\n"; } } elseif ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "DisplayAccount") { # the user has clicked 'edit', display the account details in a form # } elseif ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "UpdateAccount") { # user is submitting their modifications to an existing account # } else { if ($atype == "Trusted user" || $atype == "Developer") { # display the search page if they're a TU/dev # print __("Use this form to search existing accounts.")."
\n"; search_accounts_form(); } else { # TODO A normal user, give them the ability to edit # their own account # print __("Regular users can edit their own account."); } } } else { # visitor is not logged in # if ($_REQUEST["Action"] == "NewAccount") { # process the form input for creating a new account # process_account_form("","new", "NewAccount", $_REQUEST["U"], 1, 0, $_REQUEST["E"], $_REQUEST["P"], $_REQUEST["C"], $_REQUEST["R"], $_REQUEST["L"], $_REQUEST["I"], $_REQUEST["N"]); } else { # display the account request form # display_account_form("", "NewAccount"); } } html_footer("\$Id$"); # vim: ts=2 sw=2 noet ft=php ?>