Traducción espańola aquí. <--"; # $_t["fr"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--"; # $_t["de"]["Under construction..."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--"; $_t["pl"]["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają..."; $_t["en"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "You have been successfully logged out."; # $_t["es"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "--> Traducción espańola aquí. <--"; # $_t["fr"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "--> Traduction française ici. <--"; # $_t["de"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "--> Deutsche Übersetzung hier. <--"; $_t["pl"]["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Zostałeś pomyślnie wylogowany."; ?>