From 2194da8c9db7d2424b8992eedc6c98657a705e0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Loui Chang Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 16:27:17 -0500 Subject: Add new conglomerated translation files. Signed-off-by: Loui Chang --- web/lang/ca.po | 499 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/de.po | 556 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/es.po | 537 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/fr.po | 685 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/it.po | 709 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/pl.po | 498 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/pt.po | 554 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/ru.po | 675 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/tr.po | 565 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ web/lang/uk.po | 343 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10 files changed, 5621 insertions(+) create mode 100644 web/lang/ca.po create mode 100644 web/lang/de.po create mode 100644 web/lang/es.po create mode 100644 web/lang/fr.po create mode 100644 web/lang/it.po create mode 100644 web/lang/pl.po create mode 100644 web/lang/pt.po create mode 100644 web/lang/ru.po create mode 100644 web/lang/tr.po create mode 100644 web/lang/uk.po diff --git a/web/lang/ca.po b/web/lang/ca.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69d94d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/ca.po @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ + + + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilitzeu aquest formulari per editar el vostre compte."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Deixeu els camps de contrasenya en blanc si voleu conservar-la."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "No esteu autoritzat per a accedir a aquesta àrea."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "No s'ha pogut obtenir la informació de l'usuari especificat."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilitzeu aquest formulari per a cercar comptes existents."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "No teniu permís per a editar aquest compte."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilitzeu aquest formulari per a crear un compte."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos per a veure la inforació de l'usuari."; + + + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Manca un camp requerit."; + +$_t["Search"] = "Cerca'"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "El compte, %h%s%h, s'ha creat satisfactòriament."; + +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar modificar el compte, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "L'adreça del correu-e no és vàlida."; + +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar crear el compte, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "El nom d'usuari, %h%s%h, està ja en ús."; + +$_t["Account Type"] = "Tipus de compte"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "El compte, %h%s%h, s'ha modificat satisfactòriament."; + +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "El compte s'ha suspès"; + +$_t["Status"] = "Estat"; + +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Notificació en nous paquets"; + +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nom d'usuari IRC"; + +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Usuari de Confiança"; + +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "No s'ha trobat cap coindidència amb els criteris de cerca."; + +$_t["Normal user"] = "Usuari normal"; + +$_t["Never"] = "Mai"; + +$_t["User"] = "Usuari"; + +$_t["Active"] = "Actiu"; + +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Últim vot"; + +$_t["Real Name"] = "Nom real"; + +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Edita compte"; + +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Els camps de contrasenya no coincideixen."; + +$_t["Language"] = "Idioma"; + +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un Usuari de Confiança no pot assignar l'estat de desenvolupador."; + +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "L'adreça, %h%s%h, està ja en ús."; + +$_t["No more results to display."] = "No hi ha més resultats per mostrar."; + +$_t["Type"] = "Tipus"; + +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Feu clic en l'enllaç Inici de dalt per identificar-vos."; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenat per"; + +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Escriu altre cop la contrasenya"; + +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "L'idioma no està suportat actualment."; + +$_t["Any type"] = "Qualsevol tipus"; + +$_t["Last vote"] = "Últim vot"; + +$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspès"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Usuari de Confiança"; + +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Manca l'identificador de l'usuari"; + +$_t["Developer"] = "Desenvolupador"; + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Visualitza els paquets d'aquest usuari"; + + + +$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn projecte d'Archlinux%s"; + +$_t["Logout"] = "Surt"; + +$_t["Discussion"] = "Discussió"; + +$_t["Bugs"] = "Errors"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Compte"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Inici"; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Paquets"; + + + +$_t["Reset"] = "Restaura"; + +$_t["Username"] = "Nom d'usuari"; + +$_t["Email Address"] = "Adreça de correu-e"; + +$_t["Less"] = "Menys"; + +$_t["Clear"] = "Neteja"; + +$_t["required"] = "requerit"; + +$_t["Update"] = "Actualitza"; + +$_t["Submit"] = "Envia"; + +$_t["Password"] = "Contrasenya"; + +$_t["Create"] = "Crea"; + +$_t["More"] = "Més"; + + + +$_t["Statistics"] = "Estadístiques"; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Recordeu votar els vostres paquets preferits!"; + +$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "S'ha produït un error en cercar l'usuari, %s."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Paquets a \"unsupported\""; + +$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Els paquets més populars es distribuiran com a binaris a [community]."; + +$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Usuaris de Confiança"; + +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Heu de proporcionar un nom d'usuari."; + +$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Paquets afegits o actualitzats en els últims 7 dies"; + +$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "La discussió en correu-e sobre AUR és a la %sLlista d'Usuaris TUR%s."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Paquets a \"unsupported\" i marcats com Segurs"; + +$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Encara que no pugam respondre als seus continguts, subministrem una %hllista de repositoris d'usuaris%h per a la vostra conveniència."; + +$_t["Packages in [community]"] = "Paquets a [community]"; + +$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Actualitzacions recents"; + +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "El vostre compte s'ha suspès."; + +$_t["Username:"] = "Nom d'usuari:"; + +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar generar un identificador de sessió."; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Benvingut a l'AUR! Si us plau llegiu la %hGuia d'usuari de l'AUR%h i la %hGuia de TU de l'AUR%h per a més informació."; + +$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Els PKGBUILDs enviats %hhan%h de seguir els %hEstàndards d'empaquetament d'Arch%h sinó seran esborrats!"; + +$_t["Login"] = "Entra"; + +$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Si teniu cap comentari sobre l'AUR, si us plau deixeu-lo en el %hFlyspray%h."; + +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Heu de subministrar una contrasenya."; + +$_t["Password:"] = "Contrasenya:"; + +$_t["Registered Users"] = "Usuaris registrats"; + +$_t["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "Identificat com: %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Contrasenya incorrecta per a l'usuari, %s."; + + + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Heu eixit correctament."; + + + +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Manca l'identificador del paquet."; + +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "L'identificador de la categoria no és vàlid."; + +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Introduïu el vostre comentari a continuació."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "No esteu autoritzat per esborrar aquest comentari."; + +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Manca l'identificador del comentari."; + +$_t["Package category updated."] = "S'ha actualitzat la categoria del paquet."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans d'editar qualsevol informació de paquet."; + +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "S'ha esborrat el comentari."; + +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Heu trobat un error si veieu açò."; + +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "S'ha afegit el comentari."; + +$_t["Select new category"] = "Seleccioneu nova categoria"; + + + +$_t["Category"] = "Categoria"; + +$_t["Votes"] = "Vots"; + +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Esborra comentari"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Primer enviament"; + +$_t["Tarball"] = "Arxiu TAR"; + +$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Aneu amb compte! Els fitxers poden contenir codi maliciós que pot danyar el vostre sistema."; + +$_t["Voted"] = "Votat"; + +$_t["Location"] = "Localització"; + +$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Marca com Segur"; + +$_t["Go"] = "Vés"; + +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Desmarca No-Actualitzat"; + +$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Torna a la %hvista de detalls del paquet%h."; + +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "No s'han pogut obtenir els detalls del paquet."; + +$_t["Description"] = "Descripció"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Els meus paquets"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Segur"; + +$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordena en sentit"; + +$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendent"; + +$_t["Keywords"] = "Paraules clau"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Cap notificació de nous comentaris"; + +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dependències"; + +$_t["Descending"] = "Descendent"; + +$_t["Per page"] = "Per pàgina"; + +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Llista de paquets"; + +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "No s'han pogut trobar els detalls del paquet."; + +$_t["Package Details"] = "Detalls del paquet"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "S'ha produït un error en obtenir la llista de paquets."; + +$_t["Files"] = "Fitxers"; + +$_t["None"] = "Cap"; + +$_t["Name"] = "Nom"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Última actualització"; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Els fitxers s'han comprovat (per %s) i són segurs."; + +$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Desmarca Paquet Segur"; + +$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Torna a %hResultat de cerca%h."; + +$_t["Age"] = "Antiguitat"; + +$_t["Comments"] = "Comentaris"; + +$_t["O%hrphan"] = "O%hrfe"; + +$_t["orphan"] = "orfe"; + +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Lleva vot"; + +$_t["change category"] = "Canvia la categoria"; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Lleva notificació"; + +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Esborra paquet"; + +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Mantenidor"; + +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Afegeix comentari"; + +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Comentari per: %h%s%h a %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marca com No-Actualitzat"; + +$_t["Manage"] = "Gestiona"; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordena per"; + +$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Marca com Segur"; + +$_t["Actions"] = "Accions"; + +$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Desmarca Segur"; + +$_t["Sources"] = "Fonts"; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Sí"; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criteri de cerca"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Notifica"; + +$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "N%ho-Actualitzat"; + +$_t["Vote"] = "Vota"; + +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Apròpia paquets"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notificació de nou comentari"; + +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Desapròpia paquets"; + +$_t["Orphans"] = "Orfes"; + +$_t["Any"] = "Cap"; + +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "No s'ha trobat cap coincidència amb el teu criteri de cerca."; + +$_t["Search by"] = "Cerca per"; + + + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Cap dels paquets seleccionats s'han pogut esborrar."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Els vostres vots s'han suprimit dels paquets seleccionats."; + +$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "No s'ha pogut marcar el paquet com Segur."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per llevar-li el vot."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han desmarcat."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per apropiar-se'n."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de marcar paquets."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de rebre notificacions dels comentaris."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de votar paquets."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han marcat com No-Actualitzats."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han esborrat."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per votar."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de desapropiàr-se paquets."; + +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "S'ha produït un error en obtenir els detalls del paquet."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han apropiat."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Heu sigut esborrat de la llista de notificacions de comentaris."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Els vostres vots s'han enviat per als paquets seleccionats."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Els paquets seleccionats s'han desmarcat de Segurs."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de cancel·lar les notificacions en comentaris."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans d'apropiar-se paquets."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Heu sigut afegit a la llista de notificacions de comentaris."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per desapropiar-se'n."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de llevar el vot als paquets."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Heu d'identificar-vos abans de desmarcar paquets."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per a desmarcar."; + +$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "No s'ha pogut desmarcar el paquet Segur."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per a esborrar."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "No s'ha pogut afegir a la llista de notificació."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "No heu seleccionat cap paquet per a marcar."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Els paquets seleccionats han sigut desapropiats."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Els paquets seleccionats han sigut marcats com Segurs."; + +$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "No s'ha pogut esborrar de la llista de notificació."; + + + +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la funció \"build\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "No s'ha pogut canviar el directori a %s."; + +$_t["No"] = "No"; + +$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgdesc\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "S'ha produït un error en pujar l'arxiu - si us plau proveu altre cop."; + +$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "S'ha produït un error en executar el comandament \"mv\"."; + +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Heu de crear un compte per poder pujar paquets."; + +$_t["Package upload successful."] = "El paquets s'ha pujat satisfactòriament."; + +$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Voleu sobreescriure el paquet existent?"; + +$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Els arxius binaris i les llistes de fitxers no s'accepten per a pujar."; + +$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "No heu especificat cap nom de paquet."; + +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "S'ha produït un error en intentar desempaquetar la pujada - El PKGBUILD no existeix."; + +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "No s'ha pogut crear el directori de recepció: %s."; + +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Puja arxiu del paquet"; + +$_t["Package Location"] = "Localització del paquet"; + +$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"URL\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Els noms del paquet no coincideixen."; + +$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoria del paquet"; + +$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "No s'ha pogut canviar al directori %s."; + +$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "No s'ha pogut marcat la casella \"Sobreescriu\"."; + +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nom no vàlid: sols es permet lletres minúscules."; + +$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgver\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package name"] = "Nom del paquet"; + +$_t["Upload"] = "Puja"; + +$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"md5sums\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgrel\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"pkgname\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "S'ha produït un error - El fitxer no s'ha pujat"; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Manca el protocol a la URL del paquet (per exemple: http:// , ftp://)"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "No esteu autoritzat a sobreescriure el paquet %h%s%h."; + +$_t["Select Location"] = "Seleccioneu localització"; + +$_t["Select Category"] = "Seleccioneu categoria"; + +$_t["Comment"] = "Comentari"; + +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "No s'ha pogut crear el directori %s."; + +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "No es coneix el format del fitxer pujat."; + +$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variable \"source\" al PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "No s'ha pogut tornar a crear l'arxiu TAR."; + +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Ho sentim, les pujades no estan permesses en aquest servidor."; + +$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Heu de subministrar un comentari per a aquest/a canvi/pujada."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Sí"; + diff --git a/web/lang/de.po b/web/lang/de.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a4c198 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/de.po @@ -0,0 +1,556 @@ +, Matthias Gorissen , Lukas Kropatschek, Niclas Pfeifer + + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Hier kannst Du Deine Benutzerdaten ändern."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lasse die Passwort-Felder leer, um Dein aktuelles Passwort beizubehalten."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Du darfst diesen Bereich nicht betreten."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Konnte keine Informationen zum angegebenen Benutzer abrufen."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Benutze dieses Formular, um nach vorhandenen Konten zu suchen."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Du hast keine Berechtigung, dieses Konto zu ändern."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Benutze dieses Formular, um ein neues Konto zu erstellen."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Benutzer-Informationen zu sehen."; + + + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Ein benötigtes Feld fehlt."; + +$_t["Search"] = "Suche'"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Das Konto %h%s%h wurde erfolgreich angelegt."; + +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Fehler beim Ändern des Kontos %h%s%h: %s"; + +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist ungültig."; + +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontos %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Der Benutzername %h%s%h ist bereits vergeben."; + +$_t["Account Type"] = "Konto-Typ"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Das Konto %h%s%h wurde erfolgreich geändert."; + +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto gesperrt"; + +$_t["Status"] = "Status"; + +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Benachrichtigung bei neuen Paketen"; + +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC-Name"; + +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer (TU)"; + +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Die Suche ergab leider kein Ergebnis."; + +$_t["Normal user"] = "Normaler Benutzer"; + +$_t["Never"] = "Niemals"; + +$_t["User"] = "Benutzer"; + +$_t["Active"] = "Aktiv"; + +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Zuletzt abgestimmt"; + +$_t["Real Name"] = "Wirklicher Name"; + +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Konto bearbeiten"; + +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Passwort-Felder sind unterschiedlich."; + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Alle Pakete dieses Benutzers"; + +$_t["Language"] = "Sprache"; + +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Ein Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer (TU) kann keinen Entwickler-Status erteilen."; + +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Die Adresse %h%s%h wird bereits benutzt."; + +$_t["No more results to display."] = "Keine weiteren Ergebnisse."; + +$_t["Type"] = "Typ"; + +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Klicke auf \"Start\", um Dich anzumelden."; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortieren nach"; + +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Bestätige das Passwort"; + +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Diese Sprache wird momentan noch nicht unterstützt."; + +$_t["Any type"] = "Irgendein Typ"; + +$_t["Last vote"] = "Letzte Stimme"; + +$_t["Suspended"] = "Gesperrt"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Vertrauenswürdiger Benutzer (TU)"; + +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Benutzer-ID fehlt"; + +$_t["Developer"] = "Entwickler"; + + + +$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sEin ArchLinux Projekt%s"; + +$_t["Logout"] = "Abmelden"; + +$_t["Discussion"] = "Diskussion"; + +$_t["Bugs"] = "Fehler"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Konten"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Startseite"; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Pakete"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Meine Pakete"; + + + + +$_t["Reset"] = "Zurücksetzen"; + +$_t["Username"] = "Benutzername"; + +$_t["Email Address"] = "E-Mail-Adresse"; + +$_t["Less"] = "Weniger"; + +$_t["Clear"] = "Leeren"; + +$_t["required"] = "Notwendig"; + +$_t["Update"] = "Aktualisieren"; + +$_t["Submit"] = "Abschicken"; + +$_t["Password"] = "Passwort"; + +$_t["Create"] = "Erstellen"; + +$_t["More"] = "Mehr"; + + + +$_t["Statistics"] = "Statistiken"; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Denke daran, für Deine bevorzugten Pakete zu stimmen!"; + +$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Benutzer %s nicht gefunden."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Pakete in \"unsupported\""; + +$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Die beliebtesten Pakete werden als Binär-Pakete in [community] bereitgestellt."; + +$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Vertrauenswürdige Benutzer (TU)"; + +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Du mußt einen Benutzernamen eingeben."; + +$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Pakete, die in den letzten 7 Tagen hinzugefügt oder geändert wurden"; + +$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "E-Mail-Diskussionen über das AUR finden in der %sTUR Users Liste%s statt"; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Pakete in \"unsupported\", die als sicher markiert sind"; + +$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Obwohl wir für deren Inhalte nicht garantieren können, stellen wir eine %hListe der Benutzer-Repositorien%h bereit."; + +$_t["Packages in [community]"] = "Pakete in [community]"; + +$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Letzte Aktualisierungen"; + +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Dein Konto wurde gesperrt."; + +$_t["Username:"] = "Benutzername:"; + +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Fehler beim Erstellen der Sitzungs-ID."; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Willkommen beim AUR! Für weitergehende Informationen lies bitte das %hAUR Benutzerhandbuch%h und die %hAUR TU Richtlinien%h."; + +$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Deine PKGBUILDs %hmüssen%h dem %hArch Paket Standard%h entsprechen. Andernfalls werden sie gelöscht!"; + +$_t["Login"] = "Anmelden"; + +$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Rückmeldungen zum AUR kannst Du uns im %hFlyspray%h zukommen lassen."; + +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Du mußt ein Passwort eingeben."; + +$_t["Password:"] = "Passwort"; + +$_t["Registered Users"] = "Registrierte Benutzer"; + +$_t["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "Angemeldet als: %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Falsches Passwort für Benutzername %s."; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Sicher"; + +$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Veraltet"; + +$_t["User Statistics"] = "Benutzerstatistiken"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Von mir als sicher markiert"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Als sicher markiert"; + +$_t["My Statistics"] = "Meine Statistiken"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Startseite"; + +$_t["DISCLAIMER"] = "DISCLAIMER: Offiziell nicht unterstützte PKGBUILDS werden von den Benutzern erstellt - durch den Download willigt man ein, diese auf eigene Gefahr zu benutzen."; + + + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Du wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet."; + + + +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Paket-ID fehlt."; + +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Kategorie-ID ungültig."; + +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Füge Deinen Kommentar hier ein."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Du darfst diesen Kommentar nicht löschen."; + +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Kommentar-ID fehlt."; + +$_t["Package category updated."] = "Die Kategorie des Pakets wurde aktualisiert."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Paket-Informationen zu bearbeiten."; + +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Kommentar wurde gelöscht."; + +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Wenn Du dies ließt, hast Du einen Fehler gefunden..."; + +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Kommentar wurde hinzugefügt."; + +$_t["Select new category"] = "Wähle neue Kategorie."; + + + +$_t["Category"] = "Kategorie"; + +$_t["Search by"] = "Suche nach"; + +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Entferne Kommentar"; + +$_t["orphan"] = "Verwaist"; + +$_t["Votes"] = "Stimmen"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Zuerst eingereicht am"; + +$_t["Tarball"] = "Tar-Datei"; + +$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Sei vorsichtig! Die obengenannten Dateien könnten Code enthalten, der Dein System beschädigt."; + +$_t["Voted"] = "Abgestimmt"; + +$_t["Location"] = "Ort"; + +$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Als \"Sicher\" markieren"; + +$_t["Go"] = "Gehe zu"; + +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Markierung \"Veraltet\" entfernen"; + +$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Zurück zur %hAnsicht der Paket-Details%h"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Fehler beim Aufrufen der Paket-Details."; + +$_t["Description"] = "Beschreibung"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Meine Pakete"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Sicher"; + +$_t["Sort order"] = "Neu ordnen"; + +$_t["Ascending"] = "Aufsteigend"; + +$_t["Keywords"] = "Schlagwörter"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Keine neue Kommentar-Benachrichtigung"; + +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Abhängigkeiten"; + +$_t["Descending"] = "Absteigend"; + +$_t["Per page"] = "Pro Seite"; + +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Paket-Liste"; + +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Paket-Details konnten nicht gefunden werden."; + +$_t["Package Details"] = "Paket-Details"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Fehler beim Aufrufen der Paket-Liste."; + +$_t["Files"] = "Dateien"; + +$_t["Name"] = "Name"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Letzte Aktualisierung"; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Die obenstehenden Dateien wurden (von %s) bestätigt, und können sicher benutzt werden."; + +$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Markierung \"Sicher\" entfernen"; + +$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Zurück zu %hSuchergebnis%h."; + +$_t["Age"] = "Alter"; + +$_t["Comments"] = "Kommentare"; + +$_t["Submitter"] = "Eingereicht von"; + +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Abwählen"; + +$_t["change category"] = "Kategorie wechseln"; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Nicht mehr benachrichtigen"; + +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Pakete entfernen"; + +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Betreuer"; + +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Kommentar hinzufügen"; + +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Kommentar von: %h%s%h am %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Als \"Veraltet\" markieren"; + +$_t["Manage"] = "Verwalten"; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortieren nach"; + +$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Paket als \"sicher\" markieren"; + +$_t["Actions"] = "Aktionen"; + +$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Markierung \"sicher\" entfernen"; + +$_t["Sources"] = "Quellen"; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Ja"; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Suchkriterien"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Benachrichtigen"; + +$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "V%heraltet"; + +$_t["Vote"] = "Abstimmen"; + +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Pakete übernehmen"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Neue Kommentar-Benachrichtigung"; + +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Betreuung der Pakete freigeben"; + +$_t["Orphans"] = "Verwaiste Pakete"; + +$_t["Any"] = "Alle"; + +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Keine Pakete entsprachen Deinen Suchkriterien"; + +$_t["Status"] = "Status"; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lasse die Passwortfelder frei, um Dein aktuelles Passwort beizubehalten."; + +$_t["unknown"] = "unbekannt"; + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Du wurdest erfolgreich abgemeldet."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Benutzerinformationen anzusehen."; + +$_t["License"] = "Lizenz"; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Konnte keine Informationen für den angegebenen Benutzer laden."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Du hast keine Berechtigung dieses Konto zu ändern."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Benutze dieses Formular um vorhandene Konten zu suchen."; + +$_t["All"] = "Alle"; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Benutze dieses Formular um ein Konto zu erstellen."; + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Benutze dieses Formular um Dein Konto zu aktualisieren."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt diesen Bereich zu betreten."; + +$_t["Unsafe"] = "Unsicher"; + +$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Dieses Paket wurde als veraltet markiert."; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "Die obigen Dateien wurden (von %h%s%h) als sicher markiert."; + +$_t["Required by"] = "Benötigt von"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Konten"; + + + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Keines der markierten Pakete konnte gelöscht werden."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Deine Stimmen wurden von den markierten Paketen entfernt."; + +$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Konnte Paket nicht als \"Sicher\" markieren."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Abwählen ausgewählt."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Die Markierungen der gewählten Pakete wurden entfernt."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Übernehmen gewählt."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Pakete markieren zu können."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um über Kommentare benachrichtigt zu werden."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Du mußt dich anmelden, um für ein Paket stimmen zu können."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Die gewählten Pakete wurden als \"Veraltet\" markiert."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Die gewählten Pakete wurden gelöscht."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Wählen ausgewählt."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um die Betreuung eines Paketes abzugeben."; + +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Ein Fehler ist während des Empfangens der Paket-Details entstanden."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Das gewählte Paket wurde übernommen."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Du wurdest von der Kommentar-Benachrichtigungsliste entfernt."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Deine Stimmen wurden für die gewählten Pakete gezählt."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Die Markierung \"Sicher\" der gewählten Pakete wurde entfernt."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um die Kommentar-Benachrichtigung aufzuheben."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Pakete übernehmen zu können."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Du wurdest der Kommentar-Benachrichtigungsliste hinzugefügt."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Du hast kein Paket gewählt, dessen Betreuung Du abgeben willst."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um Pakete abwählen zu können."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Du mußt Dich anmelden, um die Markierung von Paketen entfernen zu können."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Du hast kein Paket für das Entfernen der Markierung ausgewählt."; + +$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Konnte die Markierung \"Sicher\" von dem Paket nicht entfernen."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Löschen ausgewählt."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Konnte nichts zur Benachrichtigungsliste hinzufügen."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Du hast kein Paket zum Markieren ausgewählt."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Die Betreuung der gewählten Pakete wurde freigegeben."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Die gewählten Pakete wurde als \"Sicher\" markiert."; + +$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Konnte nichts von der Benachrichtigungsliste entfernen."; + + + +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Funktion \"build\" fehlt im PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Konnte nicht in das Verzeichnis %s wechseln."; + +$_t["No"] = "Nein"; + +$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgdesc-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Beim Hochladen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten - Bitte erneut versuchen."; + +$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Ein Fehler ist bei der Ausführung des Kommandos \"mv\" (Verschieben) aufgetreten."; + +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Du mußt ein Konto anlegen, bevor Du Dateien hochladen kannst."; + +$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Paket erfolreich hochgeladen."; + +$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Existierendes Paket überschreiben?"; + +$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Binärpakete und Dateilisten dürfen nicht hochgeladen werden."; + +$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Du hast keinen Paketnamen angegeben."; + +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Fehler beim Entpacken der hochgeladenen Datei - PKGBUILD existiert nicht."; + +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Konnte Eingangs-Verzeichnis nicht erstellen: %s."; + +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Hochladen der Paket-Datei"; + +$_t["Package Location"] = "Ort des Pakets"; + +$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "URL-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Paketnamen stimmen nicht überein."; + +$_t["Package Category"] = "Paket-Kategorie"; + +$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Konnte nicht in das Verzeichnis %s wechseln"; + +$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Du hast die Option \"Überschreiben\" nicht gewählt."; + +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Ungültiger Name: Es dürfen nur Kleinbuchstaben verwendet werden."; + +$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgver-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package name"] = "Paketname"; + +$_t["Upload"] = "Hochladen"; + +$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "md5sum-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgrel-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "pkgname-Variable fehlt im PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Fehler - Keine Datei hochgeladen."; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Der Paket-URL fehlt ein Protokoll (z.B. http:// oder ftp://)."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Es ist Dir nicht erlaubt, das %h%s%h Paket zu überschreiben."; + +$_t["Select Location"] = "Wähle einen Ort"; + +$_t["Select Category"] = "Wähle eine Kategorie"; + +$_t["Comment"] = "Kommentar"; + +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Konnte das Verzeichnis %s nicht erstellen."; + +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Unbekanntes Dateiformat der hochgeladenen Datei."; + +$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Fehlende Quell-Variable in PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Konnte nicht erneut den tar-Befehl ausführen."; + +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Tut mir Leid, dieser Server erlaubt kein Hochladenen von Dateien."; + +$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Du mußt die Änderungen mit einem Kommentar versehen."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Ja"; + +$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Lizenz-Variable in PKGBUILD fehlt."; + +$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Arch-Variable in PKGBUILD fehlt."; + diff --git a/web/lang/es.po b/web/lang/es.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c101fee --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/es.po @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ + + + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Use este formulario para actualizar su cuenta."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Deje en blanco los campos de la contraseña para conservarla."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "No está autorizado a acceder a esta área."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "No se pudo obtener la información del usuario especificado."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Use este formulario para buscar cuentas existentes."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "No tiene permiso para editar esta cuenta."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Use este formulario para crear una cuenta."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Debe identificarse para ver la información del usuario."; + + + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Falta un campo obligatorio."; + +$_t["Search"] = "Buscar'"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "La cuenta, %h%s%h, se creó correctamente."; + +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Error al intentar modificar la cuenta, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "La dirección de email no es válida."; + +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Error al intentar crear la cuenta, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "El nombre de usuario, %h%s%h, ya está en uso."; + +$_t["Account Type"] = "Tipo de cuenta"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "La cuenta, %h%s%h, se ha modificado correctamente."; + +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Cuenta suspendida"; + +$_t["Status"] = "Estado"; + +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Aviso de nuevos paquetes"; + +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick del IRC"; + +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Usuario de confianza"; + +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "No se encontraron resultados que coincidan con su criterio de búsqueda."; + +$_t["Normal user"] = "Usuario normal"; + +$_t["Never"] = "Nunca"; + +$_t["User"] = "Usuario"; + +$_t["Active"] = "Activo"; + +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Último voto"; + +$_t["Real Name"] = "Nombre real"; + +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Editar cuenta"; + +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Los campos de la contraseña no coinciden."; + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Ver los paquetes de este usuario"; + +$_t["Language"] = "Idioma"; + +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un usuario de confianza no puede asignar el estado de desarrollador."; + +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "La dirección, %h%s%h, ya está en uso."; + +$_t["No more results to display."] = "No hay más resultados que mostrar."; + +$_t["Type"] = "Tipo"; + +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Pulse en el enlace Inicio situado en la parte superior para identificarse."; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenar por"; + +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Reescriba la contraseña"; + +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "El idioma no está soportado actualmente."; + +$_t["Any type"] = "Cualquier tipo"; + +$_t["Last vote"] = "Último voto"; + +$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendido"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Usuario de Confianza"; + +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Falta el identificador de usuario"; + +$_t["Developer"] = "Desarrollador"; + + + +$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn proyecto de ArchLinux%s"; + +$_t["Logout"] = "Salir"; + +$_t["Discussion"] = "Debate"; + +$_t["Bugs"] = "Bugs"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Cuentas"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Inicio"; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Paquetes"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Mis paquetes"; + + + +$_t["Reset"] = "Limpiar"; + +$_t["Username"] = "Nombre de usuario"; + +$_t["Email Address"] = "Dirección de email"; + +$_t["Less"] = "Menos"; + +$_t["Clear"] = "Limpiar"; + +$_t["required"] = "obligatorio"; + +$_t["Update"] = "Actualizar"; + +$_t["Submit"] = "Enviar"; + +$_t["Password"] = "Contraseña"; + +$_t["Create"] = "Crear"; + +$_t["More"] = "Más"; + + + +$_t["Statistics"] = "Estadísticas"; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "¡Recuerde votar sus paquetes favoritos!"; + +$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Error al buscar el usuario, %s."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Paquetes en [unsupported]"; + +$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Los paquetes más populares se distribuirán como paquetes binarios en [community]."; + +$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Usuarios de Confianza"; + +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Debe proporcionar un nombre de usuario."; + +$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Paquetes añadidos o actualizados en los últimos 7 días"; + +$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Los debates sobre el AUR tienen lugar en la %sLista de correo de los Usuarios TUR%s."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Paquetes en [unsupported] y marcados como seguros"; + +$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Aunque no podemos responder por sus contenidos, suministramos para su comodidad una %hlista de repositorios de usuarios%h."; + +$_t["Packages in [community]"] = "Paquetes en [community]"; + +$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Actualizaciones recientes"; + +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Su cuenta ha sido suspendida."; + +$_t["Username:"] = "Nombre de usuario:"; + +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Error al intentar crear un identificador de sesión."; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "¡Bienvenido al AUR! Por favor lea la %hGuía AUR del Usuario%h y la %hGuía TU del AUR%h para más información."; + +$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "¡Los PKGBUILDS enviados %hdeben%h cumplir las %hNormas de empaquetado de Arch%h sino serán eliminados!"; + +$_t["Login"] = "Entrar"; + +$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Si tiene algún comentario sobre el AUR, por favor déjelo en el %hFlyspray%h."; + +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Debe suministrar una contraseña."; + +$_t["Password:"] = "Contraseña:"; + +$_t["Registered Users"] = "Usuarios Registrados"; + +$_t["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "Identificado como: %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Contraseña incorrecta para el usuario, %s."; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Seguros"; + +$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Desactualizados"; + +$_t["User Statistics"] = "Estadísticas del Usuario"; + + + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Ha abandonado la sesión correctamente."; + + + +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Falta el identificador del paquete."; + +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "El identificador de la categoría no es válido."; + +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Introduzca su comentario a continuación."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "No está autorizado a borrar este comentario."; + +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Falta el identificador del comentario."; + +$_t["Package category updated."] = "Se ha actualizado la categoría del paquete."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Debe identificarse antes de editar la información del paquete."; + +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Comentario borrado."; + +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Si ve esto es que ha encontrado un bug...."; + +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Se ha añadido el comentario."; + +$_t["Select new category"] = "Seleccione una nueva categoría"; + + + +$_t["Category"] = "Categoría"; + +$_t["Search by"] = "Buscar por"; + +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Borrar comentario"; + +$_t["Votes"] = "Votos"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Primer envío"; + +$_t["Tarball"] = "Archivo TAR"; + +$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "¡Tenga cuidado! Los siguientes ficheros pueden contenter código malévolo que podría dañar su sistema."; + +$_t["Voted"] = "Votado"; + +$_t["Location"] = "Ubicación"; + +$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Marcar como seguro"; + +$_t["Go"] = "Ir"; + +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Desmarcar Desactualizado"; + +$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Volver a la %hvista detallada del paquete%h."; + +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Error al recuperar los detalles del paquete."; + +$_t["Description"] = "Descripción"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Mis paquetes"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Seguros"; + +$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordenar en sentido"; + +$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendente"; + +$_t["Keywords"] = "Palabras clave"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Ninguna notificación de nuevo comentario"; + +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dependencias"; + +$_t["Descending"] = "Descendente"; + +$_t["Per page"] = "Por página"; + +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista de paquetes"; + +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Los detalles del paquete no se han podido encontrar."; + +$_t["Package Details"] = "Detalles del paquete"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Error al recuperar la lista de paquetes."; + +$_t["Files"] = "Ficheros"; + +$_t["None"] = "Ninguno"; + +$_t["Name"] = "Nombre"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Última actualización"; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Los ficheros de arriba han sido verificados (por %s) y son seguros."; + +$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Desmarcar Paquete Seguro"; + +$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Volver a %hresultados de la busqueda%h."; + +$_t["Age"] = "Antigüedad"; + +$_t["Comments"] = "Comentarios"; + +$_t["O%hrphan"] = "H%huérfano"; + +$_t["orphan"] = "huérfano"; + +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Quitar Voto"; + +$_t["change category"] = "cambiar categoría"; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Quitar notificación"; + +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Borrar Paquetes"; + +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Mantenedor"; + +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Añadir Comentario"; + +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Comentario de: %h%s%h el %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marcar como Desactualizado"; + +$_t["Manage"] = "Gestionar"; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordenar por"; + +$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Marcar paquete como Seguro"; + +$_t["Actions"] = "Acciones"; + +$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Desmarcar Seguro"; + +$_t["Sources"] = "Fuentes"; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Sí"; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criterio de Búsqueda"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Notificar"; + +$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "D%hesactualizado"; + +$_t["Vote"] = "Votar"; + +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adoptar Paquetes"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notificación de nuevo comentario"; + +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Abandonar Paquetes"; + +$_t["Orphans"] = "Huérfanos"; + +$_t["Any"] = "Cualquiera"; + +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Ningún paquete coincide con su criterio de búsqueda."; + +$_t["Status"] = "Estado"; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Deje en blanco los campos de la contraseña si quiere conservarla."; + +$_t["unknown"] = "desconocido"; + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Ha abandonado la sesión correctamente."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Debe identificarse para ver la información del usuario."; + +$_t["License"] = "Licencia"; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "No se pudo obtener la información del usuario especificado."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "No tiene permiso para editar esta cuenta."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Use este formulario para buscar las cuentas existentes."; + +$_t["Submitter"] = "Contribuidor"; + +$_t["All"] = "Todos"; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Use este formulario para crear una cuenta."; + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Use este formulario para actualizar su cuenta."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "No está autorizado a acceder a esta área."; + +$_t["Unsafe"] = "Inseguros"; + + + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ninguno de los paquetes seleccionados pudo ser borrado."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Sus votos han sido eliminados de los paquetes seleccionados."; + +$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "No se pudo marcar el paquete como seguro."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para quitarle el voto."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido desmarcados."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "No ha seleccionado ningún paquete para ser adoptado."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder marcar paquetes."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder recibir notificaciones sobre comentarios."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder votar paquetes."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido marcados como desactualizados."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados se han borrado."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para votarlo."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder abandonar paquetes."; + +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Error al intentar recuperar los detalles del paquete."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido adoptados."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Ha sido borrado de la lista de notificación de comentarios."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Sus votos han sido computados para los paquetes seleccionados."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido desmarcados como seguros."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder cancelar las notificaciones sobre comentarios."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Debe indentificarse antes de poder adoptar paquetes."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Ha sido añadido a la lista de notificaciones de comentarios."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para ser abandonado."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder quitar votos a los paquetes"; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Debe identificarse antes de poder desmarcar paquetes."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para desmarcar."; + +$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "No se pudo desmarcar el paquete como seguro."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para borrar."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "No se pudo añadir a la lista de notificaciones."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "No seleccionó ningún paquete para marcar."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido abandonados."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Los paquetes seleccionados han sido marcados como seguros."; + +$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "No se pudo borrar de la lista de notificaciones."; + + + +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la función \"build\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "No se pudo cambiar el directorio a %s."; + +$_t["No"] = "No"; + +$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgdesc\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Error al intentar subir el fichero - por favor vuelva a intentarlo."; + +$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Error al ejecutar el comando \"mv\"."; + +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Debe crear una cuenta antes de poder subir paquetes."; + +$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Paquete subido correctamente."; + +$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "¿Sobreescribir el paquete existente?"; + +$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "La subida de paquetes binarios y del fichero \"filelist\" no está permitida."; + +$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "No especificó el nombre del paquete."; + +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Error al intentar desempaquetar - no existe el fichero PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "No se pudo crear el directorio de recepción: %s."; + +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Subir archivo del paquete"; + +$_t["Package Location"] = "Ubicación del paquete"; + +$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"url\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Los nombres del paquete no coinciden."; + +$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoría del paquete"; + +$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "No se pudo cambiar al directorio %s."; + +$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "No marcó la casilla de 'sobreescribir'."; + +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nombre no válido: sólo se permiten letras minúsculas."; + +$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgver\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package name"] = "Nombre del paquete"; + +$_t["Upload"] = "Subir"; + +$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"md5sums\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgrel\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"pkgname\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Error - El fichero no se ha subido"; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Falta el protocolo en la URL del paquete (es decir, http:// ,ftp://)"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "No está autorizado a sobreescribir el paquete %h%s%h."; + +$_t["Select Location"] = "Seleccionar Ubicación"; + +$_t["Select Category"] = "Seleccionar Categoría"; + +$_t["Comment"] = "Comentario"; + +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "No se pudo crear el directorio %s."; + +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Formato de archivo desconocido en el fichero subido."; + +$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Falta la variable \"source\" en el PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "No se pudo volver a crear el archivo TAR"; + +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Perdón, las subidas no están permitidas en este servidor."; + +$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Debe suministrar un comentario para esta subida/cambio."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Sí"; + diff --git a/web/lang/fr.po b/web/lang/fr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a208a0a --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/fr.po @@ -0,0 +1,685 @@ + + + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour mettre à jour votre compte."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Laissez les champs du mot de passe vides pour conserver le même mot de passe."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'accéder à cet espace."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Impossible de retrouver les informations de l'utilisateur spécifié."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour rechercher des comptes existants."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Vous n'avez pas l'autorisation d'éditer ce compte."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour créer un compte."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Vous devez vous authentifier pour voir les informations de l'utilisateur."; + + + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Il manque un champ requis."; + +$_t["Search"] = "Rechercher"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Le compte, %h%s%h, a été créé avec succès."; + +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Erreur en essayant de modifier le compte, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "L'adresse email n'est pas valide."; + +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Erreur en essayant de créer le compte, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Le nom d'utilisateur, %h%s%h, est déjà utilisé."; + +$_t["Account Type"] = "Type de Compte"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Le compte, %h%s%h, a été modifié avec succès."; + +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Compte Suspendu"; + +$_t["Status"] = "Etat"; + +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Annoncer les nouveaux paquets"; + +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Pseudo IRC"; + +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Utilisateur de confiance"; + +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Aucun résultat ne correspond à vos critères de recherche."; + +$_t["Normal user"] = "Utilisateur normal"; + +$_t["Never"] = "Jamais"; + +$_t["User"] = "Utilisateur"; + +$_t["Active"] = "Actif"; + +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Voté dernièrement"; + +$_t["Real Name"] = "Nom réel"; + +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Editer le compte"; + +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Les champs du mot de passe ne correspondent pas."; + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Visualiser les paquets de cet utilisateur."; + +$_t["Language"] = "Langue"; + +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un Utilisateur de Confiance ne peut pas assigner le status de Développeur."; + +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "L'adresse, %h%s%h, est déjà utilisée."; + +$_t["No more results to display."] = "Plus de résultats à afficher."; + +$_t["Type"] = "Type"; + +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessus pour vous authentifier."; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Trier par"; + +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Retapez le mot de passe"; + +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Cette langue n'est pas supportée pour le moment."; + +$_t["Any type"] = "Tout type"; + +$_t["Last vote"] = "Dernier vote"; + +$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendu"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Utilisateur de Confiance"; + +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "ID d'utilisateur manquant"; + +$_t["Developer"] = "Développeur"; + +$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Il doit être compris entre %s et %s caractères,"; + +$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Votre mot de passe doit comprendre au moins %s caractères."; + +$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "ne peut contenir qu'un seul point, blanc souligné ou virgule,"; + +$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "doit débuter et se terminer par une lettre ou un chiffre."; + +$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Le nom d'utilisateur choisi n'est pas valide."; + + + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Mes paquets"; + +$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn projet Archlinux%s"; + +$_t["Logout"] = "Déconnexion"; + +$_t["Discussion"] = "Discussion"; + +$_t["Bugs"] = "Bugs"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Comptes"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Accueil"; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Paquets"; + + + +$_t["Reset"] = "Réinitialiser"; + +$_t["Username"] = "Nom d'utilisateur"; + +$_t["Email Address"] = "Adresse e-mail"; + +$_t["Less"] = "Moins"; + +$_t["Clear"] = "Effacer"; + +$_t["required"] = "requis"; + +$_t["Update"] = "Mise à jour"; + +$_t["Submit"] = "Soumettre"; + +$_t["Password"] = "Mot de passe"; + +$_t["Create"] = "Créer"; + +$_t["More"] = "Plus"; + + + +$_t["Statistics"] = "Statistiques"; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Pensez à voter pour vos paquets favoris !"; + +$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Erreur en recherchant l'utilisateur, %s."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Paquets dans non supportés"; + +$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Les paquets les plus populaires seront mis à disposition sous forme de paquets binaires dans [community]."; + +$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Utilisateurs de Confiance"; + +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Vous devez fournir un nom d'utilisateur."; + +$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Paquets ajoutés ou mis à jour durant les 7 derniers jours"; + +$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Les discussions par email au sujet d'AUR ont lieu sur la %sliste des Utilisateurs de Confiance%s."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Paquets dans non supportés et marqués comme sains"; + +$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Bien que nous ne puissions garantir leur contenu, nous fournissons une %hliste de dépôts d'utilisateurs%h à votre convenance."; + +$_t["Packages in [community]"] = "Paquets dans [community]"; + +$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Mises à jour récentes"; + +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Votre compte a été suspendu."; + +$_t["Username:"] = "Nom d'utilisateur:"; + +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Erreur en essayant de générer un identifiant de session."; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Bienvenue sur AUR ! Lisez, s'il vous plaît, le %hGuide Utilisateur AUR%h et le %hGuide des Utilisateurs de Confiance%h pour plus d'informations."; + +$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Les PKGBUILDs proposés %hdoivent%h se conformer aux %hStandards de l'empaquetage Arch%h sans quoi ils seront supprimés!"; + +$_t["Login"] = "Se connecter"; + +$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Si vous avez des remarques à propos d'AUR, laissez-les s'il vous plaît dans %hFlyspray%h."; + +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Vous devez fournir un mot de passe."; + +$_t["Password:"] = "Mot de passe:"; + +$_t["Registered Users"] = "Utilisateurs enregistrés"; + +$_t["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = " Connecté en tant que: %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Mot de passe incorrect pour l'utilisateur, %s."; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Sain"; + +$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Périmé"; + +$_t["User Statistics"] = "Statistiques utilisateur"; + +$_t["DISCLAIMER"] = "AVERTISSEMENT"; + +$_t["My Statistics"] = "Mes statistiques"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Accueil"; + +$_t["Some packages may be provided as binaries in [community]."] = "Certains paquets peuvent être disponibles précompilés dans le dépôt [community]"; + +$_t["Unsupported packages are user produced content. Any use of the provided files is at your own risk."] = "Les paquets proposés dans \"Unsupported\" sont produits par des utilisateurs. Toute utilisation des fichiers fournis se fait à vos propres risques."; + + + + + +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "ID de paquet manquant."; + +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "ID de catégorie non valide."; + +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Entrez votre commentaire ci-dessous."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à supprimer ce commentaire."; + +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "ID de commentaire manquant."; + +$_t["Package category updated."] = "Catégorie du paquet mise à jour."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir éditer les informations du paquet."; + +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Le commentaire a été supprimé."; + +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Vous avez trouvé un bug si vous voyez ceci...."; + +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Le commentaire a été ajouté."; + +$_t["Select new category"] = "Sélectionnez une nouvelle catégorie"; + + + +$_t["Category"] = "Catégorie"; + +$_t["Search by"] = "Rechercher par"; + +$_t["Comments"] = "Commentaires"; + +$_t["orphan"] = "orphelin"; + +$_t["Votes"] = "Votes"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Première soumission"; + +$_t["Tarball"] = "Tarball"; + +$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Attention ! Les fichiers ci-dessus peuvent contenir du code malicieux qui pourrait endommager votre système."; + +$_t["Voted"] = "Voté"; + +$_t["Location"] = "Dépôt"; + +$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Marquer comme Sain"; + +$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Retirer l'étiquette Sain du paquet"; + +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Retirer l'étiquette Périmé"; + +$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Retourner à la %hvue des détails du paquet%h."; + +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Erreur en recherchant les détails du paquet."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Laissez les champs du mot de passe vides pour conserver le même mot de passe."; + +$_t["Description"] = "Description"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Mes paquets"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Sain"; + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Vous avez été déconnecté avec succès."; + +$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendant"; + +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Effacer le commentaire"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Pas d'annonce de nouveau commentaire"; + +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dépendances"; + +$_t["Descending"] = "Descendant"; + +$_t["Per page"] = "Par page"; + +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Liste des Paquets"; + +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Les détails du paquet ne peuvent pas être trouvés."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Vous devez vous authentifier pour voir les informations de l'utilisateur."; + +$_t["Package Details"] = "Détails du Paquet"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Erreur en recherchant la liste des paquets."; + +$_t["Files"] = "Fichiers"; + +$_t["Name"] = "Nom"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Dernière mise à jour"; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Les fichiers ci-dessus ont été vérifiés (par %s) et sont sains."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Impossible de retrouver l'information pour l'utilisateur spécifié."; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Ne plus annoncer"; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'éditer ce compte."; + +$_t["Keywords"] = "Mots clés"; + +$_t["Age"] = "Age"; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour rechercher des comptes existants."; + +$_t["Submitter"] = "Contributeur"; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour créer un compte."; + +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Retirer mon vote"; + +$_t["change category"] = "changer de catégorie"; + +$_t["Vote"] = "Voter"; + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilisez ce formulaire pour mettre à jour votre compte."; + +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Supprimer des Paquets"; + +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Mainteneur"; + +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Ajouter un Commentaire"; + +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Commenté par: %h%s%h sur %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Marquer comme Périmé"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'accéder à cet espace."; + +$_t["Manage"] = "Gérer"; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Trier par"; + +$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Marquer le paquet comme Sain"; + +$_t["Actions"] = "Actions"; + +$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Retirer l'étiquette Sain"; + +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Abandonner les paquets"; + +$_t["Sources"] = "Sources"; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Oui"; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Critères de recherche"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Annoncer"; + +$_t["Go"] = "Aller"; + +$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "P%hérimé"; + +$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Retourner aux %hrésultats de la recherche%h."; + +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adopter des paquets"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Annonce de nouveau commentaire"; + +$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordre de tri"; + +$_t["Orphans"] = "Orphelins"; + +$_t["Any"] = "Tous"; + +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Aucun paquet ne correspond à vos critères de recherche."; + +$_t["Status"] = "Etat"; + +$_t["License"] = "Licence"; + +$_t["All"] = "Tout"; + +$_t["Unsafe"] = "Non sûr"; + +$_t["unknown"] = "inconnu"; + +$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Résultats %s à %s pour un total de %s"; + +$_t["Out of Date"] = "Périmé"; + +$_t["Required by"] = "Requis par"; + +$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Ce paquet a été marqué comme périmé."; + +$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Annoncer/Ne plus annoncer"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Comptes"; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Impossible d'ajouter aux notifications."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir marquer un paquet."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été retirés des paquets sélectionnés."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été abandonnés."; + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Aucun des paquets sélectionnés n'a pu être effacé."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "La marque a été retirée des paquets sélectionnés."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier pour retirer la marque d'un paquet."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet à adopter."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir recevoir des notifications de commentaires."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été marqués comme périmés."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été supprimés."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet pour lesquels voter."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir abandonner des paquets."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été adoptés."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir adopter des paquets."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir voter pour des paquets."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet à abandonner."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Vous devez vous identifier avant de pouvoir retirer vos votes sur des paquets"; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet duquel retirer la marque."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à supprimer."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été supprimé de la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été ajoutés aux paquets sélectionnés."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à marquer."; + +$_t["Home"] = "Accueil"; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été ajouté à la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s."; + + + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Aucun des paquets sélectionnés ne pourrait être effacé."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été retirés des paquets sélectionnés."; + +$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Ce paquet ne peut être marqué comme sain."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet dont le vote doit être retiré."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ne sont plus marqués."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de paquet à adopter."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir marquer des paquets."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir recevoir des annonces de commentaires."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir voter pour des paquets."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été marqués comme périmés."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été supprimés."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet pour lesquels vous souhaitez voter."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir abandonner des paquets."; + +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Erreur en essayant de retrouver les détails du paquets."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été adoptés."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Vous avez été retiré de la liste de notification des commentaires."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Vos votes ont été distribués aux paquets sélectionnés."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ne sont plus marqués comme sains."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir annuler les annonces sur les commentaires."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir adopter des paquets."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Vous avez été ajouté à la liste de notification des commentaires."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à abandonner."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir retiré votre vote sur des paquets."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Vous devez être authentifié avant de pouvoir retirer le marquage des paquets."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet auxquels retirer le marquage."; + +$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "La marque \"Sain\" n'a pu être enlevée du paquet."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à supprimer."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Ajout impossible à la liste de notification."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Vous n'avez sélectionné aucun paquet à marquer."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été abandonné."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Les paquets sélectionnés ont été marqué comme sains."; + +$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Suppression impossible de la liste de notification."; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Paquets"; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été retiré de la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Vous avez été ajouté à la liste des notifications de commentaire pour %s."; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Critères de recherche"; + + + +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Fonction build manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Impossible de changer le répertoire vers %s."; + +$_t["No"] = "Non"; + +$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgdesc est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Erreur en essayant de transmettre le fichier - s'il vous plaît, essayez encore."; + +$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Erreur en essayant d'exécuter la commande mv."; + +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Vous devez créer un compte avant de pouvoir transférer des paquets."; + +$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Transfert du paquet réussi."; + +$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Écraser le paquet existant ?"; + +$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Les paquets binaires et les listes de fichiers ne sont pas autorisés à être transferés."; + +$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Vous n'avez pas spécifié de nom de paquet."; + +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Erreur en essayant de décompresser le fichier tranféré - PKGBUILD n'existe pas."; + +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Impossible de créer le répertoire entrant: %s."; + +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Fichier àdu paquet à tranférer"; + +$_t["Package Location"] = "Chemin du paquet"; + +$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable url est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Les noms de paquets ne correspondent pas."; + +$_t["Package Category"] = "Catégorie du paquet"; + +$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Impossible de changer de répertoire vers %s."; + +$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Vous n'avez pas coché la case 'Écraser'."; + +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nom invalide: seules les lettres minuscules sont autorisées."; + +$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgver est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package name"] = "Nom du paquet"; + +$_t["Upload"] = "Transfert"; + +$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable md5sums est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgrel est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable pkgname est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Erreur - Aucun fichier transféré"; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "L'URL du paquet ne contient pas de protocole (ex. http:// ,ftp://)"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé(e) à écraser le paquet %h%s%h."; + +$_t["Select Location"] = "Sélectionnez un emplacement"; + +$_t["Select Category"] = "Sélectionnez une catégorie"; + +$_t["Comment"] = "Commentaire"; + +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Impossible de créer le répertoire %s."; + +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Format de fichier inconnu pour le fichier transféré."; + +$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Variable source manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Impossible d'exécuter à nouveau la commande tar"; + +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Désolé, les transferts ne sont pas permis par ce serveur."; + +$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Vous devez fournir un commentaire pour ce transfert/changement."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Oui"; + +$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable license est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "La variable arch est manquante dans le PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Impossible d'effectuer chmod sur le répertoire %s."; + +$_t["Missing "] = "Manquant"; + + + +$_t["Proposal:"] = "Proposition :"; + +$_t["No"] = "Non"; + +$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Le nom d'utilisateur n'existe pas."; + +$_t["Next"] = "Suivant"; + +$_t["Add"] = "Ajouter"; + +$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "La durée doit être au moins de 1."; + +$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7 par défaut si laissé vide)"; + +$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Une proposition ne peut être vide."; + +$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "ID de vote non valide."; + +$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(vide si non applicable)"; + +$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Le vote est clos pour cette proposition."; + +$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Nouvelle proposition enregistrée."; + +$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s a déjà une proposition en cours à son sujet."; + +$_t["Length must be a number."] = "La durée doit être un nombre."; + +$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Vous avez déjà voté pour cette proposition."; + +$_t["Current Votes"] = "Votes en cours"; + +$_t["You've already voted in this proposal."] = "Vous avez déjà voté pour cette proposition."; + +$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Vous ne pouvez pas voter dans une proposition à votre sujet."; + +$_t["Abstain"] = "Abstention"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'accéder à cet espace."; + +$_t["Length in days:"] = "Durée en jours :"; + +$_t["Back"] = "Retour"; + +$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Soumettre une proposition à laquelle voter."; + +$_t["All Votes"] = "Tous les votes"; + +$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Impossible d'obtenir le détail de la proposition."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Oui"; + +$_t["Applicant/TU:"] = "Postulant/TU :"; + diff --git a/web/lang/it.po b/web/lang/it.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca2af36 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/it.po @@ -0,0 +1,709 @@ + and Pierluigi Picciau + + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Utilizza questo modulo per aggiornare un account."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lascia vuoti i campi relativi alla password per mantenerla invariata."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Non disponi dei permessi necessari per accedere."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Non è stato possibile trovare le informazioni dell'utente specificato."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Utilizza questo modulo per cercare account esistenti."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Non disponi dei permessi necessari per modificare questo account."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Utilizza questo modulo per creare un account."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Devi autenticarti per poter visualizzare le informazioni sull'utente."; + + + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Manca un campo obbligatorio."; + +$_t["Search"] = "Cerca"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "L'account %h%s%h è stato creato con successo."; + +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante la modifica dell'account %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "L'indirizzo email non risulta valido."; + +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione dell'account %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Il nome utente %h%s%h è già in uso."; + +$_t["Account Type"] = "Tipo di account"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "L'account %h%s%h è stato modificato con successo."; + +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Account sospeso"; + +$_t["Status"] = "Stato"; + +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Notifica dei nuovi pacchetti"; + +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick IRC"; + +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Trusted user"; + +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Nessun pacchetto corrisponde ai criteri della ricerca."; + +$_t["Normal user"] = "Utente normale"; + +$_t["Never"] = "Mai"; + +$_t["User"] = "Utente"; + +$_t["Active"] = "Attivo"; + +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Ultimo votato"; + +$_t["Real Name"] = "Nome reale"; + +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Modifica l'account"; + +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "I campi password non corrispondono."; + +$_t["Language"] = "Lingua"; + +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Un Trusted User non può assegnare lo stato di sviluppatore."; + +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "L'indirizzo %h%s%h è già in uso."; + +$_t["No more results to display."] = "Non vi sono ulteriori risultati da visualizzare."; + +$_t["Type"] = "Tipo"; + +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Clicca su Inizio per autenticarti."; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordina per"; + +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Riscrivi la password"; + +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Lingua attualmente non supportata."; + +$_t["Any type"] = "Qualsiasi tipo"; + +$_t["Last vote"] = "Ultimo voto"; + +$_t["Suspended"] = "Sospeso"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Trusted User"; + +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Manca l'User ID"; + +$_t["Developer"] = "Sviluppatore"; + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Visualizza i pacchetti di quest'utente"; + +$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Deve contenere un minino di %s ed un massimo di %s caratteri"; + +$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "La password deve contenere almeno %s caratteri."; + +$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Può contenere solo un punto, un trattino basso o un trattino."; + +$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Inizia e termina con una lettera o un numero"; + +$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Il nome utente non è valido."; + + + +$_t["Home"] = "Inizio"; + +$_t["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Un progetto Arch Linux"; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Pacchetti"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Account"; + +$_t["Logout"] = "Esci"; + +$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sUn progetto Arch Linux%s"; + +$_t["Discussion"] = "Discussione"; + +$_t["Bugs"] = "Bug"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "I miei pacchetti"; + + + +$_t["Reset"] = "Cancella"; + +$_t["Username"] = "Nome utente"; + +$_t["Email Address"] = "Indirizzo email"; + +$_t["Less"] = "Precedente"; + +$_t["Clear"] = "Pulisci"; + +$_t["required"] = "obbligatorio"; + +$_t["Update"] = "Aggiorna"; + +$_t["Submit"] = "Invia"; + +$_t["Password"] = "Password"; + +$_t["Create"] = "Crea"; + +$_t["More"] = "Successivo"; + + + +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "È necessario inserire la password."; + +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "È necessario inserire il nome utente."; + +$_t["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Dopotutto, questo potrebbe essere riempito con un messaggio più significativo."; + +$_t["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "Connesso con il nome utente: %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "L'account è stato sospeso."; + +$_t["Password:"] = "Password:"; + +$_t["Username:"] = "Nome utente:"; + +$_t["Remember me"] = "Ricordami" ; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! If you're a newcomer, you may want to read the %hGuidelines%h."] = "Benvenuto in AUR! Se sei un nuovo utente, dovresti leggere le %hGuidelines%h."; + +$_t["This is where the intro text will go."] = "Qui ci andrà il testo di introduzione."; + +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Errore durante la generazione dell'id di sessione."; + +$_t["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Per adesso, è solo un segnaposto."; + +$_t["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "È più importante avere la funzionalità di autenticazione completata."; + +$_t["Login"] = "Entra"; + +$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Nonostante che non possiamo assicurarvi il loro contenuto, per vostra comodità mettiamo a disposizione una %hlista di repository degli utenti%h"; + +$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Se avete delle osservazioni da fare in merito al sistema AUR, potete segnalarle sul %hFlyspray%h."; + +$_t["Latest Packages:"] = "Ultimi pacchetti:"; + +$_t["Discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Le discussioni su AUR avvengono nella %sTUR Users List%s."; + +$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Email per le discussioni su AUR che avvengono nella %sTUR Users List%s."; + +$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Aggiornamenti recenti"; + +$_t["Community"] = "Community"; + +$_t["Package Counts"] = "Conteggio dei pacchetti"; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Benvenuto in AUR! Per ottenere maggiori informazioni, leggi le %hAUR User Guidelines%h e le %hAUR TU Guidelines%h."; + +$_t["Unsupported"] = "Unsupported"; + +$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "I PKGBUILD inviati %hdevono%h essere conformi agli %hArch Packaging Standards%h altrimenti saranno cancellati!"; + +$_t["Statistics"] = "Statistiche"; + +$_t["My Statistics"] = "Le mie statistiche"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Pacchetti verificati"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Considerato sicuro"; + +$_t["User Statistics"] = "Statistiche Utente"; + +$_t["Registered Users"] = "Utenti registrati"; + +$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Trusted Users"; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Pacchetti in unsupported"; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Pacchetti in unsupported considerati sicuri"; + +$_t["Packages in [community]"] = "Pacchetti in [community]"; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages! The most popular packages are provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Ricorda di votare i tuoi pacchetti preferiti! I pacchetti più votati saranno disponibili in [community] come precompilati."; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Ricorda di votare i tuoi pacchetti preferiti!"; + +$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "I pacchetti più votati saranno disponibili in [community] come precompilati."; + +$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Pacchetti aggiunti o aggiornati negli ultimi 7 giorni"; + +$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Non aggiornati"; + +$_t["DISCLAIMER"] = "AVVISO"; + +$_t["Unsupported PKGBUILDs are user produced content. Any use of files is at your own risk."] = "i PKGBUILD presenti in unsupported sono stati inviati dagli utenti e, scaricandoli, accetti di usarli a tuo rischio e pericolo."; + +$_t["Login failure: Bad user or pass."] = "Autenticazione fallita: nome utente o password errata. "; + + + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Disconnesso."; + + + +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Manca l'ID del pacchetto."; + +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "L'ID della categoria non è valido."; + +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Inserisci un commento qui sotto."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Non puoi cancellare questo commento."; + +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Manca l'ID del commento."; + +$_t["Package category updated."] = "La categoria del pacchetto è stata aggiornata."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter modificare le informazioni del pacchetto."; + +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Il commento è stato rimosso."; + +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Se vedi questo, hai appena trovato un bug...."; + +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Il commento è stato inserito."; + +$_t["Select new category"] = "Seleziona una nuova categoria"; + + + +$_t["Category"] = "Categoria"; + +$_t["Votes"] = "Voti"; + +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Commento lasciato da: %h%s%h il %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Location"] = "Posizione"; + +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Elimina il commento"; + +$_t["Go"] = "Esegui"; + +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Il pacchetto è aggiornato"; + +$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Ritorna alla %hvista dettagli del pacchetto%h."; + +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero dei dettagli del pacchetto."; + +$_t["Description"] = "Descrizione"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "I miei pacchetti"; + +$_t["Keywords"] = "Parola chiave"; + +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Dipendenze"; + +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Abbandona il pacchetto"; + +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Impossibile trovare i dettagli del pacchetto."; + +$_t["Package Details"] = "Dettagli del pacchetto"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero della lista dei pacchetti."; + +$_t["Files"] = "File"; + +$_t["None"] = "Nessuno"; + +$_t["Name"] = "Nome"; + +$_t["Per page"] = "Per pagina"; + +$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Ritorna ai %hrisultati della ricerca%h."; + +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Nessun pacchetto corrisponde ai criteri della ricerca."; + +$_t["O%hrphan"] = "O%hrfano"; + +$_t["orphan"] = "orfano"; + +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Rimuovi il voto"; + +$_t["change category"] = "cambia categoria"; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Togli la notifica"; + +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Elimina il pacchetto"; + +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Responsabile"; + +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Aggiungi un commento"; + +$_t["Tarball"] = "Archivio"; + +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Il pacchetto non è aggiornato"; + +$_t["Manage"] = "Organizza"; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Ordina per"; + +$_t["Sort order"] = "Ordina in modo"; + +$_t["Ascending"] = "Ascendente"; + +$_t["Descending"] = "Discendente"; + +$_t["Actions"] = "Azioni"; + +$_t["Sources"] = "Sorgenti"; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criteri di ricerca"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Notifica"; + +$_t["Out-of-Date"] = "Non aggiornato"; + +$_t["Vote"] = "Vota"; + +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Adotta il pacchetto"; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Sì"; + +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista dei pacchetti"; + +$_t["Orphans"] = "Orfani"; + +$_t["Any"] = "Qualsiasi"; + +$_t["Voted"] = "Votato"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Nessuna notifica di nuovo commento"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Notifica di un nuovo commento"; + +$_t["Comments"] = "Commenti"; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "I file sono stati verificati (da %s) ed il loro utilizzo è da considerarsi sicuro."; + +$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Attenzione! I file potrebbero contenere codice pericoloso in grado di danneggiare il vostro sistema."; + +$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Il pacchetto è sicuro"; + +$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Il pacchetto è sicuro"; + +$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Il pacchetto non è sicuro"; + +$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Il pacchetto non è sicuro"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Sicuri"; + +$_t["Age"] = "Data"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Data di primo invio"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Ultimo aggiornamento"; + +$_t["Search by"] = "Cerca per"; + +$_t["Submitter"] = "Contributore"; + +$_t["All"] = "Tutti"; + +$_t["Unsafe"] = "Non sicuri"; + +$_t["Status"] = "Stato"; + +$_t["License"] = "Licenza"; + +$_t["unknown"] = "sconosciuta"; + +$_t["Required by"] = "Richiesto da"; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "I file sono stati verificati (da %h%s%h) ed il loro utilizzo è da considerarsi sicuro."; + +$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Questo pacchetto è stato contrassegnato come non aggiornato."; + +$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Rimuovi la notifica"; + +$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Risultati: %s - %s di %s"; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di contrassegnare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "i tuoi voti sono stati rimossi dai pacchetti selezionati."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati abbandonati."; + +$_t["Out of Date"] = "Non aggiornato"; + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nessuno dei pacchetti selezionati può essere rimosso."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "I pacchetti selezionati non sono più contrassegnati."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter togliere il contrassegno ai pacchetti."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da adottare."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter ricevere le notifiche sui commenti."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Lascia i campi delle password vuoti per lasciarla inalterata."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come non aggiornati."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati rimossi."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da votare."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di abbandonare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Impossibile aggiungere alla lista della notifica."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati adottati."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Devi autenticarti per visualizzare le informazioni dell'utente."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter adottare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Impossibile recuperare le informazioni dell'utente specificato."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter votare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Usa questo modulo per ricercare account esistenti."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Non hai selezionati nessun pacchetto da abbandonare."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di rimuovere il voto ai pacchetti."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Usa questo modulo per creare un account."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da cui rimuovere il contrassegno."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da rimuovere."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Sei stato rimosso dalla lista di notifica dei commenti."; + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Usa questo modulo per aggiornare il tuo account."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Non hai i permessi necessari per accedere a quest'area."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "I tuoi voti sono stati assegnati ai pacchetti selezionati."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da contrassegnare."; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Account"; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Non hai i permessi necessari per modificare questo account."; + +$_t["Home"] = "Inizio"; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Sei stato aggiunto alla lista di notifica dei commenti per %s."; + + + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nessuno dei pacchetti selezionati può essere cancellato."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "I voti sono stati rimossi dai pacchetti selezionati."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto a cui rimuovere il voto."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "I pacchetti selezionati non sono più contrassegnati."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da adottare."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter contrassegnare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter ricevere le notifiche sui commenti."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter votare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come non aggiornati."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati eliminati."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto a cui assegnare il voto."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter abbandonare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Errore durante il recupero dei dettagli del pacchetto."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati adottati."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Sei stato rimosso dalla lista di notifica dei commenti."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "I voti sono stati assegnati ai pacchetti selezionati."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter cancellare le notifiche sui commenti."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter adottare dei pacchetti."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Sei stato aggiunto alla lista di notifica dei commenti."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da abbandonare."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter rimuovere il voto ai pacchetti."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Devi autenticarti prima di poter rimuovere il contrassegno ai pacchetti."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da contrassegnare come aggiornato."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da eliminare."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Impossibile aggiungere alla lista di notifica."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Non hai selezionato nessun pacchetto da contrassegnare come non aggiornato."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati abbandonati."; + +$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Impossibile rimuovere dalla lista di notifica."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come sicuri."; + +$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Impossibile contrassegnare il pacchetto come sicuro."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "I pacchetti selezionati sono stati contrassegnati come non sicuri."; + +$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Impossibile contrassegnare il pacchetto come non sicuro."; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Pacchetti"; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Criterio di ricerca"; + + + +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la funzione build nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Impossibile cambiare la directory in %s."; + +$_t["No"] = "No"; + +$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgdesc nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Errore durante l'invio del file. Riprovare."; + +$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Errore nell'esecuzione del comando mv."; + +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Devi creare un account prima di poter inviare i pacchetti."; + +$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Invio completato con successo."; + +$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Vuoi sovrascrivere il pacchetto esistente?"; + +$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Non hai inserito il nome del pacchetto."; + +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Si è verificato un errore nello scompattare il file inviato. Non esiste il PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Impossibile creare la directory %s."; + +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Pacchetto da inviare"; + +$_t["Package Location"] = "Posizione del pacchetto"; + +$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile url nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Il nome del pacchetto non corrisponde."; + +$_t["Package Category"] = "Categoria del pacchetto"; + +$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Impossibile cambiare la directory in %s."; + +$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Non hai selezionato l'opzione 'sovrascrivere'."; + +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nome non valido: sono consentite solo lettere minuscole."; + +$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgver nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package name"] = "Nome del pacchetto"; + +$_t["Upload"] = "Invia"; + +$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile md5sums nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgrel nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile pkgname nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Errore, nessun file inviato."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Non disponi dei permessi per poter sovrascrivere il pacchetto %h%s%h."; + +$_t["Select Location"] = "Seleziona la posizione"; + +$_t["Select Category"] = "Seleziona la categoria"; + +$_t["Comment"] = "Commento"; + +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Impossibile creare la directory %s."; + +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Il file inviato ha un formato sconosciuto."; + +$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Manca la variabile source nel PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Spiacente, gli invii non sono consentiti da questo server."; + +$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Devi inserire un commento."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Sì"; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Manca un protocollo nell'url del pacchetto (es. http:// ,ftp://)"; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Impossibile riarchiviare"; + +$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Non è consentito inviare pacchetti contenenti binari e filelist."; + +$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Nel PKGBUILD manca la variabile arch."; + +$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Nel PKGBUILD manca la variabile license."; + +$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Impossibile modificare i permessi della directory %s."; + +$_t["Missing "] = "Mancante"; + + + +$_t["Proposal:"] = "Proposta:"; + +$_t["No"] = "No"; + +$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Il nome utente non esiste."; + +$_t["Next"] = "Successivo"; + +$_t["Add"] = "Aggiungi"; + +$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "La durata deve essere almeno pari ad 1."; + +$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(se vuoto, di default è impostata a 7)"; + +$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "La proposta non può essere vuota."; + +$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "L'ID del voto non è valido."; + +$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(vuoto se non applicabile)"; + +$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Non puoi più votare per questa proposta."; + +$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Nuova proposta inviata."; + +$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s ha già avviato una proposta per loro."; + +$_t["Length must be a number."] = "La durata deve essere un numero."; + +$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Hai già votato per questa proposta."; + +$_t["Current Votes"] = "Voti attuali"; + +$_t["You've already voted in this proposal."] = "Hai già votato per questa proposta."; + +$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Non puoi votare per una proposta che ti riguarda in prima persona."; + +$_t["Abstain"] = "Astenuto"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Non puoi accedere a quest'area."; + +$_t["Length in days:"] = "Durata in giorni:"; + +$_t["Back"] = "Indietro"; + +$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Invia una proposta di voto."; + +$_t["All Votes"] = "Tutti i voti"; + +$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Impossibile recuperare i dettagli della proposta."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Sì"; + +$_t["Applicant/TU:"] = "Candidato/TU:"; + diff --git a/web/lang/pl.po b/web/lang/pl.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f4913f --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/pl.po @@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ + + + +$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają..."; +$_t["Account Suspended:"] = "Konto zablokowane:"; +$_t["Notify:"] = "Powiadomienie:"; +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik"; +$_t["Normal User"] = "Zwykły użytkownik"; +$_t["Password:"] = "Hasło:"; +$_t["Email Address:"] = "Adres e-mail:"; +$_t["Confirm:"] = "Potwierdź:"; +$_t["Real Name:"] = "Imię i nazwisko:"; +$_t["Account Type:"] = "Rodzaj konta:"; +$_t["IRC Nick:"] = "Nick na IRC-u:"; +$_t["Language:"] = "Język:"; +$_t["Developer"] = "Developer"; +$_t["New Package Notify:"] = "Powiadamiaj o nowych pakietach:"; +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Hasła nie zgadzają się."; +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Błąd podczas tworzenia konta %h%s%h: %s."; +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Brakuje wymaganego pola."; +$_t["This address is already in use."] = "Ten adres jest już używany."; +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Język nie jest obecnie obsługiwany."; +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Adres e-mail jest nieprawidłowy."; +$_t["Re-type password:"] = "Hasło (ponownie):"; +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Konto %h%s%h zostało pomyślnie utworzone."; +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknij na linku Start powyżej aby się zalogować."; +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adres %h%s%h jest już używany."; +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik"; +$_t["Normal user"] = "Zwykły użytkownik"; +$_t["Any type"] = "Dowolny rodzaj"; +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Wyszukiwanie nie przyniosło rezultatu."; +$_t["Never"] = "Nigdy"; +$_t["Active"] = "Aktywne"; +$_t["Suspended"] = "Zablokowane"; +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Nazwa użytkownika %h%s%h jest już używana."; +$_t["Type"] = "Rodzaj"; +$_t["Status"] = "Status"; +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick na IRC-u"; +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Ostatni głos"; +$_t["Real Name"] = "Imię i nazwisko"; +$_t["Username:"] = "Nazwa użytkownika:"; +$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortuj według"; +$_t["Account Type"] = "Rodzaj konta"; +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto zablokowane"; +$_t["Email address"] = "Adres e-mail"; +$_t["Last vote"] = "Ostatni głos"; +$_t["Regular users can edit their own account."] = "Zwykli użytkownicy mogą edytować swoje konto."; +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Edytuj konto"; +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz przeszukać istniejące konta."; +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do oglądania tej strony."; +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz utworzyć konto."; +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz uaktualnić swoje konto."; +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Pozostaw pola z hasłem puste aby nie zmieniać swojego hasła."; +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Uzyskanie informacji o podanym użytkowniku nie powiodło się."; +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do edycji tego konta."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc oglądać informacje o użytkownikach."; + + + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Brakuje wymaganego pola."; +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Konto %h%s%h zostało pomyślnie utworzone."; +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Błąd podczas modyfikacji konta %h%s%h: %s."; +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Adres e-mail jest nieprawidłowy."; +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Błąd podczas tworzenia konta %h%s%h: %s."; +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Nazwa użytkownika %h%s%h jest już używana."; +$_t["Account Type"] = "Rodzaj konta"; +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Konto %h%s%h zostało pomyślnie zaktualizowane."; +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Konto zablokowane"; +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Powiadamiaj o nowych pakietach"; +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nick na IRC-u"; +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik"; +$_t["Normal user"] = "Zwykły użytkownik"; +$_t["Real Name"] = "Imię i nazwisko"; +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Hasła nie zgadzają się."; +$_t["Language"] = "Język"; +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adres %h%s%h jest już używany."; +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknij na linku Start powyżej aby się zalogować."; +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Hasło (ponownie)"; +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Język nie jest obecnie obsługiwany."; +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Brakuje ID użytkownika"; +$_t["Developer"] = "Developer"; +$_t["Search"] = "Szukaj'"; +$_t["Status"] = "Status"; +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Wyszukiwanie nie przyniosło rezultatu."; +$_t["Never"] = "Nigdy"; +$_t["Active"] = "Aktywne"; +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Ostatni głos"; +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Edytuj konto"; +$_t["Email address"] = "Adres e-mail"; +$_t["Type"] = "Rodzaj"; +$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortuj według"; +$_t["Any type"] = "Dowolny rodzaj"; +$_t["Last vote"] = "Ostatni głos"; +$_t["Suspended"] = "Zablokowane"; +$_t["No more results to display."] = "Brak rezultatów do wyświetlenia."; +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Zaufany Użytkownik nie może nadać statusu Developera."; + +$_t["User"] = "Użytkownik"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik"; + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Wyświetl pakiety tego użytkownika"; + +$_t["start and end with a letter or number"] = "zacznij i zakończ literą bądź cyfrą"; + +$_t["Your password must be at least "] = "Twoje hasło musi być przynajmniej"; + +$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Nazwa użytkownika jest nieprawidłowa."; + +$_t["It must be "] = "To musi być"; + +$_t["can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "może zawierać tylko jedną kropkę, podkreślenie lub myślnik"; + + + +$_t["ArchLinux User-community Repository"] = "Repozytorium Społeczności Użytkowników ArchLinux"; +$_t["AUR: An ArchLinux project"] = "AUR: Projekt ArchLinux"; +$_t["Logout"] = "Wyloguj się"; +$_t["Manage"] = "Zarządzaj"; +$_t["Submit"] = "Wyślij"; +$_t["%s: An ArchLinux project"] = "%s: Projekt ArchLinux"; +$_t["Accounts"] = "Konta"; +$_t["Vote"] = "Głosuj"; +$_t["Home"] = "Start"; +$_t["Packages"] = "Pakiety"; +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Zaufany Użytkownik"; +$_t["User"] = "Użytkownik"; +$_t["Developer"] = "Developer"; + +$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sProjekt ArchLinux%s"; + +$_t["Discussion"] = "Dyskusja"; + +$_t["Bugs"] = "Błędy"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Moje pakiety"; + +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Musisz podać hasło."; + +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Musisz podać nazwę użytkownika."; + +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Twoje konto zostało zawieszone."; + +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Wystąpił błąd przy próbie generowania identyfikatora sesji."; + +$_t["Login failure: Bad user or pass."] = "Logowanie nieudane: Zła nazwa użytkownika bądź hasło."; + + + +$_t["Password"] = "Hasło"; +$_t["Clear"] = "Wyczyść"; +$_t["required"] = "wymagane"; +$_t["Email Address"] = "Adres e-mail"; +$_t["Submit"] = "Wyślij"; +$_t["Reset"] = "Wyczyść"; +$_t["Create"] = "Utwórz"; +$_t["Update"] = "Aktualizuj"; +$_t["Less"] = "Poprzednie"; +$_t["More"] = "Następne"; +$_t["Username"] = "Użytkownik"; + + + +$_t["Hi, this is worth reading!"] = "Witaj, warto to przeczytać!"; +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Musisz podać hasło."; +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Musisz podać nazwę użytkownika."; +$_t["Incorrect password for username %s."] = "Nieprawidłowe hasło dla użytkownika %s."; +$_t["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Potem można tu wstawić bardziej wyczerpujący tekst."; +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Twoje konto zostało zablokowane."; +$_t["Password:"] = "Hasło:"; +$_t["Username:"] = "Użytkownik:"; +$_t["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "Ważniejsze jest dokończyć logowanie."; +$_t["Currently logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "Obecnie zalogowany jako: %h%s%h"; +$_t["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Narazie to tylko wypełnia przestrzeń."; +$_t["This is where the intro text will go."] = "Tutaj będzie tekst powitalny."; +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Błąd podczas generowania identyfikatora sesji."; +$_t["Login"] = "Zaloguj się"; +$_t["Email Address:"] = "Adres e-mail:"; +$_t["You must supply an email address."] = "Musisz podać adres e-mail."; +$_t["Incorrect password for email address, %s."] = "Nieprawidłowe hasło dla adresu %s."; +$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Nieprawidłowe hasło dla użytkownika %s."; +$_t["Logged in as: %h%s%h"] = "Zalogowany jako: %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Błąd podczas wyszukiwania użytkownika %s."; +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! If you're a newcomer, you may want to read the %hGuidelines%h."] = "Witamy w AUR! Jeżeli jesteś tu po raz pierwszy, być może zechcesz przeczytać %hInstrukcję%h."; +$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Jeżeli masz uwagi lub pomysły odnośnie AUR, %hFlyspray%h jest odpowiednim miejscem do ich pozostawienia."; +$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Dla Twojej wygody podajemy %hlistę repozytoriów użytkowników%h, ale uwaga - nie odpowiadamy za ich zawartość."; + +$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Dyskusja na temat AUR ma miejsce na liście pocztowej %sTUR Users%s."; + +$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Ostatnie aktualizacje"; + +$_t["Statistics"] = "Statystyki"; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Nie zapomnij głosować na swoje ulubione pakiety!"; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Pakietów w unsupported"; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Pakietów w unsupported oznaczonych jako bezpieczne"; + +$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Najbardziej popularne pakiety zostaną umieszczone w formie binarnej w [community]."; + +$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Zaufanych Użytkowników"; + +$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Pakietów dodanych lub zmienionych w ostatnich 7 dniach"; + +$_t["Packages in [community]"] = "Pakietów w [community]"; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Witamy w AUR! Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, przeczytaj %hInstrukcję Użytkownika%h oraz %hInstrukcję Zaufanego Użytkownika%h."; + +$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Pliki PKGBUILD %hmuszą%h być zgodne ze %hStandardami Pakietów Archa%h, inaczej będą usuwane!"; + +$_t["Registered Users"] = "Zarejestrowanych użytkowników"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Bezpieczne"; + +$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Nieaktualnych"; + +$_t["User Statistics"] = "Statystyki użytkowników"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Oznaczonych jako bezpieczne przeze mnie"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Oznaczonych jako bezpieczne"; + +$_t["My Statistics"] = "Moje statystyki"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Start"; + +$_t["DISCLAIMER"] = "ZRZECZENIE"; + + + +$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają..."; +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Zostałeś pomyślnie wylogowany."; + + + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc edytować informacje o pakiecie."; +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Brakuje identyfikatora pakietu."; +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Komentarz został usunięty."; +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do usunięcia tego komentarza."; +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Brakuje identyfikatora komentarza."; +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Komentarz został dodany."; +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Napisz swój komentarz poniżej."; +$_t["Submit"] = "Wyślij"; +$_t["Reset"] = "Wyczyść"; +$_t["Package category updated."] = "Kategoria pakietu zmieniona."; +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Nieprawidłowy identyfikator kategorii."; +$_t["Select new category"] = "Wybierz nową kategorię"; +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Jeżeli to widzisz, to znalazłeś błąd..."; + + + +$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Powrót do %hinformacji o pakiecie%h."; +$_t["None"] = "Brak"; +$_t["change category"] = "zmień kategorię"; +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Usuń komentarz"; +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Komentarz - autor: %h%s%h, data: %h%s%h"; +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Dodaj komentarz"; +$_t["Comments"] = "Komentarze"; +$_t["Sources"] = "Źródła"; +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Zależności"; +$_t["Package Details"] = "Informacje o pakiecie"; +$_t["Category"] = "Kategoria"; +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Opiekun"; +$_t["Name"] = "Nazwa"; +$_t["Per page"] = "Na stronie"; +$_t["Popularity"] = "Popularność"; +$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortuj według"; +$_t["Sort order"] = "Porządek"; +$_t["Ascending"] = "Rosnąco"; +$_t["Descending"] = "Malejąco"; +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Kryteria wyszukiwania"; +$_t["Location"] = "Lokacja"; +$_t["Keywords"] = "Słowa kluczowe"; +$_t["Any"] = "Dowolna"; +$_t["Votes"] = "Głosów"; +$_t["Description"] = "Opis"; +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Żaden pakiet nie spełnia podanych kryteriów."; +$_t["My Packages"] = "Moje pakiety"; +$_t["Go"] = "Wykonaj"; +$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Nieaktualny"; +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Zaznacz jako nieaktualny"; +$_t["Actions"] = "Działania"; +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Przejmij pakiety"; +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Porzuć pakiety"; +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Usuń pakiety"; +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do usunięcia."; +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Żaden z wybranych pakietów nie mógł być usunięty."; +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały usunięte."; +$_t["Vote"] = "Głosuj"; +$_t["Voted"] = "Głos"; +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Błąd podczas pobierania informacji o pakiecie."; +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Nie odnaleziono informacji o pakiecie."; +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Błąd podczas pobierania listy pakietów."; +$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Powrót do %hwyników wyszukiwania%h."; +$_t["Manage"] = "Zarządzaj"; +$_t["Un-flag Out-of-date"] = "Usuń flagę nieaktualności"; +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Usuń flagę nieaktualności"; +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Anuluj głos"; +$_t["Yes"] = "Tak"; +$_t["Orphans"] = "Bez opiekuna"; +$_t["Tarball"] = "Archiwum"; +$_t["Files"] = "Pliki"; +$_t["O%hrphan"] = "B%hez opiekuna"; +$_t["orphan"] = "bez opiekuna"; +$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "N%hieaktualne"; +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista pakietów"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Brak powiadomień o nowych komentarzach."; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Rezygnuj z powiadamiania"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Włącz powiadamianie"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Powiadomienie o nowym komentarzu."; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Powyższe pliki zostały sprawdzone (przez: %s) i możesz ich bezpiecznie uzywać."; + +$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Zachowaj ostrożność! Powyższe pliki mogą zawierać szkodliwy kod zagrażający twojemu systemowi."; + +$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Zaznacz jako bezpieczny"; + +$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Zaznacz pakiet jako bezpieczny w użyciu"; + +$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Usuń flagę bezpieczeństwa"; + +$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Usuń flagę oznaczającą pakiet jako bezpieczny w użyciu"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Bezpieczny"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Wysłany"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Ostatnia aktualizacja"; + +$_t["Age"] = "Wiek"; + +$_t["Search by"] = "Szukaj według"; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Pozostaw pole z hasłem puste aby nie zmieniać swojego hasła."; + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Zostałeś pomyślnie wylogowany."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc oglądać informacje o użytkownikach."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Uzyskanie informacji o podanym użytkowniku nie powiodło się."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do edycji tego konta."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz przeszukać istniejące konta."; + +$_t["Submitter"] = "Nadesłał"; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz utworzyć konto."; + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Przy użyciu tego formularza możesz uaktualnić swoje konto."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do oglądania tej strony."; + +$_t["Status"] = "Status"; + +$_t["All"] = "Wszystkie"; + +$_t["Unsafe"] = "Nie bezpieczne"; + +$_t["License"] = "Licencja"; + +$_t["unknown"] = "nieznana"; + +$_t["Out of Date"] = "Nieaktualny"; + +$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Ten pakiet został oznaczony jako nieaktualny."; + +$_t["Required by"] = "Wymagane przez"; + +$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Pokazywanie wyników %s - %s z %s"; + +$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Włącz powiadomienia"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Konta"; + + + +$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają..."; +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc głosować na pakiety."; +$_t["You do not have access to disown packages."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do porzucania pakietów."; +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc zmieniać flagi pakietów."; +$_t["You do not have access to adopt packages."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do przejmowania pakietów."; +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc porzucać pakiety."; +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Błąd podczas pobierania informacji o pakiecie."; +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc przejmować pakiety."; +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały zaznaczone jako nieaktualne."; +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do zaznaczenia."; +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały odznaczone."; +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc odznaczać pakiety."; +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do odznaczenia."; +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do przejęcia."; +$_t["You did not select any packages to disowned."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do porzucenia."; +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały przejęte."; +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały porzucone."; +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc anulować głosy na pakiety."; +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Twoje głosy zostały odebrane wybranym pakietom."; +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do oddania głosów."; +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do anulowania głosów."; +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Twoje głosy zostały przyznane wybranym pakietom."; + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Żaden z wybranych pakietów nie mógł być usunięty."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc otrzymywać powiadomienia o komentarzach."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały usunięte."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Zostałeć usunięty z listy powiadamiania o komentarzach."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Musisz być zalogowany aby móc zrezygnować z powiadamiania o komentarzach."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Zostałeś dodany do listy powiadamiania o komentarzach."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do porzucenia."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Nie wybrałeś żadnych pakietów do usunięcia."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Dodanie do listy powiadamiania nie powiodło się."; + +$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Usunięcie z listy powiadamiania nie powiodło się."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały zaznaczone jako bezpieczne."; + +$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Zaznaczenie pakietu jako bezpieczny nie powiodło się."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Wybrane pakiety zostały pozbawione flagi bezpieczeństwa."; + +$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Usunięcie flagi bezpieczeństwaego nie powiodło się."; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Pakiety"; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Zostałeś usunięty z listy powiadamiania o komentarzach dla %s."; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Moje Pakiety"; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Zostałeś dodany do listy powiadamiania o nowych komentarzach dla %s."; + + + +$_t["Under construction..."] = "Prace trwają..."; +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Przepraszam, ale ładowanie plików nie jest obsługiwane przez ten serwer."; +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Musisz utworzyć konto aby móc dodawać pakiety."; +$_t["Upload package"] = "Dodaj pakiet"; +$_t["Upload"] = "Dodaj"; +$_t["No"] = "Nie"; +$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Błąd podczas próby ładowania pliku - proszę spróbować ponownie."; +$_t["Yes"] = "Tak"; +$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Czy nadpisać istniejący pakiet?"; +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje funkcji build."; +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nie udało się utworzyć katalogu dla pakietu: %s."; +$_t["Comment"] = "Komentarz"; +$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgdesc."; +$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Błąd podczas wykonywania polecenia mv."; +$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Nie podałeś nazwy pakietu."; +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Błąd podczas próby rozpakowania archiwum - plik PKGBUILD nie istnieje."; +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Nie masz uprawnień do nadpisania pakietu %h%s%h."; +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Plik do załadowania"; +$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej url."; +$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgver."; +$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Nie udało się przejść do katalogu %s."; +$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Nie zaznaczyłeś pola 'nadpisz'."; +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nie udało się przejść do katalogu %s."; +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Nieprawidłowa nazwa: tylko małe litery są dozwolone."; +$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Nazwy pakietu nie zgadzają się."; +$_t["Package name"] = "Nazwa pakietu"; +$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej md5sums."; +$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgrel."; +$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej pkgname."; +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nie udało się utworzyć katalogu %s."; +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nieznany format ładowanego pliku."; +$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej source."; +$_t["Package Location"] = "Lokacja pakietu"; +$_t["Package Category"] = "Kategoria pakietu"; +$_t["Select Location"] = "Wybierz lokację"; +$_t["Select Category"] = "Wybierz kategorię"; +$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Musisz napisać komentarz do tego pakietu."; +$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Pakiet został dodany pomyślnie."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Błąd - plik nie został załadowany."; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Adres URL nie zawiera protokołu (np. http// czy ftp://)."; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Przepakowanie pakietu nie powiodło się."; + +$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Nie można wysyłać pakietów binarnych i plików filelist."; + +$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej license."; + +$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "W pliku PKGBUILD brakuje zmiennej arch."; + diff --git a/web/lang/pt.po b/web/lang/pt.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f3bd2c --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/pt.po @@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ + + + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Используйте эту форму для изменения вашей учетной записи."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Оставьте поля для ввода пароля пустыми если не хотите его изменять."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "У вас нет доступа к этой части."; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Невозможно получить информацию об указанном пользователе."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Используйте эту форму для поиска существующей учетной записи."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "У вас нет прав для изменения этой учетной записи."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Используйте эту форму для создания новой учетной записи."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Вы должны представиться для просмотра информации о пользователе."; + + + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Отсутствует обязательное значение."; + +$_t["Search"] = "Поиск'"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Учетная запись %h%s%h успешно создана."; + +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Ошибка изменения учетной записи, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Неправильный адрес электронной почты."; + +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Ошибка создания учетной записи, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Имя %h%s%h уже используется."; + +$_t["Account Type"] = "Тип учетной записи."; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Учетная запись %h%s%h успешно изменена."; + +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Действие учетной записи приостановлено."; + +$_t["Status"] = "Статус"; + +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Извещать о новых пакетах"; + +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC Ник"; + +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Доверенный пользователь"; + +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "По вашему запросу ничего не найдено."; + +$_t["Normal user"] = "Обычный пользователь"; + +$_t["Never"] = "Никогда"; + +$_t["User"] = "Пользователь"; + +$_t["Active"] = "Активный"; + +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Последний проголосовавший"; + +$_t["Real Name"] = "Настоящее имя"; + +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Изменить учетную запись"; + +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Пароли не совпадают."; + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Посмотреть пакеты этого пользователя"; + +$_t["Language"] = "Язык"; + +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Доверенный пользователь не может устанавливать статус Разработчик."; + +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Адрес %h%s%h уже используется."; + +$_t["No more results to display."] = "Больше нет результатов."; + +$_t["Type"] = "Тип"; + +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Щелкните ссылку Home чтобы представиться."; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Сортировать по"; + +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Введите пароль еще раз"; + +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Язык пока не поддерживается."; + +$_t["Any type"] = "Любой тип"; + +$_t["Last vote"] = "Последнее голосование"; + +$_t["Suspended"] = "Приостановлена"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Доверенный пользователь"; + +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Отсутствует идентификатор пользователя"; + +$_t["Developer"] = "Разработчик"; + +$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Длина должна быть от %s до %s символов"; + +$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Пароль должен быть не менее %s символов."; + +$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Может содержать только одну запятую, подчёркивание или тире."; + +$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Начинаются и заканчиваются цифрой или буквой"; + +$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Неверное имя пользователя."; + + + +$_t["%s: %sAn ArchLinux project%s"] = "%s: %sПроект ArchLinux%s"; + +$_t["Logout"] = "Выход"; + +$_t["Discussion"] = "Обсуждение"; + +$_t["Bugs"] = "Ошибки"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Учетная запись"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Домой"; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Пакеты"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Мои пакеты"; + + + +$_t["Reset"] = "Очистить"; + +$_t["Username"] = "Имя пользователя"; + +$_t["Email Address"] = "Адрес электронной почты"; + +$_t["Less"] = "Назад"; + +$_t["Clear"] = "Очистить"; + +$_t["required"] = "необходимо"; + +$_t["Update"] = "Обновить"; + +$_t["Submit"] = "Прислать"; + +$_t["Password"] = "Пароль"; + +$_t["Create"] = "Создать"; + +$_t["More"] = "Далее"; + + + +$_t["Statistics"] = "Статистика"; + +$_t["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Не забывайте голосовать за полюбившиеся вам пакеты!"; + +$_t["Error looking up username, %s."] = "Ошибка поиска имени пользователя, %s."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported"] = "Пакетов в [unsupported]"; + +$_t["The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community]."] = "Наиболее популярные пакеты будут добавлены в [community] в собраном виде."; + +$_t["Trusted Users"] = "Доверенных пользователей"; + +$_t["You must supply a username."] = "Вы должны задать имя пользователя."; + +$_t["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Пакетов добавлено/обновлено за последние 7 дней"; + +$_t["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Используйте %sTUR Users List%s для обсуждения AUR."; + +$_t["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Безопасных пакетов в [unsupported]"; + +$_t["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "Хотя мы не можем поручиться за содержимое, мы предоставляем %hсписок пользовательских репозитариев%h для удобства."; + +$_t["Packages in [community]"] = "Пакетов в [community]"; + +$_t["Recent Updates"] = "Последние обновления"; + +$_t["Your account has been suspended."] = "Действие вашей учетной записи приостановлено."; + +$_t["Username:"] = "Имя пользователя:"; + +$_t["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Ошибка генерации идентификатора сессии."; + +$_t["Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information."] = "Добро пожаловать в AUR! Пожалуйста прочитайте %hAUR User Guidelines%h и %hAUR TU Guidelines%h, чтобы получить больше информации."; + +$_t["Contributed PKGBUILDs %hmust%h conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!"] = "Присланые PKGBUILD %hдолжны%h соответствовать %hArch Packaging Standards%h или будут удалены!"; + +$_t["Login"] = "Войти"; + +$_t["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "Замечания и пожелания о AUR оставляйте в %hFlyspray%h."; + +$_t["You must supply a password."] = "Вы должны ввести пароль."; + +$_t["Password:"] = "Пароль:"; + +$_t["Registered Users"] = "Зарегистрированных пользователей"; + +$_t["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "Вошли как: %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Incorrect password for username, %s."] = "Неверный пароль для пользователя %s."; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Безопасный"; + +$_t["Out-of-date"] = "Устарел"; + +$_t["User Statistics"] = "Статистика пользователя"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe by me"] = "Отмечено мной как безопасный"; + +$_t["Flagged as safe"] = "Отмечено как безопасный"; + +$_t["My Statistics"] = "Моя статистика"; + +$_t["Home"] = "Заглавная страница"; + + + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Сеанс завершен."; + + + +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Идентификатор пакета отсутствует."; + +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Неверный идентификатор категории."; + +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Введите ваш коментарий ниже."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "У вас нет прав для удаления этого коментария."; + +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Идентификатор коментария отсутствует."; + +$_t["Package category updated."] = "Категория пакета обновлена."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Вы должны представиться прежде чем редактировать информацию о пакете."; + +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Коментарий удален."; + +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Вы нашли ошибку, если видите это...."; + +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Коментарий добавлен"; + +$_t["Select new category"] = "Выберите новую категорию."; + + + +$_t["Category"] = "Категория"; + +$_t["Search by"] = "Искать по"; + +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Удалить коментарий"; + +$_t["orphan"] = "сирота"; + +$_t["Votes"] = "Голосов"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Впервые послан"; + +$_t["Tarball"] = "Архив"; + +$_t["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Будьте осторожны! Данные файлы могут содержать код, который способен повредить вашу систему."; + +$_t["Voted"] = "Мой голос"; + +$_t["Location"] = "Местонахождение"; + +$_t["Flag Safe"] = "Флаг Безопасно"; + +$_t["Go"] = "Поехали"; + +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Убрать флаг Устаревший"; + +$_t["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Вернуться к %hинформации о пакете%h."; + +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Ошибка получения информации о пакете."; + +$_t["Description"] = "Описание"; + +$_t["My Packages"] = "Мои пакеты"; + +$_t["Safe"] = "Безопасно"; + +$_t["Sort order"] = "Порядок сортировки"; + +$_t["Ascending"] = "По возрастанию"; + +$_t["Keywords"] = "Ключевые слова"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Нет новых извещений о коментариях"; + +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Зависимости"; + +$_t["Descending"] = "По убыванию"; + +$_t["Per page"] = "Постранично"; + +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Список пакетов"; + +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Не найдена информация о пакете."; + +$_t["Package Details"] = "Информация о пакете"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Ошибка получения списка пакетов."; + +$_t["Files"] = "Файлы"; + +$_t["Name"] = "Имя"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Последнее обновление"; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Данные файлы проверены (%s) и могут быть безопасно использованы."; + +$_t["Unflag Package Safe To Use"] = "Снять флаг Безопасно"; + +$_t["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "Вернуться к %hрезультатам поиска%h."; + +$_t["Age"] = "Возраст"; + +$_t["Comments"] = "Коментарии"; + +$_t["Submitter"] = "Автор"; + +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Убрать мой голос"; + +$_t["change category"] = "изменить категорию"; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Не извещать"; + +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Удалить пакеты"; + +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Ответственный"; + +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Добавить коментарий"; + +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Коментарии: %h%s%h к %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Пометить как Устаревший"; + +$_t["Manage"] = "Управлять"; + +$_t["Sort by"] = "Сортировать по"; + +$_t["Flag Package Safe To Use"] = "Пометить флагом Безопасно"; + +$_t["Actions"] = "Действия"; + +$_t["Unflag Safe"] = "Снять флаг Безопасно"; + +$_t["Sources"] = "Исходники"; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Да"; + +$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Критерий поиска"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Извещать"; + +$_t["O%hut-of-Date"] = "У%hстарел"; + +$_t["Vote"] = "Голосовать"; + +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Усыновить пакеты"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Извещение о новом коментарии"; + +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Бросить пакеты"; + +$_t["Orphans"] = "Сироты"; + +$_t["Any"] = "Любой"; + +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Нет пакетов по выбранному критерию поиска."; + +$_t["Status"] = "Статус"; + +$_t["unknown"] = "неизвестно"; + +$_t["You have been successfully logged out."] = "Сеанс успешно завершен"; + +$_t["License"] = "Лицензия"; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Невозможно получить информацию об указанном пользователе."; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Вы не имеете прав для редактирования этой учетной записи."; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Используйте эту форму для поиска существующих учетных записей."; + +$_t["All"] = "Все"; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Используйте эту форму для создания учетной записи."; + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Используйте эту форму для изменения вашей учетной записи."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Доступ сюда вам запрещен."; + +$_t["Unsafe"] = "Небезопаный"; + +$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Пакет отмечен как устаревший."; + +$_t["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "Файлы проверены %h%s%h и могут быть безопасно использованы."; + +$_t["Required by"] = "Требуется пакетами"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Учетные записи"; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Не получилось добавить в список извещений."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Для отметки пакетов нужно представиться."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Ваш голос убран с выбранных пакетов."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Выбранные пакеты брошены."; + +$_t["Out of Date"] = "Устарел"; + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ниодин из выбранных пакетов не может быть удален."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Снята отметка с выбранных пакетов."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Для отметки пакетов нужно представиться."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для усыновления."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Необходимо представиться для получения извещений о коментариях."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Выбранные пакеты помечены как устаревшие."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Выбранные пакеты удалены."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Вы не выбрали пакет для голосования."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Нужно представиться, чтобы бросить пакет."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Выбранные пакеты усыновлены."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Необходимо представиться для усыновления."; + +$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Результаты %s - %s из %s"; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Необходимо представиться для голосования."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов, чтобы бросить."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Необходимо представиться для голосования."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов, чтобы снимать флаг."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов, чтобы удалить."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вам больше не будут приходить извещения от %s."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Ваш голос принят."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Вы не выбрали пакетов для отметки."; + +$_t["Home"] = "Главная"; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вы добавлены в список извещений для %s."; + + + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Ниодин выбранный пакет не может быть удален."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Ваш голос убран с выбранного пакета."; + +$_t["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Невозможно пометить пакет как безопасный."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для снятия голоса."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "С выбранных пакетов пометка снята."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для усыновления."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем расставлять флажки на пакеты."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем получать извещения о коментариях."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем голосовать."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Выбраные пакеты помечены как устаревшие."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Выбраные пакеты удалены."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для голосования."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем бросать пакеты."; + +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Ошибка получения информации о пакете."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Выбраные пакеты усыновлены."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list."] = "Вы удалены из списка получателей извещений."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Вы проголосовали за выбранные пакеты."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "С выбраных пакетов снят флаг Безопасно."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем отменять извещения о коментариях."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем усыновлять пакеты."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list."] = "Вы добавлены в список получателей извещений о коментариях."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета чтобы бросить."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем снимать голос с пакета."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Вы должны войти прежде чем снимать флажки."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для снятия пометки."; + +$_t["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Нельзя безопасно снять флажок."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для удаления."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Невозможно добавить в список получателей извещений."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Вы не выбрали ниодного пакета для пометки."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Выбранные пакеты брошены."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Выбранные пакеты помечены как безопасные."; + +$_t["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Невозможно удалить из списка получателей извещений."; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Пакеты"; + + + +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует функция build в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Невозможно сменить директорию в %s."; + +$_t["No"] = "Нет"; + +$_t["Missing pkgdesc variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная pkgdesc в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error trying to upload file - please try again."] = "Ошибка загрузки файла - попробуйте еще раз."; + +$_t["Error exec'ing the mv command."] = "Ошибка выполнения команды mv."; + +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Вы должны создать учетную запись для загрузки пакетов."; + +$_t["Package upload successful."] = "Пакет успешно загружен."; + +$_t["Overwrite existing package?"] = "Перезаписать существующий пакет?"; + +$_t["Binary packages and filelists are not allowed for upload."] = "Бинарные пакеты и списки файлов запрещены для загрузки."; + +$_t["You did not specify a package name."] = "Вы не указали имя пакета."; + +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Ошибка во время распаковки - PKGBUILD отсутствует."; + +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Невозможно создать каталог : %s."; + +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Файл пакета"; + +$_t["Package Location"] = "Местонахождение пакета."; + +$_t["Missing url variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная url в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package names do not match."] = "Имена пакета не совпадают."; + +$_t["Package Category"] = "Категория пакета."; + +$_t["Could not change to directory %s."] = "Невозможно сменить каталог на %s."; + +$_t["You did not tag the 'overwrite' checkbox."] = "Вы не установили переключатель 'overwrite'."; + +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Неверное имя: только нижний регистр допустим."; + +$_t["Missing pkgver variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная pkgver в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Package name"] = "Имя пакета."; + +$_t["Upload"] = "Загрузить"; + +$_t["Missing md5sums variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная md5sums в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgrel variable in PKGBUILD."] = " Отсутствует переменная pkgrel в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Missing pkgname variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная pkgname в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Ошибка - нет загруженного файла"; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Не указан протокол в URL (т.е. http:// ,ftp://)"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Вы не имеете доступа для перезаписи пакета %h%s%h."; + +$_t["Select Location"] = "Выберите местонахождение"; + +$_t["Select Category"] = "Выберите категорию"; + +$_t["Comment"] = "Коментарий"; + +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Нельзя создать директорию %s."; + +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Неизвестный формат загруженного файла."; + +$_t["Missing source variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Отсутствует переменная source в PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Невозможно переархивировать"; + +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Извините, загрузки не разрешены этим сервером."; + +$_t["You must supply a comment for this upload/change."] = "Вы должны ввести коментарий к загрузке/изменению."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Да"; + +$_t["Missing license variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Не указана лицензия в PKGBUILD"; + +$_t["Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD."] = "Не указана архитектура в PKGBUILD"; + +$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Не получилось сделать chmod для %s."; + +$_t["Missing "] = "Отсутствуют"; + + + +$_t["Proposal:"] = "Предложение:"; + +$_t["No"] = "Против"; + +$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Такого пользователя нет."; + +$_t["Next"] = "Далее"; + +$_t["Add"] = "Добавить"; + +$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Длина должна быть не меньше 1."; + +$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7 если не указано иного)"; + +$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Предложение не может быть пустым."; + +$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "Идентификатор голосование неверный."; + +$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(пусто если не применимо)"; + +$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Голосование закрыто."; + +$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Новое предложение принято."; + +$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "За %s уже идет голосование."; + +$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Длина должна быть числом."; + +$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Вы уже проголосовали."; + +$_t["Current Votes"] = "Сейчас голосов"; + +$_t["You've already voted in this proposal."] = "Вы уже проголосовали."; + +$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Нельзя голосовать за себя."; + +$_t["Abstain"] = "Воздерживаюсь"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Нет доступа."; + +$_t["Length in days:"] = "Длительность в днях:"; + +$_t["Back"] = "Назад"; + +$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Отправить предложение."; + +$_t["All Votes"] = "Всего"; + +$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Не получилось показать предложение."; + +$_t["Yes"] = "За"; + +$_t["Applicant/TU:"] = "Кандидат/TU"; + diff --git a/web/lang/tr.po b/web/lang/tr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17db471 --- /dev/null +++ b/web/lang/tr.po @@ -0,0 +1,565 @@ + + + +$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Дивитись пакунки цього користувача"; + +$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Кількість символів повинна бути від %s до %s"; + +$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Відсутній обов'язковий рядок."; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Аккаунт, %h%s%h, було усспішно створено."; + +$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Помилка прри зміні аккаунту, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Ваш пароль повинен бути довжиною не менш як %s символів."; + +$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Адреса електронної пошти невірна."; + +$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Помилка при створенні аккаунту, %h%s%h: %s."; + +$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Ім'я користувача %h%s%h вже існує."; + +$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Може містити тільки один період, підкреслення чи дефіс."; + +$_t["Account Type"] = "Тип Аккаунту"; + +$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Аккаунт %h%s%h було вдало змінено."; + +$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Аккаунт Підвішено"; + +$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Початок та кінець з літери чи цифри"; + +$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Повідомляти про нові пакунки"; + +$_t["IRC Nick"] = "IRC Нік"; + +$_t["Trusted user"] = "Довіренний користувач"; + +$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "За вашим запитом нічого не знайдено."; + +$_t["Normal user"] = "Звичайний користувач"; + +$_t["Never"] = "Ніколи"; + +$_t["User"] = "Користувач"; + +$_t["Active"] = "Активний"; + +$_t["Last Voted"] = "Проголосував Останній"; + +$_t["Real Name"] = "Справжнє Ім'я"; + +$_t["Edit Account"] = "Редагувати Аккаунт"; + +$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Паролі не співпадають."; + +$_t["Status"] = "Статус"; + +$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Ім'я користувача невірне."; + +$_t["Language"] = "Мова"; + +$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Довірений користувач не може встановлювати статус Розробника."; + +$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Адреса %h%s%h вже існує."; + +$_t["No more results to display."] = "Більше немає результатів."; + +$_t["Type"] = "Тип"; + +$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Клікніть на посилання Home для того щоб зайти."; + +$_t["Re-type password"] = "Введіть пароль ще раз."; + +$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Мова не підтримується на даний момент."; + +$_t["Suspended"] = "Призупинено"; + +$_t["Trusted User"] = "Довірений Користувач"; + +$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Відсутній ідентифікатор користувача"; + +$_t["Developer"] = "Розробник"; + + + + + +$_t["Reset"] = "Очистити"; + +$_t["Username"] = "Ім'я користувача"; + +$_t["Email Address"] = "Адреса електронної пошти"; + +$_t["Less"] = "Назад"; + +$_t["Clear"] = "Очистити"; + +$_t["required"] = "необхідно"; + +$_t["Update"] = "Поновити"; + +$_t["Submit"] = "Надіслати"; + +$_t["Password"] = "Пароль"; + +$_t["Create"] = "Створити"; + +$_t["More"] = "Далі"; + + + +$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Ідентифікатор пакету відсутній."; + +$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Невірний ідентифікатор категорії."; + +$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "ВВедіть ваш коментар нижче."; + +$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "У вас немає прав, щоб видалити цей коментар."; + +$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Ідентифікатор коментару відсутній."; + +$_t["Package category updated."] = "Категорія пакунку поновлена."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Ви повинні увійти у систему, щоб мати можливість редагувати інформацію про пакунок."; + +$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Коментар було видалено."; + +$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Ви знайшли помилку, якщо ви бачите це...."; + +$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Коментар додано."; + +$_t["Select new category"] = "Виберіть нову категорію."; + + + +$_t["Category"] = "Категорія"; + +$_t["Votes"] = "Голоси"; + +$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Прийняти Пакунки"; + +$_t["Comments"] = "Коментарі"; + +$_t["orphan"] = "Сироти"; + +$_t["Out of Date"] = "Старий"; + +$_t["First Submitted"] = "Вперше Надісланий"; + +$_t["Tarball"] = "Архів"; + +$_t["Voted"] = "Мій голос"; + +$_t["Location"] = "Розташування"; + +$_t["Delete comment"] = "Видалити коментар"; + +$_t["Go"] = "Уперед"; + +$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Зняти флаг Старий"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Помилка при завантаженні інформації про пакунок."; + +$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Залиште місце пдля паролей порожнім, щоб не міняти пароль."; + +$_t["Description"] = "Опис"; + +$_t["unknown"] = "невідомо"; + +$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Цьому пакунку було призначено флаг Старий"; + +$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Немає нових оповіщень про коментарі"; + +$_t["Dependencies"] = "Залежності"; + +$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Кинути Пакунки"; + +$_t["Required by"] = "Потребується пакунками"; + +$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Інформація про пакунок не знайдена."; + +$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Ви повинні увійти у систему, щоб дивитись дані користувача."; + +$_t["Package Details"] = "Інформація про Пакунок"; + +$_t["Package Listing"] = "Список Пакунків"; + +$_t["Files"] = "Файли"; + +$_t["Name"] = "Ім'я"; + +$_t["License"] = "Ліцензія"; + +$_t["Last Updated"] = "Останній раз поновлений"; + +$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Не можливо отримати інмформацію про вказаного користувача."; + +$_t["UnNotify"] = "Не сповіщати"; + +$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Результати %s - %s з %s"; + +$_t["Vote"] = "Голос"; + +$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Використовуйте цю форму для пошуку існуючих аккаунтів."; + +$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Використовуйте цю форму, щоб створити аккаунт."; + +$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Забрати свій голос"; + +$_t["change category"] = "змінити категорію"; + +$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Використовуйте цю форму, для того щоб поновити свій аккаунт."; + +$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Видалити Пакунки"; + +$_t["Maintainer"] = "Відповідальний"; + +$_t["Add Comment"] = "Додати Коментар"; + +$_t["Comment by: %h%s%h on %h%s%h"] = "Коментар: %h%s%h до %h%s%h"; + +$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Позначити як Старий"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "У вам немає прав доступу сюди."; + +$_t["Actions"] = "Дії"; + +$_t["Sources"] = "Сирці"; + +$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Ввімк/Вимкн Оповіщення"; + +$_t["Yes"] = "Так"; + +$_t["Accounts"] = "Аккаунти"; + +$_t["Notify"] = "Оповіщувати"; + +$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "У вам немає прав, для того щоб редагувати цей аккаунт."; + +$_t["Home"] = "Home"; + +$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Оповіщення про новий коментар"; + +$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Помилка при завантаженні списку пакунків."; + +$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "За вашим запитом не знайдено пакунків."; + + + +$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Жоден із вибраних пакунків не мможливо видалити."; + +$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Ваші голоси було видалено з вибраних пакунків."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку щоб забрати голос."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "З вибраних пакунків було знято помітку"; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку для прийняття."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти , щоб ви могли позначати пакунки."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати можливість отримувати сповіщення про коментарі."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати змогу голосувати за пакунки."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Для вибраних пакунків було призначено флаг Старий."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Вибрані пакунки були видалені."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунка для голосування."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб кмити змогу кидати пакунки."; + +$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Помилка при завантаженні інформації про пакунок."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Ви прийняли вибрані пакунки."; + +$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Ви проголосували за вибранііііі пакунки."; + +$_t["Packages"] = "Пакунки"; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб мати змогу приймати пакунки."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку щоб кинути."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб ви могли забирати свої голоси за пакунки."; + +$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Ви повинні зайти, щоб змати змогу знімати мітку з пакунків."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку, щоб зняти мітку."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку для видалення."; + +$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вас було видалено із списку отримувачів оповіщень."; + +$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Не можливо додати до списку оповіщень."; + +$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Ви не вибрали жодного пакунку для мітки."; + +$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Ви позбулися вибраних пакунків."; + +$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Вас додали до списку отримувачів оповіщень."; + + + +$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Помилка при розпакуванні завантаження - PKGBUILD не існує."; + +$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Невідомий формат завантаженого файлу."; + +$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Не можливо змінити директорію до %s."; + +$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Невірне ім'я: дозволені тільки малі літери."; + +$_t["Missing "] = "Відсутній"; + +$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Неможливо створити каталог: %s."; + +$_t["Upload package file"] = "Завантажити файл пакунку"; + +$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Відсутня функція збирання у PKGBUILD."; + +$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Вибачте, завантаження не дозволені цим сервером."; + +$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Неможливо створити директорію %s."; + +$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Неможливо перезапакувати"; + +$_t["Upload"] = "Завантажити"; + +$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Ви повинні створити аккаунт, щоб завантажувати пакунки."; + +$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Помилка - Файл не було завантажено"; + +$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "Не вказано протокол URL (напр. http:// , ftp://)"; + +$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Ви не маєте права перезаписувати пакунок %h%s%h."; + +$_t["Package Category"] = "Категорія Пакунку"; + +$_t["Select Category"] = "Виберіть Категорію"; + -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2