path: root/cucumber/features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb
diff options
authorPhilip Hands <>2016-05-11 17:11:01 +0200
committerPhilip Hands <>2016-05-11 17:11:01 +0200
commita5d56e3b5443263b53b0487c81125123411bd0cf (patch)
tree71b1bdafc0a5978bca9073609eff33e228e29a12 /cucumber/features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb
parent555d9414f758cc0062eff700a0352ae177fd9be5 (diff)
move cucumber things under cucumber/
Diffstat (limited to 'cucumber/features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cucumber/features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb b/cucumber/features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e09411f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cucumber/features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+require 'date'
+require 'timeout'
+require 'test/unit'
+# Test::Unit adds an at_exit hook which, among other things, consumes
+# the command-line arguments that were intended for cucumber. If
+# e.g. `--format` was passed it will throw an error since it's not a
+# valid option for Test::Unit, and it throwing an error at this time
+# (at_exit) will make Cucumber think it failed and consequently exit
+# with an error. Fooling Test::Unit that this hook has already run
+# works around this craziness. = true
+# Make all the assert_* methods easily accessible in any context.
+include Test::Unit::Assertions
+def assert_vmcommand_success(p, msg = nil)
+ assert(p.success?, msg.nil? ? "Command failed: #{p.cmd}\n" + \
+ "error code: #{p.returncode}\n" \
+ "stderr: #{p.stderr}" : \
+ msg)
+# It's forbidden to throw this exception (or subclasses) in anything
+# but try_for() below. Just don't use it anywhere else!
+class UniqueTryForTimeoutError < Exception
+# Call block (ignoring any exceptions it may throw) repeatedly with
+# one second breaks until it returns true, or until `timeout` seconds have
+# passed when we throw a Timeout::Error exception.
+def try_for(timeout, options = {})
+ options[:delay] ||= 1
+ last_exception = nil
+ # Create a unique exception used only for this particular try_for
+ # call's Timeout to allow nested try_for:s. If we used the same one,
+ # the innermost try_for would catch all outer ones', creating a
+ # really strange situation.
+ unique_timeout_exception =
+ Timeout::timeout(timeout, unique_timeout_exception) do
+ loop do
+ begin
+ return if yield
+ rescue NameError, UniqueTryForTimeoutError => e
+ # NameError most likely means typos, and hiding that is rarely
+ # (never?) a good idea, so we rethrow them. See below why we
+ # also rethrow *all* the unique exceptions.
+ raise e
+ rescue Exception => e
+ # All other exceptions are ignored while trying the
+ # block. Well we save the last exception so we can print it in
+ # case of a timeout.
+ last_exception = e
+ end
+ sleep options[:delay]
+ end
+ end
+ # At this point the block above either succeeded and we'll return,
+ # or we are throwing an exception. If the latter, we either have a
+ # NameError that we'll not catch (and will any try_for below us in
+ # the stack), or we have a unique exception. That can mean one of
+ # two things:
+ # 1. it's the one unique to this try_for, and in that case we'll
+ # catch it, rethrowing it as something that will be ignored by
+ # inside the blocks of all try_for:s below us in the stack.
+ # 2. it's an exception unique to another try_for. Assuming that we
+ # do not throw the unique exceptions in any other place or way
+ # than we do it in this function, this means that there is a
+ # try_for below us in the stack to which this exception must be
+ # unique to.
+ # Let 1 be the base step, and 2 the inductive step, and we sort of
+ # an inductive proof for the correctness of try_for when it's
+ # nested. It shows that for an infinite stack of try_for:s, any of
+ # the unique exceptions will be caught only by the try_for instance
+ # it is unique to, and all try_for:s in between will ignore it so it
+ # ends up there immediately.
+rescue unique_timeout_exception => e
+ msg = options[:msg] || 'try_for() timeout expired'
+ if last_exception
+ msg += "\nLast ignored exception was: " +
+ "#{last_exception.class}: #{last_exception}"
+ end
+ raise
+class TorFailure < StandardError
+class MaxRetriesFailure < StandardError
+# This will retry the block up to MAX_NEW_TOR_CIRCUIT_RETRIES
+# times. The block must raise an exception for a run to be considered
+# as a failure. After a failure recovery_proc will be called (if
+# given) and the intention with it is to bring us back to the state
+# expected by the block, so it can be retried.
+def retry_tor(recovery_proc = nil, &block)
+ tor_recovery_proc = do
+ force_new_tor_circuit
+ if recovery_proc
+ end
+ retry_action($config['MAX_NEW_TOR_CIRCUIT_RETRIES'],
+ :recovery_proc => tor_recovery_proc,
+ :operation_name => 'Tor operation', &block)
+def retry_i2p(recovery_proc = nil, &block)
+ retry_action(15, :recovery_proc => recovery_proc,
+ :operation_name => 'I2P operation', &block)
+def retry_action(max_retries, options = {}, &block)
+ assert(max_retries.is_a?(Integer), "max_retries must be an integer")
+ options[:recovery_proc] ||= nil
+ options[:operation_name] ||= 'Operation'
+ retries = 1
+ loop do
+ begin
+ return
+ rescue Exception => e
+ if retries <= max_retries
+ debug_log("#{options[:operation_name]} failed (Try #{retries} of " +
+ "#{max_retries}) with:\n" +
+ "#{e.class}: #{e.message}")
+ options[:recovery_proc].call if options[:recovery_proc]
+ retries += 1
+ else
+ raise"#{options[:operation_name]} failed (despite retrying " +
+ "#{max_retries} times) with\n" +
+ "#{e.class}: #{e.message}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+def wait_until_tor_is_working
+ try_for(270) { $vm.execute('/usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped').success? }
+rescue Timeout::Error => e
+ c = $vm.execute("journalctl SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=restart-tor")
+ if c.success?
+ debug_log("From the journal:\n" + c.stdout.sub(/^/, " "))
+ else
+ debug_log("Nothing was in the journal about 'restart-tor'")
+ end
+ raise e
+def convert_bytes_mod(unit)
+ case unit
+ when "bytes", "b" then mod = 1
+ when "KB" then mod = 10**3
+ when "k", "KiB" then mod = 2**10
+ when "MB" then mod = 10**6
+ when "M", "MiB" then mod = 2**20
+ when "GB" then mod = 10**9
+ when "G", "GiB" then mod = 2**30
+ when "TB" then mod = 10**12
+ when "T", "TiB" then mod = 2**40
+ else
+ raise "invalid memory unit '#{unit}'"
+ end
+ return mod
+def convert_to_bytes(size, unit)
+ return (size*convert_bytes_mod(unit)).to_i
+def convert_to_MiB(size, unit)
+ return (size*convert_bytes_mod(unit) / (2**20)).to_i
+def convert_from_bytes(size, unit)
+ return size.to_f/convert_bytes_mod(unit).to_f
+def cmd_helper(cmd)
+ if cmd.instance_of?(Array)
+ cmd << {:err => [:child, :out]}
+ elsif cmd.instance_of?(String)
+ cmd += " 2>&1"
+ end
+ IO.popen(cmd) do |p|
+ out = p.readlines.join("\n")
+ p.close
+ ret = $?
+ assert_equal(0, ret, "Command failed (returned #{ret}): #{cmd}:\n#{out}")
+ return out
+ end
+# This command will grab all router IP addresses from the Tor
+# consensus in the VM + the hardcoded TOR_AUTHORITIES.
+def get_all_tor_nodes
+ cmd = 'awk "/^r/ { print \$6 }" /var/lib/tor/cached-microdesc-consensus'
+ $vm.execute(cmd).stdout.chomp.split("\n") + TOR_AUTHORITIES
+def get_free_space(machine, path)
+ case machine
+ when 'host'
+ assert(File.exists?(path), "Path '#{path}' not found on #{machine}.")
+ free = cmd_helper(["df", path])
+ when 'guest'
+ assert($vm.file_exist?(path), "Path '#{path}' not found on #{machine}.")
+ free = $vm.execute_successfully("df '#{path}'")
+ else
+ raise 'Unsupported machine type #{machine} passed.'
+ end
+ output = free.split("\n").last
+ return output.match(/[^\s]\s+[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+\s+([0-9]+)\s+.*/)[1].chomp.to_i
+def random_string_from_set(set, min_len, max_len)
+ len = (min_len..max_len).to_a.sample
+ len ||= min_len
+ (0..len-1).map { |n| set.sample }.join
+def random_alpha_string(min_len, max_len = 0)
+ alpha_set = ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('a'..'z').to_a
+ random_string_from_set(alpha_set, min_len, max_len)
+def random_alnum_string(min_len, max_len = 0)
+ alnum_set = ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('a'..'z').to_a + (0..9) { |n| n.to_s }
+ random_string_from_set(alnum_set, min_len, max_len)
+# Sanitize the filename from unix-hostile filename characters
+def sanitize_filename(filename, options = {})
+ options[:replacement] ||= '_'
+ bad_unix_filename_chars ="[^A-Za-z0-9_\\-.,+:]")
+ filename.gsub(bad_unix_filename_chars, options[:replacement])
+def info_log_artifact_location(type, path)
+ if $config['ARTIFACTS_BASE_URI']
+ # Remove any trailing slashes, we'll add one ourselves
+ base_url = $config['ARTIFACTS_BASE_URI'].gsub(/\/*$/, "")
+ path = "#{base_url}/#{File.basename(path)}"
+ end
+ info_log("#{type.capitalize}: #{path}")
+def pause(message = "Paused")
+ STDERR.puts
+ STDERR.puts "#{message} (Press ENTER to continue!)"
+ STDIN.gets