About the nodes used for jenkins.debian.net =========================================== :Author: Holger Levsen :Authorinitials: holger :EMail: holger@layer-acht.org :Status: working, in progress :lang: en :Doctype: article :License: GPLv2 == Scope This README is about all the nodes used for jenkins.debian.net and tests.reproducible-builds.org. All nodes run Debian stable, except for the amd64 moonshot nodes, which run Ubuntu 16.04. Mattia and Holger have root access to all nodes, including jenkins. Additionally Vagrant has root access to all armhf nodes. === amd64 and i386 nodes amd64 and i386 nodes run as VMs in the Profitbricks cloud. Mattia and Holger have "physical" access including remote console and BIOS access. === arm64 nodes We have 8 arm64 nodes running on moonshot hardware kindly given access to us by Codethink. Holger has access to a 9th node acting as console server. (Technically some of the armhf nodes below are also arm64 systems.) === armhf nodes Vagrant hosts a fantastic zoo of over 23 armhf boards in his basement, to which besides him also Mattia and Holger have access via a console server. There'a script to trigger the power on/off/cycle if needed, from hbi1 on Vagrant's local network: localhost$ ssh -p 2227 hbi1.dyn.aikidev.net # ssh key fingerprints: # 2048 f5:03:59:fa:a9:f6:97:b0:80:9c:0c:3c:dc:9e:38:59 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub (RSA) # 256 38:e8:16:bb:13:d1:5b:28:39:85:73:11:f2:1f:29:81 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub (ECDSA) # 256 16:cc:1f:0e:39:80:37:64:f7:23:dc:18:3f:58:d3:52 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub (ED25519) # It's advertising an ipv6 address, but it's actually only ipv4 for the # forseeable future and I just need to fix DNS. hbi1$ cd /srv/rb/ ; ./remote-power NAME on|off|ccl # ccl means powercycling… There are at least two machines, bbx15 and jtk1a, that don't tend to come up after power cycling, but sometimes even those work too, so it's worth a try. A small number of the names listed in cereal differ slightly from the names used natively... partly due to bugs in cereal. They should be fairly obvious (e.g. odxu4a vs. odxu4). The serial console access is still read-only, not actually interacting with the console; think this is a limitation of the way "cereal" interacts with screen. "cereal l" lists the available systems, and "cereal f XXX" would connect to "XXX" and tail it's console logs. There's a pad too, where we maintain notes about the stati of the nodes. The URL for this pad is available upon request. // vim: set filetype=asciidoc: