HACKING DISCLAIMER: We realise the code doesn't necessarily follow all the rules. This is an attempt to establish a standard coding style for future development. Coding style guidelines ----------------------- Column width: 79 columns or less within reason. Indentation: tabs (standard eight column width) Please don't add any mode lines. Adjust your editor to display tabs to your preferred width. Generally code should work with the standard eight column tabs. PHP --- No short open tags. '' Try embedding as little HTML in the PHP as possible. Consider creating templates for HTML. MySQL queries should generally go into functions. Submitting patches ------------------ Please test your patches before submitting. Submit uncompressed git-formatted patches to aur-dev@archlinux.org. Base your patches on the master branch as forward development is done there. When writing patches please keep unnecessary changes to a minimum. Smaller patches are much easier to review and have a better chance of being pushed more quickly into the main repo. Try to make your commit messages brief but descriptive. Glossary -------- git-formatted patch: A patch that is produced via `git format-patch` and is sent via `git send-email` or as an inline attachment of an email.