# # weechat -- plugins.conf # # WARNING: It is NOT recommended to edit this file by hand, # especially if WeeChat is running. # # Use /set or similar command to change settings in WeeChat. # # For more info, see: https://weechat.org/doc/quickstart # [var] fifo.fifo = "on" guile.check_license = "off" lua.check_license = "on" perl.beep.beep_command_dcc = "play -q /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/drip.ogg" perl.beep.beep_command_highlight = "play -q /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/drip.ogg" perl.beep.beep_command_pv = "play -q /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/drip.ogg" perl.beep.beep_command_timeout = "30000" perl.beep.beep_dcc = "on" perl.beep.beep_highlight = "on" perl.beep.beep_highlight_blacklist = "off" perl.beep.beep_highlight_whitelist = "on" perl.beep.beep_pv = "on" perl.beep.beep_pv_blacklist = "off" perl.beep.beep_pv_whitelist = "on" perl.beep.beep_trigger_highlight = "" perl.beep.beep_trigger_pv = "" perl.beep.bell_always = "" perl.beep.blacklist_nicks = "" perl.beep.whitelist_channels = "" perl.beep.whitelist_nicks = "furnet.Xanadu,furnet.Xanamaus" perl.buddylist.buddy.on.server = "on" perl.buddylist.buddy.on.server.color = "green" perl.buddylist.buddylist = "/home/kyrias/.weechat/buddylist.txt" perl.buddylist.callback.timeout = "60" perl.buddylist.check.buddies = "20" perl.buddylist.color.away = "cyan" perl.buddylist.color.default = "default" perl.buddylist.color.number = "lightmagenta" perl.buddylist.color.offline = "magenta" perl.buddylist.color.online = "cyan" perl.buddylist.color.server = "lightyellow" perl.buddylist.color.server.offline = "lightred" perl.buddylist.display.original.nick = "off" perl.buddylist.display.social.net = "on" perl.buddylist.display.social.net.color = "yellow" perl.buddylist.hide.bar = "off" perl.buddylist.hide.buddy.if.offline = "off" perl.buddylist.hide.server.if.buddies.offline = "off" perl.buddylist.hide.servername.in.buddylist = "off" perl.buddylist.show.query = "on" perl.buddylist.sort = "default" perl.buddylist.text.away = "" perl.buddylist.text.color = "white" perl.buddylist.text.offline = "" perl.buddylist.text.online = "" perl.buddylist.use.redirection = "on" perl.check_license = "on" perl.colorize_lines.blacklist_buffers = "" perl.colorize_lines.buffers = "all" perl.colorize_lines.highlight = "on" perl.colorize_lines.lines = "on" perl.colorize_lines.nicks = "" perl.colorize_lines.own_lines = "on" perl.highmon.alignment = "channel,nick" perl.highmon.away_only = "off" perl.highmon.bar_lines = "3" perl.highmon.bar_scrolldown = "off" perl.highmon.color_buf = "on" perl.highmon.first_run = "true" perl.highmon.hotlist_show = "off" perl.highmon.logging = "off" perl.highmon.merge_private = "" perl.highmon.nick_prefix = "<" perl.highmon.nick_suffix = ">" perl.highmon.output = "bar" perl.highmon.short_names = "on" perl.mplex.away_msg = "Detached head" perl.mplex.change_away_stat = "on" perl.mplex.emit_signals = "off" perl.mplex.exec_script_cmds = "off" perl.mplex.interval = "60" perl.mplex.verbose = "on" perl.multiline.char = "↩" perl.multiline.hide_magic_nl = "on" perl.multiline.ipl = "on" perl.multiline.lead_linebreak = "on" perl.multiline.magic = "‼" perl.multiline.magic_enter_time = "1000" perl.multiline.magic_paste_only = "off" perl.multiline.modify_keys = "on" perl.multiline.paste_lock = "1" perl.multiline.send_empty = "on" perl.multiline.tab = "──▶▏" perl.multiline.weechat_paste_fix = "on" perl.stalker.additional_join_info = "on" perl.stalker.db_name = "%h/nicks.db" perl.stalker.debug = "off" perl.stalker.flood_max_nicks = "20" perl.stalker.flood_timer = "10" perl.stalker.guest_host_regex = "^gateway/web/freenode/.*" perl.stalker.guest_nick_regex = "^(guest|weebot|Floodbot).*" perl.stalker.ignore_guest_hosts = "on" perl.stalker.ignore_guest_nicks = "on" perl.stalker.ignore_nickchange = "off" perl.stalker.ignore_whois = "off" perl.stalker.max_recursion = "20" perl.stalker.normalize_nicks = "off" perl.stalker.recursive_search = "on" perl.stalker.search_this_network_only = "on" perl.stalker.tags = "no_highlight" perl.stalker.timeout = "1" perl.stalker.use_localvar = "off" perl.url_arza.min_length = "100" perl.url_arza.url = "http://arza.us/s/?password=&url=" perl.url_arza.url_append_command = "&id_min_length=1" perl.url_arza.url_append_incoming = "&id_min_length=2" python.announce_url_title.announce_public = "off" python.announce_url_title.buffers = "freenode.#testing," python.announce_url_title.buffers_notice = "freenode.#testing," python.announce_url_title.global = "on" python.announce_url_title.global_prefix = "url" python.announce_url_title.ignore_buffers = "freenode.#archlinux,freenode.#archlinux-offtopic,freenode.#archers,freenode.#archlinux-mordor,freenode.#archlinux-bugs,freenode.#archlinux-women,freenode.#archlinux-women-dev,freenode.#kyriasis,freenode.#archlinux-tu,freenode.#archlinux-pacman,freenode.#lojban,freenode.#systemd,freenode.#lobsters,furnet.#spork,hypeirc.#radar,freenode.#limnoria" python.announce_url_title.prefix = "" python.announce_url_title.reannounce_wait = "5" python.announce_url_title.suffix = "" python.announce_url_title.title_max_length = "80" python.announce_url_title.url_ignore = "http://git.io/" python.announce_url_title.user_agent = "WeeChat/%(version)s (http://www.weechat.org)" python.autojoin_on_invite.autojoin_key = "on" python.autojoin_on_invite.ignore_channels = "" python.autojoin_on_invite.ignore_nicks = "" python.autojoin_on_invite.whitelist_channels = "" python.autojoin_on_invite.whitelist_nicks = "" python.chanop.autodeop = "on" python.chanop.autodeop_delay = "60" python.chanop.default_banmask = "host" python.chanop.display_affected = "on" python.chanop.enable_bar = "on" python.chanop.enable_multi_kick = "off" python.chanop.enable_remove = "off" python.chanop.kick_reason = "" python.chanop.op_command = "/msg chanserv op $channel $nick" python.chanop.watchlist.freenode = "#kyriasis,#archlinux-mordor,#archlinux-botabuse,#archlinux,#archlinux-unregistered,#archlinux-offtopic,#archlinux-classroom" python.check_license = "on" python.clone_scanner.clone_onjoin_alert_key = "mask" python.clone_scanner.clone_report_key = "mask" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.clone.match = "chat" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.clone.message = "chat" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.header.channel = "bold" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.header.message = "chat" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.header.number_of_hosts = "bold" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.subheader.host = "bold" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.subheader.message = "chat" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.subheader.number_of_clones = "bold" python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.channel = "bold" python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.identhost = "chat" python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.message = "chat" python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.nick = "bold" python.clone_scanner.colors.mask.identhost = "" python.clone_scanner.colors.mask.nick = "bold" python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.channel = "red" python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.matches = "bold red" python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.message = "red" python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.nick = "bold red" python.clone_scanner.compare_idents = "off" python.clone_scanner.display_join_messages = "off" python.clone_scanner.display_onjoin_alert_clone_buffer = "off" python.clone_scanner.display_onjoin_alert_current_buffer = "off" python.clone_scanner.display_onjoin_alert_target_buffer = "on" python.clone_scanner.display_scan_report_clone_buffer = "off" python.clone_scanner.display_scan_report_current_buffer = "on" python.clone_scanner.display_scan_report_target_buffer = "off" python.colorize_nicks.blacklist_channels = "" python.colorize_nicks.blacklist_nicks = "so,root" python.colorize_nicks.colorize_input = "on" python.colorize_nicks.greedy_matching = "on" python.colorize_nicks.ignore_tags = "" python.colorize_nicks.min_nick_length = "2" python.copy.autodeop = "on" python.copy.autodeop_delay = "180" python.copy.default_banmask = "host" python.copy.display_affected = "on" python.copy.enable_bar = "on" python.copy.enable_multi_kick = "off" python.copy.enable_remove = "off" python.copy.kick_reason = "" python.copy.op_command = "/msg chanserv op $channel $nick" python.go.auto_jump = "on" python.go.buffer_number = "on" python.go.color_name = "black,cyan" python.go.color_name_highlight = "red,cyan" python.go.color_name_highlight_selected = "red,brown" python.go.color_name_selected = "black,brown" python.go.color_number = "yellow,magenta" python.go.color_number_selected = "yellow,red" python.go.fuzzy_search = "on" python.go.message = "Go to: " python.go.short_name = "on" python.go.sort = "number,beginning" python.go.use_core_instead_weechat = "on" python.listbuffer.autofocus = "on" python.listbuffer.channel_min_width = "25" python.listbuffer.modes_min_width = "8" python.listbuffer.sort_inverted = "on" python.listbuffer.sort_order = "users" python.listbuffer.users_min_width = "8" python.notify.icon = "/usr/share/pixmaps/weechat.xpm" python.notify.ignore_nicks_startwith = "*" python.notify.nick_separator = ": " python.notify.notify_when_away = "off" python.notify.show_hilights = "on" python.notify.show_priv_msg = "on" python.notify.smart_notification = "off" python.notify.urgency = "normal" python.title.short_name = "on" python.title.title_priority = "2" python.whois_on_query.command = "/whois $nick $nick" python.whois_on_query.self_query = "off" ruby.check_license = "on" tcl.check_license = "on" trigger.userlabel. = "[idiot]" trigger.userlabel.unaffiliated/kbdkode = "[banana]" [desc] perl.beep.beep_command_dcc = "command for beep on dcc, special value "$bell" is allowed, as well as "$bell;command" (default: "$bell")" perl.beep.beep_command_highlight = "command for beep on highlight, special value "$bell" is allowed, as well as "$bell;command" (default: "$bell")" perl.beep.beep_command_pv = "command for beep on private message, special value "$bell" is allowed, as well as "$bell;command" (default: "$bell")" perl.beep.beep_command_timeout = "timeout for command run (in milliseconds, 0 = never kill (not recommended)) (default: "30000")" perl.beep.beep_dcc = "beep on dcc (default: "on")" perl.beep.beep_highlight = "beep on highlight (default: "on")" perl.beep.beep_highlight_blacklist = "turn blacklist for highlights on or off (default: "off")" perl.beep.beep_highlight_whitelist = "turn whitelist for highlights on or off (default: "off")" perl.beep.beep_pv = "beep on private message (default: "on")" perl.beep.beep_pv_blacklist = "turn blacklist for private messages on or off (default: "off")" perl.beep.beep_pv_whitelist = "turn whitelist for private messages on or off (default: "off")" perl.beep.beep_trigger_highlight = "word that will trigger execution of beep_command_highlight (if empty, anything will trigger) (default: "")" perl.beep.beep_trigger_pv = "word that will trigger execution of beep_command_pv (it empty, anything will trigger) (default: "")" perl.beep.bell_always = "use $bell on private messages and/or highlights regardless of trigger and whitelist settings (example: "pv,highlight") (default: "")" perl.beep.blacklist_nicks = "comma-separated list of "server.nick": if not empty, these nicks will not be able to trigger execution of commands. Cannot be used in conjuction with whitelist (example: "freenode.nick1,freenode.nick2") (default: "")" perl.beep.whitelist_channels = "comma-separated list of "server.#channel": if not empty, only these channels will trigger execution of commands (example: "freenode.#weechat,freenode.#channel2") (default: "")" perl.beep.whitelist_nicks = "comma-separated list of "server.nick": if not empty, only these nicks will trigger execution of commands (example: "freenode.nick1,freenode.nick2") (default: "")" perl.buddylist.buddy.on.server = "show buddy who is connected to a server, but not visiting the same channel(s) (default: on)" perl.buddylist.buddy.on.server.color = "color for online buddy but not visiting the same channel(s) (default: lightgreen)" perl.buddylist.buddylist = "path/file-name to store your buddies" perl.buddylist.callback.timeout = "time in seconds to wait for answer from server. (default: 60)" perl.buddylist.check.buddies = "time in seconds to send a /whois request to server. Be careful not to flood server (default: 20)" perl.buddylist.color.away = "color for away buddies" perl.buddylist.color.default = "fall back color. (default: standard weechat color)" perl.buddylist.color.number = "color for channel number (default: lightred). If empty, channel list option is off" perl.buddylist.color.offline = "color for offline buddies" perl.buddylist.color.online = "color for online buddies" perl.buddylist.color.server = "color for servername" perl.buddylist.color.server.offline = "color for disconnected server (default: hide)" perl.buddylist.display.original.nick = "display original nickname even if buddy changed his /nick (you have to add new nick to buddylist (default: off)" perl.buddylist.display.social.net = "using bitlbee, buddies will be sorted in sublists with social-network name (eg. msn/jabber/facebook)(default: on)" perl.buddylist.display.social.net.color = "color for social-network name (default: yellow)" perl.buddylist.hide.bar = "hides buddylist bar when all servers with added buddies are offline (on = default, always = buddylist bar will be hidden (for example if you want to add item 'buddylist' to 'weechat.bar.status.items', off = buddylist bar will not be hidden))" perl.buddylist.hide.buddy.if.offline = "hide buddy if offline (default: off)" perl.buddylist.hide.server.if.buddies.offline = "hides server when all buddies are offline for this server (default: off)" perl.buddylist.hide.servername.in.buddylist = "hide the servername in buddylist. If "on" only nicks will be displayed in buddylist (default: off)" perl.buddylist.show.query = "displays a query buffer in front of the channel list" perl.buddylist.sort = "sort method for buddylist (default = buddylist will be sort by nickname, status = buddylist will be sort by status (online, away, offline))" perl.buddylist.text.away = "optional away text in buddylist (sort method has to be 'status')" perl.buddylist.text.color = "color for optional online/away/offline-text in buddylist (default: white)" perl.buddylist.text.offline = "optional offline text in buddylist (sort method has to be 'status')" perl.buddylist.text.online = "optional online text in buddylist (sort method has to be 'status')" perl.buddylist.use.redirection = "using redirection to get status of buddies (needs weechat >=0.3.4) (default: on)" perl.colorize_lines.blacklist_buffers = "comma-separated list of channels to be ignored (e.g. freenode.#weechat,*.#python)" perl.colorize_lines.buffers = "buffer type affected by the script (all/channel/query, default: all)" perl.colorize_lines.highlight = "apply highlight color to the highlighted lines (off/on/nicks). the latter will limit highlighting to nicknames in option 'nicks'" perl.colorize_lines.lines = "apply nickname color to the lines (off/on/nicks). the latter will limit highlighting to nicknames in option 'nicks'" perl.colorize_lines.nicks = "comma-separater list of nicks (e.g. freenode.cat,*.dog) OR file name starting with '/' (e.g. /file.txt). in the latter case, nicknames will get loaded from that file inside weechat folder (e.g. from ~/.weechat/file.txt). nicknames in file are newline-separated (e.g. freenode.dog\n*.cat)" perl.colorize_lines.own_lines = "apply nickname color to own lines (off/on/only). the latter turns off all other kinds of coloring altogether" perl.isgd.color = "Color used for printing shortened URLs (default: "white")" perl.listsort.max_size = "maximum size of /list output in kilobytes to be handled" perl.multiline.char = "character(s) which should be displayed to indicate end of line" perl.multiline.hide_magic_nl = "whether the new line inserted by magic enter key will be hidden" perl.multiline.ipl = "this setting controls override of ctrl-M (enter key) by script. Turn it off if you don't want multiline.pl to set and re-set the key binding." perl.multiline.lead_linebreak = "if turned on, multi-line messages always start on a new line" perl.multiline.magic = "indicator displayed when message will be sent soon" perl.multiline.magic_enter_time = "delay after pressing enter before sending automatically (in ms), or 0 to disable" perl.multiline.magic_paste_only = "only use multi-line messages for multi-line pastes (multi-line on enter is disabled by this)" perl.multiline.modify_keys = "if turned on, cursor keys are modified so that they respect line boundaries instead of treating the whole multi-line message as a single line" perl.multiline.paste_lock = "time-out to detect pastes (disable the weechat built-in paste detection if you want to use this)" perl.multiline.send_empty = "set to on to automatically disregard enter key on empty line" perl.multiline.tab = "character(s) which should be displayed instead of Tab key character" perl.multiline.weechat_paste_fix = "disable ctrl-J binding when paste is detected to stop silly weechat sending out pastes without allowing to edit them" perl.stalker.additional_join_info = "add a line below the JOIN message that will display alternative nicks (tags: "irc_join", "irc_smart_filter" will be add to additional_join_info). You can use a localvar to drop additional join info for specific buffer(s) "stalker_drop_additional_join_info" (default: off)" perl.stalker.db_name = "file containing the SQLite database where information is recorded. This database is created on loading of stalker if it does not exist. ("%h" will be replaced by WeeChat home, "~/.weechat" by default) (default: %h/nicks.db)" perl.stalker.debug = "Prints debug output to core buffer so you know exactly what is going on. This is far too verbose to be enabled when not actively debugging something. (default: off)" perl.stalker.flood_max_nicks = "Maximum number of joins to allow in flood_timer length of time. Once maximum number of joins is reached, joins will be ignored until the timer ends (default:20)" perl.stalker.flood_timer = "Time in seconds for which flood protection is active. Once max_nicks is reached, joins will be ignored for the remaining duration of the timer. (default:10)" perl.stalker.guest_host_regex = "regex mask to ignore host masks" perl.stalker.guest_nick_regex = "Some networks set default nicknames when a user fails to identify to nickserv, other networks using relay-bots, some irc clients set default nicknames when someone connects and often these change from network to network depending on who is configuring the java irc clients. This allows a regular expression to be entered. When a nickname matches the regular expression and "ignore_guest_nicks" is enabled the nickname is dropped from the search as if it had never been seen. (default: ^(guest|weebot|Floodbot).*)" perl.stalker.ignore_guest_hosts = "See option guest_host_regex" perl.stalker.ignore_guest_nicks = "See option guest_nick_regex" perl.stalker.ignore_nickchange = "When enabled, /NICK changes won't be monitored. (default: off)" perl.stalker.ignore_whois = "When enabled, /WHOIS won't be monitored. (default: off)" perl.stalker.max_recursion = "For each correlation between nick <-> host that happens, one point of recursion happens. A corrupt database, general evilness, or misfortune can cause the recursion to skyrocket. This is a ceiling number that says if after this many correlation attempts we have not found all nickname and hostname correlations, stop the process and return the list to this point. Use this option with care on slower machines like raspberry pi." perl.stalker.normalize_nicks = "this option will truncate special chars from username (like: ~) (default: on)" perl.stalker.recursive_search = "When enabled, recursive search causes stalker to function better than a simple hostname to nickname map. Disabling the recursive search in effect turns stalker into a more standard hostname -> nickname map." perl.stalker.search_this_network_only = "When enabled searches are limited to within the network the window is currently set on. Turning this off is really only useful if multiple networks don't encode the hostmask. (default: on)" perl.stalker.tags = "comma separated list of tags used for messages printed by stalker. See documentation for possible tags (e.g. 'no_log', 'no_highlight'). This option does not effect DEBUG messages." perl.stalker.timeout = "timeout in seconds for hook_process(), used with option "additional_join_info". On slower machines, like raspberry pi, increase time. (default: 1)" perl.stalker.use_localvar = "When enabled, only channels with a localvar 'stalker' will be monitored. This option will not affect /NICK and /WHOIS monitoring. It's only for /JOIN messages. (default: off)" perl.url_arza.min_length = "minimum length for incoming urls to shorten, after http:// (default: 100)" perl.url_arza.url = "url for shortener, url to shorten is appended, the shortener should return the short url (default: http://arza.us/s/?password=&url=)" perl.url_arza.url_append_command = "string to append to the url when shortening in input line (default: &id_min_length=1)" perl.url_arza.url_append_incoming = "string to append to the url when shortening incoming urls (default: &id_min_length=2)" python.autosavekey.mute = "execute command silently, only error messages will be displayed. (default: "off")" python.autosavekey.secure = "change channel key in secure data. (default: "off")" python.clone_scanner.autofocus = "Focus the clone_scanner buffer in the current window if it isn't already displayed by a window." python.clone_scanner.clone_onjoin_alert_key = "Which 'key' to display in the on-join alerts: 'mask' for full hostmasks, or 'nick' for nicks" python.clone_scanner.clone_report_key = "Which 'key' to display in the clone report: 'mask' for full hostmasks, or 'nick' for nicks" python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.clone.match = "The colour of the match details (masks or nicks) in the clone report." python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.clone.message = "The colour of the clone hit in the clone report message." python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.header.channel = "The colour of the channel name in the clone report header." python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.header.message = "The colour of the clone report header." python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.header.number_of_hosts = "The colour of the number of hosts in the clone report header." python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.subheader.host = "The colour of the host in the clone report subheader." python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.subheader.message = "The colour of the clone report subheader." python.clone_scanner.colors.clone_report.subheader.number_of_clones = "The colour of the number of clones in the clone report subheader." python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.channel = "The colour for the 'channel'-part of the join messages." python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.identhost = "The colour for the 'ident@host'-part of the join messages." python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.message = "The base colour for the join messages." python.clone_scanner.colors.join_messages.nick = "The colour for the 'nick'-part of the join messages. Note: if you have colorize_nicks, this option might not always work as expected." python.clone_scanner.colors.mask.identhost = "The formatting of the identhost in the match mask." python.clone_scanner.colors.mask.nick = "The formatting of the nick in the match mask." python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.channel = "The on-join clone alert's channel colour. Formats are space separated." python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.matches = "The on-join clone alert's matches (masks or nicks) colour. Formats are space separated. Note: if you have colorize_nicks, this option might not work as expected." python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.message = "The on-join clone alert's message colour. Formats are space separated." python.clone_scanner.colors.onjoin_alert.nick = "The on-join clone alert's nick colour. Formats are space separated. Note: if you have colorize_nicks, this option might not work as expected." python.clone_scanner.compare_idents = "Match against ident@host.name instead of just the hostname. Useful if you don't want different people from bouncers marked as clones" python.clone_scanner.display_join_messages = "Display all joins in the clone_scanner buffer" python.clone_scanner.display_onjoin_alert_clone_buffer = "Display an on-join clone alert in the clone_scanner buffer" python.clone_scanner.display_onjoin_alert_current_buffer = "Display an on-join clone alert in the current buffer" python.clone_scanner.display_onjoin_alert_target_buffer = "Display an on-join clone alert in the buffer where the clone was detected" python.clone_scanner.display_scan_report_clone_buffer = "Display manual scan reports in the clone buffer" python.clone_scanner.display_scan_report_current_buffer = "Display manual scan reports in the current buffer" python.clone_scanner.display_scan_report_target_buffer = "Display manual scan reports in the buffer of the scanned channel" python.go.auto_jump = "automatically jump to buffer when it is uniquely selected (default: "off")" python.go.buffer_number = "display buffer number (default: "on")" python.go.color_name = "color for buffer name (not selected) (default: "black,cyan")" python.go.color_name_highlight = "color for highlight in buffer name (not selected) (default: "red,cyan")" python.go.color_name_highlight_selected = "color for highlight in a selected buffer name (default: "red,brown")" python.go.color_name_selected = "color for a selected buffer name (default: "black,brown")" python.go.color_number = "color for buffer number (not selected) (default: "yellow,magenta")" python.go.color_number_selected = "color for selected buffer number (default: "yellow,red")" python.go.fuzzy_search = "search buffer matches using approximation (default: "off")" python.go.message = "message to display before list of buffers (default: "Go to: ")" python.go.short_name = "display and search in short names instead of buffer name (default: "off")" python.go.sort = "comma-separated list of keys to sort buffers (the order is important, sorts are performed in the given order): name = sort by name (or short name), (default: "number,beginning")" python.go.use_core_instead_weechat = "use name "core" instead of "weechat" for core buffer (default: "off")" python.listbuffer.autofocus = "Focus the listbuffer in the current window if it isn't already displayed by a window." python.listbuffer.channel_min_width = "The minimum width used for the channel name in the channel list. If a channelname is shorter than this amount, the column will be padded with spaces." python.listbuffer.modes_min_width = "The minimum width used for modes in the channel list. If a channel has less modes than this amount, the column will be padded with spaces." python.listbuffer.sort_inverted = "Invert the sort order for the channel list." python.listbuffer.sort_order = "Last used sort order for the channel list." python.listbuffer.users_min_width = "The minimum width used for the usercount in the channel list. If the usercount has less digits than this amount, the column will be padded with spaces." python.whois_on_query.command = "the command sent to do the whois ($nick is repladed by nick) (default: "/whois $nick $nick")" python.whois_on_query.self_query = "if on, send whois for self queries (default: "off")"