path: root/features/step_definitions/usb.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'features/step_definitions/usb.rb')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/step_definitions/usb.rb b/features/step_definitions/usb.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9f17ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/step_definitions/usb.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+def persistent_mounts
+ {
+ "cups-configuration" => "/etc/cups",
+ "nm-system-connections" => "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections",
+ "claws-mail" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.claws-mail",
+ "gnome-keyrings" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.gnome2/keyrings",
+ "gnupg" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.gnupg",
+ "bookmarks" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.mozilla/firefox/bookmarks",
+ "pidgin" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.purple",
+ "openssh-client" => "/home/#{$live_user}/.ssh",
+ "Persistent" => "/home/#{$live_user}/Persistent",
+ "apt/cache" => "/var/cache/apt/archives",
+ "apt/lists" => "/var/lib/apt/lists",
+ }
+def persistent_volumes_mountpoints
+ @vm.execute("ls -1 -d /live/persistence/*_unlocked/").stdout.chomp.split
+Given /^I create a new (\d+) ([[:alpha:]]+) USB drive named "([^"]+)"$/ do |size, unit, name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+, {:size => size, :unit => unit})
+Given /^I clone USB drive "([^"]+)" to a new USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |from, to|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+, to)
+Given /^I unplug USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.unplug_drive(name)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot from the old Tails DVD$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.set_cdrom_boot($old_tails_iso)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot in UEFI mode$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.set_os_loader('UEFI')
+ @os_loader = 'UEFI'
+class ISOHybridUpgradeNotSupported < StandardError
+def usb_install_helper(name)
+ @screen.wait('USBCreateLiveUSB.png', 10)
+ # Here we'd like to select USB drive using #{name}, but Sikuli's
+ # OCR seems to be too unreliable.
+# @screen.wait('USBTargetDevice.png', 10)
+# match = @screen.find('USBTargetDevice.png')
+# region_x = match.x
+# region_y = match.y + match.h
+# region_w = match.w*3
+# region_h = match.h*2
+# ocr =, region_y, region_w, region_h).text
+# STDERR.puts ocr
+# # Unfortunately this results in almost garbage, like "|]dev/sdm"
+# # when it should be /dev/sda1
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSB.png', 10)
+ if @screen.exists("USBSuggestsInstall.png")
+ raise ISOHybridUpgradeNotSupported
+ end
+ @screen.wait('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmWindow.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmYes.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('USBInstallationComplete.png', 60*60)
+When /^I start Tails Installer$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTails.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTailsInstaller.png", 20)
+When /^I "Clone & Install" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "I start Tails Installer"
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndInstall.png', 30)
+ usb_install_helper(name)
+When /^I "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "I start Tails Installer"
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndUpgrade.png', 30)
+ usb_install_helper(name)
+When /^I try a "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ begin
+ step "I \"Clone & Upgrade\" Tails to USB drive \"#{name}\""
+ rescue ISOHybridUpgradeNotSupported
+ # this is what we expect
+ else
+ raise "The USB installer should not succeed"
+ end
+When /^I am suggested to do a "Clone & Install"$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.find("USBSuggestsInstall.png")
+def shared_iso_dir_on_guest
+ "/tmp/shared_iso_dir"
+Given /^I setup a filesystem share containing the Tails ISO$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.add_share(File.dirname($tails_iso), shared_iso_dir_on_guest)
+When /^I do a "Upgrade from ISO" on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "I start Tails Installer"
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBUpgradeFromISO.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png', 10)
+ match = @screen.find('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png')
+, match.h*2))
+ @screen.wait('USBSelectISO.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeFileDiagTypeFilename.png', 10)
+ iso = "#{shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename($tails_iso)}"
+ @screen.type(iso + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ usb_install_helper(name)
+Given /^I enable all persistence presets$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 20)
+ # Mark first non-default persistence preset
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB*2)
+ # Check all non-default persistence presets
+ 12.times do
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE + Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ end
+ @screen.wait_and_click('PersistenceWizardSave.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardDone.png', 20)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.F4, Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+Given /^I create a persistent partition with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTails.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsConfigurePersistentVolume.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardWindow.png', 40)
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardStart.png', 20)
+ @screen.type(pwd + "\t" + pwd + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 300)
+ step "I enable all persistence presets"
+def check_part_integrity(name, dev, usage, type, scheme, label)
+ info = @vm.execute("udisks --show-info #{dev}").stdout
+ info_split = info.split("\n partition:\n")
+ dev_info = info_split[0]
+ part_info = info_split[1]
+ assert(dev_info.match("^ usage: +#{usage}$"),
+ "Unexpected device field 'usage' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+ assert(dev_info.match("^ type: +#{type}$"),
+ "Unexpected device field 'type' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+ assert(part_info.match("^ scheme: +#{scheme}$"),
+ "Unexpected partition scheme on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+ assert(part_info.match("^ label: +#{label}$"),
+ "Unexpected partition label on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+def tails_is_installed_helper(name, tails_root, loader)
+ dev = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "1"
+ check_part_integrity(name, dev, "filesystem", "vfat", "gpt", "Tails")
+ target_root = "/mnt/new"
+ @vm.execute("mkdir -p #{target_root}")
+ @vm.execute("mount #{dev} #{target_root}")
+ c = @vm.execute("diff -qr '#{tails_root}/live' '#{target_root}/live'")
+ assert(c.success?,
+ "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in /live:\n#{c.stdout}")
+ syslinux_files = @vm.execute("ls -1 #{target_root}/syslinux").stdout.chomp.split
+ # We deal with these files separately
+ ignores = ["syslinux.cfg", "exithelp.cfg", "ldlinux.sys"]
+ for f in syslinux_files - ignores do
+ c = @vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{f}' " +
+ "'#{target_root}/syslinux/#{f}'")
+ assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " +
+ "'/syslinux/#{f}'")
+ end
+ # The main .cfg is named differently vs isolinux
+ c = @vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{loader}.cfg' " +
+ "'#{target_root}/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'")
+ assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " +
+ "'/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'")
+ @vm.execute("umount #{target_root}")
+ @vm.execute("sync")
+Then /^the running Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ loader = boot_device_type == "usb" ? "syslinux" : "isolinux"
+ tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, "/lib/live/mount/medium", loader)
+Then /^the ISO's Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ iso = "#{shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename($tails_iso)}"
+ iso_root = "/mnt/iso"
+ @vm.execute("mkdir -p #{iso_root}")
+ @vm.execute("mount -o loop #{iso} #{iso_root}")
+ tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, iso_root, "isolinux")
+ @vm.execute("umount #{iso_root}")
+Then /^there is no persistence partition on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ data_part_dev = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "2"
+ assert(!@vm.execute("test -b #{data_part_dev}").success?,
+ "USB drive #{name} has a partition '#{data_part_dev}'")
+Then /^a Tails persistence partition with password "([^"]+)" exists on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd, name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ dev = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "2"
+ check_part_integrity(name, dev, "crypto", "crypto_LUKS", "gpt", "TailsData")
+ # The LUKS container may already be opened, e.g. by udisks after
+ # we've run tails-persistence-setup.
+ c = @vm.execute("ls -1 /dev/mapper/")
+ if c.success?
+ for candidate in c.stdout.split("\n")
+ luks_info = @vm.execute("cryptsetup status #{candidate}")
+ if luks_info.success? and luks_info.stdout.match("^\s+device:\s+#{dev}$")
+ luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{candidate}"
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if luks_dev.nil?
+ c = @vm.execute("echo #{pwd} | cryptsetup luksOpen #{dev} #{name}")
+ assert(c.success?, "Couldn't open LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'")
+ luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{name}"
+ end
+ # Adapting check_part_integrity() seems like a bad idea so here goes
+ info = @vm.execute("udisks --show-info #{luks_dev}").stdout
+ assert info.match("^ cleartext luks device:$")
+ assert info.match("^ usage: +filesystem$")
+ assert info.match("^ type: +ext[34]$")
+ assert info.match("^ label: +TailsData$")
+ mount_dir = "/mnt/#{name}"
+ @vm.execute("mkdir -p #{mount_dir}")
+ c = @vm.execute("mount #{luks_dev} #{mount_dir}")
+ assert(c.success?,
+ "Couldn't mount opened LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'")
+ @vm.execute("umount #{mount_dir}")
+ @vm.execute("sync")
+ @vm.execute("cryptsetup luksClose #{name}")
+Given /^I enable persistence with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistence.png', 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE)
+ @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png', 10)
+ match = @screen.find('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png')
+*2, match.h/2))
+ @screen.type(pwd)
+def tails_persistence_enabled?
+ persistence_state_file = "/var/lib/live/config/tails.persistence"
+ return @vm.execute("test -e '#{persistence_state_file}'").success? &&
+ @vm.execute('. #{persistence_state_file} && ' +
+ 'test "$TAILS_PERSISTENCE_ENABLED" = true').success?
+Given /^persistence is enabled$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ try_for(120, :msg => "Persistence is disabled") do
+ tails_persistence_enabled?
+ end
+ # Check that all persistent directories are mounted
+ mount = @vm.execute("mount").stdout.chomp
+ for _, dir in persistent_mounts do
+ assert(mount.include?("on #{dir} "),
+ "Persistent directory '#{dir}' is not mounted")
+ end
+Given /^persistence is disabled$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(!tails_persistence_enabled?, "Persistence is enabled")
+Given /^I enable read-only persistence with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd|
+ step "I enable persistence with password \"#{pwd}\""
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterPersistenceReadOnly.png', 10)
+def boot_device
+ # Approach borrowed from
+ # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions
+ boot_dev_id = @vm.execute("udevadm info --device-id-of-file=/lib/live/mount/medium").stdout.chomp
+ boot_dev = @vm.execute("readlink -f /dev/block/'#{boot_dev_id}'").stdout.chomp
+ return boot_dev
+def boot_device_type
+ # Approach borrowed from
+ # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions
+ boot_dev_info = @vm.execute("udevadm info --query=property --name='#{boot_device}'").stdout.chomp
+ boot_dev_type = (boot_dev_info.split("\n").select { |x| x.start_with? "ID_BUS=" })[0].split("=")[1]
+ return boot_dev_type
+Then /^Tails is running from USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert_equal("usb", boot_device_type)
+ actual_dev = boot_device
+ # The boot partition differs between a "normal" install using the
+ # USB installer and isohybrid installations
+ expected_dev_normal = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "1"
+ expected_dev_isohybrid = @vm.disk_dev(name) + "4"
+ assert(actual_dev == expected_dev_normal ||
+ actual_dev == expected_dev_isohybrid,
+ "We are running from device #{actual_dev}, but for USB drive " +
+ "'#{name}' we expected to run from either device " +
+ "#{expected_dev_normal} (when installed via the USB installer) " +
+ "or #{expected_dev_normal} (when installed from an isohybrid)")
+Then /^the boot device has safe access rights$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ super_boot_dev = boot_device.sub(/[[:digit:]]+$/, "")
+ devs = @vm.execute("ls -1 #{super_boot_dev}*").stdout.chomp.split
+ assert(devs.size > 0, "Could not determine boot device")
+ all_users = @vm.execute("cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd").stdout.chomp.split
+ all_users_with_groups = all_users.collect do |user|
+ groups = @vm.execute("groups #{user}").stdout.chomp.sub(/^#{user} : /, "").split(" ")
+ [user, groups]
+ end
+ for dev in devs do
+ dev_owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dev}").stdout.chomp
+ dev_group = @vm.execute("stat -c %G #{dev}").stdout.chomp
+ dev_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a #{dev}").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("root", dev_owner)
+ assert(dev_group == "disk" || dev_group == "root",
+ "Boot device '#{dev}' owned by group '#{dev_group}', expected " +
+ "'disk' or 'root'.")
+ assert_equal("1660", dev_perms)
+ for user, groups in all_users_with_groups do
+ next if user == "root"
+ assert(!(groups.include?(dev_group)),
+ "Unprivileged user '#{user}' is in group '#{dev_group}' which " +
+ "owns boot device '#{dev}'")
+ end
+ end
+ info = @vm.execute("udisks --show-info #{super_boot_dev}").stdout
+ assert(info.match("^ system internal: +1$"),
+ "Boot device '#{super_boot_dev}' is not system internal for udisks")
+Then /^persistent filesystems have safe access rights$/ do
+ persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint|
+ fs_owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp
+ fs_group = @vm.execute("stat -c %G #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp
+ fs_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("root", fs_owner)
+ assert_equal("root", fs_group)
+ assert_equal('775', fs_perms)
+ end
+Then /^persistence configuration files have safe access rights$/ do
+ persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint|
+ assert(@vm.execute("test -e #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf").success?,
+ "#{mountpoint}/persistence.conf does not exist, while it should")
+ assert(@vm.execute("test ! -e #{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf").success?,
+ "#{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf does exist, while it should not")
+ @vm.execute(
+ "ls -1 #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf #{mountpoint}/live-*.conf"
+ ).stdout.chomp.split.each do |f|
+ file_owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U '#{f}'").stdout.chomp
+ file_group = @vm.execute("stat -c %G '#{f}'").stdout.chomp
+ file_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a '#{f}'").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_owner)
+ assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_group)
+ assert_equal("600", file_perms)
+ end
+ end
+Then /^persistent directories have safe access rights$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ expected_perms = "700"
+ persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint|
+ # We also want to check that dotfiles' source has safe permissions
+ all_persistent_dirs = persistent_mounts.clone
+ all_persistent_dirs["dotfiles"] = "/home/#{$live_user}/"
+ persistent_mounts.each do |src, dest|
+ next unless dest.start_with?("/home/#{$live_user}/")
+ f = "#{mountpoint}/#{src}"
+ next unless @vm.execute("test -d #{f}").success?
+ file_perms = @vm.execute("stat -c %a '#{f}'").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal(expected_perms, file_perms)
+ end
+ end
+When /^I write some files expected to persist$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp
+ assert(@vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_persist", user=owner).success?,
+ "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+When /^I remove some files expected to persist$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp
+ assert(@vm.execute("rm #{dir}/XXX_persist", user=owner).success?,
+ "Could not remove file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+When /^I write some files not expected to persist$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ owner = @vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp
+ assert(@vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_gone", user=owner).success?,
+ "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+Then /^the expected persistent files are present in the filesystem$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ assert(@vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_persist").success?,
+ "Could not find expected file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ assert(!@vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_gone").success?,
+ "Found file that should not have persisted in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+Then /^only the expected files should persist on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "a computer"
+ step "the computer is set to boot from USB drive \"#{name}\""
+ step "the network is unplugged"
+ step "I start the computer"
+ step "the computer boots Tails"
+ step "I enable read-only persistence with password \"asdf\""
+ step "I log in to a new session"
+ step "persistence is enabled"
+ step "GNOME has started"
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ step "the expected persistent files are present in the filesystem"
+ step "I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off"
+When /^I delete the persistent partition$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTails.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsDeletePersistentVolume.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardWindow.png", 40)
+ @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDeletionStart.png", 20)
+ @screen.type(" ")
+ @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDone.png", 120)
+Then /^Tails has started in UEFI mode$/ do
+ assert(@vm.execute("test -d /sys/firmware/efi").success?,
+ "/sys/firmware/efi does not exist")
+ end