diff options
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index fd98c06c..b918448e 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -29,11 +29,7 @@ See link:["about jenkins.debian
* backup /var/lib/jenkins/jobs /var/lib/munin /var/log /root/ /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db too /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/*.jpi
* put kgb-client.conf in git and sed passwords from filesystem into it...
* turn udd-versionskew packages names into tracker.d.o links and provide version numbers in output too
-* unreproducible-with-buildinfo should really be a state in the DB
* replace amd64 in scripts with $HOSTARCH
-* run debbindiff against .changes files in current directory, instead of $LONGPATHES (due to #764459)
-* reproducible_scheduler should never fail loudly
-* reproducible: dont delete userContent/$pkg on build begin..
* g-i_presentation: use preseeding files on jenkins.d.n and not
=== jenkins-job-builder related
@@ -126,14 +122,13 @@ properties:
=== reproducible
-* watch: zephyr (debbindiff timeout?)
-* watch: cxxtest: dbd failure should be in rbuild output!
-* watch: gnuradio debbindiff crashed, yet the build is classified reproducible...
-* watch: libsys-gamin-perl hangs while building
-* check 0.51-1 is fixed:
+* check 0.52-1 is still not fixed:
* reschedule those with " crashed" in rbuild.log and watch them build...
-I'm done here. ;-)
+* run debbindiff against .changes files in current directory, instead of $LONGPATHES (due to #764459)
+* reproducible: dont delete userContent/$pkg on build begin..
+* cleanup _buildinfo files (without version)
* cleanup+rename:
** unschedule_from_db( (defined in
@@ -147,7 +142,6 @@ I'm done here. ;-)
* graph oldest build age - in days
* mv untested field in stats table too? (as in csv output...)
* list removed packages, eg bobot++ (and remove them after a week automatically)
-* generate .json for tracker.d.o
== Further ideas...