path: root/web
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web')
6 files changed, 63 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/web/lang/tr/ b/web/lang/tr/
index 89f60cd..acd2f87 100644
--- a/web/lang/tr/
+++ b/web/lang/tr/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Hesap %h%s%h
$_t["tr"]["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Hesap %h%s%h düzenlenirken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["tr"]["The email address is invalid."] = "Eposta adresi geçerli dğeil.";
+$_t["tr"]["The email address is invalid."] = "Eposta adresi geçerli değil.";
$_t["tr"]["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Hesap %h%s%h oluşturulurken hata oluştu: %s.";
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["Language is not currently supported."] = "Dil henüz desteklenmiyor."
$_t["tr"]["Any type"] = "Herhangi bir tür";
-$_t["tr"]["Last vote"] = "Last vote";
+$_t["tr"]["Last vote"] = "Son oylanan";
$_t["tr"]["Suspended"] = "Donduruldu";
diff --git a/web/lang/tr/ b/web/lang/tr/
index dd85b91..7be7c38 100644
--- a/web/lang/tr/
+++ b/web/lang/tr/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["You must supply a password."] = "Bir parola belirlemelisiniz.";
$_t["tr"]["You must supply a username."] = "Bir kullanıcı adı belirlemelisiniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text.";
+$_t["tr"]["After that, this can be filled in with more meaningful text."] = "Eksiklikleri tamamladıktan sonra, bu kısma anlamlı bir açıklama yazabilirsiniz.";
$_t["tr"]["Logged-in as: %h%s%h"] = "%h%s%h olarak giriş yapıldı";
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@ $_t["tr"]["Username:"] = "Kullanıcı Adı:";
$_t["tr"]["Welcome to the AUR! If you're a newcomer, you may want to read the %hGuidelines%h."] = "AUR'a hoş geldiniz! Yeni katıldıysanız, belki de %hKılavuz%h 'a bir göz atmak istersiniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["This is where the intro text will go."] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["This is where the intro text will go."] = "Tanıtım yazısının gösterileceği kısımdır.";
-$_t["tr"]["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Session kimliği oluşturulmaya çalışılırken hata.";
+$_t["tr"]["Error trying to generate session id."] = "Oturum kimliği oluşturulmaya çalışılırken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["tr"]["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["For now, it's just a place holder."] = "Şimdilik bu kısım sadece yer işgal etmektedir.";
-$_t["tr"]["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["It's more important to get the login functionality finished."] = "Giriş işlemi fonksiyonunun tamamlanması daha fazla önem arz etmektedir.";
$_t["tr"]["Login"] = "Giriş";
-$_t["tr"]["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "T";
+$_t["tr"]["Though we can't vouch for their contents, we provide a %hlist of user repositories%h for your convenience."] = "İçeriklerine kefil olmasak da, kullanmanız için %hkullanıcı deposu listesi%h sağlamaktayız. ";
-$_t["tr"]["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "AUR ile ilgili geribilidirim yapmak için lütfen %hFlyspray%h 'i kullanın.";
+$_t["tr"]["If you have feedback about the AUR, please leave it in %hFlyspray%h."] = "AUR ile ilgili geribildirim yapmak için lütfen %hFlyspray%h 'i kullanın.";
$_t["tr"]["Latest Packages:"] = "Son paketler:";
$_t["tr"]["Discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "AUR ile ilgili tartışmalar %sTUR Kullanıcı Listesi%s 'nde.";
-$_t["tr"]["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s.";
+$_t["tr"]["Email discussion about the AUR takes place on the %sTUR Users List%s."] = "AUR hakkındaki e-posta tartışmaları %sTUR Eposta Listesi%s üzerinde gerçekleşmektedir.";
$_t["tr"]["Recent Updates"] = "Son Güncellemeler";
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["Packages in unsupported"] = "Desteklenmeyen paketler";
$_t["tr"]["Packages in unsupported and flagged as safe"] = "Desteklenmeyen ve güvenli olarak olarak işaretlenen paketler";
-$_t["tr"]["Packages in [community]"] = "[community] 'deki paketler";
+$_t["tr"]["Packages in [community]"] = "[community] üzerindeki paketler";
$_t["tr"]["Remember to vote for your favourite packages!"] = "Beğendiğiniz paketleri oylamayı unutmayın!";
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["Packages added or updated in the past 7 days"] = "Son 7 günde eklene
$_t["tr"]["Out-of-date"] = "Güncelliğini yitirmiş";
-$_t["tr"]["DISCLAIMER"] = "DISCLAIMER";
$_t["tr"]["Login failure: Bad user or pass."] = "Giriş hatası: Hatalı kullanıcı adı veya parola";
diff --git a/web/lang/tr/ b/web/lang/tr/
index 1406dcb..692e910 100644
--- a/web/lang/tr/
+++ b/web/lang/tr/
@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@
global $_t;
-$_t["tr"]["Missing package ID."] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["Missing package ID."] = "Paket kimliği bulunamadı.";
$_t["tr"]["Invalid category ID."] = "Geçersiz kategori.";
-$_t["tr"]["Enter your comment below."] = "Enter your comment below.";
+$_t["tr"]["Enter your comment below."] = "Lütfen yorumunuzu yazınız.";
$_t["tr"]["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Bu yorumu silme yetkiniz yok.";
-$_t["tr"]["Missing comment ID."] = "Missing comment ID.";
+$_t["tr"]["Missing comment ID."] = "Yorum kimliği bulunamadı.";
-$_t["tr"]["Package category updated."] = "Paket katgorisi güncellendi.";
+$_t["tr"]["Package category updated."] = "Paket kategorisi güncellendi.";
$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Paket bilgilerini güncellemek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
$_t["tr"]["Comment has been deleted."] = "Yorum silindi.";
-$_t["tr"]["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Bu yazıyı görebiliyorsanız bir hata keşfettiniz";
$_t["tr"]["Comment has been added."] = "Yorum eklendi.";
diff --git a/web/lang/tr/ b/web/lang/tr/
index 8f2c992..b5dcca8 100644
--- a/web/lang/tr/
+++ b/web/lang/tr/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["Go"] = "Git";
$_t["tr"]["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Güncel Değil İşaretini Kaldır";
-$_t["tr"]["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "Go back to %hpackage details view%h.";
+$_t["tr"]["Go back to %hpackage details view%h."] = "%Paket detayları görünümüne%h geri dönün.";
$_t["tr"]["Error retrieving package details."] = "Paket bilgileri alınırken hata oluştu.";
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ $_t["tr"]["Error retrieving package list."] = "Paket listesi alınırken hata ol
$_t["tr"]["Files"] = "Dosyalar";
-$_t["tr"]["None"] = "None";
+$_t["tr"]["None"] = "Hiç";
-$_t["tr"]["Name"] = "Name";
+$_t["tr"]["Name"] = "İsim";
$_t["tr"]["Per page"] = "Her sayfa";
-$_t["tr"]["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "%hArama sonuçları%h'na dön.";
+$_t["tr"]["Go back to %hsearch results%h."] = "%hArama sonuçları%h sayfasına dön.";
$_t["tr"]["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Eşleşen paket bulunamadı.";
@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ $_t["tr"]["O%hrphan"] = "";
$_t["tr"]["orphan"] = "sahipsiz";
-$_t["tr"]["Un-Vote"] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["Un-Vote"] = "Oyu kaldır";
$_t["tr"]["change category"] = "kategori değiştir";
-$_t["tr"]["UnNotify"] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["UnNotify"] = "Bildirimi iptal et";
$_t["tr"]["Delete Packages"] = "Paketleri Sil";
-$_t["tr"]["Maintainer"] = "Destekçi";
+$_t["tr"]["Maintainer"] = "Sorumlu";
$_t["tr"]["Add Comment"] = "Yorum Ekle";
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Güncelliğini yitirmiş olarak işaretle";
$_t["tr"]["Manage"] = "Yönet";
-$_t["tr"]["Sort by"] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["Sort by"] = "Sırala";
$_t["tr"]["Sort order"] = "Sıralama kriteri";
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["New Comment Notification"] = "Yeni Yorum Bildirimi";
$_t["tr"]["Comments"] = "Yorumlar";
-$_t["tr"]["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Yukarıdaki dosyalar doğrulandı (by %s) ve güvenli olarak işaretlendi.";
+$_t["tr"]["The above files have been verified (by %s) and are safe to use."] = "Yukarıdaki dosyalar doğrulandı (%s tarafından) ve güvenli olarak işaretlendi.";
$_t["tr"]["Be careful! The above files may contain malicious code that can damage your system."] = "Dikkat! Yukarıdaki dosyalar sisteminize zarar verebilecek nitelikte olabilir.";
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ $_t["tr"]["First Submitted"] = "İlk Gönderim";
$_t["tr"]["Last Updated"] = "Son Güncelleme";
-$_t["tr"]["Search by"] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["Search by"] = "Buna göre ara";
$_t["tr"]["Submitter"] = "Gönderen";
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ $_t["tr"]["License"] = "Lisans";
$_t["tr"]["unknown"] = "bilinmiyor";
-$_t["tr"]["Required by"] = "";
+$_t["tr"]["Required by"] = "İhtiyaç duyan";
-$_t["tr"]["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use.";
+$_t["tr"]["The above files have been verified (by %h%s%h) and are safe to use."] = "Yukarıdaki dosyalar doğrulandı (%h%s%h tarafından) ve kullanım için güvenli olarak işaretlendi.";
-$_t["tr"]["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Bu paket 'güncel değil' olarak işaretlendi.";
+$_t["tr"]["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Bu paket güncel değil olarak işaretlendi.";
$_t["tr"]["Toggle Notify"] = "Toggle Notify";
diff --git a/web/lang/tr/ b/web/lang/tr/
index 6eaf51b..a0a9532 100644
--- a/web/lang/tr/
+++ b/web/lang/tr/
@@ -7,71 +7,70 @@
# If your text contains any double-quotes ("), you MUST escape
# them with the backslash character (\).
global $_t;
-$_t["tr"]["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "None of the selected packages could be deleted.";
+$_t["tr"]["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Seçilen paketlerin hiçbiri silinemedi.";
-$_t["tr"]["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Your votes have been removed from the selected packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Seçtiğiniz paketlerden oyunuz geri alındı.";
-$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "You did not select any packages to un-vote for.";
+$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Oyunuzu geri almak üzere paket seçmediniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "The selected packages have been unflagged.";
+$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Seçilen paketlerin işareti kaldırıldı.";
-$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "You did not select any packages to adopt.";
+$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Sahiplenilecek paket(ler)i seçmediniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can flag packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Paketleri işaretleyebilmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Yorum bildirisi almak için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can vote for packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Paketlere oy vermeden önce giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date.";
+$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Seçilen paketler güncelliğini yitirmiş olarak işaretlendi.";
-$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "The selected packages have been deleted.";
+$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Seçilen paketler silindi.";
-$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "You did not select any packages to vote for.";
+$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Oy verilecek paketleri seçmediniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can disown packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Paketlerin sahipliğini bırakmak için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Error trying to retrieve package details.";
+$_t["tr"]["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Paket ayrıntılarını almaya çalışırken hata oluştu.";
-$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "The selected packages have been adopted.";
+$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Seçilen paketler sahiplenildi.";
-$_t["tr"]["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s.";
+$_t["tr"]["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "%s bildirim listesinden başarıyla çıktınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Your votes have been cast for the selected packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Seçtiğiniz paketlere oyunuz eklendi.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can cancel notification on comments."] = "Yorum bildirimlerini iptal etmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can adopt packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Paketleri sahiplenmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "You have been added to the comment notification list for %s.";
+$_t["tr"]["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "%s bildirim listesine başarıyla eklendiniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "You did not select any packages to disown.";
+$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Sahipliği bırakılacak paketleri seçmediniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Oy iptali için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "You must be logged in before you can unflag packages.";
+$_t["tr"]["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Paket(ler)in işaretini kaldırabilmek için giriş yapmalısınız.";
-$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "You did not select any packages to unflag.";
+$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "İşareti kaldırılacak paket(ler)i seçmediniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "You did not select any packages to delete.";
+$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Silinecek paketleri seçmediniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Couldn't add to notification list.";
+$_t["tr"]["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Bildirim listesine ekleme işlemi başarısız oldu.";
-$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "You did not select any packages to flag.";
+$_t["tr"]["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "İşaretlenecek paket(ler)i seçmediniz.";
-$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "The selected packages have been disowned.";
+$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Seçilen paketlerin sahipliği bırakıldı.";
-$_t["tr"]["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Couldn't remove from notification list.";
+$_t["tr"]["Couldn't remove from notification list."] = "Bildirim listesinden silme işlemi başarısız oldu.";
-$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "The selected packages have been flagged safe.";
+$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been flagged safe."] = "Seçilen paketler güvenli olarak işaretlendi";
-$_t["tr"]["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Couldn't flag package safe.";
+$_t["tr"]["Couldn't flag package safe."] = "Paket güvenli olarak işaretlenemedi.";
-$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "The selected packages have been unflagged safe.";
+$_t["tr"]["The selected packages have been unflagged safe."] = "Seçilen paketler artık güvenli olarak işaretli değil.";
-$_t["tr"]["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Couldn't unflag package safe.";
+$_t["tr"]["Couldn't unflag package safe."] = "Güvenli işaretini kaldırma işlemi başarısız oldu.";
diff --git a/web/lang/tr/ b/web/lang/tr/
index c28ae7d..c4b524c 100644
--- a/web/lang/tr/
+++ b/web/lang/tr/
@@ -13,5 +13,4 @@ global $_t;
$_t["tr"]["Click on the Home link above to log in."] = "Giriş yapmak için yukarıdaki Ev bağlantısını tıklayın.";
-$_t["tr"]["Your session has timed out. You must log in again."] = "Zaman aşımı. Tekrar giriş yapmalısınız.";
+$_t["tr"]["Your session has timed out. You must log in again."] = "Oturumunuz zaman aşımına uğradı. Tekrar giriş yapmalısınız.";