path: root/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb')
1 files changed, 687 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..532aa4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,687 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+def post_vm_start_hook
+ # Sometimes the first click is lost (presumably it's used to give
+ # focus to virt-viewer or similar) so we do that now rather than
+ # having an important click lost. The point we click should be
+ # somewhere where no clickable elements generally reside.
+ @screen.click_point(@screen.w, @screen.h/2)
+def activate_filesystem_shares
+ # XXX-9p: First of all, filesystem shares cannot be mounted while we
+ # do a snapshot save+restore, so unmounting+remounting them seems
+ # like a good idea. However, the 9p modules get into a broken state
+ # during the save+restore, so we also would like to unload+reload
+ # them, but loading of 9pnet_virtio fails after a restore with
+ # "probe of virtio2 failed with error -2" (in dmesg) which makes the
+ # shares unavailable. Hence we leave this code commented for now.
+ #for mod in ["9pnet_virtio", "9p"] do
+ # @vm.execute("modprobe #{mod}")
+ #end
+ @vm.list_shares.each do |share|
+ @vm.execute("mkdir -p #{share}")
+ @vm.execute("mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio #{share} #{share}")
+ end
+def deactivate_filesystem_shares
+ @vm.list_shares.each do |share|
+ @vm.execute("umount #{share}")
+ end
+ # XXX-9p: See XXX-9p above
+ #for mod in ["9p", "9pnet_virtio"] do
+ # @vm.execute("modprobe -r #{mod}")
+ #end
+def restore_background
+ @vm.restore_snapshot($background_snapshot)
+ @vm.wait_until_remote_shell_is_up
+ post_vm_start_hook
+ # XXX-9p: See XXX-9p above
+ #activate_filesystem_shares
+ # The guest's Tor's circuits' states are likely to get out of sync
+ # with the other relays, so we ensure that we have fresh circuits.
+ # Time jumps and incorrect clocks also confuses Tor in many ways.
+ if @vm.has_network?
+ if @vm.execute("service tor status").success?
+ @vm.execute("service tor stop")
+ @vm.execute("rm -f /var/log/tor/log")
+ @vm.execute("killall vidalia")
+ @vm.host_to_guest_time_sync
+ @vm.execute("service tor start")
+ wait_until_tor_is_working
+ @vm.spawn("/usr/local/sbin/restart-vidalia")
+ end
+ end
+Given /^a computer$/ do
+ @vm.destroy if @vm
+ @vm =$vm_xml_path, $x_display)
+Given /^the computer has (\d+) ([[:alpha:]]+) of RAM$/ do |size, unit|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.set_ram_size(size, unit)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot from the Tails DVD$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.set_cdrom_boot($tails_iso)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot from (.+?) drive "(.+?)"$/ do |type, name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.set_disk_boot(name, type.downcase)
+Given /^I plug ([[:alpha:]]+) drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |bus, name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.plug_drive(name, bus.downcase)
+ if @vm.is_running?
+ step "drive \"#{name}\" is detected by Tails"
+ end
+Then /^drive "([^"]+)" is detected by Tails$/ do |name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ if @vm.is_running?
+ try_for(10, :msg => "Drive '#{name}' is not detected by Tails") {
+ @vm.disk_detected?(name)
+ }
+ else
+ STDERR.puts "Cannot tell if drive '#{name}' is detected by Tails: " +
+ "Tails is not running"
+ end
+Given /^the network is plugged$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.plug_network
+Given /^the network is unplugged$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.unplug_network
+Given /^I capture all network traffic$/ do
+ # Note: We don't want skip this particular stpe if
+ # @skip_steps_while_restoring_background is set since it starts
+ # something external to the VM state.
+ @sniffer ="TestSniffer",
+ @sniffer.capture
+Given /^I set Tails to boot with options "([^"]*)"$/ do |options|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @boot_options = options
+When /^I start the computer$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(!@vm.is_running?,
+ "Trying to start a VM that is already running")
+ @vm.start
+ post_vm_start_hook
+Given /^I start Tails from DVD(| with network unplugged) and I login$/ do |network_unplugged|
+ # we don't @skip_steps_while_restoring_background as we're only running
+ # other steps, that are taking care of it *if* they have to
+ step "the computer is set to boot from the Tails DVD"
+ if network_unplugged.empty?
+ step "the network is plugged"
+ else
+ step "the network is unplugged"
+ end
+ step "I start the computer"
+ step "the computer boots Tails"
+ step "I log in to a new session"
+ step "Tails seems to have booted normally"
+ if network_unplugged.empty?
+ step "Tor is ready"
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ step "available upgrades have been checked"
+ else
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ end
+Given /^I start Tails from (.+?) drive "(.+?)"(| with network unplugged) and I login(| with(| read-only) persistence password "([^"]+)")$/ do |drive_type, drive_name, network_unplugged, persistence_on, persistence_ro, persistence_pwd|
+ # we don't @skip_steps_while_restoring_background as we're only running
+ # other steps, that are taking care of it *if* they have to
+ step "the computer is set to boot from #{drive_type} drive \"#{drive_name}\""
+ if network_unplugged.empty?
+ step "the network is plugged"
+ else
+ step "the network is unplugged"
+ end
+ step "I start the computer"
+ step "the computer boots Tails"
+ if ! persistence_on.empty?
+ assert(! persistence_pwd.empty?, "A password must be provided when enabling persistence")
+ if persistence_ro.empty?
+ step "I enable persistence with password \"#{persistence_pwd}\""
+ else
+ step "I enable read-only persistence with password \"#{persistence_pwd}\""
+ end
+ end
+ step "I log in to a new session"
+ step "Tails seems to have booted normally"
+ if network_unplugged.empty?
+ step "Tor is ready"
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ step "available upgrades have been checked"
+ else
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ end
+When /^I power off the computer$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(@vm.is_running?,
+ "Trying to power off an already powered off VM")
+ @vm.power_off
+When /^I cold reboot the computer$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "I power off the computer"
+ step "I start the computer"
+When /^I destroy the computer$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.destroy
+Given /^the computer (re)?boots Tails$/ do |reboot|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ case @os_loader
+ when "UEFI"
+ assert(!reboot, "Testing of reboot with UEFI enabled is not implemented")
+ bootsplash = 'TailsBootSplashUEFI.png'
+ bootsplash_tab_msg = 'TailsBootSplashTabMsgUEFI.png'
+ boot_timeout = 30
+ else
+ if reboot
+ bootsplash = 'TailsBootSplashPostReset.png'
+ bootsplash_tab_msg = 'TailsBootSplashTabMsgPostReset.png'
+ boot_timeout = 120
+ else
+ bootsplash = 'TailsBootSplash.png'
+ bootsplash_tab_msg = 'TailsBootSplashTabMsg.png'
+ boot_timeout = 30
+ end
+ end
+ @screen.wait(bootsplash, boot_timeout)
+ @screen.wait(bootsplash_tab_msg, 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ @screen.waitVanish(bootsplash_tab_msg, 1)
+ @screen.type(" autotest_never_use_this_option #{@boot_options}" +
+ Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait('TailsGreeter.png', 30*60)
+ @vm.wait_until_remote_shell_is_up
+ activate_filesystem_shares
+Given /^I log in to a new session$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterLoginButton.png', 10)
+Given /^I enable more Tails Greeter options$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ match = @screen.find('TailsGreeterMoreOptions.png')
+, match.h*2))
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterForward.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('TailsGreeterLoginButton.png', 20)
+Given /^I set sudo password "([^"]*)"$/ do |password|
+ @sudo_password = password
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait("TailsGreeterAdminPassword.png", 20)
+ @screen.type(@sudo_password)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ @screen.type(@sudo_password)
+Given /^Tails Greeter has dealt with the sudo password$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ f1 = "/etc/sudoers.d/tails-greeter"
+ f2 = "#{f1}-no-password-lecture"
+ try_for(20) {
+ @vm.execute("test -e '#{f1}' -o -e '#{f2}'").success?
+ }
+Given /^GNOME has started$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ case @theme
+ when "windows"
+ desktop_started_picture = 'WindowsStartButton.png'
+ else
+ desktop_started_picture = 'GnomeApplicationsMenu.png'
+ end
+ @screen.wait(desktop_started_picture, 180)
+Then /^Tails seems to have booted normally$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "GNOME has started"
+Given /^Tor is ready$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait("GnomeTorIsReady.png", 300)
+ @screen.waitVanish("GnomeTorIsReady.png", 15)
+ # Having seen the "Tor is ready" notification implies that Tor has
+ # built a circuit, but let's check it directly to be on the safe side.
+ step "Tor has built a circuit"
+ step "the time has synced"
+Given /^Tor has built a circuit$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ wait_until_tor_is_working
+Given /^the time has synced$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ ["/var/run/tordate/done", "/var/run/htpdate/success"].each do |file|
+ try_for(300) { @vm.execute("test -e #{file}").success? }
+ end
+Given /^available upgrades have been checked$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ try_for(300) {
+ @vm.execute("test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'").success?
+ }
+Given /^the Tor Browser has started$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ case @theme
+ when "windows"
+ tor_browser_picture = "WindowsTorBrowserWindow.png"
+ else
+ tor_browser_picture = "TorBrowserWindow.png"
+ end
+ @screen.wait(tor_browser_picture, 60)
+Given /^the Tor Browser has started and loaded the startup page$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "the Tor Browser has started"
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserStartupPage.png", 120)
+Given /^the Tor Browser has started in offline mode$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserOffline.png", 60)
+Given /^I add a bookmark to in the Tor Browser$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ url = ""
+ step "I open the address \"#{url}\" in the Tor Browser"
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserOffline.png", 5)
+ @screen.type("d", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserBookmarkPrompt.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(url + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^the Tor Browser has a bookmark to$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.type("b", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserEFFBookmark.png", 10)
+Given /^all notifications have disappeared$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ case @theme
+ when "windows"
+ notification_picture = "WindowsNotificationX.png"
+ else
+ notification_picture = "GnomeNotificationX.png"
+ end
+ @screen.waitVanish(notification_picture, 60)
+Given /^I save the state so the background can be restored next scenario$/ do
+ if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(File.size?($background_snapshot),
+ "We have been skipping steps but there is no snapshot to restore")
+ else
+ # To be sure we run the feature from scratch we remove any
+ # leftover snapshot that wasn't removed.
+ if File.exist?($background_snapshot)
+ File.delete($background_snapshot)
+ end
+ # Workaround: when libvirt takes ownership of the snapshot it may
+ # become unwritable for the user running this script so it cannot
+ # be removed during clean up.
+ FileUtils.touch($background_snapshot)
+ FileUtils.chmod(0666, $background_snapshot)
+ # Snapshots cannot be saved while filesystem shares are mounted
+ # XXX-9p: See XXX-9p above.
+ #deactivate_filesystem_shares
+ @vm.save_snapshot($background_snapshot)
+ end
+ restore_background
+ # Now we stop skipping steps from the snapshot restore.
+ @skip_steps_while_restoring_background = false
+Then /^I see "([^"]*)" after at most (\d+) seconds$/ do |image, time|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait(image, time.to_i)
+Then /^all Internet traffic has only flowed through Tor$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ leaks =, get_tor_relays)
+ if !leaks.empty?
+ if !leaks.ipv4_tcp_leaks.empty?
+ puts "The following IPv4 TCP non-Tor Internet hosts were contacted:"
+ puts leaks.ipv4_tcp_leaks.join("\n")
+ puts
+ end
+ if !leaks.ipv4_nontcp_leaks.empty?
+ puts "The following IPv4 non-TCP Internet hosts were contacted:"
+ puts leaks.ipv4_nontcp_leaks.join("\n")
+ puts
+ end
+ if !leaks.ipv6_leaks.empty?
+ puts "The following IPv6 Internet hosts were contacted:"
+ puts leaks.ipv6_leaks.join("\n")
+ puts
+ end
+ if !leaks.nonip_leaks.empty?
+ puts "Some non-IP packets were sent\n"
+ end
+ save_pcap_file
+ raise "There were network leaks!"
+ end
+Given /^I enter the sudo password in the gksu prompt$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait('GksuAuthPrompt.png', 60)
+ sleep 1 # wait for weird fade-in to unblock the "Ok" button
+ @screen.type(@sudo_password)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.waitVanish('GksuAuthPrompt.png', 10)
+Given /^I enter the sudo password in the pkexec prompt$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "I enter the \"#{@sudo_password}\" password in the pkexec prompt"
+def deal_with_polkit_prompt (image, password)
+ @screen.wait(image, 60)
+ sleep 1 # wait for weird fade-in to unblock the "Ok" button
+ @screen.type(password)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.waitVanish(image, 10)
+Given /^I enter the "([^"]*)" password in the pkexec prompt$/ do |password|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ deal_with_polkit_prompt('PolicyKitAuthPrompt.png', password)
+Given /^process "([^"]+)" is running$/ do |process|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(@vm.has_process?(process),
+ "Process '#{process}' is not running")
+Given /^process "([^"]+)" is running within (\d+) seconds$/ do |process, time|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ try_for(time.to_i, :msg => "Process '#{process}' is not running after " +
+ "waiting for #{time} seconds") do
+ @vm.has_process?(process)
+ end
+Given /^process "([^"]+)" is not running$/ do |process|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(!@vm.has_process?(process),
+ "Process '#{process}' is running")
+Given /^I kill the process "([^"]+)"$/ do |process|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.execute("killall #{process}")
+ try_for(10, :msg => "Process '#{process}' could not be killed") {
+ !@vm.has_process?(process)
+ }
+Then /^Tails eventually shuts down$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ nr_gibs_of_ram = (detected_ram_in_MiB.to_f/(2**10)).ceil
+ timeout = nr_gibs_of_ram*5*60
+ try_for(timeout, :msg => "VM is still running after #{timeout} seconds") do
+ ! @vm.is_running?
+ end
+Then /^Tails eventually restarts$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ nr_gibs_of_ram = (detected_ram_in_MiB.to_f/(2**10)).ceil
+ @screen.wait('TailsBootSplashPostReset.png', nr_gibs_of_ram*5*60)
+Given /^I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.execute("poweroff")
+ step 'Tails eventually shuts down'
+When /^I request a shutdown using the emergency shutdown applet$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownHalt.png', 10)
+When /^I warm reboot the computer$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.execute("reboot")
+When /^I request a reboot using the emergency shutdown applet$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownReboot.png', 10)
+Given /^package "([^"]+)" is installed$/ do |package|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(@vm.execute("dpkg -s '#{package}' 2>/dev/null | grep -qs '^Status:.*installed$'").success?,
+ "Package '#{package}' is not installed")
+When /^I start the Tor Browser$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ case @theme
+ when "windows"
+ step 'I click the start menu'
+ @screen.wait_and_click("WindowsApplicationsInternet.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("WindowsApplicationsTorBrowser.png", 10)
+ else
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsInternet.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTorBrowser.png", 10)
+ end
+When /^I start the Tor Browser in offline mode$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "I start the Tor Browser"
+ case @theme
+ when "windows"
+ @screen.wait_and_click("WindowsTorBrowserOfflinePrompt.png", 10)
+ else
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TorBrowserOfflinePrompt.png", 10)
+ end
+def xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, chroot)
+ expected_absent_tbb_libs = ['']
+ absent_tbb_libs = []
+ unwanted_native_libs = []
+ tbb_libs = @vm.execute_successfully(
+ ". /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/; " +
+ "ls -1 #{chroot}${TBB_INSTALL}/Browser/*.so"
+ ).stdout.split
+ firefox_pmap_info = @vm.execute("pmap #{pid}").stdout
+ for lib in tbb_libs do
+ lib_name = File.basename lib
+ if not /\W#{lib}$/.match firefox_pmap_info
+ absent_tbb_libs << lib_name
+ end
+ native_libs = @vm.execute_successfully(
+ "find /usr/lib /lib -name \"#{lib_name}\""
+ ).stdout.split
+ for native_lib in native_libs do
+ if /\W#{native_lib}$"/.match firefox_pmap_info
+ unwanted_native_libs << lib_name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ absent_tbb_libs -= expected_absent_tbb_libs
+ assert(absent_tbb_libs.empty? && unwanted_native_libs.empty?,
+ "The loaded shared libraries for the firefox process are not the " +
+ "way we expect them.\n" +
+ "Expected TBB libs that are absent: #{absent_tbb_libs}\n" +
+ "Native libs that we don't want: #{unwanted_native_libs}")
+Then /^(.*) uses all expected TBB shared libraries$/ do |application|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ binary = @vm.execute_successfully(
+ '. /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/; ' +
+ 'echo ${TBB_INSTALL}/Browser/firefox'
+ ).stdout.chomp
+ case application
+ when "the Tor Browser"
+ user = $live_user
+ cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.tor-browser/profile\.default"
+ chroot = ""
+ when "the Unsafe Browser"
+ user = "clearnet"
+ cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.tor-browser/profile\.default"
+ chroot = "/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot"
+ when "Tor Launcher"
+ user = "tor-launcher"
+ cmd_regex = "#{binary} -app /home/#{user}/\.tor-launcher/tor-launcher-standalone/application\.ini"
+ chroot = ""
+ else
+ raise "Invalid browser or XUL application: #{application}"
+ end
+ pid = @vm.execute_successfully("pgrep --uid #{user} --full --exact '#{cmd_regex}'").stdout.chomp
+ assert(/\A\d+\z/.match(pid), "It seems like #{application} is not running")
+ xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, chroot)
+Given /^I add a wired DHCP NetworkManager connection called "([^"]+)"$/ do |con_name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ con_content = <<EOF
+ con_content.split("\n").each do |line|
+ @vm.execute("echo '#{line}' >> /tmp/NM.#{con_name}")
+ end
+ @vm.execute("install -m 0600 '/tmp/NM.#{con_name}' '/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/#{con_name}'")
+ try_for(10) {
+ nm_con_list = @vm.execute("nmcli --terse --fields NAME con list").stdout
+ nm_con_list.split("\n").include? "#{con_name}"
+ }
+Given /^I switch to the "([^"]+)" NetworkManager connection$/ do |con_name|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @vm.execute("nmcli con up id #{con_name}")
+ try_for(60) {
+ @vm.execute("nmcli --terse --fields NAME,STATE con status").stdout.chomp == "#{con_name}:activated"
+ }
+When /^I start and focus GNOME Terminal$/ do
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsMenu.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsAccessories.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeApplicationsTerminal.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeTerminalWindow.png', 20)
+When /^I run "([^"]+)" in GNOME Terminal$/ do |command|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ step "I start and focus GNOME Terminal"
+ @screen.type(command + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+When /^the file "([^"]+)" exists$/ do |file|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ assert(@vm.file_exist?(file))
+When /^I copy "([^"]+)" to "([^"]+)" as user "([^"]+)"$/ do |source, destination, user|
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ c = @vm.execute("cp \"#{source}\" \"#{destination}\"", $live_user)
+ assert(c.success?, "Failed to copy file:\n#{c.stdout}\n#{c.stderr}")
+Given /^the USB drive "([^"]+)" contains Tails with persistence configured and password "([^"]+)"$/ do |drive, password|
+ step "a computer"
+ step "I start Tails from DVD with network unplugged and I login"
+ step "I create a new 4 GiB USB drive named \"#{drive}\""
+ step "I plug USB drive \"#{drive}\""
+ step "I \"Clone & Install\" Tails to USB drive \"#{drive}\""
+ step "there is no persistence partition on USB drive \"#{drive}\""
+ step "I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off"
+ step "a computer"
+ step "I start Tails from USB drive \"#{drive}\" with network unplugged and I login"
+ step "I create a persistent partition with password \"#{password}\""
+ step "a Tails persistence partition with password \"#{password}\" exists on USB drive \"#{drive}\""
+ step "I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off"