this) == Installed software that makes jenkins.debian.net run * jenkins.debian.net runs Debian wheezy. * FIXME: how jenkins was installed + configured * needed packages are listed in update_jdn.sh and which will also make sure they are installed ** update_jdn.sh is available in the git repo * package configuration is kept in git and deployed by update_jdn.sh as well == To backup * /etc/.git * /var/lib/jenkins/job/*/config.xml * /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml as well as its plugins etc * /srv/jenkins probably not