Upgrading ========= From 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 ------------------- 1. Run the following MySQL statements: ---- ALTER TABLE Packages ADD OutOfDateTS BIGINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT NULL; UPDATE Packages SET OutOfDateTS = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE OutOfDate = 1; ALTER TABLE Packages DROP OutOfDate; ---- 2. You will need to update all packages which are stored in the incoming dir as in 1.8.0, source tarballs are no longer extracted automatically and PKGBUILDs are from now on located in the same subdirectories as the tarballs themselves. The following script will do the conversion automatically when being run inside "$INCOMING_DIR": ---- #!/bin/bash for pkg in *; do if [ -d "${pkg}" -a ! -f "${pkg}/PKGBUILD" ]; then pkgbuild_file=$(find -P "${pkg}" -name PKGBUILD) [ -n "${pkgbuild_file}" ] && \ cp "${pkgbuild_file}" "${pkg}/PKGBUILD" fi done ---- From 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 ------------------- ALTER TABLE Users ADD Salt CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE Users ADD ResetKey CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE Users MODIFY LangPreference CHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en'; From 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 ------------------- 1. Ensure this appears in config.inc: define("DEFAULT_LANG", "en"); From 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 ------------------- 1. Ensure Pear and File/Find.php are in the path. See web/README.txt. 2. Update your running copy of support/scripts/newpackage-notify. 3. Run this in web/lib: