path: root/
diff options
authorHolger Levsen <>2014-12-16 12:53:58 +0100
committerHolger Levsen <>2014-12-16 12:53:58 +0100
commite714badd9f62109d9c9fcd067deb806e0a51cb3a (patch)
treed78b8ddcb2fb574f1fdaa57749cb4c1b94f2a72c /
parentc75824eace5e6dc3e616ab90df998473ee26957c (diff)
move to bin/
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 123488fc..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 Johannes Schauer <>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# Running
-# =======
-# Just start `./`. It will do the following:
-# 1. download apt sources and apt-file data for the amd64 Debian sid snapshot at
-# `20141211T041251Z` and store them in a directory tree rooted at
-# `./debian-sid-amd64`
-# 2. go through all binary packages which have a file `DEBIAN/triggers` in their
-# control archive (the list is retrieved from
-# and for each package:
-# 1. download and unpack its control archive
-# 2. store all interest-await file triggers in the file `interested-file`
-# 3. store all interest-await explicit triggers in the file `interested-explicit`
-# 4. store all activate-await file triggers in the file `activated-file`
-# 5. store all activate-await explicit triggers in the file `activated-explicit`
-# 6. remove the downloaded binary package and unpacked control archive
-# 3. go through `interested-file` and for each line:
-# 1. calculate the dependency closure for the binary package and for
-# each package in the closure:
-# 1. use `apt-file` to get all files of the package
-# 2. check if the current file trigger matches any file in the package
-# 3. store any hits in the file `result-file`
-# 4. go through `interested-file` and for each line:
-# 1. calculate the dependency closure for the binary package and for
-# each package in the closure:
-# 1. check if the package activates the current file trigger
-# 2. append any hits to the file `result-file`
-# 5. go through `interested-explicit` and for each line:
-# 1. calculate the dependency closure for the binary package and for
-# each package in the closure:
-# 1. check if the package activate the current explicit trigger
-# 2. store any hits in the file `result-explicit`
-# Files
-# =====
-# interested-file
-# ---------------
-# Associates binary packages to file triggers they are interested in. The first
-# column is the binary package, the second column is either `interest` or
-# `interest-await` and the last column the path they are interested in.
-# interested-explicit
-# -------------------
-# Associates binary packages to explicit triggers they are interested in. The
-# first column is the binary package, the second column is either `interest` or
-# `interest-await` and the last column the name of the explicit trigger they are
-# interested in.
-# activated-file
-# --------------
-# Associates binary packages to file triggers they activate. The first column is
-# the binary package, the second column is either `activate` or `activate-await`
-# and the last column the path they activate.
-# activate-explicit
-# -----------------
-# Associates binary packages to explicit triggers they activate. The first column
-# is the binary package, the second column is either `activate` or
-# `activate-await` and the last column the explicit trigger they activate.
-# result-file
-# -----------
-# Associates binary packages with other binary packages they can form a file
-# trigger cycle with. The first column is the binary package containing the file
-# trigger, the second column is the file trigger, the third column is a binary
-# package providing a path that triggers the binary package in the first column,
-# the fourth column is the triggering path of provided by the binary package in
-# the third column.
-# result-explicit
-# ---------------
-# Associates binary packages with other binary packages they can form an explicit
-# trigger cycle with. The first column is the binary package interested in the
-# explicit trigger, the second column is the name of the explicit trigger, the
-# third column is the binary package activating the trigger.
-set -e
-#FIXME: if the host has more than one arch enabled then those Packages files will be downloaded as well
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Apt::Architecture=$ARCH"
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Dir::Etc::TrustedParts=$DIRECTORY/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d"
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Dir::Etc::Trusted=$DIRECTORY/etc/apt/trusted.gpg"
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Dir::Etc=$DIRECTORY/etc/apt/"
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=$DIRECTORY/etc/apt/sources.list"
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Dir::State=$DIRECTORY/var/lib/apt/"
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Dir::State::Status=$DIRECTORY/var/lib/dpkg/status"
-APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Dir::Cache=$DIRECTORY/var/cache/apt/"
-#APT_OPTS=$APT_OPTS" -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false" # because we use snapshot
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/etc/apt/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/etc/apt/sources.list.d/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/etc/apt/preferences.d/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/var/lib/apt/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/var/lib/dpkg/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/var/cache/apt/
-mkdir -p $DIRECTORY/var/cache/apt/apt-file/
-cp /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/* $DIRECTORY/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
-touch $DIRECTORY/var/lib/dpkg/status
-echo deb $MIRROR $DIST main > $DIRECTORY/etc/apt/sources.list
-apt-get $APT_OPTS update
-APT_FILE_OPTS="--architecture $ARCH"
-APT_FILE_OPTS=$APT_FILE_OPTS" --cache $DIRECTORY/var/cache/apt/apt-file"
-APT_FILE_OPTS=$APT_FILE_OPTS" --sources-list $DIRECTORY/etc/apt/sources.list"
-apt-file $APT_FILE_OPTS update
-printf "" > interested-file
-printf "" > interested-explicit
-printf "" > activated-file
-printf "" > activated-explicit
-# find all binary packages with /triggers$
-curl "" \
- | xargs apt-get $APT_OPTS --print-uris download \
- | sed -ne "s/^'\([^']\+\)'\s\+\([^_]\+\)_.*/\2 \1/p" \
- | sort \
- | while read pkg url; do
- echo "working on $pkg..." >&2
- mkdir DEBIAN
- curl --retry 2 --location --silent "$url" \
- | dpkg-deb --ctrl-tarfile /dev/stdin \
- | tar -C "DEBIAN" --exclude=./md5sums -x
- if [ ! -f DEBIAN/triggers ]; then
- rm -r DEBIAN
- continue
- fi
- # find all triggers that are either interest or interest-await
- # and which are file triggers (start with a slash)
- egrep "^\s*interest(-await)?\s+/" DEBIAN/triggers | while read line; do
- echo "$pkg $line"
- done >> interested-file
- egrep "^\s*interest(-await)?\s+[^/]" DEBIAN/triggers | while read line; do
- echo "$pkg $line"
- done >> interested-explicit
- egrep "^\s*activate(-await)?\s+/" DEBIAN/triggers | while read line; do
- echo "$pkg $line"
- done >> activated-file
- egrep "^\s*activate(-await)?\s+[^/]" DEBIAN/triggers | while read line; do
- echo "$pkg $line"
- done >> activated-explicit
- rm -r DEBIAN
-printf "" > result-file
-# go through those that are interested in a path and check them against the
-# files provided by its dependency closure
-cat interested-file | while read pkg ttype ipath; do
- echo "working on $pkg..." >&2
- echo "getting dependency closure..." >&2
- # go through all packages in the dependency closure and check if any
- # of the files they ship match one of the interested paths
- dose-ceve -c $pkg -T cudf -t deb \
- $DIRECTORY/var/lib/apt/lists/*_dists_${DIST}_main_binary-${ARCH}_Packages \
- | awk '/^package:/ { print $2 }' \
- | apt-file $APT_FILE_OPTS show -F --from-file - \
- | sed -ne "s ^\([^:]\+\):\s\+\(${ipath}/.*\) \1\t\2 p" \
- | while read dep cpath; do
- [ "$pkg" != "$dep" ] || continue
- echo "$pkg $ipath $dep $cpath"
- done >> result-file
-# go through those that are interested in a path and check them against the
-# packages in the dependency closure which activate such a path
-cat interested-file | while read pkg ttype ipath; do
- echo "working on $pkg..." >&2
- echo "getting dependency closure..." >&2
- # go through all packages in the dependency closure and check if any
- # of them activate a matching path
- dose-ceve -c $pkg -T cudf -t deb \
- $DIRECTORY/var/lib/apt/lists/*_dists_${DIST}_main_binary-${ARCH}_Packages \
- | awk '/^package:/ { print $2 }' \
- | while read dep; do
- [ "$pkg" != "$dep" ] || continue
- # using the space as sed delimeter because ipath has slashes
- # a space should work because neither package names nor paths have them
- sed -ne "s ^$dep\s\+activate\(-await\)\?\s\+\($ipath.*\) \2 p" activated-file | while read cpath; do
- echo "$pkg $ipath $dep $cpath"
- done
- done >> result-file
-printf "" > result-explicit
-# go through those that are interested in an explicit trigger and check them
-# against the packages in their dependency closure which activate it
-cat interested-explicit | while read pkg ttype iname; do
- echo "working on $pkg..." >&2
- echo "getting dependency closure..." >&2
- # go through all packages in the dependency closure and check if any of
- # them activate the trigger in which this package is interested
- dose-ceve -c $pkg -T cudf -t deb \
- $DIRECTORY/var/lib/apt/lists/*_dists_${DIST}_main_binary-${ARCH}_Packages \
- | awk '/^package:/ { print $2 }' \
- | while read dep; do
- [ "$pkg" != "$dep" ] || continue
- if egrep "^$dep\s+activate(-await)?\s+$iname\s*$" activated-explicit > /dev/null; then
- echo "$pkg $iname $dep"
- fi
- done >> result-explicit