path: root/cucumber/features/step_definitions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cucumber/features/step_definitions')
27 files changed, 4724 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/apt.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/apt.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c69d2598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/apt.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require 'uri'
+Given /^the only hosts in APT sources are "([^"]*)"$/ do |hosts_str|
+ hosts = hosts_str.split(',')
+ $vm.file_content("/etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*").chomp.each_line { |line|
+ next if ! line.start_with? "deb"
+ source_host = URI(line.split[1]).host
+ if !hosts.include?(source_host)
+ raise "Bad APT source '#{line}'"
+ end
+ }
+When /^I update APT using apt$/ do
+ Timeout::timeout(30*60) do
+ $vm.execute_successfully("echo #{@sudo_password} | " +
+ "sudo -S apt update", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ end
+Then /^I should be able to install a package using apt$/ do
+ package = "cowsay"
+ Timeout::timeout(120) do
+ $vm.execute_successfully("echo #{@sudo_password} | " +
+ "sudo -S apt install #{package}",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
+ end
+ step "package \"#{package}\" is installed"
+When /^I update APT using Synaptic$/ do
+ @screen.wait('SynapticReloadPrompt.png', 20)
+ @screen.waitVanish('SynapticReloadPrompt.png', 30*60)
+Then /^I should be able to install a package using Synaptic$/ do
+ package = "cowsay"
+ try_for(60) do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('SynapticSearchButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('SynapticSearchWindow.png', 10)
+ end
+ @screen.type(package + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait_and_double_click('SynapticCowsaySearchResult.png', 20)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('SynapticApplyButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('SynapticApplyPrompt.png', 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait('SynapticChangesAppliedPrompt.png', 240)
+ step "package \"#{package}\" is installed"
+When /^I start Synaptic$/ do
+ step 'I start "Synaptic" via the GNOME "System" applications menu'
+ deal_with_polkit_prompt('PolicyKitAuthPrompt.png', @sudo_password)
+ @screen.wait('SynapticReloadButton.png', 30)
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/browser.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/browser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84ef1d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/browser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Then /^I see the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser start notification and wait for it to close$/ do |browser_type|
+ robust_notification_wait("#{browser_type}BrowserStartNotification.png", 60)
+Then /^the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser has started$/ do |browser_type|
+ case browser_type
+ when 'Unsafe'
+ @screen.wait("UnsafeBrowserHomepage.png", 360)
+ when 'I2P'
+ step 'the I2P router console is displayed in I2P Browser'
+ end
+When /^I start the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser(?: through the GNOME menu)?$/ do |browser_type|
+ step "I start \"#{browser_type}Browser\" via the GNOME \"Internet\" applications menu"
+When /^I successfully start the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser$/ do |browser_type|
+ step "I start the #{browser_type} Browser"
+ step "I see and accept the Unsafe Browser start verification" unless browser_type == 'I2P'
+ step "I see the #{browser_type} Browser start notification and wait for it to close"
+ step "the #{browser_type} Browser has started"
+When /^I close the (?:Unsafe|I2P) Browser$/ do
+ @screen.type("q", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+Then /^I see the (Unsafe|I2P) Browser stop notification$/ do |browser_type|
+ robust_notification_wait("#{browser_type}BrowserStopNotification.png", 60)
+def xul_application_info(application)
+ binary = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ 'echo ${TBB_INSTALL}/firefox', :libs => 'tor-browser'
+ ).stdout.chomp
+ address_bar_image = "BrowserAddressBar.png"
+ unused_tbb_libs = ['']
+ case application
+ when "Tor Browser"
+ user = LIVE_USER
+ cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.tor-browser/profile\.default"
+ chroot = ""
+ new_tab_button_image = "TorBrowserNewTabButton.png"
+ when "Unsafe Browser"
+ user = "clearnet"
+ cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.unsafe-browser/profile\.default"
+ chroot = "/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot"
+ new_tab_button_image = "UnsafeBrowserNewTabButton.png"
+ when "I2P Browser"
+ user = "i2pbrowser"
+ cmd_regex = "#{binary} .* -profile /home/#{user}/\.i2p-browser/profile\.default"
+ chroot = "/var/lib/i2p-browser/chroot"
+ new_tab_button_image = "I2PBrowserNewTabButton.png"
+ when "Tor Launcher"
+ user = "tor-launcher"
+ # We do not enable AppArmor confinement for the Tor Launcher.
+ binary = "#{binary}-unconfined"
+ tor_launcher_install = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ 'echo ${TOR_LAUNCHER_INSTALL}', :libs => 'tor-browser'
+ ).stdout.chomp
+ cmd_regex = "#{binary}\s+-app #{tor_launcher_install}/application\.ini.*"
+ chroot = ""
+ new_tab_button_image = nil
+ address_bar_image = nil
+ # The standalone Tor Launcher uses fewer libs than the full
+ # browser.
+ unused_tbb_libs.concat(["", "", ""])
+ else
+ raise "Invalid browser or XUL application: #{application}"
+ end
+ return {
+ :user => user,
+ :cmd_regex => cmd_regex,
+ :chroot => chroot,
+ :new_tab_button_image => new_tab_button_image,
+ :address_bar_image => address_bar_image,
+ :unused_tbb_libs => unused_tbb_libs,
+ }
+When /^I open a new tab in the (.*)$/ do |browser|
+ info = xul_application_info(browser)
+ @screen.wait(info[:address_bar_image], 10)
+When /^I open the address "([^"]*)" in the (.*)$/ do |address, browser|
+ step "I open a new tab in the #{browser}"
+ info = xul_application_info(browser)
+ open_address = do
+ # This static here since we have no reliable visual indicators
+ # that we can watch to know when typing is "safe".
+ sleep 5
+ # The browser sometimes loses keypresses when suggestions are
+ # shown, which we work around by pasting the address from the
+ # clipboard, in one go.
+ $vm.set_clipboard(address)
+ @screen.type('v', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ end
+ if browser == "Tor Browser"
+ recovery_on_failure = do
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ @screen.waitVanish('BrowserReloadButton.png', 3)
+ end
+ retry_tor(recovery_on_failure) do
+ @screen.wait('BrowserReloadButton.png', 120)
+ end
+ end
+Then /^the (.*) has no plugins installed$/ do |browser|
+ step "I open the address \"about:plugins\" in the #{browser}"
+ step "I see \"TorBrowserNoPlugins.png\" after at most 30 seconds"
+def xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, chroot, expected_absent_tbb_libs = [])
+ absent_tbb_libs = []
+ unwanted_native_libs = []
+ tbb_libs = $vm.execute_successfully("ls -1 #{chroot}${TBB_INSTALL}/*.so",
+ :libs => 'tor-browser').stdout.split
+ firefox_pmap_info = $vm.execute("pmap --show-path #{pid}").stdout
+ for lib in tbb_libs do
+ lib_name = File.basename lib
+ if not /\W#{lib}$/.match firefox_pmap_info
+ absent_tbb_libs << lib_name
+ end
+ native_libs = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "find /usr/lib /lib -name \"#{lib_name}\""
+ ).stdout.split
+ for native_lib in native_libs do
+ if /\W#{native_lib}$"/.match firefox_pmap_info
+ unwanted_native_libs << lib_name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ absent_tbb_libs -= expected_absent_tbb_libs
+ assert(absent_tbb_libs.empty? && unwanted_native_libs.empty?,
+ "The loaded shared libraries for the firefox process are not the " +
+ "way we expect them.\n" +
+ "Expected TBB libs that are absent: #{absent_tbb_libs}\n" +
+ "Native libs that we don't want: #{unwanted_native_libs}")
+Then /^the (.*) uses all expected TBB shared libraries$/ do |application|
+ info = xul_application_info(application)
+ pid = $vm.execute_successfully("pgrep --uid #{info[:user]} --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'").stdout.chomp
+ assert(/\A\d+\z/.match(pid), "It seems like #{application} is not running")
+ xul_app_shared_lib_check(pid, info[:chroot], info[:unused_tbb_libs])
+Then /^the (.*) chroot is torn down$/ do |browser|
+ info = xul_application_info(browser)
+ try_for(30, :msg => "The #{browser} chroot '#{info[:chroot]}' was " \
+ "not removed") do
+ !$vm.execute("test -d '#{info[:chroot]}'").success?
+ end
+Then /^the (.*) runs as the expected user$/ do |browser|
+ info = xul_application_info(browser)
+ assert_vmcommand_success($vm.execute(
+ "pgrep --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'"),
+ "The #{browser} is not running")
+ assert_vmcommand_success($vm.execute(
+ "pgrep --uid #{info[:user]} --full --exact '#{info[:cmd_regex]}'"),
+ "The #{browser} is not running as the #{info[:user]} user")
+When /^I download some file in the Tor Browser$/ do
+ @some_file = 'tails-signing.key'
+ some_url = "{@some_file}"
+ step "I open the address \"#{some_url}\" in the Tor Browser"
+Then /^I get the browser download dialog$/ do
+ @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadDialog.png', 60)
+ @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadDialogSaveAsButton.png', 10)
+When /^I save the file to the default Tor Browser download directory$/ do
+ @screen.wait('BrowserDownloadFileToDialog.png', 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Then /^the file is saved to the default Tor Browser download directory$/ do
+ assert_not_nil(@some_file)
+ expected_path = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Tor Browser/#{@some_file}"
+ try_for(10) { $vm.file_exist?(expected_path) }
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/build.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/build.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd001ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/build.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Given /^Tails ([[:alnum:].]+) has been released$/ do |version|
+ create_git unless git_exists?
+ old_branch = current_branch
+ fatal_system "git checkout --quiet stable"
+ old_entries ='debian/changelog') { |f| }
+'debian/changelog', 'w') do |changelog|
+ changelog.write(<<END_OF_CHANGELOG)
+tails (#{version}) stable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Tails developers <> Tue, 31 Jan 2012 15:12:57 +0100
+ end
+ fatal_system "git commit --quiet debian/changelog -m 'Release #{version}'"
+ fatal_system "git tag '#{version}'"
+ if old_branch != 'stable'
+ fatal_system "git checkout --quiet '#{old_branch}'"
+ fatal_system "git merge --quiet 'stable'"
+ end
+Given /^Tails ([[:alnum:].-]+) has been tagged$/ do |version|
+ fatal_system "git tag '#{version}'"
+Given /^Tails ([[:alnum:].]+) has not been released yet$/ do |version|
+ !File.exists? ".git/refs/tags/#{version}"
+Given /^the last version mentioned in debian\/changelog is ([[:alnum:]~.]+)$/ do |version|
+ last = `dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version: / { print $2 }'`.strip
+ raise'dpkg-parsechangelog failed.') if $? != 0
+ if last != version
+ fatal_system "debchange -v '#{version}' 'New upstream release'"
+ end
+Given %r{I am working on the ([[:alnum:]./_-]+) base branch$} do |branch|
+ create_git unless git_exists?
+ if current_branch != branch
+ fatal_system "git checkout --quiet '#{branch}'"
+ end
+'config/base_branch', 'w+') do |base_branch_file|
+ base_branch_file.write("#{branch}\n")
+ end
+Given %r{I am working on the ([[:alnum:]./_-]+) branch based on ([[:alnum:]./_-]+)$} do |branch, base|
+ create_git unless git_exists?
+ if current_branch != branch
+ fatal_system "git checkout --quiet -b '#{branch}' '#{base}'"
+ end
+'config/base_branch', 'w+') do |base_branch_file|
+ base_branch_file.write("#{base}\n")
+ end
+When /^I successfully run ([[:alnum:]-]+)$/ do |command|
+ @output = `#{File.expand_path("../../../auto/scripts/#{command}", __FILE__)}`
+ raise"#{command} failed. Exit code: #{$?}") if $? != 0
+When /^I run ([[:alnum:]-]+)$/ do |command|
+ @output = `#{File.expand_path("../../../auto/scripts/#{command}", __FILE__)}`
+ @exit_code = $?.exitstatus
+Then /^I should see the ['"]?([[:alnum:].-]+)['"]? suite$/ do |suite|
+ @output.should have_suite(suite)
+Then /^I should see only the ['"]?([[:alnum:].-]+)['"]? suite$/ do |suite|
+ assert_equal(1, @output.lines.count)
+ @output.should have_suite(suite)
+Then /^I should not see the ['"]?([[:alnum:].-]+)['"]? suite$/ do |suite|
+ @output.should_not have_suite(suite)
+Given(/^the config\/APT_overlays\.d directory is empty$/) do
+ Dir.glob('config/APT_overlays.d/*').empty? \
+ or raise "config/APT_overlays.d/ is not empty"
+Given(/^config\/APT_overlays\.d contains ['"]?([[:alnum:].-]+)['"]?$/) do |suite|
+ FileUtils.touch("config/APT_overlays.d/#{suite}")
+Then(/^it should fail$/) do
+ assert_not_equal(0, @exit_code)
+Given(/^the (config\/base_branch) file does not exist$/) do |file|
+ File.delete(file)
+Given(/^the (config\/APT_overlays\.d) directory does not exist$/) do |dir|
+ Dir.rmdir(dir)
+Given(/^the config\/base_branch file is empty$/) do
+ File.truncate('config/base_branch', 0)
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/checks.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/checks.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..423b8390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/checks.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+def shipped_openpgp_keys
+ shipped_gpg_keys = $vm.execute_successfully('gpg --batch --with-colons --fingerprint --list-key', :user => LIVE_USER).stdout
+ openpgp_fingerprints = shipped_gpg_keys.scan(/^fpr:::::::::([A-Z0-9]+):$/).flatten
+ return openpgp_fingerprints
+Then /^the OpenPGP keys shipped with Tails will be valid for the next (\d+) months$/ do |months|
+ invalid =
+ shipped_openpgp_keys.each do |key|
+ begin
+ step "the shipped OpenPGP key #{key} will be valid for the next #{months} months"
+ rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
+ invalid << key
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ assert(invalid.empty?, "The following key(s) will not be valid in #{months} months: #{invalid.join(', ')}")
+Then /^the shipped (?:Debian repository key|OpenPGP key ([A-Z0-9]+)) will be valid for the next (\d+) months$/ do |fingerprint, max_months|
+ if fingerprint
+ cmd = 'gpg'
+ user = LIVE_USER
+ else
+ fingerprint = TAILS_DEBIAN_REPO_KEY
+ cmd = 'apt-key adv'
+ user = 'root'
+ end
+ shipped_sig_key_info = $vm.execute_successfully("#{cmd} --batch --list-key #{fingerprint}", :user => user).stdout
+ m = /\[expire[ds]: ([0-9-]*)\]/.match(shipped_sig_key_info)
+ if m
+ expiration_date = Date.parse(m[1])
+ assert((expiration_date << max_months.to_i) >,
+ "The shipped key #{fingerprint} will not be valid #{max_months} months from now.")
+ end
+Then /^I double-click the Report an Error launcher on the desktop$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_double_click('DesktopReportAnError.png', 30)
+Then /^the live user has been setup by live\-boot$/ do
+ assert($vm.execute("test -e /var/lib/live/config/user-setup").success?,
+ "live-boot failed its user-setup")
+ actual_username = $vm.execute(". /etc/live/config/username.conf; " +
+ "echo $LIVE_USERNAME").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal(LIVE_USER, actual_username)
+Then /^the live user is a member of only its own group and "(.*?)"$/ do |groups|
+ expected_groups = groups.split(" ") << LIVE_USER
+ actual_groups = $vm.execute("groups #{LIVE_USER}").stdout.chomp.sub(/^#{LIVE_USER} : /, "").split(" ")
+ unexpected = actual_groups - expected_groups
+ missing = expected_groups - actual_groups
+ assert_equal(0, unexpected.size,
+ "live user in unexpected groups #{unexpected}")
+ assert_equal(0, missing.size,
+ "live user not in expected groups #{missing}")
+Then /^the live user owns its home dir and it has normal permissions$/ do
+ home = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}"
+ assert($vm.execute("test -d #{home}").success?,
+ "The live user's home doesn't exist or is not a directory")
+ owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U:%G #{home}").stdout.chomp
+ perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a #{home}").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("#{LIVE_USER}:#{LIVE_USER}", owner)
+ assert_equal("700", perms)
+Then /^no unexpected services are listening for network connections$/ do
+ netstat_cmd = $vm.execute("netstat -ltupn")
+ assert netstat_cmd.success?
+ for line in netstat_cmd.stdout.chomp.split("\n") do
+ splitted = line.split(/[[:blank:]]+/)
+ proto = splitted[0]
+ if proto == "tcp"
+ proc_index = 6
+ elsif proto == "udp"
+ proc_index = 5
+ else
+ next
+ end
+ laddr, lport = splitted[3].split(":")
+ proc = splitted[proc_index].split("/")[1]
+ # Services listening on loopback is not a threat
+ if /127(\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}){3}/.match(laddr).nil?
+ if SERVICES_EXPECTED_ON_ALL_IFACES.include? [proc, laddr, lport] or
+ SERVICES_EXPECTED_ON_ALL_IFACES.include? [proc, laddr, "*"]
+ puts "Service '#{proc}' is listening on #{laddr}:#{lport} " +
+ "but has an exception"
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected service '#{proc}' listening on #{laddr}:#{lport}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+When /^Tails has booted a 64-bit kernel$/ do
+ assert($vm.execute("uname -r | grep -qs 'amd64$'").success?,
+ "Tails has not booted a 64-bit kernel.")
+Then /^there is no screenshot in the live user's Pictures directory$/ do
+ pictures_directory = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Pictures"
+ assert($vm.execute(
+ "find '#{pictures_directory}' -name 'Screenshot*.png' -maxdepth 1"
+ ).stdout.empty?,
+ "Existing screenshots were found in the live user's Pictures directory.")
+Then /^a screenshot is saved to the live user's Pictures directory$/ do
+ pictures_directory = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Pictures"
+ try_for(10, :msg=> "No screenshot was created in #{pictures_directory}") do
+ !$vm.execute(
+ "find '#{pictures_directory}' -name 'Screenshot*.png' -maxdepth 1"
+ ).stdout.empty?
+ end
+Then /^the VirtualBox guest modules are available$/ do
+ assert($vm.execute("modinfo vboxguest").success?,
+ "The vboxguest module is not available.")
+Given /^I setup a filesystem share containing a sample PDF$/ do
+ shared_pdf_dir_on_host = "#{$config["TMPDIR"]}/shared_pdf_dir"
+ @shared_pdf_dir_on_guest = "/tmp/shared_pdf_dir"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(shared_pdf_dir_on_host)
+ Dir.glob("#{MISC_FILES_DIR}/*.pdf") do |pdf_file|
+ FileUtils.cp(pdf_file, shared_pdf_dir_on_host)
+ end
+ add_after_scenario_hook { FileUtils.rm_r(shared_pdf_dir_on_host) }
+ $vm.add_share(shared_pdf_dir_on_host, @shared_pdf_dir_on_guest)
+Then /^the support documentation page opens in Tor Browser$/ do
+ @screen.wait("SupportDocumentation#{@language}.png", 120)
+Then /^MAT can clean some sample PDF file$/ do
+ for pdf_on_host in Dir.glob("#{MISC_FILES_DIR}/*.pdf") do
+ pdf_name = File.basename(pdf_on_host)
+ pdf_on_guest = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/#{pdf_name}"
+ step "I copy \"#{@shared_pdf_dir_on_guest}/#{pdf_name}\" to \"#{pdf_on_guest}\" as user \"#{LIVE_USER}\""
+ check_before = $vm.execute_successfully("mat --check '#{pdf_on_guest}'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).stdout
+ assert(check_before.include?("#{pdf_on_guest} is not clean"),
+ "MAT failed to see that '#{pdf_on_host}' is dirty")
+ $vm.execute_successfully("mat '#{pdf_on_guest}'", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ check_after = $vm.execute_successfully("mat --check '#{pdf_on_guest}'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).stdout
+ assert(check_after.include?("#{pdf_on_guest} is clean"),
+ "MAT failed to clean '#{pdf_on_host}'")
+ $vm.execute_successfully("rm '#{pdf_on_guest}'")
+ end
+Then /^AppArmor is enabled$/ do
+ assert($vm.execute("aa-status").success?, "AppArmor is not enabled")
+Then /^some AppArmor profiles are enforced$/ do
+ assert($vm.execute("aa-status --enforced").stdout.chomp.to_i > 0,
+ "No AppArmor profile is enforced")
+def get_seccomp_status(process)
+ assert($vm.has_process?(process), "Process #{process} not running.")
+ pid = $vm.pidof(process)[0]
+ status = $vm.file_content("/proc/#{pid}/status")
+ return status.match(/^Seccomp:\s+([0-9])/)[1].chomp.to_i
+def get_apparmor_status(pid)
+ apparmor_status = $vm.file_content("/proc/#{pid}/attr/current").chomp
+ if apparmor_status.include?(')')
+ # matches something like /usr/sbin/cupsd (enforce)
+ # and only returns what's in the parentheses
+ return apparmor_status.match(/[^\s]+\s+\((.+)\)$/)[1].chomp
+ else
+ return apparmor_status
+ end
+Then /^the running process "(.+)" is confined with AppArmor in (complain|enforce) mode$/ do |process, mode|
+ if process == 'i2p'
+ $vm.execute_successfully('service i2p status')
+ pid = $vm.file_content('/run/i2p/').chomp
+ else
+ assert($vm.has_process?(process), "Process #{process} not running.")
+ pid = $vm.pidof(process)[0]
+ end
+ assert_equal(mode, get_apparmor_status(pid))
+Then /^the running process "(.+)" is confined with Seccomp in (filter|strict) mode$/ do |process,mode|
+ status = get_seccomp_status(process)
+ if mode == 'strict'
+ assert_equal(1, status, "#{process} not confined with Seccomp in strict mode")
+ elsif mode == 'filter'
+ assert_equal(2, status, "#{process} not confined with Seccomp in filter mode")
+ else
+ raise "Unsupported mode #{mode} passed"
+ end
+Then /^tails-debugging-info is not susceptible to symlink attacks$/ do
+ secret_file = '/secret'
+ secret_contents = 'T0P S3Cr1t -- 3yEs oN1y'
+ $vm.file_append(secret_file, secret_contents)
+ $vm.execute_successfully("chmod u=rw,go= #{secret_file}")
+ $vm.execute_successfully("chown root:root #{secret_file}")
+ script_path = '/usr/local/sbin/tails-debugging-info'
+ script_lines = $vm.file_content(script_path).split("\n")
+ script_lines.grep(/^debug_file\s+/).each do |line|
+ _, user, debug_file = line.split
+ # root can always mount symlink attacks
+ next if user == 'root'
+ # Remove quoting around the file
+ debug_file.gsub!(/["']/, '')
+ # Skip files that do not exist, or cannot be removed (e.g. the
+ # ones in /proc).
+ next if not($vm.execute("rm #{debug_file}").success?)
+ # Check what would happen *if* the amnesia user managed to replace
+ # the debugging file with a symlink to the secret.
+ $vm.execute_successfully("ln -s #{secret_file} #{debug_file}")
+ $vm.execute_successfully("chown --no-dereference #{LIVE_USER}:#{LIVE_USER} #{debug_file}")
+ if $vm.execute("sudo /usr/local/sbin/tails-debugging-info | " +
+ "grep '#{secret_contents}'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).success?
+ raise "The secret was leaked by tails-debugging-info via '#{debug_file}'"
+ end
+ # Remove the secret so it cannot possibly interfere with the
+ # following iterations (even though it should not).
+ $vm.execute_successfully("echo > #{debug_file}")
+ end
+When /^I disable all networking in the Tails Greeter$/ do
+ begin
+ rescue FindFailed
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.PAGE_DOWN)
+ end
+Then /^the Tor Status icon tells me that Tor is( not)? usable$/ do |not_usable|
+ picture = not_usable ? 'TorStatusNotUsable' : 'TorStatusUsable'
+ @screen.find("#{picture}.png")
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd03cebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1086 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+def post_vm_start_hook
+ # Sometimes the first click is lost (presumably it's used to give
+ # focus to virt-viewer or similar) so we do that now rather than
+ # having an important click lost. The point we click should be
+ # somewhere where no clickable elements generally reside.
+ @screen.click_point(@screen.w, @screen.h/2)
+def activate_filesystem_shares
+ # XXX-9p: First of all, filesystem shares cannot be mounted while we
+ # do a snapshot save+restore, so unmounting+remounting them seems
+ # like a good idea. However, the 9p modules get into a broken state
+ # during the save+restore, so we also would like to unload+reload
+ # them, but loading of 9pnet_virtio fails after a restore with
+ # "probe of virtio2 failed with error -2" (in dmesg) which makes the
+ # shares unavailable. Hence we leave this code commented for now.
+ #for mod in ["9pnet_virtio", "9p"] do
+ # $vm.execute("modprobe #{mod}")
+ #end
+ $vm.list_shares.each do |share|
+ $vm.execute("mkdir -p #{share}")
+ $vm.execute("mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio #{share} #{share}")
+ end
+def context_menu_helper(top, bottom, menu_item)
+ try_for(60) do
+ t = @screen.wait(top, 10)
+ b = @screen.wait(bottom, 10)
+ # In Sikuli, lower x == closer to the left, lower y == closer to the top
+ assert(t.y < b.y)
+ center = + t.w) + b.x)/2,
+ ((t.y + t.h) + b.y)/2)
+ @screen.right_click(center)
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click(menu_item, 10)
+ return
+ end
+def deactivate_filesystem_shares
+ $vm.list_shares.each do |share|
+ $vm.execute("umount #{share}")
+ end
+ # XXX-9p: See XXX-9p above
+ #for mod in ["9p", "9pnet_virtio"] do
+ # $vm.execute("modprobe -r #{mod}")
+ #end
+# This helper requires that the notification image is the one shown in
+# the notification applet's list, not the notification pop-up.
+def robust_notification_wait(notification_image, time_to_wait)
+ error_msg = "Didn't not manage to open the notification applet"
+ wait_start =
+ try_for(time_to_wait, :delay => 0, :msg => error_msg) do
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait("GnomeNotificationAppletOpened.png", 10)
+ end
+ error_msg = "Didn't not see notification '#{notification_image}'"
+ time_to_wait -= ( - wait_start).ceil
+ try_for(time_to_wait, :delay => 0, :msg => error_msg) do
+ found = false
+ entries = @screen.findAll("GnomeNotificationEntry.png")
+ while(entries.hasNext) do
+ entry =
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ close_entry = @screen.wait("GnomeNotificationEntryClose.png", 10)
+ if @screen.exists(notification_image)
+ found = true
+ break
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ found
+ end
+ # Click anywhere to close the notification applet
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+def post_snapshot_restore_hook
+ $vm.wait_until_remote_shell_is_up
+ post_vm_start_hook
+ # XXX-9p: See XXX-9p above
+ #activate_filesystem_shares
+ # debian-TODO: move to tor feature
+ # The guest's Tor's circuits' states are likely to get out of sync
+ # with the other relays, so we ensure that we have fresh circuits.
+ # Time jumps and incorrect clocks also confuses Tor in many ways.
+ #if $vm.has_network?
+ # if $vm.execute("systemctl --quiet is-active tor@default.service").success?
+ # $vm.execute("systemctl stop tor@default.service")
+ # $vm.execute("rm -f /var/log/tor/log")
+ # $vm.execute("systemctl --no-block restart")
+ # $vm.host_to_guest_time_sync
+ # $vm.spawn("restart-tor")
+ # wait_until_tor_is_working
+ # if $vm.file_content('/proc/cmdline').include?(' i2p')
+ # $vm.execute_successfully('/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p stop')
+ # # we "killall tails-i2p" to prevent multiple
+ # # copies of the script from running
+ # $vm.execute_successfully('killall tails-i2p')
+ # $vm.spawn('/usr/local/sbin/tails-i2p start')
+ # end
+ # end
+ #else
+ # $vm.host_to_guest_time_sync
+ #end
+Given /^a computer$/ do
+ $vm.destroy_and_undefine if $vm
+ $vm =$virt, VM_XML_PATH, $vmnet, $vmstorage, DISPLAY)
+Given /^the computer has (\d+) ([[:alpha:]]+) of RAM$/ do |size, unit|
+ $vm.set_ram_size(size, unit)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot from the Tails DVD$/ do
+ $vm.set_cdrom_boot(TAILS_ISO)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot from (.+?) drive "(.+?)"$/ do |type, name|
+ $vm.set_disk_boot(name, type.downcase)
+Given /^I (temporarily )?create a (\d+) ([[:alpha:]]+) disk named "([^"]+)"$/ do |temporary, size, unit, name|
+ $, {:size => size, :unit => unit,
+ :type => "qcow2"})
+ add_after_scenario_hook { $ } if temporary
+Given /^I plug (.+) drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |bus, name|
+ $vm.plug_drive(name, bus.downcase)
+ if $vm.is_running?
+ step "drive \"#{name}\" is detected by Tails"
+ end
+Then /^drive "([^"]+)" is detected by Tails$/ do |name|
+ raise "Tails is not running" unless $vm.is_running?
+ try_for(10, :msg => "Drive '#{name}' is not detected by Tails") do
+ $vm.disk_detected?(name)
+ end
+Given /^the network is plugged$/ do
+ $vm.plug_network
+Given /^the network is unplugged$/ do
+ $vm.unplug_network
+Given /^the hardware clock is set to "([^"]*)"$/ do |time|
+ $vm.set_hardware_clock(DateTime.parse(time).to_time)
+Given /^I capture all network traffic$/ do
+ @sniffer ="sniffer", $vmnet)
+ @sniffer.capture
+ add_after_scenario_hook do
+ @sniffer.stop
+ @sniffer.clear
+ end
+Given /^I set Tails to boot with options "([^"]*)"$/ do |options|
+ @boot_options = options
+When /^I start the computer$/ do
+ assert(!$vm.is_running?,
+ "Trying to start a VM that is already running")
+ $vm.start
+ post_vm_start_hook
+Given /^I start Tails( from DVD)?( with network unplugged)?( and I login)?$/ do |dvd_boot, network_unplugged, do_login|
+ step "the computer is set to boot from the Tails DVD" if dvd_boot
+ if network_unplugged.nil?
+ step "the network is plugged"
+ else
+ step "the network is unplugged"
+ end
+ step "I start the computer"
+ step "the computer boots Tails"
+ if do_login
+ step "I log in to a new session"
+ step "Tails seems to have booted normally"
+ if network_unplugged.nil?
+ step "Tor is ready"
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ step "available upgrades have been checked"
+ else
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ end
+ end
+Given /^I start Tails from (.+?) drive "(.+?)"(| with network unplugged)( and I login(| with(| read-only) persistence enabled))?$/ do |drive_type, drive_name, network_unplugged, do_login, persistence_on, persistence_ro|
+ step "the computer is set to boot from #{drive_type} drive \"#{drive_name}\""
+ if network_unplugged.empty?
+ step "the network is plugged"
+ else
+ step "the network is unplugged"
+ end
+ step "I start the computer"
+ step "the computer boots Tails"
+ if do_login
+ if ! persistence_on.empty?
+ if persistence_ro.empty?
+ step "I enable persistence"
+ else
+ step "I enable read-only persistence"
+ end
+ end
+ step "I log in to a new session"
+ step "Tails seems to have booted normally"
+ if network_unplugged.empty?
+ step "Tor is ready"
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ step "available upgrades have been checked"
+ else
+ step "all notifications have disappeared"
+ end
+ end
+When /^I power off the computer$/ do
+ assert($vm.is_running?,
+ "Trying to power off an already powered off VM")
+ $vm.power_off
+When /^I cold reboot the computer$/ do
+ step "I power off the computer"
+ step "I start the computer"
+When /^I destroy the computer$/ do
+ $vm.destroy_and_undefine
+Given /^the computer (re)?boots DebianInstaller(|\d+)$/ do |reboot,version|
+ boot_timeout = 30
+ # We need some extra time for memory wiping if rebooting
+ @screen.wait("d-i8_bootsplash.png", boot_timeout)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ @screen.type(' preseed/early_command="echo ttyS0::askfirst:-/bin/sh>>/etc/inittab;kill -HUP 1"' + " blacklist=psmouse #{@boot_options}" +
+ Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ $vm.wait_until_remote_shell_is_up
+Given /^I select British English$/ do
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerSelectLangEnglish.png", 30)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerCountrySelection.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.UP)
+ @screen.waitVanish("DebianInstallerCountrySelection.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerSelectLangEnglishUK.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I accept the hostname, using "([^"]*)" as the domain$/ do |domain|
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerHostnamePrompt.png", 5*60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerDomainPrompt.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(domain + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.waitVanish("DebianInstallerDomainPrompt.png", 10)
+Given /^I set the root password to "([^"]*)"$/ do |rootpw|
+# Root Password, twice
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerRootPassword.png", 30)
+ @screen.type(rootpw + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.waitVanish("DebianInstallerRootPassword.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(rootpw + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I set the password for "([^"]*)" to be "([^"]*)"$/ do |fullname,password|
+# Username, and password twice
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerNameOfUser.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(fullname + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.waitVanish("DebianInstallerNameOfUser.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerUserPassword.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(password + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.waitVanish("DebianInstallerUserPassword.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(password + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ #@screen.wait("DebianInstallerNoDiskFound.png", 60)
+Given /^I select full-disk, single-filesystem partitioning$/ do
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerPartitioningMethod.png", 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerSelectDiskToPartition.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerPartitioningScheme.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_FinishPartitioning.png", 10)
+ sleep(5) # FIXME -- why do we need this? It's weird that the wait is not enough
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ # prompt about Writing Partitions to disk:
+ @screen.wait("d-i_No.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_Yes.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I note that the Base system is being installed$/ do
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerInstallingBaseSystem.png", 30)
+ @screen.waitVanish("DebianInstallerInstallingBaseSystem.png", 15 * 60)
+Given /^I accept the default mirror$/ do
+ @screen.wait("DebianInstallerMirrorCountry.png", 10 * 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_ArchiveMirror.png", 5)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_HttpProxy.png", 5)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I neglect to scan more CDs$/ do
+ @screen.wait("d-i_ScanCD.png", 15 * 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_UseNetMirror.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_Yes.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_No.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I ignore Popcon$/ do
+ #@screen.wait("d-i_popcon.png", 10 * 60)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_No.png", 10 * 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^we reach the Tasksel prompt$/ do
+ @screen.wait("d-i_ChooseSoftware.png", 5 * 60)
+Given /^I hit ENTER$/ do
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I select the Desktop task$/ do
+ @screen.wait("d-i_ChooseSoftware.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.DOWN)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_DesktopTask_Yes.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I install GRUB$/ do
+ @screen.wait("d-i_InstallGRUB.png", 80 * 60)
+ #@screen.wait("Install the GRUB", 80 * 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_GRUBEnterDev.png", 10 * 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.DOWN)
+ @screen.wait("d-i_GRUBdev.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I allow reboot after the install is complete$/ do
+ @screen.wait("d-i_InstallComplete.png", 2 * 60)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^I wait for the reboot$/ do
+ @screen.wait(bootsplash, 10 * 60)
+Given /^I make sure that we boot from disk$/ do
+ @screen.wait("d-i_GRUB_Debian.png", 5 * 60)
+Given /^I wait for a Login Prompt$/ do
+ @screen.wait("DebianLoginPromptVT.png", 2 * 60)
+def bootsplash
+ case @os_loader
+ when "UEFI"
+ 'TailsBootSplashUEFI.png'
+ else
+ 'd-i8_bootsplash.png'
+ end
+def bootsplash_tab_msg
+ case @os_loader
+ when "UEFI"
+ 'TailsBootSplashTabMsgUEFI.png'
+ else
+ #if reboot
+ # bootsplash = 'TailsBootSplashPostReset.png'
+ # bootsplash_tab_msg = 'TailsBootSplashTabMsgPostReset.png'
+ # boot_timeout = 120
+ #else
+ #bootsplash = "DebianLive#{version}BootSplash.png"
+ bootsplash = "DebianLiveBootSplash.png"
+ bootsplash_tab_msg = "DebianLiveBootSplashTabMsg.png"
+ boot_timeout = 30
+ #end
+ end
+Given /^the computer (re)?boots Tails$/ do |reboot|
+ boot_timeout = 30
+ # We need some extra time for memory wiping if rebooting
+ boot_timeout += 90 if reboot
+ @screen.wait(bootsplash, boot_timeout)
+ @screen.wait(bootsplash_tab_msg, 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ @screen.waitVanish(bootsplash_tab_msg, 1)
+ @screen.type(" autotest_never_use_this_option blacklist=psmouse #{@boot_options}" +
+ Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("DebianLive#{version}Greeter.png", 5*60)
+ @vm.wait_until_remote_shell_is_up
+ activate_filesystem_shares
+Given /^I log in to a new session(?: in )?(|German)$/ do |lang|
+ case lang
+ when 'German'
+ @language = "German"
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterLanguage.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TailsGreeterLanguage#{@language}.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TailsGreeterLoginButton#{@language}.png", 10)
+ when ''
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterLoginButton.png', 10)
+ else
+ raise "Unsupported language: #{lang}"
+ end
+Given /^I set sudo password "([^"]*)"$/ do |password|
+ @sudo_password = password
+ next if @skip_steps_while_restoring_background
+ #@screen.wait("TailsGreeterAdminPassword.png", 20)
+ @screen.type(@sudo_password)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ @screen.type(@sudo_password)
+Given /^Tails Greeter has dealt with the sudo password$/ do
+ f1 = "/etc/sudoers.d/tails-greeter"
+ f2 = "#{f1}-no-password-lecture"
+ try_for(20) {
+ $vm.execute("test -e '#{f1}' -o -e '#{f2}'").success?
+ }
+Given /^the Tails desktop is ready$/ do
+ desktop_started_picture = "GnomeApplicationsMenu#{@language}.png"
+ # We wait for the Florence icon to be displayed to ensure reliable systray icon clicking.
+ @screen.wait("GnomeSystrayFlorence.png", 180)
+ @screen.wait(desktop_started_picture, 180)
+ # Disable screen blanking since we sometimes need to wait long
+ # enough for it to activate, which can mess with Sikuli wait():ing
+ # for some image.
+ $vm.execute_successfully(
+ 'gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0',
+ :user => LIVE_USER
+ )
+Then /^Tails seems to have booted normally$/ do
+ step "the Tails desktop is ready"
+When /^I see the 'Tor is ready' notification$/ do
+ robust_notification_wait('TorIsReadyNotification.png', 300)
+Given /^Tor is ready$/ do
+ step "Tor has built a circuit"
+ step "the time has synced"
+ if $vm.execute('systemctl is-system-running').failure?
+ units_status = $vm.execute('systemctl').stdout
+ raise "At least one system service failed to start:\n#{units_status}"
+ end
+Given /^Tor has built a circuit$/ do
+ wait_until_tor_is_working
+Given /^the time has synced$/ do
+ ["/var/run/tordate/done", "/var/run/htpdate/success"].each do |file|
+ try_for(300) { $vm.execute("test -e #{file}").success? }
+ end
+Given /^available upgrades have been checked$/ do
+ try_for(300) {
+ $vm.execute("test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'").success?
+ }
+Given /^the Tor Browser has started$/ do
+ tor_browser_picture = "TorBrowserWindow.png"
+ @screen.wait(tor_browser_picture, 60)
+Given /^the Tor Browser (?:has started and )?load(?:ed|s) the (startup page|Tails roadmap)$/ do |page|
+ case page
+ when "startup page"
+ picture = "TorBrowserStartupPage.png"
+ when "Tails roadmap"
+ picture = "TorBrowserTailsRoadmap.png"
+ else
+ raise "Unsupported page: #{page}"
+ end
+ step "the Tor Browser has started"
+ @screen.wait(picture, 120)
+Given /^the Tor Browser has started in offline mode$/ do
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserOffline.png", 60)
+Given /^I add a bookmark to in the Tor Browser$/ do
+ url = ""
+ step "I open the address \"#{url}\" in the Tor Browser"
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserOffline.png", 5)
+ @screen.type("d", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserBookmarkPrompt.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(url + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Given /^the Tor Browser has a bookmark to$/ do
+ @screen.type("b", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserEFFBookmark.png", 10)
+Given /^all notifications have disappeared$/ do
+ next if not(@screen.exists("GnomeNotificationApplet.png"))
+ @screen.wait("GnomeNotificationAppletOpened.png", 10)
+ begin
+ entries = @screen.findAll("GnomeNotificationEntry.png")
+ while(entries.hasNext) do
+ entry =
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeNotificationEntryClose.png", 10)
+ end
+ rescue FindFailed
+ # No notifications, so we're good to go.
+ end
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ # Click anywhere to close the notification applet
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+Then /^I (do not )?see "([^"]*)" after at most (\d+) seconds$/ do |negation, image, time|
+ begin
+ @screen.wait(image, time.to_i)
+ raise "found '#{image}' while expecting not to" if negation
+ rescue FindFailed => e
+ raise e if not(negation)
+ end
+Then /^all Internet traffic has only flowed through Tor$/ do
+ leaks =,
+ :accepted_hosts => get_all_tor_nodes)
+ leaks.assert_no_leaks
+Given /^I enter the sudo password in the pkexec prompt$/ do
+ step "I enter the \"#{@sudo_password}\" password in the pkexec prompt"
+def deal_with_polkit_prompt (image, password)
+ @screen.wait(image, 60)
+ @screen.type(password)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.waitVanish(image, 10)
+Given /^I enter the "([^"]*)" password in the pkexec prompt$/ do |password|
+ deal_with_polkit_prompt('PolicyKitAuthPrompt.png', password)
+Given /^process "([^"]+)" is (not )?running$/ do |process, not_running|
+ if not_running
+ assert(!$vm.has_process?(process), "Process '#{process}' is running")
+ else
+ assert($vm.has_process?(process), "Process '#{process}' is not running")
+ end
+Given /^process "([^"]+)" is running within (\d+) seconds$/ do |process, time|
+ try_for(time.to_i, :msg => "Process '#{process}' is not running after " +
+ "waiting for #{time} seconds") do
+ $vm.has_process?(process)
+ end
+Given /^process "([^"]+)" has stopped running after at most (\d+) seconds$/ do |process, time|
+ try_for(time.to_i, :msg => "Process '#{process}' is still running after " +
+ "waiting for #{time} seconds") do
+ not $vm.has_process?(process)
+ end
+Given /^I kill the process "([^"]+)"$/ do |process|
+ $vm.execute("killall #{process}")
+ try_for(10, :msg => "Process '#{process}' could not be killed") {
+ !$vm.has_process?(process)
+ }
+Then /^Tails eventually shuts down$/ do
+ nr_gibs_of_ram = convert_from_bytes($vm.get_ram_size_in_bytes, 'GiB').ceil
+ timeout = nr_gibs_of_ram*5*60
+ try_for(timeout, :msg => "VM is still running after #{timeout} seconds") do
+ ! $vm.is_running?
+ end
+Then /^Tails eventually restarts$/ do
+ nr_gibs_of_ram = convert_from_bytes($vm.get_ram_size_in_bytes, 'GiB').ceil
+ @screen.wait('TailsBootSplash.png', nr_gibs_of_ram*5*60)
+Given /^I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off$/ do
+ $vm.spawn("poweroff")
+ step 'Tails eventually shuts down'
+When /^I request a shutdown using the emergency shutdown applet$/ do
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownHalt.png', 10)
+When /^I warm reboot the computer$/ do
+ $vm.spawn("reboot")
+When /^I request a reboot using the emergency shutdown applet$/ do
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsEmergencyShutdownReboot.png', 10)
+Given /^package "([^"]+)" is installed$/ do |package|
+ assert($vm.execute("dpkg -s '#{package}' 2>/dev/null | grep -qs '^Status:.*installed$'").success?,
+ "Package '#{package}' is not installed")
+When /^I start the Tor Browser$/ do
+ step 'I start "TorBrowser" via the GNOME "Internet" applications menu'
+When /^I request a new identity using Torbutton$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorButtonIcon.png', 30)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorButtonNewIdentity.png', 30)
+When /^I acknowledge Torbutton's New Identity confirmation prompt$/ do
+ @screen.wait('GnomeQuestionDialogIcon.png', 30)
+ step 'I type "y"'
+When /^I start the Tor Browser in offline mode$/ do
+ step "I start the Tor Browser"
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TorBrowserOfflinePrompt.png", 10)
+Given /^I add a wired DHCP NetworkManager connection called "([^"]+)"$/ do |con_name|
+ con_content = <<EOF
+ con_content.split("\n").each do |line|
+ $vm.execute("echo '#{line}' >> /tmp/NM.#{con_name}")
+ end
+ con_file = "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/#{con_name}"
+ $vm.execute("install -m 0600 '/tmp/NM.#{con_name}' '#{con_file}'")
+ $vm.execute_successfully("nmcli connection load '#{con_file}'")
+ try_for(10) {
+ nm_con_list = $vm.execute("nmcli --terse --fields NAME connection show").stdout
+ nm_con_list.split("\n").include? "#{con_name}"
+ }
+Given /^I switch to the "([^"]+)" NetworkManager connection$/ do |con_name|
+ $vm.execute("nmcli connection up id #{con_name}")
+ try_for(60) do
+ $vm.execute("nmcli --terse --fields NAME,STATE connection show").stdout.chomp.split("\n").include?("#{con_name}:activated")
+ end
+When /^I start and focus GNOME Terminal$/ do
+ step 'I start "Terminal" via the GNOME "Utilities" applications menu'
+ @screen.wait('GnomeTerminalWindow.png', 20)
+When /^I run "([^"]+)" in GNOME Terminal$/ do |command|
+ if !$vm.has_process?("gnome-terminal-server")
+ step "I start and focus GNOME Terminal"
+ else
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeTerminalWindow.png', 20)
+ end
+ @screen.type(command + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+When /^the file "([^"]+)" exists(?:| after at most (\d+) seconds)$/ do |file, timeout|
+ timeout = 0 if timeout.nil?
+ try_for(
+ timeout.to_i,
+ :msg => "The file #{file} does not exist after #{timeout} seconds"
+ ) {
+ $vm.file_exist?(file)
+ }
+When /^the file "([^"]+)" does not exist$/ do |file|
+ assert(! ($vm.file_exist?(file)))
+When /^the directory "([^"]+)" exists$/ do |directory|
+ assert($vm.directory_exist?(directory))
+When /^the directory "([^"]+)" does not exist$/ do |directory|
+ assert(! ($vm.directory_exist?(directory)))
+When /^I copy "([^"]+)" to "([^"]+)" as user "([^"]+)"$/ do |source, destination, user|
+ c = $vm.execute("cp \"#{source}\" \"#{destination}\"", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ assert(c.success?, "Failed to copy file:\n#{c.stdout}\n#{c.stderr}")
+def is_persistent?(app)
+ conf = get_persistence_presets(true)["#{app}"]
+ c = $vm.execute("findmnt --noheadings --output SOURCE --target '#{conf}'")
+ # This check assumes that we haven't enabled read-only persistence.
+ c.success? and c.stdout.chomp != "aufs"
+Then /^persistence for "([^"]+)" is (|not )enabled$/ do |app, enabled|
+ case enabled
+ when ''
+ assert(is_persistent?(app), "Persistence should be enabled.")
+ when 'not '
+ assert(!is_persistent?(app), "Persistence should not be enabled.")
+ end
+def gnome_app_menu_click_helper(click_me, verify_me = nil)
+ try_for(30) do
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ # The sensitivity for submenus to open by just hovering past them
+ # is extremely high, and may result in the wrong one
+ # opening. Hence we better avoid hovering over undesired submenus
+ # entirely by "approaching" the menu strictly horizontally.
+ r = @screen.wait(click_me, 10)
+ @screen.hover_point(@screen.w, r.getY)
+ @screen.wait(verify_me, 10) if verify_me
+ return
+ end
+Given /^I start "([^"]+)" via the GNOME "([^"]+)" applications menu$/ do |app, submenu|
+ menu_button = "GnomeApplicationsMenu.png"
+ sub_menu_entry = "GnomeApplications" + submenu + ".png"
+ application_entry = "GnomeApplications" + app + ".png"
+ try_for(120) do
+ begin
+ gnome_app_menu_click_helper(menu_button, sub_menu_entry)
+ gnome_app_menu_click_helper(sub_menu_entry, application_entry)
+ gnome_app_menu_click_helper(application_entry)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ # Close menu, if still open
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ raise e
+ end
+ true
+ end
+Given /^I start "([^"]+)" via the GNOME "([^"]+)"\/"([^"]+)" applications menu$/ do |app, submenu, subsubmenu|
+ menu_button = "GnomeApplicationsMenu.png"
+ sub_menu_entry = "GnomeApplications" + submenu + ".png"
+ sub_sub_menu_entry = "GnomeApplications" + subsubmenu + ".png"
+ application_entry = "GnomeApplications" + app + ".png"
+ try_for(120) do
+ begin
+ gnome_app_menu_click_helper(menu_button, sub_menu_entry)
+ gnome_app_menu_click_helper(sub_menu_entry, sub_sub_menu_entry)
+ gnome_app_menu_click_helper(sub_sub_menu_entry, application_entry)
+ gnome_app_menu_click_helper(application_entry)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ # Close menu, if still open
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ raise e
+ end
+ true
+ end
+When /^I type "([^"]+)"$/ do |string|
+ @screen.type(string)
+When /^I press the "([^"]+)" key$/ do |key|
+ begin
+ @screen.type(eval("Sikuli::Key.#{key}"))
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ raise "unsupported key #{key}"
+ end
+Then /^the (amnesiac|persistent) Tor Browser directory (exists|does not exist)$/ do |persistent_or_not, mode|
+ case persistent_or_not
+ when "amnesiac"
+ dir = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Tor Browser"
+ when "persistent"
+ dir = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Persistent/Tor Browser"
+ end
+ step "the directory \"#{dir}\" #{mode}"
+Then /^there is a GNOME bookmark for the (amnesiac|persistent) Tor Browser directory$/ do |persistent_or_not|
+ case persistent_or_not
+ when "amnesiac"
+ bookmark_image = 'TorBrowserAmnesicFilesBookmark.png'
+ when "persistent"
+ bookmark_image = 'TorBrowserPersistentFilesBookmark.png'
+ end
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GnomePlaces.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait(bookmark_image, 40)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+Then /^there is no GNOME bookmark for the persistent Tor Browser directory$/ do
+ try_for(65) do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GnomePlaces.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait("GnomePlacesWithoutTorBrowserPersistent.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ end
+def pulseaudio_sink_inputs
+ pa_info = $vm.execute_successfully('pacmd info', :user => LIVE_USER).stdout
+ sink_inputs_line = pa_info.match(/^\d+ sink input\(s\) available\.$/)[0]
+ return sink_inputs_line.match(/^\d+/)[0].to_i
+When /^(no|\d+) application(?:s?) (?:is|are) playing audio(?:| after (\d+) seconds)$/ do |nb, wait_time|
+ nb = 0 if nb == "no"
+ sleep wait_time.to_i if ! wait_time.nil?
+ assert_equal(nb.to_i, pulseaudio_sink_inputs)
+When /^I double-click on the "Tails documentation" link on the Desktop$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_double_click("DesktopTailsDocumentationIcon.png", 10)
+When /^I click the blocked video icon$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TorBrowserBlockedVideo.png", 30)
+When /^I accept to temporarily allow playing this video$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TorBrowserOkButton.png", 10)
+When /^I click the HTML5 play button$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TorBrowserHtml5PlayButton.png", 30)
+When /^I (can|cannot) save the current page as "([^"]+[.]html)" to the (.*) directory$/ do |should_work, output_file, output_dir|
+ should_work = should_work == 'can' ? true : false
+ @screen.type("s", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserSaveDialog.png", 10)
+ if output_dir == "persistent Tor Browser"
+ output_dir = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Persistent/Tor Browser"
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GtkTorBrowserPersistentBookmark.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait("GtkTorBrowserPersistentBookmarkSelected.png", 10)
+ # The output filename (without its extension) is already selected,
+ # let's use the keyboard shortcut to focus its field
+ @screen.type("n", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserSaveOutputFileSelected.png", 10)
+ elsif output_dir == "default downloads"
+ output_dir = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Tor Browser"
+ else
+ @screen.type(output_dir + '/')
+ end
+ # Only the part of the filename before the .html extension can be easily replaced
+ # so we have to remove it before typing it into the arget filename entry widget.
+ @screen.type(output_file.sub(/[.]html$/, ''))
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ if should_work
+ try_for(10, :msg => "The page was not saved to #{output_dir}/#{output_file}") {
+ $vm.file_exist?("#{output_dir}/#{output_file}")
+ }
+ else
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserCannotSavePage.png", 10)
+ end
+When /^I can print the current page as "([^"]+[.]pdf)" to the (default downloads|persistent Tor Browser) directory$/ do |output_file, output_dir|
+ if output_dir == "persistent Tor Browser"
+ output_dir = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Persistent/Tor Browser"
+ else
+ output_dir = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/Tor Browser"
+ end
+ @screen.type("p", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserPrintDialog.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("BrowserPrintToFile.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_double_click("TorBrowserPrintOutputFile.png", 10)
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait("TorBrowserPrintOutputFileSelected.png", 10)
+ # Only the file's basename is selected by double-clicking,
+ # so we type only the desired file's basename to replace it
+ @screen.type(output_dir + '/' + output_file.sub(/[.]pdf$/, '') + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ try_for(30, :msg => "The page was not printed to #{output_dir}/#{output_file}") {
+ $vm.file_exist?("#{output_dir}/#{output_file}")
+ }
+Given /^a web server is running on the LAN$/ do
+ web_server_ip_addr = $vmnet.bridge_ip_addr
+ web_server_port = 8000
+ @web_server_url = "http://#{web_server_ip_addr}:#{web_server_port}"
+ web_server_hello_msg = "Welcome to the LAN web server!"
+ # I've tested ruby Thread:s, fork(), etc. but nothing works due to
+ # various strange limitations in the ruby interpreter. For instance,
+ # apparently concurrent IO has serious limits in the thread
+ # scheduler (e.g. sikuli's wait() would block WEBrick from reading
+ # from its socket), and fork():ing results in a lot of complex
+ # cucumber stuff (like our hooks!) ending up in the child process,
+ # breaking stuff in the parent process. After asking some supposed
+ # ruby pros, I've settled on the following.
+ code = <<-EOF
+ require "webrick"
+ STDOUT.reopen("/dev/null", "w")
+ STDERR.reopen("/dev/null", "w")
+ server = => "#{web_server_ip_addr}",
+ :Port => #{web_server_port},
+ :DocumentRoot => "/dev/null")
+ server.mount_proc("/") do |req, res|
+ res.body = "#{web_server_hello_msg}"
+ end
+ server.start
+ proc = IO.popen(['ruby', '-e', code])
+ try_for(10, :msg => "It seems the LAN web server failed to start") do
+ Process.kill(0, == 1
+ end
+ add_after_scenario_hook { Process.kill("TERM", }
+ # It seems necessary to actually check that the LAN server is
+ # serving, possibly because it isn't doing so reliably when setting
+ # up. If e.g. the Unsafe Browser (which *should* be able to access
+ # the web server) tries to access it too early, Firefox seems to
+ # take some random amount of time to retry fetching. Curl gives a
+ # more consistent result, so let's rely on that instead. Note that
+ # this forces us to capture traffic *after* this step in case
+ # accessing this server matters, like when testing the Tor Browser..
+ try_for(30, :msg => "Something is wrong with the LAN web server") do
+ msg = $vm.execute_successfully("curl #{@web_server_url}",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).stdout.chomp
+ web_server_hello_msg == msg
+ end
+When /^I open a page on the LAN web server in the (.*)$/ do |browser|
+ step "I open the address \"#{@web_server_url}\" in the #{browser}"
+Given /^I wait (?:between (\d+) and )?(\d+) seconds$/ do |min, max|
+ if min
+ time = rand(max.to_i - min.to_i + 1) + min.to_i
+ else
+ time = max.to_i
+ end
+ puts "Slept for #{time} seconds"
+ sleep(time)
+Given /^I (?:re)?start monitoring the AppArmor log of "([^"]+)"$/ do |profile|
+ # AppArmor log entries may be dropped if printk rate limiting is
+ # enabled.
+ $vm.execute_successfully('sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=0')
+ # We will only care about entries for this profile from this time
+ # and on.
+ guest_time = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ 'date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"').stdout.chomp
+ @apparmor_profile_monitoring_start ||=
+ @apparmor_profile_monitoring_start[profile] = guest_time
+When /^AppArmor has (not )?denied "([^"]+)" from opening "([^"]+)"(?: after at most (\d+) seconds)?$/ do |anti_test, profile, file, time|
+ assert(@apparmor_profile_monitoring_start &&
+ @apparmor_profile_monitoring_start[profile],
+ "It seems the profile '#{profile}' isn't being monitored by the " +
+ "'I monitor the AppArmor log of ...' step")
+ audit_line_regex = 'apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="%s" name="%s"' % [profile, file]
+ block = do
+ audit_log = $vm.execute(
+ "journalctl --full --no-pager " +
+ "--since='#{@apparmor_profile_monitoring_start[profile]}' " +
+ "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=kernel | grep -w '#{audit_line_regex}'"
+ ).stdout.chomp
+ assert(audit_log.empty? == (anti_test ? true : false))
+ true
+ end
+ begin
+ if time
+ try_for(time.to_i) { }
+ else
+ end
+ rescue Timeout::Error, Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => e
+ raise e, "AppArmor has #{anti_test ? "" : "not "}denied the operation"
+ end
+Then /^I force Tor to use a new circuit$/ do
+ debug_log("Forcing new Tor circuit...")
+ $vm.execute_successfully('tor_control_send "signal NEWNYM"', :libs => 'tor')
+When /^I eject the boot medium$/ do
+ dev = boot_device
+ dev_type = device_info(dev)['ID_TYPE']
+ case dev_type
+ when 'cd'
+ $vm.remove_cdrom
+ when 'disk'
+ boot_disk_name = $vm.disk_name(dev)
+ $vm.unplug_drive(boot_disk_name)
+ else
+ raise "Unsupported medium type '#{dev_type}' for boot device '#{dev}'"
+ end
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/dhcp.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/dhcp.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef4d9e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/dhcp.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Then /^the hostname should not have been leaked on the network$/ do
+ hostname = $vm.execute("hostname").stdout.chomp
+ packets = => @sniffer.pcap_file)
+ packets.each do |p|
+ # if PacketFu::TCPPacket.can_parse?(p)
+ # ipv4_tcp_packets << PacketFu::TCPPacket.parse(p)
+ if PacketFu::IPPacket.can_parse?(p)
+ payload = PacketFu::IPPacket.parse(p).payload
+ elsif PacketFu::IPv6Packet.can_parse?(p)
+ payload = PacketFu::IPv6Packet.parse(p).payload
+ else
+ @sniffer.save_pcap_file
+ raise "Found something in the pcap file that either is non-IP, or cannot be parsed"
+ end
+ if payload.match(hostname)
+ raise "Hostname leak detected"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/electrum.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/electrum.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..447983d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/electrum.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Then /^I start Electrum through the GNOME menu$/ do
+ step "I start \"Electrum\" via the GNOME \"Internet\" applications menu"
+When /^a bitcoin wallet is (|not )present$/ do |existing|
+ wallet = "/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.electrum/wallets/default_wallet"
+ case existing
+ when ""
+ step "the file \"#{wallet}\" exists after at most 10 seconds"
+ when "not "
+ step "the file \"#{wallet}\" does not exist"
+ else
+ raise "Unknown value specified for #{existing}"
+ end
+When /^I create a new bitcoin wallet$/ do
+ @screen.wait("ElectrumNoWallet.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait("ElectrumWalletGenerationSeed.png", 15)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumWalletSeedTextbox.png", 15)
+ @screen.type('a', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) # select wallet seed
+ @screen.type('c', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL) # copy seed to clipboard
+ seed = $vm.get_clipboard
+ @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 15)
+ @screen.wait("ElectrumWalletSeedTextbox.png", 15)
+ @screen.type(seed) # Confirm seed
+ @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumEncryptWallet.png", 10)
+ @screen.type("asdf" + Sikuli::Key.TAB) # set password
+ @screen.type("asdf" + Sikuli::Key.TAB) # confirm password
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("ElectrumConnectServer.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("ElectrumNextButton.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait("ElectrumPreferencesButton.png", 30)
+Then /^I see a warning that Electrum is not persistent$/ do
+ @screen.wait('GnomeQuestionDialogIcon.png', 30)
+Then /^I am prompted to create a new wallet$/ do
+ @screen.wait('ElectrumNoWallet.png', 60)
+Then /^I see the main Electrum client window$/ do
+ @screen.wait('ElectrumPreferencesButton.png', 20)
+Then /^Electrum successfully connects to the network$/ do
+ @screen.wait('ElectrumStatus.png', 180)
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/encryption.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/encryption.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f7f1b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/encryption.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+def seahorse_menu_click_helper(main, sub, verify = nil)
+ try_for(60) do
+ step "process \"#{verify}\" is running" if verify
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click(main, 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click(sub, 10)
+ return
+ end
+Given /^I generate an OpenPGP key named "([^"]+)" with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |name, pwd|
+ @passphrase = pwd
+ @key_name = name
+ gpg_key_recipie = <<EOF
+ Key-Type: RSA
+ Key-Length: 4096
+ Subkey-Type: RSA
+ Subkey-Length: 4096
+ Name-Real: #{@key_name}
+ Name-Comment: Blah
+ Name-Email: #{@key_name}
+ Expire-Date: 0
+ Passphrase: #{pwd}
+ %commit
+ gpg_key_recipie.split("\n").each do |line|
+ $vm.execute("echo '#{line}' >> /tmp/gpg_key_recipie", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ end
+ c = $vm.execute("gpg --batch --gen-key < /tmp/gpg_key_recipie",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
+ assert(c.success?, "Failed to generate OpenPGP key:\n#{c.stderr}")
+When /^I type a message into gedit$/ do
+ step 'I start "Gedit" via the GNOME "Accessories" applications menu'
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GeditWindow.png", 20)
+ # We don't have a good visual indicator for when we can continue. Without the
+ # sleep we may start typing in the gedit window far too soon, causing
+ # keystrokes to go missing.
+ sleep 5
+ @screen.type("ATTACK AT DAWN")
+def maybe_deal_with_pinentry
+ begin
+ @screen.wait_and_click("PinEntryPrompt.png", 10)
+ # Without this sleep here (and reliable visual indicators) we can sometimes
+ # miss keystrokes by typing too soon. This sleep prevents this problem from
+ # coming up.
+ sleep 5
+ @screen.type(@passphrase + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ rescue FindFailed
+ # The passphrase was cached or we wasn't prompted at all (e.g. when
+ # only encrypting to a public key)
+ end
+def gedit_copy_all_text
+ context_menu_helper('GeditWindow.png', 'GeditStatusBar.png', 'GeditSelectAll.png')
+ context_menu_helper('GeditWindow.png', 'GeditStatusBar.png', 'GeditCopy.png')
+def paste_into_a_new_tab
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GeditNewTab.png", 20)
+ context_menu_helper('GeditWindow.png', 'GeditStatusBar.png', 'GeditPaste.png')
+def encrypt_sign_helper
+ gedit_copy_all_text
+ seahorse_menu_click_helper('GpgAppletIconNormal.png', 'GpgAppletSignEncrypt.png')
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GpgAppletChooseKeyWindow.png", 30)
+ # We don't have a good visual indicator for when we can continue without
+ # keystrokes being lost.
+ sleep 5
+ yield
+ maybe_deal_with_pinentry
+ paste_into_a_new_tab
+def decrypt_verify_helper(icon)
+ gedit_copy_all_text
+ seahorse_menu_click_helper(icon, 'GpgAppletDecryptVerify.png')
+ maybe_deal_with_pinentry
+ @screen.wait("GpgAppletResults.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait("GpgAppletResultsMsg.png", 20)
+When /^I encrypt the message using my OpenPGP key$/ do
+ encrypt_sign_helper do
+ @screen.type(@key_name + Sikuli::Key.ENTER + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ end
+Then /^I can decrypt the encrypted message$/ do
+ decrypt_verify_helper("GpgAppletIconEncrypted.png")
+ @screen.wait("GpgAppletResultsEncrypted.png", 20)
+When /^I sign the message using my OpenPGP key$/ do
+ encrypt_sign_helper do
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB + Sikuli::Key.DOWN + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ end
+Then /^I can verify the message's signature$/ do
+ decrypt_verify_helper("GpgAppletIconSigned.png")
+ @screen.wait("GpgAppletResultsSigned.png", 20)
+When /^I both encrypt and sign the message using my OpenPGP key$/ do
+ encrypt_sign_helper do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GpgAppletEncryptionKey.png', 20)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE)
+ @screen.wait('GpgAppletKeySelected.png', 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB + Sikuli::Key.DOWN + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ end
+Then /^I can decrypt and verify the encrypted message$/ do
+ decrypt_verify_helper("GpgAppletIconEncrypted.png")
+ @screen.wait("GpgAppletResultsEncrypted.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait("GpgAppletResultsSigned.png", 20)
+When /^I symmetrically encrypt the message with password "([^"]+)"$/ do |pwd|
+ @passphrase = pwd
+ gedit_copy_all_text
+ seahorse_menu_click_helper('GpgAppletIconNormal.png', 'GpgAppletEncryptPassphrase.png')
+ maybe_deal_with_pinentry # enter password
+ maybe_deal_with_pinentry # confirm password
+ paste_into_a_new_tab
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/evince.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/evince.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9411ac4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/evince.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+When /^I(?:| try to) open "([^"]+)" with Evince$/ do |filename|
+ step "I run \"evince #{filename}\" in GNOME Terminal"
+Then /^I can print the current document to "([^"]+)"$/ do |output_file|
+ @screen.type("p", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait("EvincePrintDialog.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("EvincePrintToFile.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("EvincePrintOutputFileButton.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait("EvincePrintFileDialog.png", 10)
+ # Only the file's basename is selected by double-clicking,
+ # so we type only the desired file's basename to replace it
+ $vm.set_clipboard(output_file.sub(/[.]pdf$/, ''))
+ @screen.type('v', Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("EvincePrintButton.png", 10)
+ try_for(10, :msg => "The document was not printed to #{output_file}") {
+ $vm.file_exist?(output_file)
+ }
+When /^I close Evince$/ do
+ @screen.type("w", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ step 'process "evince" has stopped running after at most 20 seconds'
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/firewall_leaks.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/firewall_leaks.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..942d00b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/firewall_leaks.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Then(/^the firewall leak detector has detected (.*?) leaks$/) do |type|
+ leaks =,
+ :accepted_hosts => get_all_tor_nodes)
+ case type.downcase
+ when 'ipv4 tcp'
+ if leaks.ipv4_tcp_leaks.empty?
+ leaks.save_pcap_file
+ raise "Couldn't detect any IPv4 TCP leaks"
+ end
+ when 'ipv4 non-tcp'
+ if leaks.ipv4_nontcp_leaks.empty?
+ leaks.save_pcap_file
+ raise "Couldn't detect any IPv4 non-TCP leaks"
+ end
+ when 'ipv6'
+ if leaks.ipv6_leaks.empty?
+ leaks.save_pcap_file
+ raise "Couldn't detect any IPv6 leaks"
+ end
+ when 'non-ip'
+ if leaks.nonip_leaks.empty?
+ leaks.save_pcap_file
+ raise "Couldn't detect any non-IP leaks"
+ end
+ else
+ raise "Incorrect packet type '#{type}'"
+ end
+Given(/^I disable Tails' firewall$/) do
+ $vm.execute("/usr/local/lib/do_not_ever_run_me")
+ iptables = $vm.execute("iptables -L -n -v").stdout.chomp.split("\n")
+ for line in iptables do
+ if !line[/Chain (INPUT|OUTPUT|FORWARD) \(policy ACCEPT/] and
+ !line[/pkts[[:blank:]]+bytes[[:blank:]]+target/] and
+ !line.empty?
+ raise "The Tails firewall was not successfully disabled:\n#{iptables}"
+ end
+ end
+When(/^I do a TCP DNS lookup of "(.*?)"$/) do |host|
+ lookup = $vm.execute("host -T #{host} #{SOME_DNS_SERVER}", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ assert(lookup.success?, "Failed to resolve #{host}:\n#{lookup.stdout}")
+When(/^I do a UDP DNS lookup of "(.*?)"$/) do |host|
+ lookup = $vm.execute("host #{host} #{SOME_DNS_SERVER}", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ assert(lookup.success?, "Failed to resolve #{host}:\n#{lookup.stdout}")
+When(/^I send some ICMP pings$/) do
+ # We ping an IP address to avoid a DNS lookup
+ ping = $vm.execute("ping -c 5 #{SOME_DNS_SERVER}")
+ assert(ping.success?, "Failed to ping #{SOME_DNS_SERVER}:\n#{ping.stderr}")
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/git.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/git.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf6f869d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/git.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Then /^the Git repository "([\S]+)" has been cloned successfully$/ do |repo|
+ assert($vm.directory_exist?("/home/#{LIVE_USER}/#{repo}/.git"))
+ assert($vm.file_exist?("/home/#{LIVE_USER}/#{repo}/.git/config"))
+ $vm.execute_successfully("cd '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/#{repo}/' && git status",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/icedove.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/icedove.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3672895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/icedove.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Then /^Icedove has started$/ do
+ step 'process "icedove" is running within 30 seconds'
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveMainWindow.png', 60)
+When /^I have not configured an email account$/ do
+ icedove_prefs = $vm.file_content("/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.icedove/profile.default/prefs.js").chomp
+ assert(!icedove_prefs.include?('mail.accountmanager.accounts'))
+Then /^I am prompted to setup an email account$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Mail Account Setup')
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveMailAccountSetup.png', 30)
+Then /^IMAP is the default protocol$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Mail Account Setup')
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveProtocolIMAP.png', 10)
+Then /^I cancel setting up an email account$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Mail Account Setup')
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ @screen.waitVanish('IcedoveMailAccountSetup.png', 10)
+Then /^I open Icedove's Add-ons Manager$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Icedove')
+ @screen.wait_and_click('MozillaMenuButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('IcedoveToolsMenuAddOns.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('MozillaAddonsManagerExtensions.png', 30)
+Then /^I click the extensions tab$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('MozillaAddonsManagerExtensions.png', 10)
+Then /^I see that Adblock is not installed in Icedove$/ do
+ if @screen.exists('MozillaExtensionsAdblockPlus.png')
+ raise 'Adblock should not be enabled within Icedove'
+ end
+When /^I go into Enigmail's preferences$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Icedove')
+ @screen.type("a", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('IcedoveEnigmailPreferences.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveEnigmailPreferencesWindow.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveEnigmailKeyserverTab.png', 10)
+When /^I click Enigmail's keyserver tab$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('IcedoveEnigmailKeyserverTab.png', 10)
+Then /^I see that Enigmail is configured to use the correct keyserver$/ do
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveEnigmailKeyserver.png', 10)
+Then /^I click Enigmail's advanced tab$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('IcedoveEnigmailAdvancedTab.png', 10)
+Then /^I see that Enigmail is configured to use the correct SOCKS proxy$/ do
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.END)
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveEnigmailProxy.png', 10)
+Then /^I see that Torbirdy is configured to use Tor$/ do
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveTorbirdyEnabled.png', 10)
+When /^I open Torbirdy's preferences$/ do
+ step "I open Icedove's Add-ons Manager"
+ step 'I click the extensions tab'
+ @screen.wait_and_click('MozillaExtensionsTorbirdy.png', 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB) # Select 'More' link
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB) # Select 'Preferences' button
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE) # Press 'Preferences' button
+ @screen.wait('GnomeQuestionDialogIcon.png', 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+When /^I test Torbirdy's proxy settings$/ do
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveTorbirdyPreferencesWindow.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveTorbirdyCongratulationsTab.png', 180)
+Then /^Torbirdy's proxy test is successful$/ do
+ @screen.wait('IcedoveTorbirdyCongratulationsTab.png', 180)
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/mac_spoofing.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/mac_spoofing.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4aa8714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/mac_spoofing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+def all_ethernet_nics
+ $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "get_all_ethernet_nics", :libs => 'hardware'
+ ).stdout.split
+When /^I disable MAC spoofing in Tails Greeter$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("TailsGreeterMACSpoofing.png", 30)
+Then /^the network device has (its default|a spoofed) MAC address configured$/ do |mode|
+ is_spoofed = (mode == "a spoofed")
+ nic = "eth0"
+ assert_equal([nic], all_ethernet_nics,
+ "We only expected NIC #{nic} but these are present: " +
+ all_ethernet_nics.join(", "))
+ nic_real_mac = $vm.real_mac
+ nic_current_mac = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "get_current_mac_of_nic #{nic}", :libs => 'hardware'
+ ).stdout.chomp
+ if is_spoofed
+ if nic_real_mac == nic_current_mac
+ save_pcap_file
+ raise "The MAC address was expected to be spoofed but wasn't"
+ end
+ else
+ if nic_real_mac != nic_current_mac
+ save_pcap_file
+ raise "The MAC address is spoofed but was expected to not be"
+ end
+ end
+Then /^the real MAC address was (not )?leaked$/ do |mode|
+ is_leaking = mode.nil?
+ leaks =
+ mac_leaks = leaks.mac_leaks
+ if is_leaking
+ if !mac_leaks.include?($vm.real_mac)
+ save_pcap_file
+ raise "The real MAC address was expected to leak but didn't. We " +
+ "observed the following MAC addresses: #{mac_leaks}"
+ end
+ else
+ if mac_leaks.include?($vm.real_mac)
+ save_pcap_file
+ raise "The real MAC address was leaked but was expected not to. We " +
+ "observed the following MAC addresses: #{mac_leaks}"
+ end
+ end
+Given /^macchanger will fail by not spoofing and always returns ([\S]+)$/ do |mode|
+ $vm.execute_successfully("mv /usr/bin/macchanger /usr/bin/macchanger.orig")
+ $vm.execute_successfully("ln -s /bin/#{mode} /usr/bin/macchanger")
+Given /^no network interface modules can be unloaded$/ do
+ # Note that the real /sbin/modprobe is a symlink to /bin/kmod, and
+ # for it to run in modprobe compatibility mode the name must be
+ # exactly "modprobe", so we just move it somewhere our of the path
+ # instead of renaming it ".real" or whatever we usuablly do when
+ # diverting executables for wrappers.
+ modprobe_divert = "/usr/local/lib/modprobe"
+ $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert '#{modprobe_divert}' /sbin/modprobe"
+ )
+ fake_modprobe_wrapper = <<EOF
+if echo "${@}" | grep -q -- -r; then
+ exit 1
+exec '#{modprobe_divert}' "${@}"
+ $vm.file_append('/sbin/modprobe', fake_modprobe_wrapper)
+ $vm.execute_successfully("chmod a+rx /sbin/modprobe")
+When /^see the "Network card disabled" notification$/ do
+ robust_notification_wait("MACSpoofNetworkCardDisabled.png", 60)
+When /^see the "All networking disabled" notification$/ do
+ robust_notification_wait("MACSpoofNetworkingDisabled.png", 60)
+Then /^(\d+|no) network interface(?:s)? (?:is|are) enabled$/ do |expected_nr_nics|
+ # note that "no".to_i => 0 in Ruby.
+ expected_nr_nics = expected_nr_nics.to_i
+ nr_nics = all_ethernet_nics.size
+ assert_equal(expected_nr_nics, nr_nics)
+Then /^the MAC spoofing panic mode disabled networking$/ do
+ nm_state = $vm.execute_successfully('systemctl show NetworkManager').stdout
+ nm_is_disabled = $vm.pidof('NetworkManager').empty? &&
+ nm_state[/^LoadState=masked$/] &&
+ nm_state[/^ActiveState=inactive$/]
+ assert(nm_is_disabled, "NetworkManager was not disabled")
+ all_ethernet_nics.each do |nic|
+ ["nic_ipv4_addr", "nic_ipv6_addr"].each do |function|
+ addr = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "#{function} #{nic}", :libs => 'hardware'
+ ).stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("", addr, "NIC #{nic} was assigned address #{addr}")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f5ed931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+# Extracts the secrets for the XMMP account `account_name`.
+def xmpp_account(account_name, required_options = [])
+ begin
+ account = $config["Pidgin"]["Accounts"]["XMPP"][account_name]
+ check_keys = ["username", "domain", "password"] + required_options
+ for key in check_keys do
+ assert(account.has_key?(key))
+ assert_not_nil(account[key])
+ assert(!account[key].empty?)
+ end
+ rescue NoMethodError, Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
+ raise(
+Your Pidgin:Accounts:XMPP:#{account} is incorrect or missing from your local configuration file (#{LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE}). See wiki/src/contribute/release_process/test/usage.mdwn for the format.
+ end
+ return account
+def wait_and_focus(img, time = 10, window)
+ begin
+ @screen.wait(img, time)
+ rescue FindFailed
+ $vm.focus_window(window)
+ @screen.wait(img, time)
+ end
+def focus_pidgin_irc_conversation_window(account)
+ if account == 'I2P'
+ # After connecting to Irc2P messages are sent from services. Most of the
+ # time the services will send their messages right away. If there's lag we
+ # may in fact join the channel _before_ the message is received. We'll look
+ # for a message from InfoServ first then default to looking for '#i2p'
+ try_for(20) do
+ begin
+ $vm.focus_window('InfoServ')
+ rescue ExecutionFailedInVM
+ $vm.focus_window('#i2p')
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ account = account.sub(/^irc\./, '')
+ try_for(20) do
+ $vm.focus_window(".*#{Regexp.escape(account)}$")
+ end
+ end
+When /^I create my XMPP account$/ do
+ account = xmpp_account("Tails_account")
+ @screen.wait("PidginAddAccountWindow.png", 20)
+ @screen.click_mid_right_edge("PidginAddAccountProtocolLabel.png")
+ # We first wait for some field that is shown for XMPP but not the
+ # default (IRC) since we otherwise may decide where we click before
+ # the GUI has updated after switching protocol.
+ @screen.wait("PidginAddAccountXMPPDomain.png", 5)
+ @screen.click_mid_right_edge("PidginAddAccountXMPPUsername.png")
+ @screen.type(account["username"])
+ @screen.click_mid_right_edge("PidginAddAccountXMPPDomain.png")
+ @screen.type(account["domain"])
+ @screen.click_mid_right_edge("PidginAddAccountXMPPPassword.png")
+ @screen.type(account["password"])
+ if account["connect_server"]
+ @screen.click_mid_right_edge("PidginAddAccountXMPPConnectServer.png")
+ @screen.type(account["connect_server"])
+ end
+Then /^Pidgin automatically enables my XMPP account$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Buddy List')
+ @screen.wait("PidginAvailableStatus.png", 60*3)
+Given /^my XMPP friend goes online( and joins the multi-user chat)?$/ do |join_chat|
+ account = xmpp_account("Friend_account", ["otr_key"])
+ bot_opts = { |k, v| ["connect_server"].include?(k) }
+ if join_chat
+ bot_opts["auto_join"] = [@chat_room_jid]
+ end
+ @friend_name = account["username"]
+ @chatbot =["username"] + "@" + account["domain"],
+ account["password"], account["otr_key"], bot_opts)
+ @chatbot.start
+ add_after_scenario_hook { @chatbot.stop }
+ $vm.focus_window('Buddy List')
+ @screen.wait("PidginFriendOnline.png", 60)
+When /^I start a conversation with my friend$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Buddy List')
+ # Clicking the middle, bottom of this image should query our
+ # friend, given it's the only subscribed user that's online, which
+ # we assume.
+ r = @screen.find("PidginFriendOnline.png")
+ bottom_left = r.getBottomLeft()
+ x = bottom_left.getX + r.getW/2
+ y = bottom_left.getY
+ @screen.doubleClick_point(x, y)
+ # Since Pidgin sets the window name to the contact, we have no good
+ # way to identify the conversation window. Let's just look for the
+ # expected menu bar.
+ @screen.wait("PidginConversationWindowMenuBar.png", 10)
+And /^I say something to my friend( in the multi-user chat)?$/ do |multi_chat|
+ msg = "ping" + Sikuli::Key.ENTER
+ if multi_chat
+ $vm.focus_window(@chat_room_jid.split("@").first)
+ msg = @friend_name + ": " + msg
+ else
+ $vm.focus_window(@friend_name)
+ end
+ @screen.type(msg)
+Then /^I receive a response from my friend( in the multi-user chat)?$/ do |multi_chat|
+ if multi_chat
+ $vm.focus_window(@chat_room_jid.split("@").first)
+ else
+ $vm.focus_window(@friend_name)
+ end
+ @screen.wait("PidginFriendExpectedAnswer.png", 20)
+When /^I start an OTR session with my friend$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window(@friend_name)
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+Then /^Pidgin automatically generates an OTR key$/ do
+ @screen.wait("PidginOTRKeyGenPrompt.png", 30)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("PidginOTRKeyGenPromptDoneButton.png", 30)
+Then /^an OTR session was successfully started with my friend$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window(@friend_name)
+ @screen.wait("PidginConversationOTRUnverifiedSessionStarted.png", 10)
+# The reason the chat must be empty is to guarantee that we don't mix
+# up messages/events from other users with the ones we expect from the
+# bot.
+When /^I join some empty multi-user chat$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window('Buddy List')
+ @screen.wait_and_click("PidginBuddiesMenuJoinChat.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("PidginJoinChatWindow.png", 10)
+ @screen.click_mid_right_edge("PidginJoinChatRoomLabel.png")
+ account = xmpp_account("Tails_account")
+ if account.has_key?("chat_room") && \
+ !account["chat_room"].nil? && \
+ !account["chat_room"].empty?
+ chat_room = account["chat_room"]
+ else
+ chat_room = random_alnum_string(10, 15)
+ end
+ @screen.type(chat_room)
+ # We will need the conference server later, when starting the bot.
+ @screen.click_mid_right_edge("PidginJoinChatServerLabel.png")
+ @screen.type("a", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.type("c", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ conference_server =
+ $vm.execute_successfully("xclip -o", :user => LIVE_USER).stdout.chomp
+ @chat_room_jid = chat_room + "@" + conference_server
+ # The following will both make sure that the we joined the chat, and
+ # that it is empty. We'll also deal with the *potential* "Create New
+ # Room" prompt that Pidgin shows for some server configurations.
+ images = ["PidginCreateNewRoomPrompt.png",
+ "PidginChat1UserInRoom.png"]
+ image_found, _ = @screen.waitAny(images, 30)
+ if image_found == "PidginCreateNewRoomPrompt.png"
+ end
+ $vm.focus_window(@chat_room_jid)
+ @screen.wait("PidginChat1UserInRoom.png", 10)
+# Since some servers save the scrollback, and sends it when joining,
+# it's safer to clear it so we do not get false positives from old
+# messages when looking for a particular response, or similar.
+When /^I clear the multi-user chat's scrollback$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window(@chat_room_jid)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("PidginConversationMenuClearScrollback.png", 10)
+Then /^I can see that my friend joined the multi-user chat$/ do
+ $vm.focus_window(@chat_room_jid)
+ @screen.wait("PidginChat2UsersInRoom.png", 60)
+def configured_pidgin_accounts
+ accounts =
+ xml =$vm.file_content('$HOME/.purple/accounts.xml',
+ xml.elements.each("account/account") do |e|
+ account = e.elements["name"].text
+ account_name, network = account.split("@")
+ protocol = e.elements["protocol"].text
+ port = e.elements["settings/setting[@name='port']"].text
+ nickname = e.elements["settings/setting[@name='username']"].text
+ real_name = e.elements["settings/setting[@name='realname']"].text
+ accounts[network] = {
+ 'name' => account_name,
+ 'network' => network,
+ 'protocol' => protocol,
+ 'port' => port,
+ 'nickname' => nickname,
+ 'real_name' => real_name,
+ }
+ end
+ return accounts
+def chan_image (account, channel, image)
+ images = {
+ '' => {
+ '#tails' => {
+ 'roster' => 'PidginTailsChannelEntry',
+ 'conversation_tab' => 'PidginTailsConversationTab',
+ 'welcome' => 'PidginTailsChannelWelcome',
+ }
+ },
+ 'I2P' => {
+ '#i2p' => {
+ 'roster' => 'PidginI2PChannelEntry',
+ 'conversation_tab' => 'PidginI2PConversationTab',
+ 'welcome' => 'PidginI2PChannelWelcome',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return images[account][channel][image] + ".png"
+def default_chan (account)
+ chans = {
+ '' => '#tails',
+ 'I2P' => '#i2p',
+ }
+ return chans[account]
+def pidgin_otr_keys
+ return $vm.file_content('$HOME/.purple/otr.private_key', LIVE_USER)
+Given /^Pidgin has the expected accounts configured with random nicknames$/ do
+ expected = [
+ ["", "prpl-irc", "6697"],
+ ["", "prpl-irc", "6668"],
+ ]
+ configured_pidgin_accounts.values.each() do |account|
+ assert(account['nickname'] != "XXX_NICK_XXX", "Nickname was no randomised")
+ assert_equal(account['nickname'], account['real_name'],
+ "Nickname and real name are not identical: " +
+ account['nickname'] + " vs. " + account['real_name'])
+ assert_equal(account['name'], account['nickname'],
+ "Account name and nickname are not identical: " +
+ account['name'] + " vs. " + account['nickname'])
+ candidate = [account['network'], account['protocol'], account['port']]
+ assert(expected.include?(candidate), "Unexpected account: #{candidate}")
+ expected.delete(candidate)
+ end
+ assert(expected.empty?, "These Pidgin accounts are not configured: " +
+ "#{expected}")
+When /^I start Pidgin through the GNOME menu$/ do
+ step 'I start "Pidgin" via the GNOME "Internet" applications menu'
+When /^I open Pidgin's account manager window$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('PidginMenuAccounts.png', 20)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('PidginMenuManageAccounts.png', 20)
+ step "I see Pidgin's account manager window"
+When /^I see Pidgin's account manager window$/ do
+ @screen.wait("PidginAccountWindow.png", 40)
+When /^I close Pidgin's account manager window$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("PidginAccountManagerCloseButton.png", 10)
+When /^I (de)?activate the "([^"]+)" Pidgin account$/ do |deactivate, account|
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.LEFT + Sikuli::Key.SPACE)
+ if deactivate
+ @screen.waitVanish('PidginAccountEnabledCheckbox.png', 5)
+ else
+ # wait for the Pidgin to be connecting, otherwise sometimes the step
+ # that closes the account management dialog happens before the account
+ # is actually enabled
+ @screen.waitAny(['PidginConnecting.png', 'PidginAvailableStatus.png'], 5)
+ end
+def deactivate_and_activate_pidgin_account(account)
+ debug_log("Deactivating and reactivating Pidgin account #{account}")
+ step "I open Pidgin's account manager window"
+ step "I deactivate the \"#{account}\" Pidgin account"
+ step "I close Pidgin's account manager window"
+ step "I open Pidgin's account manager window"
+ step "I activate the \"#{account}\" Pidgin account"
+ step "I close Pidgin's account manager window"
+Then /^Pidgin successfully connects to the "([^"]+)" account$/ do |account|
+ expected_channel_entry = chan_image(account, default_chan(account), 'roster')
+ reconnect_button = 'PidginReconnect.png'
+ recovery_on_failure = do
+ if @screen.exists('PidginReconnect.png')
+ else
+ deactivate_and_activate_pidgin_account(account)
+ end
+ end
+ retrier_method = account == 'I2P' ? method(:retry_i2p) : method(:retry_tor)
+ do
+ begin
+ $vm.focus_window('Buddy List')
+ rescue ExecutionFailedInVM
+ # Sometimes focusing the window with xdotool will fail with the
+ # conversation window right on top of it. We'll try to close the
+ # conversation window. At worst, the test will still fail...
+ close_pidgin_conversation_window(account)
+ end
+ on_screen, _ = @screen.waitAny([expected_channel_entry, reconnect_button], 60)
+ unless on_screen == expected_channel_entry
+ raise "Connecting to account #{account} failed."
+ end
+ end
+Then /^the "([^"]*)" account only responds to PING and VERSION CTCP requests$/ do |irc_server|
+ ctcp_cmds = [
+ ]
+ expected_ctcp_replies = {
+ "PING" => /^\d+$/,
+ "VERSION" => /^Purple IRC$/
+ }
+ spam_target = configured_pidgin_accounts[irc_server]["nickname"]
+ ctcp_check =, 6667, spam_target, ctcp_cmds,
+ expected_ctcp_replies)
+ ctcp_check.verify_ctcp_responses
+Then /^I can join the "([^"]+)" channel on "([^"]+)"$/ do |channel, account|
+ @screen.doubleClick( chan_image(account, channel, 'roster'))
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ focus_pidgin_irc_conversation_window(account)
+ try_for(60) do
+ begin
+ @screen.wait_and_click(chan_image(account, channel, 'conversation_tab'), 5)
+ rescue FindFailed => e
+ # If the channel tab can't be found it could be because there were
+ # multiple connection attempts and the channel tab we want is off the
+ # screen. We'll try closing tabs until the one we want can be found.
+ @screen.type("w", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait( chan_image(account, channel, 'welcome'), 10)
+Then /^I take note of the configured Pidgin accounts$/ do
+ @persistent_pidgin_accounts = configured_pidgin_accounts
+Then /^I take note of the OTR key for Pidgin's "([^"]+)" account$/ do |account_name|
+ @persistent_pidgin_otr_keys = pidgin_otr_keys
+Then /^Pidgin has the expected persistent accounts configured$/ do
+ current_accounts = configured_pidgin_accounts
+ assert(current_accounts <=> @persistent_pidgin_accounts,
+ "Currently configured Pidgin accounts do not match the persistent ones:\n" +
+ "Current:\n#{current_accounts}\n" +
+ "Persistent:\n#{@persistent_pidgin_accounts}"
+ )
+Then /^Pidgin has the expected persistent OTR keys$/ do
+ assert_equal(pidgin_otr_keys, @persistent_pidgin_otr_keys)
+def pidgin_add_certificate_from (cert_file)
+ # Here, we need a certificate that is not already in the NSS database
+ step "I copy \"/usr/share/ca-certificates/\" to \"#{cert_file}\" as user \"amnesia\""
+ $vm.focus_window('Buddy List')
+ @screen.wait_and_click('PidginToolsMenu.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('PidginCertificatesMenuItem.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('PidginCertificateManagerDialog.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('PidginCertificateAddButton.png', 10)
+ begin
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GtkFileChooserDesktopButton.png', 10)
+ rescue FindFailed
+ # The first time we're run, the file chooser opens in the Recent
+ # view, so we have to browse a directory before we can use the
+ # "Type file name" button. But on subsequent runs, the file
+ # chooser is already in the Desktop directory, so we don't need to
+ # do anything. Hence, this noop exception handler.
+ end
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GtkFileTypeFileNameButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.type("l", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT) # "Location" field
+ @screen.type(cert_file + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+Then /^I can add a certificate from the "([^"]+)" directory to Pidgin$/ do |cert_dir|
+ pidgin_add_certificate_from("#{cert_dir}/test.crt")
+ wait_and_focus('PidginCertificateAddHostnameDialog.png', 10, 'Certificate Import')
+ @screen.type("XXX test XXX" + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ wait_and_focus('PidginCertificateTestItem.png', 10, 'Certificate Manager')
+Then /^I cannot add a certificate from the "([^"]+)" directory to Pidgin$/ do |cert_dir|
+ pidgin_add_certificate_from("#{cert_dir}/test.crt")
+ wait_and_focus('PidginCertificateImportFailed.png', 10, 'Import Error')
+When /^I close Pidgin's certificate manager$/ do
+ wait_and_focus('PidginCertificateManagerDialog.png', 10, 'Certificate Manager')
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ # @screen.wait_and_click('PidginCertificateManagerClose.png', 10)
+ @screen.waitVanish('PidginCertificateManagerDialog.png', 10)
+When /^I close Pidgin's certificate import failure dialog$/ do
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ # @screen.wait_and_click('PidginCertificateManagerClose.png', 10)
+ @screen.waitVanish('PidginCertificateImportFailed.png', 10)
+When /^I see the Tails roadmap URL$/ do
+ try_for(60) do
+ begin
+ @screen.find('PidginTailsRoadmapUrl.png')
+ rescue FindFailed => e
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.PAGE_UP)
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+When /^I click on the Tails roadmap URL$/ do
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/po.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/po.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c73bacef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/po.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Given /^I am in the Git branch being tested$/ do
+ Dir.chdir(GIT_DIR)
+Then /^all the PO files should be correct$/ do
+ File.exists?('./submodules/jenkins-tools/slaves/check_po')
+ cmd_helper(['./submodules/jenkins-tools/slaves/check_po'])
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/root_access_control.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/root_access_control.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff1bdfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/root_access_control.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Then /^I should be able to run administration commands as the live user$/ do
+ stdout = $vm.execute("echo #{@sudo_password} | sudo -S whoami",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).stdout
+ actual_user = stdout.sub(/^\[sudo\] password for #{LIVE_USER}: /, "").chomp
+ assert_equal("root", actual_user, "Could not use sudo")
+Then /^I should not be able to run administration commands as the live user with the "([^"]*)" password$/ do |password|
+ stderr = $vm.execute("echo #{password} | sudo -S whoami",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).stderr
+ sudo_failed = stderr.include?("The administration password is disabled") || stderr.include?("is not allowed to execute")
+ assert(sudo_failed, "The administration password is not disabled:" + stderr)
+When /^running a command as root with pkexec requires PolicyKit administrator privileges$/ do
+ action = 'org.freedesktop.policykit.exec'
+ action_details = $vm.execute("pkaction --verbose --action-id #{action}").stdout
+ assert(action_details[/\s+implicit any:\s+auth_admin$/],
+ "Expected 'auth_admin' for 'any':\n#{action_details}")
+ assert(action_details[/\s+implicit inactive:\s+auth_admin$/],
+ "Expected 'auth_admin' for 'inactive':\n#{action_details}")
+ assert(action_details[/\s+implicit active:\s+auth_admin$/],
+ "Expected 'auth_admin' for 'active':\n#{action_details}")
+Then /^I should be able to run a command as root with pkexec$/ do
+ step "I run \"pkexec touch /root/pkexec-test\" in GNOME Terminal"
+ step 'I enter the sudo password in the pkexec prompt'
+ try_for(10, :msg => 'The /root/pkexec-test file was not created.') {
+ $vm.execute('ls /root/pkexec-test').success?
+ }
+Then /^I should not be able to run a command as root with pkexec and the standard passwords$/ do
+ step "I run \"pkexec touch /root/pkexec-test\" in GNOME Terminal"
+ ['', 'live', 'amnesia'].each do |password|
+ step "I enter the \"#{password}\" password in the pkexec prompt"
+ @screen.wait('PolicyKitAuthFailure.png', 20)
+ end
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+ @screen.wait('PolicyKitAuthCompleteFailure.png', 20)
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13e4a5b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+def checkpoints
+ {
+ 'boot-d-i-to-tasksel' => {
+ :description => "I have started Debian Installer and stopped at the Tasksel prompt",
+ #:parent_checkpoint => 'no-network-logged-in',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I create a 8 GiB disk named "target"',
+ 'I plug ide drive "target"',
+ 'I start the computer',
+ 'the computer boots DebianInstaller',
+ 'I select British English',
+ 'I accept the hostname, using "" as the domain',
+ 'I set the root password to "rootme"',
+ 'I set the password for "Philip Hands" to be "verysecret"',
+ 'I select full-disk, single-filesystem partitioning',
+ 'I note that the Base system is being installed',
+ 'I accept the default mirror',
+ 'I ignore Popcon',
+ 'we reach the Tasksel prompt',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'debian-minimal-install' => {
+ :description => "I have installed Minimal Debian",
+ :parent_checkpoint => 'boot-d-i-to-tasksel',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I hit ENTER',
+ 'I install GRUB',
+ 'I allow reboot after the install is complete',
+ 'I wait for the reboot',
+ 'I power off the computer',
+ 'the computer is set to boot from ide drive "target"',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'debian-gnome-install' => {
+ :description => "I have installed Gnome Desktop Debian",
+ :parent_checkpoint => 'boot-d-i-to-tasksel',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I select the Desktop task',
+ 'I install GRUB',
+ 'I allow reboot after the install is complete',
+ 'I wait for the reboot',
+ 'I power off the computer',
+ 'the computer is set to boot from ide drive "target"',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'tails-greeter' => {
+ :description => "I have started Tails from DVD without network and stopped at Tails Greeter's login screen",
+ :parent_checkpoint => nil,
+ :steps => [
+ 'the network is unplugged',
+ 'I start the computer',
+ 'the computer boots Tails'
+ ],
+ },
+ 'no-network-logged-in' => {
+ :description => "I have started Tails from DVD without network and logged in",
+ :parent_checkpoint => "tails-greeter",
+ :steps => [
+ 'I log in to a new session',
+ 'Tails Greeter has dealt with the sudo password',
+ 'the Tails desktop is ready',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'with-no-network-and-i2p' => {
+ :temporary => true,
+ :description => 'I have started Tails from DVD with I2P enabled and logged in',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I set Tails to boot with options "i2p"',
+ 'the network is unplugged',
+ 'I start the computer',
+ 'the computer boots Tails',
+ 'I log in to a new session',
+ 'the Tails desktop is ready',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'with-network-and-i2p' => {
+ :temporary => true,
+ :description => 'I have started Tails from DVD with I2P enabled and logged in and the network is connected',
+ :parent_checkpoint => "with-no-network-and-i2p",
+ :steps => [
+ 'the network is plugged',
+ 'Tor is ready',
+ 'I2P is running',
+ 'all notifications have disappeared',
+ 'available upgrades have been checked',
+ "I2P's reseeding completed",
+ ],
+ },
+ 'with-network-logged-in' => {
+ :description => "I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected",
+ :parent_checkpoint => "no-network-logged-in",
+ :steps => [
+ 'the network is plugged',
+ 'Tor is ready',
+ 'all notifications have disappeared',
+ 'available upgrades have been checked',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'no-network-bridge-mode' => {
+ :temporary => true,
+ :description => "I have started Tails from DVD without network and logged in with bridge mode enabled",
+ :parent_checkpoint => "tails-greeter",
+ :steps => [
+ 'I enable more Tails Greeter options',
+ 'I enable the specific Tor configuration option',
+ 'I log in to a new session',
+ 'Tails Greeter has dealt with the sudo password',
+ 'the Tails desktop is ready',
+ 'all notifications have disappeared',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'no-network-logged-in-sudo-passwd' => {
+ :temporary => true,
+ :description => "I have started Tails from DVD without network and logged in with an administration password",
+ :parent_checkpoint => "tails-greeter",
+ :steps => [
+ 'I enable more Tails Greeter options',
+ 'I set an administration password',
+ 'I log in to a new session',
+ 'Tails Greeter has dealt with the sudo password',
+ 'the Tails desktop is ready',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'with-network-logged-in-sudo-passwd' => {
+ :temporary => true,
+ :description => "I have started Tails from DVD and logged in with an administration password and the network is connected",
+ :parent_checkpoint => "no-network-logged-in-sudo-passwd",
+ :steps => [
+ 'the network is plugged',
+ 'Tor is ready',
+ 'all notifications have disappeared',
+ 'available upgrades have been checked',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'usb-install-tails-greeter' => {
+ :description => "I have started Tails without network from a USB drive without a persistent partition and stopped at Tails Greeter's login screen",
+ :parent_checkpoint => 'no-network-logged-in',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I create a 4 GiB disk named "__internal"',
+ 'I plug USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'I "Clone & Install" Tails to USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'the running Tails is installed on USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'there is no persistence partition on USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off',
+ 'I start Tails from USB drive "__internal" with network unplugged',
+ 'the boot device has safe access rights',
+ 'Tails is running from USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'there is no persistence partition on USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'process "udev-watchdog" is running',
+ 'udev-watchdog is monitoring the correct device',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'usb-install-logged-in' => {
+ :description => "I have started Tails without network from a USB drive without a persistent partition and logged in",
+ :parent_checkpoint => 'usb-install-tails-greeter',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I log in to a new session',
+ 'the Tails desktop is ready',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'usb-install-with-persistence-tails-greeter' => {
+ :description => "I have started Tails without network from a USB drive with a persistent partition and stopped at Tails Greeter's login screen",
+ :parent_checkpoint => 'usb-install-logged-in',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I create a persistent partition',
+ 'a Tails persistence partition exists on USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'I shutdown Tails and wait for the computer to power off',
+ 'I start Tails from USB drive "__internal" with network unplugged',
+ 'the boot device has safe access rights',
+ 'Tails is running from USB drive "__internal"',
+ 'process "udev-watchdog" is running',
+ 'udev-watchdog is monitoring the correct device',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'usb-install-with-persistence-logged-in' => {
+ :description => "I have started Tails without network from a USB drive with a persistent partition enabled and logged in",
+ :parent_checkpoint => 'usb-install-with-persistence-tails-greeter',
+ :steps => [
+ 'I enable persistence',
+ 'I log in to a new session',
+ 'the Tails desktop is ready',
+ 'all persistence presets are enabled',
+ 'all persistent filesystems have safe access rights',
+ 'all persistence configuration files have safe access rights',
+ 'all persistent directories have safe access rights',
+ ],
+ },
+ }
+def reach_checkpoint(name)
+ scenario_indent = " "*4
+ step_indent = " "*6
+ step "a computer"
+ if VM.snapshot_exists?(name)
+ $vm.restore_snapshot(name)
+ post_snapshot_restore_hook
+ else
+ checkpoint = checkpoints[name]
+ checkpoint_description = checkpoint[:description]
+ parent_checkpoint = checkpoint[:parent_checkpoint]
+ steps = checkpoint[:steps]
+ if parent_checkpoint
+ if VM.snapshot_exists?(parent_checkpoint)
+ $vm.restore_snapshot(parent_checkpoint)
+ else
+ reach_checkpoint(parent_checkpoint)
+ end
+ post_snapshot_restore_hook
+ end
+ debug_log(scenario_indent + "Checkpoint: #{checkpoint_description}",
+ :color => :white)
+ step_action = "Given"
+ if parent_checkpoint
+ parent_description = checkpoints[parent_checkpoint][:description]
+ debug_log(step_indent + "#{step_action} #{parent_description}",
+ :color => :green)
+ step_action = "And"
+ end
+ steps.each do |s|
+ begin
+ step(s)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ debug_log(scenario_indent +
+ "Step failed while creating checkpoint: #{s}",
+ :color => :red)
+ raise e
+ end
+ debug_log(step_indent + "#{step_action} #{s}", :color => :green)
+ step_action = "And"
+ end
+ $vm.save_snapshot(name)
+ end
+# For each checkpoint we generate a step to reach it.
+checkpoints.each do |name, desc|
+ step_regex ="^#{Regexp.escape(desc[:description])}$")
+ Given step_regex do
+ reach_checkpoint(name)
+ end
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/ssh.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/ssh.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..038b2977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/ssh.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+require 'socket'
+def assert_not_ipaddr(s)
+ err_msg = "'#{s}' looks like a LAN IP address."
+ assert_raise(IPAddr::InvalidAddressError, err_msg) do
+ end
+def read_and_validate_ssh_config srv_type
+ conf = $config[srv_type]
+ begin
+ required_settings = ["private_key", "public_key", "username", "hostname"]
+ required_settings.each do |key|
+ assert(conf.has_key?(key))
+ assert_not_nil(conf[key])
+ assert(!conf[key].empty?)
+ end
+ rescue NoMethodError
+ raise(
+ <<EOF
+Your #{srv_type} config is incorrect or missing from your local configuration file (#{LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE}). See wiki/src/contribute/release_process/test/usage.mdwn for the format.
+ )
+ end
+ case srv_type
+ when 'SSH'
+ @ssh_host = conf["hostname"]
+ @ssh_port = conf["port"].to_i if conf["port"]
+ @ssh_username = conf["username"]
+ assert_not_ipaddr(@ssh_host)
+ when 'SFTP'
+ @sftp_host = conf["hostname"]
+ @sftp_port = conf["port"].to_i if conf["port"]
+ @sftp_username = conf["username"]
+ assert_not_ipaddr(@sftp_host)
+ end
+Given /^I have the SSH key pair for an? (Git|SSH|SFTP) (?:repository|server)( on the LAN)?$/ do |server_type, lan|
+ $vm.execute_successfully("install -m 0700 -d '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.ssh/'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
+ unless server_type == 'Git' || lan
+ read_and_validate_ssh_config server_type
+ secret_key = $config[server_type]["private_key"]
+ public_key = $config[server_type]["public_key"]
+ else
+ secret_key = $config["Unsafe_SSH_private_key"]
+ public_key = $config["Unsafe_SSH_public_key"]
+ end
+ $vm.execute_successfully("echo '#{secret_key}' > '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.ssh/id_rsa'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
+ $vm.execute_successfully("echo '#{public_key}' > '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.ssh/'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
+ $vm.execute_successfully("chmod 0600 '/home/#{LIVE_USER}/.ssh/'id*",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
+Given /^I (?:am prompted to )?verify the SSH fingerprint for the (?:Git|SSH) (?:repository|server)$/ do
+ @screen.wait("SSHFingerprint.png", 60)
+ @screen.type('yes' + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+def get_free_tcp_port
+ server ='', 0)
+ return server.addr[1]
+ server.close
+Given /^an SSH server is running on the LAN$/ do
+ @sshd_server_port = get_free_tcp_port
+ @sshd_server_host = $vmnet.bridge_ip_addr
+ sshd =, @sshd_server_port)
+ sshd.start
+ add_after_scenario_hook { sshd.stop }
+When /^I connect to an SSH server on the (Internet|LAN)$/ do |location|
+ case location
+ when 'Internet'
+ read_and_validate_ssh_config "SSH"
+ when 'LAN'
+ @ssh_port = @sshd_server_port
+ @ssh_username = 'user'
+ @ssh_host = @sshd_server_host
+ end
+ ssh_port_suffix = "-p #{@ssh_port}" if @ssh_port
+ cmd = "ssh #{@ssh_username}@#{@ssh_host} #{ssh_port_suffix}"
+ step 'process "ssh" is not running'
+ step "I run \"#{cmd}\" in GNOME Terminal"
+ step 'process "ssh" is running within 10 seconds'
+Then /^I have sucessfully logged into the SSH server$/ do
+ @screen.wait('SSHLoggedInPrompt.png', 60)
+Then /^I connect to an SFTP server on the Internet$/ do
+ read_and_validate_ssh_config "SFTP"
+ @sftp_port ||= 22
+ @sftp_port = @sftp_port.to_s
+ step 'I start "Files" via the GNOME "Accessories" applications menu'
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeFilesConnectToServer.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait("GnomeConnectToServerWindow.png", 10)
+ @screen.type("sftp://" + @sftp_username + "@" + @sftp_host + ":" + @sftp_port)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeConnectToServerConnectButton.png", 10)
+Then /^I verify the SSH fingerprint for the SFTP server$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("GnomeSSHVerificationConfirm.png", 60)
+Then /^I successfully connect to the SFTP server$/ do
+ @screen.wait("GnomeSSHSuccess.png", 60)
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/time_syncing.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/time_syncing.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..319fb521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/time_syncing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# In some steps below we allow some slack when verifying that the date
+# was set appropriately because it may take time to send the `date`
+# command over the remote shell and get the answer back, parsing and
+# post-processing of the result, etc.
+def max_time_drift
+ 10
+When /^I set the system time to "([^"]+)"$/ do |time|
+ $vm.execute_successfully("date -s '#{time}'")
+ new_time = DateTime.parse($vm.execute_successfully("date").stdout).to_time
+ expected_time_lower_bound = DateTime.parse(time).to_time
+ expected_time_upper_bound = expected_time_lower_bound + max_time_drift
+ assert(expected_time_lower_bound <= new_time &&
+ new_time <= expected_time_upper_bound,
+ "The guest's time was supposed to be set to " \
+ "'#{expected_time_lower_bound}' but is '#{new_time}'")
+When /^I bump the (hardware clock's|system) time with "([^"]+)"$/ do |clock_type, timediff|
+ case clock_type
+ when "hardware clock's"
+ old_time = DateTime.parse($vm.execute_successfully("hwclock -r").stdout).to_time
+ $vm.execute_successfully("hwclock --set --date 'now #{timediff}'")
+ new_time = DateTime.parse($vm.execute_successfully("hwclock -r").stdout).to_time
+ when 'system'
+ old_time = DateTime.parse($vm.execute_successfully("date").stdout).to_time
+ $vm.execute_successfully("date -s 'now #{timediff}'")
+ new_time = DateTime.parse($vm.execute_successfully("date").stdout).to_time
+ end
+ expected_time_lower_bound = DateTime.parse(
+ cmd_helper(["date", "-d", "#{old_time} #{timediff}"])).to_time
+ expected_time_upper_bound = expected_time_lower_bound + max_time_drift
+ assert(expected_time_lower_bound <= new_time &&
+ new_time <= expected_time_upper_bound,
+ "The #{clock_type} time was supposed to be bumped to " \
+ "'#{expected_time_lower_bound}' but is '#{new_time}'")
+Then /^Tails clock is less than (\d+) minutes incorrect$/ do |max_diff_mins|
+ guest_time_str = $vm.execute("date --rfc-2822").stdout.chomp
+ guest_time = Time.rfc2822(guest_time_str)
+ host_time =
+ diff = (host_time - guest_time).abs
+ assert(diff < max_diff_mins.to_i*60,
+ "The guest's clock is off by #{diff} seconds (#{guest_time})")
+ puts "Time was #{diff} seconds off"
+Then /^the system clock is just past Tails' build date$/ do
+ system_time_str = $vm.execute_successfully('date').to_s
+ system_time = DateTime.parse(system_time_str).to_time
+ build_time_cmd = 'sed -n -e "1s/^.* - \([0-9]\+\)$/\1/p;q" ' +
+ '/etc/amnesia/version'
+ build_time_str = $vm.execute_successfully(build_time_cmd).to_s
+ build_time = DateTime.parse(build_time_str).to_time
+ diff = system_time - build_time # => in seconds
+ # Half an hour should be enough to boot Tails on any reasonable
+ # hardware and VM setup.
+ max_diff = 30*60
+ assert(diff > 0,
+ "The system time (#{system_time}) is before the Tails " +
+ "build date (#{build_time})")
+ assert(diff <= max_diff,
+ "The system time (#{system_time}) is more than #{max_diff} seconds " +
+ "past the build date (#{build_time})")
+Then /^Tails' hardware clock is close to the host system's time$/ do
+ host_time =
+ hwclock_time_str = $vm.execute('hwclock -r').stdout.chomp
+ hwclock_time = DateTime.parse(hwclock_time_str).to_time
+ diff = (hwclock_time - host_time).abs
+ assert(diff <= max_time_drift)
+Then /^the hardware clock is still off by "([^"]+)"$/ do |timediff|
+ hwclock = DateTime.parse($vm.execute_successfully("hwclock -r").stdout.chomp).to_time
+ expected_time_lower_bound = DateTime.parse(
+ cmd_helper(["date", "-d", "now #{timediff}"])).to_time - max_time_drift
+ expected_time_upper_bound = expected_time_lower_bound + max_time_drift
+ assert(expected_time_lower_bound <= hwclock &&
+ hwclock <= expected_time_upper_bound,
+ "The host's hwclock should be approximately " \
+ "'#{expected_time_lower_bound}' but is actually '#{hwclock}'")
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/tor.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/tor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac12fd4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/tor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+def iptables_chains_parse(iptables, table = "filter", &block)
+ assert(block_given?)
+ cmd = "#{iptables}-save -c -t #{table} | iptables-xml"
+ xml_str = $vm.execute_successfully(cmd).stdout
+ rexml =
+ rexml.get_elements('iptables-rules/table/chain').each do |element|
+ yield(
+ element.attribute('name').to_s,
+ element.attribute('policy').to_s,
+ element.get_elements('rule')
+ )
+ end
+def ip4tables_chains(table = "filter", &block)
+ iptables_chains_parse('iptables', table, &block)
+def ip6tables_chains(table = "filter", &block)
+ iptables_chains_parse('ip6tables', table, &block)
+def iptables_rules_parse(iptables, chain, table)
+ iptables_chains_parse(iptables, table) do |name, _, rules|
+ return rules if name == chain
+ end
+ return nil
+def iptables_rules(chain, table = "filter")
+ iptables_rules_parse("iptables", chain, table)
+def ip6tables_rules(chain, table = "filter")
+ iptables_rules_parse("ip6tables", chain, table)
+def ip4tables_packet_counter_sum(filters = {})
+ pkts = 0
+ ip4tables_chains do |name, _, rules|
+ next if filters[:tables] && not(filters[:tables].include?(name))
+ rules.each do |rule|
+ next if filters[:uid] && not(rule.elements["conditions/owner/uid-owner[text()=#{filters[:uid]}]"])
+ pkts += rule.attribute('packet-count').to_s.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ return pkts
+def try_xml_element_text(element, xpath, default = nil)
+ node = element.elements[xpath]
+ (node.nil? or not(node.has_text?)) ? default : node.text
+Then /^the firewall's policy is to (.+) all IPv4 traffic$/ do |expected_policy|
+ expected_policy.upcase!
+ ip4tables_chains do |name, policy, _|
+ if ["INPUT", "FORWARD", "OUTPUT"].include?(name)
+ assert_equal(expected_policy, policy,
+ "Chain #{name} has unexpected policy #{policy}")
+ end
+ end
+Then /^the firewall is configured to only allow the (.+) users? to connect directly to the Internet over IPv4$/ do |users_str|
+ users = users_str.split(/, | and /)
+ expected_uids =
+ users.each do |user|
+ expected_uids << $vm.execute_successfully("id -u #{user}").stdout.to_i
+ end
+ allowed_output = iptables_rules("OUTPUT").find_all do |rule|
+ out_iface = rule.elements['conditions/match/o']
+ is_maybe_accepted = rule.get_elements('actions/*').find do |action|
+ not(["DROP", "REJECT", "LOG"].include?(
+ end
+ is_maybe_accepted &&
+ (
+ # nil => match all interfaces according to iptables-xml
+ out_iface.nil? ||
+ ((out_iface.text == 'lo') == (out_iface.attribute('invert').to_s == '1'))
+ )
+ end
+ uids =
+ allowed_output.each do |rule|
+ rule.elements.each('actions/*') do |action|
+ destination = try_xml_element_text(rule, "conditions/match/d")
+ if == "ACCEPT"
+ # nil == according to iptables-xml
+ assert(destination == '' || destination.nil?,
+ "The following rule has an unexpected destination:\n" +
+ rule.to_s)
+ state_cond = try_xml_element_text(rule, "conditions/state/state")
+ next if state_cond == "RELATED,ESTABLISHED"
+ assert_not_nil(rule.elements['conditions/owner/uid-owner'])
+ rule.elements.each('conditions/owner/uid-owner') do |owner|
+ uid = owner.text.to_i
+ uids << uid
+ assert(expected_uids.include?(uid),
+ "The following rule allows uid #{uid} to access the " +
+ "network, but we only expect uids #{expected_uids.to_a} " +
+ "(#{users_str}) to have such access:\n#{rule.to_s}")
+ end
+ elsif == "call" && action.elements[1].name == "lan"
+ lan_subnets = ["", "", ""]
+ assert(lan_subnets.include?(destination),
+ "The following lan-targeted rule's destination is " +
+ "#{destination} which may not be a private subnet:\n" +
+ rule.to_s)
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected iptables OUTPUT chain rule:\n#{rule.to_s}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ uids_not_found = expected_uids - uids
+ assert(uids_not_found.empty?,
+ "Couldn't find rules allowing uids #{uids_not_found.to_a.to_s} " \
+ "access to the network")
+Then /^the firewall's NAT rules only redirect traffic for Tor's TransPort and DNSPort$/ do
+ loopback_address = ""
+ tor_onion_addr_space = ""
+ tor_trans_port = "9040"
+ dns_port = "53"
+ tor_dns_port = "5353"
+ ip4tables_chains('nat') do |name, _, rules|
+ if name == "OUTPUT"
+ good_rules = rules.find_all do |rule|
+ redirect = rule.get_elements('actions/*').all? do |action|
+ end
+ destination = try_xml_element_text(rule, "conditions/match/d")
+ redir_port = try_xml_element_text(rule, "actions/REDIRECT/to-ports")
+ redirected_to_trans_port = redir_port == tor_trans_port
+ udp_destination_port = try_xml_element_text(rule, "conditions/udp/dport")
+ dns_redirected_to_tor_dns_port = (udp_destination_port == dns_port) &&
+ (redir_port == tor_dns_port)
+ redirect &&
+ (
+ (destination == tor_onion_addr_space && redirected_to_trans_port) ||
+ (destination == loopback_address && dns_redirected_to_tor_dns_port)
+ )
+ end
+ bad_rules = rules - good_rules
+ assert(bad_rules.empty?,
+ "The NAT table's OUTPUT chain contains some unexpected " +
+ "rules:\n#{bad_rules}")
+ else
+ assert(rules.empty?,
+ "The NAT table contains unexpected rules for the #{name} " +
+ "chain:\n#{rules}")
+ end
+ end
+Then /^the firewall is configured to block all external IPv6 traffic$/ do
+ ip6_loopback = '::1/128'
+ expected_policy = "DROP"
+ ip6tables_chains do |name, policy, rules|
+ assert_equal(expected_policy, policy,
+ "The IPv6 #{name} chain has policy #{policy} but we " \
+ "expected #{expected_policy}")
+ good_rules = rules.find_all do |rule|
+ ["DROP", "REJECT", "LOG"].any? do |target|
+ rule.elements["actions/#{target}"]
+ end \
+ ||
+ ["s", "d"].all? do |x|
+ try_xml_element_text(rule, "conditions/match/#{x}") == ip6_loopback
+ end
+ end
+ bad_rules = rules - good_rules
+ assert(bad_rules.empty?,
+ "The IPv6 table's #{name} chain contains some unexpected rules:\n" +
+ ( { |r| r.to_s }).join("\n"))
+ end
+def firewall_has_dropped_packet_to?(proto, host, port)
+ regex = "^Dropped outbound packet: .* "
+ regex += "DST=#{Regexp.escape(host)} .* "
+ regex += "PROTO=#{Regexp.escape(proto)} "
+ regex += ".* DPT=#{port} " if port
+ $vm.execute("journalctl --dmesg --output=cat | grep -qP '#{regex}'").success?
+When /^I open an untorified (TCP|UDP|ICMP) connections to (\S*)(?: on port (\d+))? that is expected to fail$/ do |proto, host, port|
+ assert(!firewall_has_dropped_packet_to?(proto, host, port),
+ "A #{proto} packet to #{host}" +
+ (port.nil? ? "" : ":#{port}") +
+ " has already been dropped by the firewall")
+ @conn_proto = proto
+ @conn_host = host
+ @conn_port = port
+ case proto
+ when "TCP"
+ assert_not_nil(port)
+ cmd = "echo | netcat #{host} #{port}"
+ user = LIVE_USER
+ when "UDP"
+ assert_not_nil(port)
+ cmd = "echo | netcat -u #{host} #{port}"
+ user = LIVE_USER
+ when "ICMP"
+ cmd = "ping -c 5 #{host}"
+ user = 'root'
+ end
+ @conn_res = $vm.execute(cmd, :user => user)
+Then /^the untorified connection fails$/ do
+ case @conn_proto
+ when "TCP"
+ expected_in_stderr = "Connection refused"
+ conn_failed = !@conn_res.success? &&
+ @conn_res.stderr.chomp.end_with?(expected_in_stderr)
+ when "UDP", "ICMP"
+ conn_failed = !@conn_res.success?
+ end
+ assert(conn_failed,
+ "The untorified #{@conn_proto} connection didn't fail as expected:\n" +
+ @conn_res.to_s)
+Then /^the untorified connection is logged as dropped by the firewall$/ do
+ assert(firewall_has_dropped_packet_to?(@conn_proto, @conn_host, @conn_port),
+ "No #{@conn_proto} packet to #{@conn_host}" +
+ (@conn_port.nil? ? "" : ":#{@conn_port}") +
+ " was dropped by the firewall")
+When /^the system DNS is(?: still)? using the local DNS resolver$/ do
+ resolvconf = $vm.file_content("/etc/resolv.conf")
+ bad_lines = resolvconf.split("\n").find_all do |line|
+ !line.start_with?("#") && !/^nameserver\s+127\.0\.0\.1$/.match(line)
+ end
+ assert_empty(bad_lines,
+ "The following bad lines were found in /etc/resolv.conf:\n" +
+ bad_lines.join("\n"))
+def stream_isolation_info(application)
+ case application
+ when "htpdate"
+ {
+ :grep_monitor_expr => '/curl\>',
+ :socksport => 9062
+ }
+ when "tails-security-check", "tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper"
+ # We only grep connections with ESTABLISHED state since `perl`
+ # is also used by monkeysphere's validation agent, which LISTENs
+ {
+ :grep_monitor_expr => '\<ESTABLISHED\>.\+/perl\>',
+ :socksport => 9062
+ }
+ when "Tor Browser"
+ {
+ :grep_monitor_expr => '/firefox\>',
+ :socksport => 9150
+ }
+ when "Gobby"
+ {
+ :grep_monitor_expr => '/gobby\>',
+ :socksport => 9050
+ }
+ when "SSH"
+ {
+ :grep_monitor_expr => '/\(connect-proxy\|ssh\)\>',
+ :socksport => 9050
+ }
+ when "whois"
+ {
+ :grep_monitor_expr => '/whois\>',
+ :socksport => 9050
+ }
+ else
+ raise "Unknown application '#{application}' for the stream isolation tests"
+ end
+When /^I monitor the network connections of (.*)$/ do |application|
+ @process_monitor_log = "/tmp/netstat.log"
+ info = stream_isolation_info(application)
+ $vm.spawn("while true; do " +
+ " netstat -taupen | grep \"#{info[:grep_monitor_expr]}\"; " +
+ " sleep 0.1; " +
+ "done > #{@process_monitor_log}")
+Then /^I see that (.+) is properly stream isolated$/ do |application|
+ expected_port = stream_isolation_info(application)[:socksport]
+ assert_not_nil(@process_monitor_log)
+ log_lines = $vm.file_content(@process_monitor_log).split("\n")
+ assert(log_lines.size > 0,
+ "Couldn't see any connection made by #{application} so " \
+ "something is wrong")
+ log_lines.each do |line|
+ addr_port = line.split(/\s+/)[4]
+ assert_equal("{expected_port}", addr_port,
+ "#{application} should use SocksPort #{expected_port} but " \
+ "was seen connecting to #{addr_port}")
+ end
+And /^I re-run tails-security-check$/ do
+ $vm.execute_successfully("tails-security-check", :user => LIVE_USER)
+And /^I re-run htpdate$/ do
+ $vm.execute_successfully("service htpdate stop && " \
+ "rm -f /var/run/htpdate/* && " \
+ "systemctl --no-block start htpdate.service")
+ step "the time has synced"
+And /^I re-run tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper$/ do
+ $vm.execute_successfully("tails-upgrade-frontend-wrapper", :user => LIVE_USER)
+When /^I connect Gobby to "([^"]+)"$/ do |host|
+ @screen.wait("GobbyWindow.png", 30)
+ @screen.wait("GobbyWelcomePrompt.png", 10)
+ @screen.wait("GobbyWindow.png", 10)
+ # This indicates that Gobby has finished initializing itself
+ # (generating DH parameters, etc.) -- before, the UI is not responsive
+ # and our CTRL-t is lost.
+ @screen.wait("GobbyFailedToShareDocuments.png", 30)
+ @screen.type("t", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait("GobbyConnectPrompt.png", 10)
+ @screen.type(host + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait("GobbyConnectionComplete.png", 60)
+When /^the Tor Launcher autostarts$/ do
+ @screen.wait('TorLauncherWindow.png', 60)
+When /^I configure some (\w+) pluggable transports in Tor Launcher$/ do |bridge_type|
+ bridge_type.downcase!
+ bridge_type.capitalize!
+ begin
+ @bridges = $config["Tor"]["Transports"][bridge_type]
+ assert_not_nil(@bridges)
+ assert(!@bridges.empty?)
+ rescue NoMethodError, Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
+ raise(
+It seems no '#{bridge_type}' pluggable transports are defined in your local configuration file (#{LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE}). See wiki/src/contribute/release_process/test/usage.mdwn for the format.
+ end
+ @bridge_hosts = []
+ for bridge in @bridges do
+ @bridge_hosts << bridge["ipv4_address"]
+ end
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorLauncherConfigureButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('TorLauncherBridgePrompt.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorLauncherYesRadioOption.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorLauncherNextButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorLauncherBridgeList.png', 10)
+ for bridge in @bridges do
+ bridge_line = bridge_type.downcase + " " +
+ bridge["ipv4_address"] + ":" +
+ bridge["ipv4_port"].to_s
+ bridge_line += " " + bridge["fingerprint"].to_s if bridge["fingerprint"]
+ bridge_line += " " + bridge["extra"].to_s if bridge["extra"]
+ @screen.type(bridge_line + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ end
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorLauncherNextButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TorLauncherFinishButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('TorLauncherConnectingWindow.png', 10)
+ @screen.waitVanish('TorLauncherConnectingWindow.png', 120)
+When /^all Internet traffic has only flowed through the configured pluggable transports$/ do
+ assert_not_nil(@bridge_hosts, "No bridges has been configured via the " +
+ "'I configure some ... bridges in Tor Launcher' step")
+ leaks =,
+ :accepted_hosts => @bridge_hosts)
+ leaks.assert_no_leaks
+Then /^the Tor binary is configured to use the expected Tor authorities$/ do
+ tor_auths =
+ tor_binary_orport_strings = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "strings /usr/bin/tor | grep -E 'orport=[0-9]+'").stdout.chomp.split("\n")
+ tor_binary_orport_strings.each do |potential_auth_string|
+ auth_regex = /^\S+ orport=\d+( bridge)?( no-v2)?( v3ident=[A-Z0-9]{40})? ([0-9\.]+):\d+( [A-Z0-9]{4}){10}$/
+ m = auth_regex.match(potential_auth_string)
+ if m
+ auth_ipv4_addr = m[4]
+ tor_auths << auth_ipv4_addr
+ end
+ end
+ expected_tor_auths =
+ assert_equal(expected_tor_auths, tor_auths,
+ "The Tor binary does not have the expected Tor authorities " +
+ "configured")
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_browsing.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_browsing.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8f3ff1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_browsing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+When /^no traffic has flowed to the LAN$/ do
+ leaks =, :ignore_lan => false)
+ assert(not(leaks.ipv4_tcp_leaks.include?(@lan_host)),
+ "Traffic was sent to LAN host #{@lan_host}")
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b4cc040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+class OpenPGPKeyserverCommunicationError < StandardError
+def count_gpg_signatures(key)
+ output = $vm.execute_successfully("gpg --batch --list-sigs #{key}",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).stdout
+ output.scan(/^sig/).count
+def check_for_seahorse_error
+ if @screen.exists('GnomeCloseButton.png')
+ raise
+ "Found GnomeCloseButton.png' on the screen"
+ )
+ end
+def start_or_restart_seahorse
+ assert_not_nil(@withgpgapplet)
+ if @withgpgapplet
+ seahorse_menu_click_helper('GpgAppletIconNormal.png', 'GpgAppletManageKeys.png')
+ else
+ step 'I start "Seahorse" via the GNOME "Utilities" applications menu'
+ end
+ step 'Seahorse has opened'
+Then /^the key "([^"]+)" has (only|more than) (\d+) signatures$/ do |key, qualifier, num|
+ count = count_gpg_signatures(key)
+ case qualifier
+ when 'only'
+ assert_equal(count, num.to_i, "Expected #{num} signatures but instead found #{count}")
+ when 'more than'
+ assert(count > num.to_i, "Expected more than #{num} signatures but found #{count}")
+ else
+ raise "Unknown operator #{qualifier} passed"
+ end
+When /^the "([^"]+)" OpenPGP key is not in the live user's public keyring$/ do |keyid|
+ assert(!$vm.execute("gpg --batch --list-keys '#{keyid}'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).success?,
+ "The '#{keyid}' key is in the live user's public keyring.")
+When /^I fetch the "([^"]+)" OpenPGP key using the GnuPG CLI( without any signatures)?$/ do |keyid, without|
+ # Make keyid an instance variable so we can reference it in the Seahorse
+ # keysyncing step.
+ @fetched_openpgp_keyid = keyid
+ if without
+ importopts = '--keyserver-options import-clean'
+ else
+ importopts = ''
+ end
+ retry_tor do
+ @gnupg_recv_key_res = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "timeout 120 gpg --batch #{importopts} --recv-key '#{@fetched_openpgp_keyid}'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER)
+ if @gnupg_recv_key_res.failure?
+ raise "Fetching keys with the GnuPG CLI failed with:\n" +
+ "#{@gnupg_recv_key_res.stdout}\n" +
+ "#{@gnupg_recv_key_res.stderr}"
+ end
+ end
+When /^the GnuPG fetch is successful$/ do
+ assert(@gnupg_recv_key_res.success?,
+ "gpg keyserver fetch failed:\n#{@gnupg_recv_key_res.stderr}")
+When /^the Seahorse operation is successful$/ do
+ !@screen.exists('GnomeCloseButton.png')
+ $vm.has_process?('seahorse')
+When /^GnuPG uses the configured keyserver$/ do
+ assert(@gnupg_recv_key_res.stderr[CONFIGURED_KEYSERVER_HOSTNAME],
+ "GnuPG's stderr did not mention keyserver #{CONFIGURED_KEYSERVER_HOSTNAME}")
+When /^the "([^"]+)" key is in the live user's public keyring(?: after at most (\d) seconds)?$/ do |keyid, delay|
+ delay = 10 unless delay
+ try_for(delay.to_i, :msg => "The '#{keyid}' key is not in the live user's public keyring") {
+ $vm.execute("gpg --batch --list-keys '#{keyid}'",
+ :user => LIVE_USER).success?
+ }
+When /^I start Seahorse( via the Tails OpenPGP Applet)?$/ do |withgpgapplet|
+ @withgpgapplet = !!withgpgapplet
+ start_or_restart_seahorse
+Then /^Seahorse has opened$/ do
+ @screen.wait('SeahorseWindow.png', 20)
+Then /^I enable key synchronization in Seahorse$/ do
+ step 'process "seahorse" is running'
+ @screen.wait_and_click("SeahorseWindow.png", 10)
+ seahorse_menu_click_helper('GnomeEditMenu.png', 'SeahorseEditPreferences.png', 'seahorse')
+ @screen.wait('SeahorsePreferences.png', 20)
+ @screen.type("p", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT) # Option: "Publish keys to...".
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.DOWN) # select HKP server
+ @screen.type("c", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT) # Button: "Close"
+Then /^I synchronize keys in Seahorse$/ do
+ recovery_proc = do
+ # The versions of Seahorse in Wheezy and Jessie will abort with a
+ # segmentation fault whenever there's any sort of network error while
+ # syncing keys. This will usually happens after clicking away the error
+ # message. This does not appear to be a problem in Stretch.
+ #
+ # We'll kill the Seahorse process to avoid waiting for the inevitable
+ # segfault. We'll also make sure the process is still running (= hasn't
+ # yet segfaulted) before terminating it.
+ if @screen.exists('GnomeCloseButton.png') || !$vm.has_process?('seahorse')
+ step 'I kill the process "seahorse"' if $vm.has_process?('seahorse')
+ debug_log('Restarting Seahorse.')
+ start_or_restart_seahorse
+ end
+ end
+ def change_of_status?
+ # Due to a lack of visual feedback in Seahorse we'll break out of the
+ # try_for loop below by returning "true" when there's something we can act
+ # upon.
+ if count_gpg_signatures(@fetched_openpgp_keyid) > 2 || \
+ @screen.exists('GnomeCloseButton.png') || \
+ !$vm.has_process?('seahorse')
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ retry_tor(recovery_proc) do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("SeahorseWindow.png", 10)
+ seahorse_menu_click_helper('SeahorseRemoteMenu.png',
+ 'SeahorseRemoteMenuSync.png',
+ 'seahorse')
+ @screen.wait('SeahorseSyncKeys.png', 20)
+ @screen.type("s", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT) # Button: Sync
+ # There's no visual feedback of Seahorse in Tails/Jessie, except on error.
+ try_for(120) {
+ change_of_status?
+ }
+ check_for_seahorse_error
+ raise
+ 'Seahorse crashed with a segfault.') unless $vm.has_process?('seahorse')
+ end
+When /^I fetch the "([^"]+)" OpenPGP key using Seahorse( via the Tails OpenPGP Applet)?$/ do |keyid, withgpgapplet|
+ step "I start Seahorse#{withgpgapplet}"
+ def change_of_status?(keyid)
+ # Due to a lack of visual feedback in Seahorse we'll break out of the
+ # try_for loop below by returning "true" when there's something we can act
+ # upon.
+ if $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "gpg --batch --list-keys '#{keyid}'", :user => LIVE_USER) ||
+ @screen.exists('GnomeCloseButton.png')
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ recovery_proc = do
+'GnomeCloseButton.png') if @screen.exists('GnomeCloseButton.png')
+ @screen.type("w", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ end
+ retry_tor(recovery_proc) do
+ @screen.wait_and_click("SeahorseWindow.png", 10)
+ seahorse_menu_click_helper('SeahorseRemoteMenu.png',
+ 'SeahorseRemoteMenuFind.png',
+ 'seahorse')
+ @screen.wait('SeahorseFindKeysWindow.png', 10)
+ # Seahorse doesn't seem to support searching for fingerprints
+ @screen.type(keyid + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ begin
+ @screen.waitAny(['SeahorseFoundKeyResult.png',
+ 'GnomeCloseButton.png'], 120)
+ rescue FindAnyFailed
+ # We may end up here if Seahorse appears to be "frozen".
+ # Sometimes--but not always--if we click another window
+ # the main Seahorse window will unfreeze, allowing us
+ # to continue normally.
+ end
+ check_for_seahorse_error
+ try_for(120) do
+ change_of_status?(keyid)
+ end
+ check_for_seahorse_error
+ end
+Then /^Seahorse is configured to use the correct keyserver$/ do
+ @gnome_keyservers = YAML.load($vm.execute_successfully('gsettings get org.gnome.crypto.pgp keyservers',
+ :user => LIVE_USER).stdout)
+ assert_equal(1, @gnome_keyservers.count, 'Seahorse should only have one keyserver configured.')
+ # Seahorse doesn't support hkps so that part of the domain is stripped out.
+ # We also insert hkp:// to the beginning of the domain.
+ assert_equal(CONFIGURED_KEYSERVER_HOSTNAME.sub('hkps.', 'hkp://'), @gnome_keyservers[0])
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_misc.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_misc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7112776a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/torified_misc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+When /^I query the whois directory service for "([^"]+)"$/ do |domain|
+ retry_tor do
+ @vm_execute_res = $vm.execute("whois '#{domain}'", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ if @vm_execute_res.failure? || @vm_execute_res.stdout['LIMIT EXCEEDED']
+ raise "Looking up whois info for #{domain} failed with:\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stdout}\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stderr}"
+ end
+ end
+When /^I wget "([^"]+)" to stdout(?:| with the '([^']+)' options)$/ do |url, options|
+ arguments = "-O - '#{url}'"
+ arguments = "#{options} #{arguments}" if options
+ retry_tor do
+ @vm_execute_res = $vm.execute("wget #{arguments}", :user => LIVE_USER)
+ if @vm_execute_res.failure?
+ raise "wget:ing #{url} with options #{options} failed with:\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stdout}\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stderr}"
+ end
+ end
+Then /^the (wget|whois) command is successful$/ do |command|
+ assert(
+ @vm_execute_res.success?,
+ "#{command} failed:\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stdout}\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stderr}"
+ )
+Then /^the (wget|whois) standard output contains "([^"]+)"$/ do |command, text|
+ assert(
+ @vm_execute_res.stdout[text],
+ "The #{command} standard output does not contain #{text}:\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stdout}\n" +
+ "#{@vm_execute_res.stderr}"
+ )
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/totem.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/totem.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72698dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/totem.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Given /^I create sample videos$/ do
+ @shared_video_dir_on_host = "#{$config["TMPDIR"]}/shared_video_dir"
+ @shared_video_dir_on_guest = "/tmp/shared_video_dir"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(@shared_video_dir_on_host)
+ add_after_scenario_hook { FileUtils.rm_r(@shared_video_dir_on_host) }
+ fatal_system("avconv -loop 1 -t 30 -f image2 " +
+ "-i 'features/images/TailsBootSplash.png' " +
+ "-an -vcodec libx264 -y " +
+ '-filter:v "crop=in_w-mod(in_w\,2):in_h-mod(in_h\,2)" ' +
+ "'#{@shared_video_dir_on_host}/video.mp4' >/dev/null 2>&1")
+Given /^I setup a filesystem share containing sample videos$/ do
+ $vm.add_share(@shared_video_dir_on_host, @shared_video_dir_on_guest)
+Given /^I copy the sample videos to "([^"]+)" as user "([^"]+)"$/ do |destination, user|
+ for video_on_host in Dir.glob("#{@shared_video_dir_on_host}/*.mp4") do
+ video_name = File.basename(video_on_host)
+ src_on_guest = "#{@shared_video_dir_on_guest}/#{video_name}"
+ dst_on_guest = "#{destination}/#{video_name}"
+ step "I copy \"#{src_on_guest}\" to \"#{dst_on_guest}\" as user \"amnesia\""
+ end
+When /^I(?:| try to) open "([^"]+)" with Totem$/ do |filename|
+ step "I run \"totem #{filename}\" in GNOME Terminal"
+When /^I close Totem$/ do
+ step 'I kill the process "totem"'
+Then /^I can watch a WebM video over HTTPs$/ do
+ test_url = ''
+ recovery_on_failure = do
+ step 'I close Totem'
+ end
+ retry_tor(recovery_on_failure) do
+ step "I open \"#{test_url}\" with Totem"
+ @screen.wait("SampleRemoteWebMVideoFrame.png", 120)
+ end
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/unsafe_browser.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/unsafe_browser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8c04983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/unsafe_browser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+When /^I see and accept the Unsafe Browser start verification$/ do
+ @screen.wait('GnomeQuestionDialogIcon.png', 30)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.ESC)
+def supported_torbrowser_languages
+ localization_descriptions = "#{Dir.pwd}/config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/tails/browser-localization/descriptions"
+"\n").map do |line|
+ # The line will be of the form "xx:YY:..." or "xx-YY:YY:..."
+ first, second = line.sub('-', '_').split(':')
+ candidates = ["#{first}_#{second}.utf8", "#{first}.utf8",
+ "#{first}_#{second}", first]
+ when_not_found = { raise "Could not find a locale for '#{line}'" }
+ candidates.find(when_not_found) do |candidate|
+ $vm.directory_exist?("/usr/lib/locale/#{candidate}")
+ end
+ end
+Then /^I start the Unsafe Browser in the "([^"]+)" locale$/ do |loc|
+ step "I run \"LANG=#{loc} LC_ALL=#{loc} sudo unsafe-browser\" in GNOME Terminal"
+ step "I see and accept the Unsafe Browser start verification"
+Then /^the Unsafe Browser works in all supported languages$/ do
+ failed =
+ supported_torbrowser_languages.each do |lang|
+ step "I start the Unsafe Browser in the \"#{lang}\" locale"
+ begin
+ step "the Unsafe Browser has started"
+ rescue RuntimeError
+ failed << lang
+ next
+ end
+ step "I close the Unsafe Browser"
+ step "the Unsafe Browser chroot is torn down"
+ end
+ assert(failed.empty?, "Unsafe Browser failed to launch in the following locale(s): #{failed.join(', ')}")
+Then /^the Unsafe Browser has no add-ons installed$/ do
+ step "I open the address \"about:addons\" in the Unsafe Browser"
+ step "I see \"UnsafeBrowserNoAddons.png\" after at most 30 seconds"
+Then /^the Unsafe Browser has only Firefox's default bookmarks configured$/ do
+ info = xul_application_info("Unsafe Browser")
+ # "Show all bookmarks"
+ @screen.type("o", Sikuli::KeyModifier.SHIFT + Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("UnsafeBrowserExportBookmarksButton.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait_and_click("UnsafeBrowserExportBookmarksMenuEntry.png", 20)
+ @screen.wait("UnsafeBrowserExportBookmarksSavePrompt.png", 20)
+ path = "/home/#{info[:user]}/bookmarks"
+ @screen.type(path + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ chroot_path = "#{info[:chroot]}/#{path}.json"
+ try_for(10) { $vm.file_exist?(chroot_path) }
+ dump = JSON.load($vm.file_content(chroot_path))
+ def check_bookmarks_helper(a)
+ mozilla_uris_counter = 0
+ places_uris_counter = 0
+ a.each do |h|
+ h.each_pair do |k, v|
+ if k == "children"
+ m, p = check_bookmarks_helper(v)
+ mozilla_uris_counter += m
+ places_uris_counter += p
+ elsif k == "uri"
+ uri = v
+ if uri.match("^https://www\.mozilla\.org/")
+ mozilla_uris_counter += 1
+ elsif uri.match("^place:(sort|folder|type)=")
+ places_uris_counter += 1
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected Unsafe Browser bookmark for '#{uri}'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return [mozilla_uris_counter, places_uris_counter]
+ end
+ mozilla_uris_counter, places_uris_counter =
+ check_bookmarks_helper(dump["children"])
+ assert_equal(5, mozilla_uris_counter,
+ "Unexpected number (#{mozilla_uris_counter}) of mozilla " \
+ "bookmarks")
+ assert_equal(3, places_uris_counter,
+ "Unexpected number (#{places_uris_counter}) of places " \
+ "bookmarks")
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.F4, Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+Then /^the Unsafe Browser has a red theme$/ do
+ @screen.wait("UnsafeBrowserRedTheme.png", 10)
+Then /^the Unsafe Browser shows a warning as its start page$/ do
+ @screen.wait("UnsafeBrowserStartPage.png", 10)
+Then /^I see a warning about another instance already running$/ do
+ @screen.wait('UnsafeBrowserWarnAlreadyRunning.png', 10)
+Then /^I can start the Unsafe Browser again$/ do
+ step "I start the Unsafe Browser"
+Then /^I cannot configure the Unsafe Browser to use any local proxies$/ do
+ socks_proxy = 'c' # Alt+c for socks proxy
+ no_proxy = 'y' # Alt+y for no proxy
+ proxies = [[no_proxy, nil, nil]]
+ socksport_lines =
+ $vm.execute_successfully('grep -w "^SocksPort" /etc/tor/torrc').stdout
+ assert(socksport_lines.size >= 4, "We got fewer than four Tor SocksPorts")
+ socksports = socksport_lines.scan(/^SocksPort\s([^:]+):(\d+)/)
+ proxies += { |host, port| [socks_proxy, host, port] }
+ proxies.each do |proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port|
+ @screen.hide_cursor
+ # Open proxy settings and select manual proxy configuration
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserPreferencesButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserAdvancedSettingsButton.png', 10)
+ hit, _ = @screen.waitAny(['UnsafeBrowserNetworkTabAlreadySelected.png',
+ 'UnsafeBrowserNetworkTab.png'], 10)
+ if hit == 'UnsafeBrowserNetworkTab.png'
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserNetworkTabSettingsButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserProxySettingsWindow.png', 10)
+ @screen.type("m", Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+ # Configure the proxy
+ @screen.type(proxy_type, Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT) # Select correct proxy type
+ @screen.type(proxy_host + Sikuli::Key.TAB + proxy_port) if proxy_type != no_proxy
+ # Close settings
+ @screen.waitVanish('UnsafeBrowserProxySettingsWindow.png', 10)
+ # Test that the proxy settings work as they should
+ step "I open the address \"\" in the Unsafe Browser"
+ if proxy_type == no_proxy
+ @screen.wait('UnsafeBrowserTorCheckFail.png', 60)
+ else
+ @screen.wait('UnsafeBrowserProxyRefused.png', 60)
+ end
+ end
+Then /^the Unsafe Browser has no proxy configured$/ do
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserPreferencesButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserAdvancedSettingsButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserNetworkTab.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('UnsafeBrowserNetworkTabSettingsButton.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('UnsafeBrowserProxySettingsWindow.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('UnsafeBrowserNoProxySelected.png', 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.F4, Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+ @screen.type("w", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+Then /^the Unsafe Browser complains that no DNS server is configured$/ do
+ @screen.wait("UnsafeBrowserDNSError.png", 30)
+Then /^I configure the Unsafe Browser to check for updates more frequently$/ do
+ prefs = '/usr/share/tails/chroot-browsers/unsafe-browser/prefs.js'
+ $vm.file_append(prefs, 'pref("app.update.idletime", 1);')
+ $vm.file_append(prefs, 'pref("app.update.promptWaitTime", 1);')
+ $vm.file_append(prefs, 'pref("app.update.interval", 5);')
+But /^checking for updates is disabled in the Unsafe Browser's configuration$/ do
+ prefs = '/usr/share/tails/chroot-browsers/common/prefs.js'
+ assert($vm.file_content(prefs).include?('pref("app.update.enabled", false)'))
+Then /^the clearnet user has (|not )sent packets out to the Internet$/ do |sent|
+ uid = $vm.execute_successfully("id -u clearnet").stdout.chomp.to_i
+ pkts = ip4tables_packet_counter_sum(:tables => ['OUTPUT'], :uid => uid)
+ case sent
+ when ''
+ assert(pkts > 0, "Packets have not gone out to the internet.")
+ when 'not'
+ assert_equal(pkts, 0, "Packets have gone out to the internet.")
+ end
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/untrusted_partitions.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/untrusted_partitions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43453b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/untrusted_partitions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Given /^I create an? ([[:alnum:]]+) swap partition on disk "([^"]+)"$/ do |parttype, name|
+ $, parttype)
+Then /^an? "([^"]+)" partition was detected by Tails on drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |type, name|
+ part_info = $vm.execute_successfully(
+ "blkid '#{$vm.disk_dev(name)}'").stdout.strip
+ assert(part_info.split.grep(/^TYPE=\"#{Regexp.escape(type)}\"$/),
+ "No #{type} partition was detected by Tails on disk '#{name}'")
+Then /^Tails has no disk swap enabled$/ do
+ # Skip first line which contain column headers
+ swap_info = $vm.execute_successfully("tail -n+2 /proc/swaps").stdout
+ assert(swap_info.empty?,
+ "Disk swapping is enabled according to /proc/swaps:\n" + swap_info)
+ mem_info = $vm.execute_successfully("grep '^Swap' /proc/meminfo").stdout
+ assert(mem_info.match(/^SwapTotal:\s+0 kB$/),
+ "Disk swapping is enabled according to /proc/meminfo:\n" +
+ mem_info)
+Given /^I create an? ([[:alnum:]]+) partition( labeled "([^"]+)")? with an? ([[:alnum:]]+) filesystem( encrypted with password "([^"]+)")? on disk "([^"]+)"$/ do |parttype, has_label, label, fstype, is_encrypted, luks_password, name|
+ opts = {}
+ opts.merge!(:label => label) if has_label
+ opts.merge!(:luks_password => luks_password) if is_encrypted
+ $, parttype, fstype, opts)
+Given /^I cat an ISO of the Tails image to disk "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ src_disk = {
+ :path => TAILS_ISO,
+ :opts => {
+ :format => "raw",
+ :readonly => true
+ }
+ }
+ dest_disk = {
+ :path => $,
+ :opts => {
+ :format => $
+ }
+ }
+ $, dest_disk) do |g, src_disk_handle, dest_disk_handle|
+ g.copy_device_to_device(src_disk_handle, dest_disk_handle, {})
+ end
+Then /^drive "([^"]+)" is not mounted$/ do |name|
+ dev = $vm.disk_dev(name)
+ assert(!$vm.execute("grep -qs '^#{dev}' /proc/mounts").success?,
+ "an untrusted partition from drive '#{name}' was automounted")
+Then /^Tails Greeter has( not)? detected a persistence partition$/ do |no_persistence|
+ expecting_persistence = no_persistence.nil?
+ @screen.find('TailsGreeter.png')
+ found_persistence = ! @screen.exists('TailsGreeterPersistence.png').nil?
+ assert_equal(expecting_persistence, found_persistence,
+ "Persistence is unexpectedly#{no_persistence} enabled")
diff --git a/cucumber/features/step_definitions/usb.rb b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/usb.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76f94d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/step_definitions/usb.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+# Returns a hash that for each preset the running Tails is aware of
+# maps the source to the destination.
+def get_persistence_presets(skip_links = false)
+ # Perl script that prints all persistence presets (one per line) on
+ # the form: <mount_point>:<comma-separated-list-of-options>
+ script = <<-EOF
+ use strict;
+ use warnings FATAL => "all";
+ use Tails::Persistence::Configuration::Presets;
+ foreach my $preset (Tails::Persistence::Configuration::Presets->new()->all) {
+ say $preset->destination, ":", join(",", @{$preset->options});
+ }
+ # VMCommand:s cannot handle newlines, and they're irrelevant in the
+ # above perl script any way
+ script.delete!("\n")
+ presets = $vm.execute_successfully("perl -E '#{script}'").stdout.chomp.split("\n")
+ assert presets.size >= 10, "Got #{presets.size} persistence presets, " +
+ "which is too few"
+ persistence_mapping =
+ for line in presets
+ destination, options_str = line.split(":")
+ options = options_str.split(",")
+ is_link = options.include? "link"
+ next if is_link and skip_links
+ source_str = options.find { |option| /^source=/.match option }
+ # If no source is given as an option, live-boot's persistence
+ # feature defaults to the destination minus the initial "/".
+ if source_str.nil?
+ source = destination.partition("/").last
+ else
+ source = source_str.split("=")[1]
+ end
+ persistence_mapping[source] = destination
+ end
+ return persistence_mapping
+def persistent_dirs
+ get_persistence_presets
+def persistent_mounts
+ get_persistence_presets(true)
+def persistent_volumes_mountpoints
+ $vm.execute("ls -1 -d /live/persistence/*_unlocked/").stdout.chomp.split
+Given /^I clone USB drive "([^"]+)" to a new USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |from, to|
+ $, to)
+Given /^I unplug USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ $vm.unplug_drive(name)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot from the old Tails DVD$/ do
+ $vm.set_cdrom_boot(OLD_TAILS_ISO)
+Given /^the computer is set to boot in UEFI mode$/ do
+ $vm.set_os_loader('UEFI')
+ @os_loader = 'UEFI'
+class UpgradeNotSupported < StandardError
+def usb_install_helper(name)
+ @screen.wait('USBTailsLogo.png', 10)
+ if @screen.exists("USBCannotUpgrade.png")
+ raise UpgradeNotSupported
+ end
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSB.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmWindow.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCreateLiveUSBConfirmYes.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('USBInstallationComplete.png', 30*60)
+When /^I start Tails Installer$/ do
+ step 'I start "TailsInstaller" via the GNOME "Tails" applications menu'
+ @screen.wait('USBCloneAndInstall.png', 30)
+When /^I start Tails Installer in "([^"]+)" mode$/ do |mode|
+ step 'I start Tails Installer'
+ case mode
+ when 'Clone & Install'
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndInstall.png', 10)
+ when 'Clone & Upgrade'
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBCloneAndUpgrade.png', 10)
+ when 'Upgrade from ISO'
+ @screen.wait_and_click('USBUpgradeFromISO.png', 10)
+ else
+ raise "Unsupported mode '#{mode}'"
+ end
+Then /^Tails Installer detects that a device is too small$/ do
+ @screen.wait('TailsInstallerTooSmallDevice.png', 10)
+When /^I "Clone & Install" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ step 'I start Tails Installer in "Clone & Install" mode'
+ usb_install_helper(name)
+When /^I "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ step 'I start Tails Installer in "Clone & Upgrade" mode'
+ usb_install_helper(name)
+When /^I try a "Clone & Upgrade" Tails to USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ begin
+ step "I \"Clone & Upgrade\" Tails to USB drive \"#{name}\""
+ rescue UpgradeNotSupported
+ # this is what we expect
+ else
+ raise "The USB installer should not succeed"
+ end
+When /^I try to "Upgrade from ISO" USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ begin
+ step "I do a \"Upgrade from ISO\" on USB drive \"#{name}\""
+ rescue UpgradeNotSupported
+ # this is what we expect
+ else
+ raise "The USB installer should not succeed"
+ end
+When /^I am suggested to do a "Clone & Install"$/ do
+ @screen.find("USBCannotUpgrade.png")
+When /^I am told that the destination device cannot be upgraded$/ do
+ @screen.find("USBCannotUpgrade.png")
+Given /^I setup a filesystem share containing the Tails ISO$/ do
+ shared_iso_dir_on_host = "#{$config["TMPDIR"]}/shared_iso_dir"
+ @shared_iso_dir_on_guest = "/tmp/shared_iso_dir"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(shared_iso_dir_on_host)
+ FileUtils.cp(TAILS_ISO, shared_iso_dir_on_host)
+ add_after_scenario_hook { FileUtils.rm_r(shared_iso_dir_on_host) }
+ $vm.add_share(shared_iso_dir_on_host, @shared_iso_dir_on_guest)
+When /^I do a "Upgrade from ISO" on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ step 'I start Tails Installer in "Upgrade from ISO" mode'
+ @screen.wait('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png', 10)
+ match = @screen.find('USBUseLiveSystemISO.png')
+, match.h*2))
+ @screen.wait('USBSelectISO.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeFileDiagHome.png', 10)
+ @screen.type("l", Sikuli::KeyModifier.CTRL)
+ @screen.wait('GnomeFileDiagTypeFilename.png', 10)
+ iso = "#{@shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename(TAILS_ISO)}"
+ @screen.type(iso)
+ @screen.wait_and_click('GnomeFileDiagOpenButton.png', 10)
+ usb_install_helper(name)
+Given /^I enable all persistence presets$/ do
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 20)
+ # Select the "Persistent" folder preset, which is checked by default.
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB)
+ # Check all non-default persistence presets, i.e. all *after* the
+ # "Persistent" folder, which are unchecked by default.
+ (persistent_dirs.size - 1).times do
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.TAB + Sikuli::Key.SPACE)
+ end
+ @screen.wait_and_click('PersistenceWizardSave.png', 10)
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardDone.png', 30)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.F4, Sikuli::KeyModifier.ALT)
+Given /^I create a persistent partition$/ do
+ step 'I start "ConfigurePersistentVolume" via the GNOME "Tails" applications menu'
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardStart.png', 20)
+ @screen.type(@persistence_password + "\t" + @persistence_password + Sikuli::Key.ENTER)
+ @screen.wait('PersistenceWizardPresets.png', 300)
+ step "I enable all persistence presets"
+def check_disk_integrity(name, dev, scheme)
+ info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{dev}'").stdout
+ info_split = info.split("\n org\.freedesktop\.UDisks2\.PartitionTable:\n")
+ dev_info = info_split[0]
+ part_table_info = info_split[1]
+ assert(part_table_info.match("^ Type: +#{scheme}$"),
+ "Unexpected partition scheme on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+def check_part_integrity(name, dev, usage, fs_type, part_label, part_type = nil)
+ info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{dev}'").stdout
+ info_split = info.split("\n org\.freedesktop\.UDisks2\.Partition:\n")
+ dev_info = info_split[0]
+ part_info = info_split[1]
+ assert(dev_info.match("^ IdUsage: +#{usage}$"),
+ "Unexpected device field 'usage' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+ assert(dev_info.match("^ IdType: +#{fs_type}$"),
+ "Unexpected device field 'IdType' on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+ assert(part_info.match("^ Name: +#{part_label}$"),
+ "Unexpected partition label on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+ if part_type
+ assert(part_info.match("^ Type: +#{part_type}$"),
+ "Unexpected partition type on USB drive '#{name}', '#{dev}'")
+ end
+def tails_is_installed_helper(name, tails_root, loader)
+ disk_dev = $vm.disk_dev(name)
+ part_dev = disk_dev + "1"
+ check_disk_integrity(name, disk_dev, "gpt")
+ check_part_integrity(name, part_dev, "filesystem", "vfat", "Tails",
+ # EFI System Partition
+ 'c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b')
+ target_root = "/mnt/new"
+ $vm.execute("mkdir -p #{target_root}")
+ $vm.execute("mount #{part_dev} #{target_root}")
+ c = $vm.execute("diff -qr '#{tails_root}/live' '#{target_root}/live'")
+ assert(c.success?,
+ "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in /live:\n#{c.stdout}\n#{c.stderr}")
+ syslinux_files = $vm.execute("ls -1 #{target_root}/syslinux").stdout.chomp.split
+ # We deal with these files separately
+ ignores = ["syslinux.cfg", "exithelp.cfg", "ldlinux.c32", "ldlinux.sys"]
+ for f in syslinux_files - ignores do
+ c = $vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{f}' " +
+ "'#{target_root}/syslinux/#{f}'")
+ assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " +
+ "'/syslinux/#{f}'")
+ end
+ # The main .cfg is named differently vs isolinux
+ c = $vm.execute("diff -q '#{tails_root}/#{loader}/#{loader}.cfg' " +
+ "'#{target_root}/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'")
+ assert(c.success?, "USB drive '#{name}' has differences in " +
+ "'/syslinux/syslinux.cfg'")
+ $vm.execute("umount #{target_root}")
+ $vm.execute("sync")
+Then /^the running Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name|
+ loader = boot_device_type == "usb" ? "syslinux" : "isolinux"
+ tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, "/lib/live/mount/medium", loader)
+Then /^the ISO's Tails is installed on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |target_name|
+ iso = "#{@shared_iso_dir_on_guest}/#{File.basename(TAILS_ISO)}"
+ iso_root = "/mnt/iso"
+ $vm.execute("mkdir -p #{iso_root}")
+ $vm.execute("mount -o loop #{iso} #{iso_root}")
+ tails_is_installed_helper(target_name, iso_root, "isolinux")
+ $vm.execute("umount #{iso_root}")
+Then /^there is no persistence partition on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ data_part_dev = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "2"
+ assert(!$vm.execute("test -b #{data_part_dev}").success?,
+ "USB drive #{name} has a partition '#{data_part_dev}'")
+Then /^a Tails persistence partition exists on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ dev = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "2"
+ check_part_integrity(name, dev, "crypto", "crypto_LUKS", "TailsData")
+ # The LUKS container may already be opened, e.g. by udisks after
+ # we've run tails-persistence-setup.
+ c = $vm.execute("ls -1 /dev/mapper/")
+ if c.success?
+ for candidate in c.stdout.split("\n")
+ luks_info = $vm.execute("cryptsetup status #{candidate}")
+ if luks_info.success? and luks_info.stdout.match("^\s+device:\s+#{dev}$")
+ luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{candidate}"
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if luks_dev.nil?
+ c = $vm.execute("echo #{@persistence_password} | " +
+ "cryptsetup luksOpen #{dev} #{name}")
+ assert(c.success?, "Couldn't open LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'")
+ luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{name}"
+ end
+ # Adapting check_part_integrity() seems like a bad idea so here goes
+ info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{luks_dev}'").stdout
+ assert info.match("^ CryptoBackingDevice: +'/[a-zA-Z0-9_/]+'$")
+ assert info.match("^ IdUsage: +filesystem$")
+ assert info.match("^ IdType: +ext[34]$")
+ assert info.match("^ IdLabel: +TailsData$")
+ mount_dir = "/mnt/#{name}"
+ $vm.execute("mkdir -p #{mount_dir}")
+ c = $vm.execute("mount #{luks_dev} #{mount_dir}")
+ assert(c.success?,
+ "Couldn't mount opened LUKS device '#{dev}' on drive '#{name}'")
+ $vm.execute("umount #{mount_dir}")
+ $vm.execute("sync")
+ $vm.execute("cryptsetup luksClose #{name}")
+Given /^I enable persistence$/ do
+ @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistence.png', 10)
+ @screen.type(Sikuli::Key.SPACE)
+ @screen.wait('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png', 10)
+ match = @screen.find('TailsGreeterPersistencePassphrase.png')
+*2, match.h/2))
+ @screen.type(@persistence_password)
+def tails_persistence_enabled?
+ persistence_state_file = "/var/lib/live/config/tails.persistence"
+ return $vm.execute("test -e '#{persistence_state_file}'").success? &&
+ $vm.execute(". '#{persistence_state_file}' && " +
+ 'test "$TAILS_PERSISTENCE_ENABLED" = true').success?
+Given /^all persistence presets(| from the old Tails version) are enabled$/ do |old_tails|
+ try_for(120, :msg => "Persistence is disabled") do
+ tails_persistence_enabled?
+ end
+ # Check that all persistent directories are mounted
+ if old_tails.empty?
+ expected_mounts = persistent_mounts
+ else
+ assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_mounts)
+ expected_mounts = $remembered_persistence_mounts
+ end
+ mount = $vm.execute("mount").stdout.chomp
+ for _, dir in expected_mounts do
+ assert(mount.include?("on #{dir} "),
+ "Persistent directory '#{dir}' is not mounted")
+ end
+Given /^persistence is disabled$/ do
+ assert(!tails_persistence_enabled?, "Persistence is enabled")
+Given /^I enable read-only persistence$/ do
+ step "I enable persistence"
+ @screen.wait_and_click('TailsGreeterPersistenceReadOnly.png', 10)
+def boot_device
+ # Approach borrowed from
+ # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions
+ boot_dev_id = $vm.execute("udevadm info --device-id-of-file=/lib/live/mount/medium").stdout.chomp
+ boot_dev = $vm.execute("readlink -f /dev/block/'#{boot_dev_id}'").stdout.chomp
+ return boot_dev
+def device_info(dev)
+ # Approach borrowed from
+ # config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions
+ info = $vm.execute("udevadm info --query=property --name='#{dev}'").stdout.chomp
+ info.split("\n").map { |e| e.split('=') } .to_h
+def boot_device_type
+ device_info(boot_device)['ID_BUS']
+Then /^Tails is running from (.*) drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |bus, name|
+ bus = bus.downcase
+ case bus
+ when "ide"
+ expected_bus = "ata"
+ else
+ expected_bus = bus
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_bus, boot_device_type)
+ actual_dev = boot_device
+ # The boot partition differs between a "normal" install using the
+ # USB installer and isohybrid installations
+ expected_dev_normal = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "1"
+ expected_dev_isohybrid = $vm.disk_dev(name) + "4"
+ assert(actual_dev == expected_dev_normal ||
+ actual_dev == expected_dev_isohybrid,
+ "We are running from device #{actual_dev}, but for #{bus} drive " +
+ "'#{name}' we expected to run from either device " +
+ "#{expected_dev_normal} (when installed via the USB installer) " +
+ "or #{expected_dev_isohybrid} (when installed from an isohybrid)")
+Then /^the boot device has safe access rights$/ do
+ super_boot_dev = boot_device.sub(/[[:digit:]]+$/, "")
+ devs = $vm.execute("ls -1 #{super_boot_dev}*").stdout.chomp.split
+ assert(devs.size > 0, "Could not determine boot device")
+ all_users = $vm.execute("cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd").stdout.chomp.split
+ all_users_with_groups = all_users.collect do |user|
+ groups = $vm.execute("groups #{user}").stdout.chomp.sub(/^#{user} : /, "").split(" ")
+ [user, groups]
+ end
+ for dev in devs do
+ dev_owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dev}").stdout.chomp
+ dev_group = $vm.execute("stat -c %G #{dev}").stdout.chomp
+ dev_perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a #{dev}").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("root", dev_owner)
+ assert(dev_group == "disk" || dev_group == "root",
+ "Boot device '#{dev}' owned by group '#{dev_group}', expected " +
+ "'disk' or 'root'.")
+ assert_equal("660", dev_perms)
+ for user, groups in all_users_with_groups do
+ next if user == "root"
+ assert(!(groups.include?(dev_group)),
+ "Unprivileged user '#{user}' is in group '#{dev_group}' which " +
+ "owns boot device '#{dev}'")
+ end
+ end
+ info = $vm.execute("udisksctl info --block-device '#{super_boot_dev}'").stdout
+ assert(info.match("^ HintSystem: +true$"),
+ "Boot device '#{super_boot_dev}' is not system internal for udisks")
+Then /^all persistent filesystems have safe access rights$/ do
+ persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint|
+ fs_owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp
+ fs_group = $vm.execute("stat -c %G #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp
+ fs_perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a #{mountpoint}").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("root", fs_owner)
+ assert_equal("root", fs_group)
+ assert_equal('775', fs_perms)
+ end
+Then /^all persistence configuration files have safe access rights$/ do
+ persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint|
+ assert($vm.execute("test -e #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf").success?,
+ "#{mountpoint}/persistence.conf does not exist, while it should")
+ assert($vm.execute("test ! -e #{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf").success?,
+ "#{mountpoint}/live-persistence.conf does exist, while it should not")
+ $vm.execute(
+ "ls -1 #{mountpoint}/persistence.conf #{mountpoint}/live-*.conf"
+ ).stdout.chomp.split.each do |f|
+ file_owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U '#{f}'").stdout.chomp
+ file_group = $vm.execute("stat -c %G '#{f}'").stdout.chomp
+ file_perms = $vm.execute("stat -c %a '#{f}'").stdout.chomp
+ assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_owner)
+ assert_equal("tails-persistence-setup", file_group)
+ assert_equal("600", file_perms)
+ end
+ end
+Then /^all persistent directories(| from the old Tails version) have safe access rights$/ do |old_tails|
+ if old_tails.empty?
+ expected_dirs = persistent_dirs
+ else
+ assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_dirs)
+ expected_dirs = $remembered_persistence_dirs
+ end
+ persistent_volumes_mountpoints.each do |mountpoint|
+ expected_dirs.each do |src, dest|
+ full_src = "#{mountpoint}/#{src}"
+ assert_vmcommand_success $vm.execute("test -d #{full_src}")
+ dir_perms = $vm.execute_successfully("stat -c %a '#{full_src}'").stdout.chomp
+ dir_owner = $vm.execute_successfully("stat -c %U '#{full_src}'").stdout.chomp
+ if dest.start_with?("/home/#{LIVE_USER}")
+ expected_perms = "700"
+ expected_owner = LIVE_USER
+ else
+ expected_perms = "755"
+ expected_owner = "root"
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_perms, dir_perms,
+ "Persistent source #{full_src} has permission " \
+ "#{dir_perms}, expected #{expected_perms}")
+ assert_equal(expected_owner, dir_owner,
+ "Persistent source #{full_src} has owner " \
+ "#{dir_owner}, expected #{expected_owner}")
+ end
+ end
+When /^I write some files expected to persist$/ do
+ persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp
+ assert($vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_persist", :user => owner).success?,
+ "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+When /^I remove some files expected to persist$/ do
+ persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp
+ assert($vm.execute("rm #{dir}/XXX_persist", :user => owner).success?,
+ "Could not remove file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+When /^I write some files not expected to persist$/ do
+ persistent_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ owner = $vm.execute("stat -c %U #{dir}").stdout.chomp
+ assert($vm.execute("touch #{dir}/XXX_gone", :user => owner).success?,
+ "Could not create file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+When /^I take note of which persistence presets are available$/ do
+ $remembered_persistence_mounts = persistent_mounts
+ $remembered_persistence_dirs = persistent_dirs
+Then /^the expected persistent files(| created with the old Tails version) are present in the filesystem$/ do |old_tails|
+ if old_tails.empty?
+ expected_mounts = persistent_mounts
+ else
+ assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_mounts)
+ expected_mounts = $remembered_persistence_mounts
+ end
+ expected_mounts.each do |_, dir|
+ assert($vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_persist").success?,
+ "Could not find expected file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ assert(!$vm.execute("test -e #{dir}/XXX_gone").success?,
+ "Found file that should not have persisted in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+Then /^only the expected files are present on the persistence partition on USB drive "([^"]+)"$/ do |name|
+ assert(!$vm.is_running?)
+ disk = {
+ :path => $,
+ :opts => {
+ :format => $,
+ :readonly => true
+ }
+ }
+ $ do |g, disk_handle|
+ partitions = g.part_list(disk_handle).map do |part_desc|
+ disk_handle + part_desc["part_num"].to_s
+ end
+ partition = partitions.find do |part|
+ g.blkid(part)["PART_ENTRY_NAME"] == "TailsData"
+ end
+ assert_not_nil(partition, "Could not find the 'TailsData' partition " \
+ "on disk '#{disk_handle}'")
+ luks_mapping = File.basename(partition) + "_unlocked"
+ g.luks_open(partition, @persistence_password, luks_mapping)
+ luks_dev = "/dev/mapper/#{luks_mapping}"
+ mount_point = "/"
+ g.mount(luks_dev, mount_point)
+ assert_not_nil($remembered_persistence_mounts)
+ $remembered_persistence_mounts.each do |dir, _|
+ # Guestfs::exists may have a bug; if the file exists, 1 is
+ # returned, but if it doesn't exist false is returned. It seems
+ # the translation of C types into Ruby types is glitchy.
+ assert(g.exists("/#{dir}/XXX_persist") == 1,
+ "Could not find expected file in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ assert(g.exists("/#{dir}/XXX_gone") != 1,
+ "Found file that should not have persisted in persistent directory #{dir}")
+ end
+ g.umount(mount_point)
+ g.luks_close(luks_dev)
+ end
+When /^I delete the persistent partition$/ do
+ step 'I start "DeletePersistentVolume" via the GNOME "Tails" applications menu'
+ @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDeletionStart.png", 20)
+ @screen.type(" ")
+ @screen.wait("PersistenceWizardDone.png", 120)
+Then /^Tails has started in UEFI mode$/ do
+ assert($vm.execute("test -d /sys/firmware/efi").success?,
+ "/sys/firmware/efi does not exist")
+ end
+Given /^I create a ([[:alpha:]]+) label on disk "([^"]+)"$/ do |type, name|
+ $, type)
+Then /^a suitable USB device is (?:still )?not found$/ do
+ @screen.wait("TailsInstallerNoQEMUHardDisk.png", 30)
+Then /^the "(?:[^"]+)" USB drive is selected$/ do
+ @screen.wait("TailsInstallerQEMUHardDisk.png", 30)
+Then /^no USB drive is selected$/ do
+ @screen.wait("TailsInstallerNoQEMUHardDisk.png", 30)