About jenkins.debian.net ======================== :Author: Holger Levsen :Authorinitials: holger :EMail: holger@layer-acht.org :Status: working, in progress :lang: en :Doctype: article :Licence: GPLv2 == About jenkins.debian.net https://jenkins.debian.net is a tool for automated quality monitoring of Debian. It is *work in progress* despite being in existence since October 15th 2012. Get the source by running `git clone git://git.debian.org/git/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git`. It's all in there, no (relevant) manual setup has been done besides what's in this git repository. (The irrelevant bits are some very simple configuration files containing passwords.) The (virtualized) hardware is sponsored by http://www.profitbricks.com - currently it's using 6 cores and 10 GB memory, thanks a lot! Some stats are available using link:https://jenkins.debian.net/munin/jenkins-month.html[munin-plugins for jenkins]. If you notice some jobs has problems and you want to find out why, read <> to learn how to do this locally. == Jobs being run If you can think of ways to improve the usefulness of certain jobs, please do give feedback! Remember, this is still pretty much work in progress. === g-i-installation jobs Installation tests with g-i, the graphical version of d-i, the debian-installer. * 'g-i-installation_debian_sid_daily-rescue' ** boot of rescue system with daily build sid image * 'g-i-installation_debian_sid_daily-lxde' and '-xfce' and '-kfreebsd' and '-hurd' ** sid installation of Xfce/LXDE desktop with daily build sid image * 'g-i-installation_debian_jessie_lxde','-xfce','-kde' and '-gnome' and '-kfreebsd' ** jessie installation of Xfce/LXDE/KDE desktop and kfreebsd install with weekly build jessie image * 'g-i-installation_debian_wheezy_lxde','-xfce','-kde' and '-gnome' and '-kfreebsd' ** wheezy installation of Xfce/LXDE/KDE desktop and kfreebsd install with wheezy release image * 'g-i-installation_debian_squeeze_xfce' ** squeeze installation of Xfce desktop with squeeze image * Debian Edu installation tests of specific profiles and suites: ** 'g-i-installation_debian-edu_squeeze-test_standalone' ** 'g-i-installation_debian-edu_squeeze-test_workstation' ** 'g-i-installation_debian-edu_squeeze-test_combi-server' ** 'g-i-installation_debian-edu_wheezy-test_standalone' ** 'g-i-installation_debian-edu_wheezy-test_workstation' ** 'g-i-installation_debian-edu_wheezy-test_combi-server' === debian-installer jobs * 'd_i_build_$source_package' ** there is one job for each git repo referred to in http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/d-i/trunk/.mrconfig?view=co ** each job pdebuilds the master branch of its git repo on every git push in a sid environment. (If the architecture(s) specified in debian/control are not amd64,all or any the build exits cleanly.) ** while these jobs are triggered on commits, the SCM is only polled every 6min to see if there are new commits. * 'd_i_manual' ** builds the full installation-guide package with pdebuild in sid on every commit to svn://anonscm.debian.org/svn/d-i/ matching suitable patterns. ** while this job is triggered on commits, the SCM is only polled every 15min to see if there are new commits. * 'd_i_manual_$language_html' ** builds a language (on wheezy) on every commit of svn/trunk/manual/$LANG with `make languages=$LANG architectures=amd64 formats=html`. ** while these jobs are triggered on commits, the SCM is only polled every 15min to see if there are new commits. ** on successful build, 'd_i_manual_$lang_pdf' is triggered. * 'd_i_parse_build_logs' - parses logs from http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/build-logs.html daily, to give them a bit more exposure. ** this job is run daily. === chroot-installation jobs Installation tests inside chroot environments. * 'chroot-installation_housekeeping_$distro': ** make sure chroots have been cleaned up properly ** runs daily at 05:00 UTC and triggers the $distro specific bootstrap job on success ** wheezy is only triggered on the 4th day and 18th of each month (as it was released on the 4th) ** squeeze only on the 25th of each month * $distro-bootstrap jobs: ** just `debootstrap $distro` (install a base Debian distribution $distro) ** there is one job for *sid*, one for *wheezy* and one for *jessie*: 'chroot-installation_sid_bootstrap', 'chroot-installation_wheezy_bootstrap' and 'chroot-installation_jessie_bootstrap' * plus there is 'chroot-installation_squeeze_bootstrap_upgrade_to_wheezy', which bootstraps *squeeze* and upgrades that to *wheezy* ** on successful run of the bootstrap job, six $distro-install(+upgrade) jobs are triggered. * FIXME: describe upgrade jobs here too * $distro-install jobs (and $distro-install+upgrade jobs): ** `debootstrap $distro`, install a *$set_of_packages* (and upgrade to *$2nd_distro*) ** these $set_of_packages exist: 'gnome', 'kde', 'kde-full', 'lxde', 'xfc', 'full_desktop' (all five desktops plus `vlc evince iceweasel chromium cups build-essential devscripts wine texlive-full asciidoc vim emacs` and (`libreoffice virt-manager mplayer2` (jessie/sid) or `openoffice virtualbox mplayer` (squeeze/wheezy)) and 'develop' *** install is done with `apt-get install`, except for 'develop' where `apt-get build-dep` is used to install the build dependencies of these packages. === lintian jobs * FIXME: describe lintian jobs === haskell jobs * FIXME: describe haskell jobs === rebootstrap jobs * FIXME: describe rebootstrap jobs === reproducible jobs * FIXME: describe reproducible jobs === dvswitch jobs * FIXME: describe dvswitch jobs === webcheck jobs * three jobs for running webcheck against www.debian.org, www.debian.org/News and www.debian.org/security * several webcheck jobs for running again various debconf.org websites These jobs are only run on the first day of each month. === self jobs These are jobs for making sure jenkins.debian.net is running smoothly. [[debug]] == Debugging certain jobs *FIXME*: To debug certain jobs, a jenkins setup is actually not needed. Make this easy and describe here. *This is work in progress too, but mostly just needs documentation!* In principle the shell commands from the various jobs should run on any Debian system just fine. Please use a test system though, as all your data might be eaten. * Build this source as a debian package and install the jenkins.d.n-debug package and all it's recommends. === Debugging g-i-installation jobs as user run: ---- mkdir workspace ; cd workspace # test-script should check if they are in a directory called workspace and if not, mkdir it and cd into it. /srv/jenkins/bin/cd_tester.sh 2 squeeze-test-debian-edu-standalone 20 http://ftp.skolelinux.org/cd-squeeze-test-amd64-i386-netinst/debian-edu-amd64-i386-NETINST-1.iso ---- FIXME: explain how to how to debug any job. Point this out at the end of any log. TODO: svn/git using test-scripts need to learn checkout out - currently this is always done by jenkins. === Feedback I love to get feedback on this! Please send an email to debian-qa@lists.debian.org or just join #debian-qa on irc.debian.org to report bugs or give other feedback there! === Setup See link:https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/setup.html[INSTALL]. === ToDo There is still a lot of work left, check the current link:https://jenkins.debian.net/userContent/todo.html[ToDo list]. == License * GPLv2, see link:http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/qa/jenkins.debian.net.git/LICENSE[LICENSE]. // vim: set filetype=asciidoc: