[options] resize_grip = false scroll_on_output = false scroll_on_keystroke = true audible_bell = false visible_bell = true mouse_autohide = false allow_bold = true dynamic_title = true urgent_on_bell = true clickable_url = true font = FNCP6 11.2 scrollback_lines = 1000 search_wrap = true icon_name = terminal geometry = 618x306 # "system", "on" or "off" cursor_blink = off # "block", "underline" or "ibeam" cursor_shape = block # word characters used for word selection # (default if unset: all graphic non-punctuation/space characters) #word_chars = -A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_=+@~ [colors] foreground = #dcdccc foreground_bold = #ffffff #foreground_dim = #888888 #background = #3f3f3f background = #303030 #cursor = #dcdccc # if unset, will reverse foreground and background highlight = #252525 # colors from color0 to color254 can be set color0 = #3f3f3f color1 = #906060 color2 = #60b48a color3 = #dfaf8f color4 = #607080 color5 = #dc8cc3 color6 = #8cd0d3 color7 = #dcdccc color8 = #709080 color9 = #dca3a3 color10 = #c3bf9f color11 = #f0dfaf color12 = #94bff3 color13 = #ec93d3 color14 = #93e0e3 color15 = #ffffff [hints] #font = Monospace 9 #foreground = #dcdccc #background = #3f3f3f #padding = 2 #border = #3f3f3f #border_width = 0.5 #roundness = 2.0 # vim: ft=dosini