#!/usr/bin/perl ################################### # By: Ventz Petkov # # Date: 01-05-11 # # Last: 01-02-13 # # Parses HTML + Long URLs in MUTT # ################################### use URI::Escape; $file = $ARGV[0]; @text = (); # Only shorten URLs at least this length or more $tinyurltrigger = 40; # If we pass a 2nd argument, it means we want to force HTML check a 'text/plain' file if(defined($ARGV[2])) { open(FP, $file); for() { push(@text, $_); } close(FP); } # Otherwise, treat as HTML first else { @text = `elinks -dump -dump-charset $ARGV[1] -default-mime-type text/html $file`; } # Note: using while (instead of for) b/c for supposedly loads # everything into memory - no reason to load large emails into memory while (my $line = shift @text) { next if($line =~ /mailto:/); if($line =~ /(\w+:\/\/\S+)/) { my $link = $1; chomp($link); $size = length($link); if($size >= $tinyurltrigger) { eval { my $alarm = 5; alarm $alarm; my $link = uri_escape($link); $tinyurl=`wget -q -O - http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=$link`; alarm 0; }; if ($@) { $line =~ s/(\w+:\/\/\S+)/$link (wget TimeOut)/; } else { $line =~ s/(\w+:\/\/\S+)/$tinyurl\n\t[>> $link <<]/; } } } print "$line"; } exit 0;