path: root/web
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web')
7 files changed, 30 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/web/html/pkgsubmit.php b/web/html/pkgsubmit.php
index b15da3f..bd23354 100644
--- a/web/html/pkgsubmit.php
+++ b/web/html/pkgsubmit.php
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ if ($_COOKIE["AURSID"]):
# Update package data
- $q = sprintf("UPDATE Packages SET ModifiedTS = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), Name = '%s', Version = '%s-%s', License = '%s', Description = '%s', URL = '%s', LocationID = 2, FSPath = '%s', OutOfDateTS = NULL WHERE ID = %d",
+ $q = sprintf("UPDATE Packages SET ModifiedTS = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), Name = '%s', Version = '%s-%s', License = '%s', Description = '%s', URL = '%s', FSPath = '%s', OutOfDateTS = NULL WHERE ID = %d",
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ if ($_COOKIE["AURSID"]):
$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
# This is a brand new package
- $q = sprintf("INSERT INTO Packages (Name, License, Version, CategoryID, Description, URL, LocationID, SubmittedTS, SubmitterUID, MaintainerUID, FSPath) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s-%s', %d, '%s', '%s', 2, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), %d, %d, '%s')",
+ $q = sprintf("INSERT INTO Packages (Name, License, Version, CategoryID, Description, URL, SubmittedTS, SubmitterUID, MaintainerUID, FSPath) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s-%s', %d, '%s', '%s', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), %d, %d, '%s')",
@@ -406,7 +406,6 @@ html_header("Submit");
if (ini_get("file_uploads")):
$pkg_categories = pkgCategories();
- $pkg_locations = pkgLocations();
<form action='pkgsubmit.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
diff --git a/web/lib/aurjson.class.php b/web/lib/aurjson.class.php
index d545ee0..0c69281 100644
--- a/web/lib/aurjson.class.php
+++ b/web/lib/aurjson.class.php
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class AurJSON {
$this->fields = array(
'Packages.ID', 'Name', 'Version', 'CategoryID',
- 'Description', 'LocationID', 'URL', 'CONCAT("' .
+ 'Description', 'URL', 'CONCAT("' .
mysql_real_escape_string(URL_DIR) .
'", Name, "/", Name, ".tar.gz") AS URLPath', 'License',
'NumVotes', '(OutOfDateTS IS NOT NULL) AS OutOfDate'
diff --git a/web/lib/ b/web/lib/
index c701348..997c453 100644
--- a/web/lib/
+++ b/web/lib/
@@ -80,37 +80,6 @@ function pkgCategories() {
return $cats;
-# grab the current list of PackageLocations
-function pkgLocations() {
- $locs = array();
- $dbh = db_connect();
- $q = "SELECT * FROM PackageLocations WHERE ID != 1 AND ID < 4 ";
- $q.= "ORDER BY Location ASC";
- $result = db_query($q, $dbh);
- if ($result) {
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
- $locs[$row[0]] = $row[1];
- }
- }
- return $locs;
-# Return the repository name for a particular package.
-function package_location($name="") {
- if (!$name) {return NULL;}
- $dbh = db_connect();
- $q = "SELECT PackageLocations.Location FROM Packages ";
- $q.= "LEFT JOIN PackageLocations ON ";
- $q.= "Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID ";
- $q.= "WHERE Name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."' ";
- $q.= "AND DummyPkg = 0";
- $result = db_query($q, $dbh);
- if (!$result) {return NULL;}
- $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
- return $row[0];
# check to see if the package name exists
function package_exists($name="") {
@@ -324,10 +293,9 @@ function package_details($id=0, $SID="") {
$atype = account_from_sid($SID);
$uid = uid_from_sid($SID);
- $q = "SELECT Packages.*,Location,Category ";
- $q.= "FROM Packages,PackageLocations,PackageCategories ";
- $q.= "WHERE Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID ";
- $q.= "AND Packages.CategoryID = PackageCategories.ID ";
+ $q = "SELECT Packages.*,Category ";
+ $q.= "FROM Packages,PackageCategories ";
+ $q.= "WHERE Packages.CategoryID = PackageCategories.ID ";
$q.= "AND Packages.ID = " . intval($id);
$dbh = db_connect();
$results = db_query($q, $dbh);
@@ -373,15 +341,13 @@ function package_details($id=0, $SID="") {
* request vars:
* O - starting result number
* PP - number of search hits per page
- * L - package location ID number
* C - package category ID number
* K - package search string
* SO - search hit sort order:
* values: a - ascending
* d - descending
* SB - sort search hits by:
- * values: l - package location
- * c - package category
+ * values: c - package category
* n - package name
* v - number of votes
* m - maintainer username
@@ -415,8 +381,6 @@ function pkg_search_page($SID="") {
// grab info for user if they're logged in
if ($SID)
$myuid = uid_from_sid($SID);
- // get a list of package locations
- $locs = pkgLocations();
// get a list of package categories
$cats = pkgCategories(); //meow
@@ -455,7 +419,6 @@ function pkg_search_page($SID="") {
$q .= "Users.Username AS Maintainer,
- PackageLocations.Location,
Packages.Name, Packages.Version, Packages.Description, Packages.NumVotes,
Packages.ID, Packages.OutOfDateTS
@@ -469,15 +432,10 @@ function pkg_search_page($SID="") {
$q .= "LEFT JOIN PackageCategories
ON (Packages.CategoryID = PackageCategories.ID)
- LEFT JOIN PackageLocations
- ON (Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID)
WHERE Packages.DummyPkg = 0 ";
- // TODO: possibly do string matching on category and
- // location to make request variable values more sensible
- if (intval($_GET["L"])) {
- $q .= "AND Packages.LocationID = ".intval($_GET["L"])." ";
- }
+ // TODO: possibly do string matching on category
+ // to make request variable values more sensible
if (intval($_GET["C"])) {
$q.= "AND Packages.CategoryID = ".intval($_GET["C"])." ";
@@ -515,16 +473,12 @@ function pkg_search_page($SID="") {
$order = $_GET["SO"] == 'd' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
- $q_sort = "ORDER BY Name ".$order.", LocationID ASC, CategoryID DESC ";
+ $q_sort = "ORDER BY Name ".$order.", CategoryID DESC ";
switch ($_GET["SB"]) {
case 'c':
- $q_sort = "ORDER BY CategoryID ".$order.", Name ASC, LocationID ASC ";
+ $q_sort = "ORDER BY CategoryID ".$order.", Name ASC ";
$_GET["SB"] = 'c';
- case 'l':
- $q_sort = "ORDER BY LocationID ".$order.", Name ASC, CategoryID DESC ";
- $_GET["SB"] = 'l';
- break;
case 'v':
$q_sort = "ORDER BY NumVotes ".$order.", Name ASC, CategoryID DESC ";
$_GET["SB"] = 'v';
@@ -542,11 +496,11 @@ function pkg_search_page($SID="") {
$_GET["SB"] = 'o';
case 'm':
- $q_sort = "ORDER BY Maintainer ".$order.", Name ASC, LocationID ASC ";
+ $q_sort = "ORDER BY Maintainer ".$order.", Name ASC ";
$_GET["SB"] = 'm';
case 'a':
- $q_sort = "ORDER BY GREATEST(SubmittedTS,ModifiedTS) ".$order.", Name ASC, LocationID ASC ";
+ $q_sort = "ORDER BY GREATEST(SubmittedTS,ModifiedTS) ".$order.", Name ASC ";
$_GET["SB"] = 'a';
@@ -719,10 +673,8 @@ function pkg_delete ($atype, $ids) {
# Only grab Unsupported packages that "we" own or are not owned at all
$ids_to_delete = array();
- $q = "SELECT Packages.ID FROM Packages, PackageLocations ";
+ $q = "SELECT Packages.ID FROM Packages ";
$q.= "WHERE Packages.ID IN (" . $delete . ") ";
- $q.= "AND Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID ";
- $q.= "AND PackageLocations.Location = 'unsupported' ";
# If they're a TU or dev, can delete
if ($atype == "Trusted User" || $atype == "Developer") {
@@ -816,7 +768,6 @@ function pkg_adopt ($atype, $ids, $action = True) {
if ($action && $atype == "User") {
# Regular users may only adopt orphan packages from unsupported
$q.= "AND $field = 0 ";
- $q.= "AND LocationID = 2 ";
} else if ($atype == "User") {
$q.= "AND $field = " . uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
@@ -1047,20 +998,18 @@ function pkg_change_category($atype) {
return __("Missing package ID.");
- # Verify package ownership and location
+ # Verify package ownership
$dbh = db_connect();
$q = "SELECT Packages.MaintainerUID,";
- $q.= "PackageLocations.Location ";
$q.= "FROM Packages ";
- $q.= "LEFT JOIN PackageLocations ON Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID ";
$q.= "WHERE Packages.ID = ".$pid;
$result = db_query($q, $dbh);
echo mysql_error();
$pkg = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$uid = uid_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
- if ($pkg["Location"] == "unsupported" and ($uid == $pkg["MaintainerUID"] or
- ($atype == "Developer" or $atype == "Trusted User"))) {
+ if ($uid == $pkg["MaintainerUID"] or
+ ($atype == "Developer" or $atype == "Trusted User")) {
$q = "UPDATE Packages ";
$q.= "SET CategoryID = ".intval($category_id)." ";
$q.= "WHERE ID = ".intval($pid);
diff --git a/web/lib/ b/web/lib/
index 6a76558..f42e417 100644
--- a/web/lib/
+++ b/web/lib/
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ function user_table($user, $dbh)
global $apc_prefix;
$escuser = mysql_real_escape_string($user);
- $base_q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,PackageLocations,Users WHERE Packages.MaintainerUID = Users.ID AND Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID AND PackageLocations.Location = '%s' AND Users.Username='" . $escuser . "'";
+ $base_q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,Users WHERE Packages.MaintainerUID = Users.ID AND Users.Username='" . $escuser . "'";
- $maintainer_unsupported_count = db_cache_value(sprintf($base_q, 'unsupported'), $dbh,
+ $maintainer_unsupported_count = db_cache_value($base_q, $dbh,
$apc_prefix . 'user_unsupported_count:' . $escuser);
$q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,Users WHERE Packages.OutOfDateTS IS NOT NULL AND Packages.MaintainerUID = Users.ID AND Users.Username='" . $escuser . "'";
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function general_stats_table($dbh)
global $apc_prefix;
# AUR statistics
- $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,PackageLocations WHERE Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID AND PackageLocations.Location = 'unsupported'";
+ $q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages WHERE DummyPkg = 0";
$unsupported_count = db_cache_value($q, $dbh, $apc_prefix . 'unsupported_count');
$q = "SELECT count(*) from Users";
diff --git a/web/template/pkg_details.php b/web/template/pkg_details.php
index 8aba3af..c1c3e96 100644
--- a/web/template/pkg_details.php
+++ b/web/template/pkg_details.php
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
$pkgid = intval($_REQUEST['ID']);
-if ($row["Location"] == "unsupported" and ($uid == $row["MaintainerUID"] or
- ($atype == "Developer" or $atype == "Trusted User"))) {
+if ($uid == $row["MaintainerUID"] or
+ ($atype == "Developer" or $atype == "Trusted User")) {
$catarr = pkgCategories();
$edit_cat = "<form method='POST' action='packages.php?ID=".$pkgid."'>\n";
$edit_cat.= "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='do_ChangeCategory'>";
- $edit_cat.= $row['Location']." :: ";
+ $edit_cat.= "Category: ";
$edit_cat.= "<select name='category_id'>\n";
foreach ($catarr as $cid => $catname) {
$edit_cat.= "<option value='$cid'";
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ if ($row["Location"] == "unsupported" and ($uid == $row["MaintainerUID"] or
else {
- $edit_cat = $row['Location']." :: ".$row['Category'];
+ $edit_cat = "Category: ".$row['Category'];
if ($row["MaintainerUID"]) {
@@ -76,11 +76,9 @@ $out_of_date_time = ($row["OutOfDateTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("r", intval($row[
<p><span class='f3'>
- if ($row['LocationID'] == 2) {
- $urlpath = URL_DIR . $row['Name'];
- print "<a href='$urlpath/" . $row['Name'] . ".tar.gz'>".__("Tarball")."</a> :: ";
- print "<a href='$urlpath/PKGBUILD'>".__("PKGBUILD")."</a></span>";
- }
+ $urlpath = URL_DIR . $row['Name'];
+ print "<a href='$urlpath/" . $row['Name'] . ".tar.gz'>".__("Tarball")."</a> :: ";
+ print "<a href='$urlpath/PKGBUILD'>".__("PKGBUILD")."</a></span>";
if ($row["OutOfDateTS"] !== NULL) {
echo "<br /><span class='f6'>".__("This package has been flagged out of date.")." (${out_of_date_time})</span>";
@@ -172,10 +170,8 @@ $out_of_date_time = ($row["OutOfDateTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("r", intval($row[
else {
$src = $src[0];
# It is presumably an internal source
- if ($row["LocationID"] == 2) {
- echo "<span class='f8'>$src</span>";
- echo "<br />\n";
- }
+ echo "<span class='f8'>$src</span>";
+ echo "<br />\n";
diff --git a/web/template/pkg_search_form.php b/web/template/pkg_search_form.php
index c616c7b..fdeb01b 100644
--- a/web/template/pkg_search_form.php
+++ b/web/template/pkg_search_form.php
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<label><?php print __("Sort by"); ?></label>
<select name='SB'>
- $sortby = array('n' => __('Name'), 'c' => __('Category'), 'l' => __('Location'), 'v' => __('Votes'), 'w' => __('Voted'), 'o' => __('Notify'), 'm' => __('Maintainer'), 'a' => __('Age'));
+ $sortby = array('n' => __('Name'), 'c' => __('Category'), 'v' => __('Votes'), 'w' => __('Voted'), 'o' => __('Notify'), 'm' => __('Maintainer'), 'a' => __('Age'));
foreach ($sortby as $k => $v):
if ($_REQUEST['SB'] == $k):
diff --git a/web/template/pkg_search_results.php b/web/template/pkg_search_results.php
index b8f2e14..4830ca8 100644
--- a/web/template/pkg_search_results.php
+++ b/web/template/pkg_search_results.php
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
<?php endif; ?>
<th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align: bottom'><span class='f2'>
- <a href='?<?php print mkurl('SB=l&SO=' . $SO_next) ?>'><?php print __("Location") ?></a>
- </span></th>
- <th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align: bottom'><span class='f2'>
<a href='?<?php print mkurl('SB=c&SO=' . $SO_next) ?>'><?php print __("Category") ?></a>
<th style='border-bottom: #666 1px solid; vertical-align: bottom; text-align: center;'><span class='f2'>
@@ -52,7 +49,6 @@ for ($i = 0; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $i++) {
<?php if ($SID): ?>
<td class='<?php print $c ?>'><input type='checkbox' name='IDs[<?php print $row["ID"] ?>]' value='1'></td>
<?php endif; ?>
- <td class='<?php print $c ?>'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'><?php print $row["Location"] ?></span></span></td>
<td class='<?php print $c ?>'><span class='f5'><span class='blue'><?php print $row["Category"] ?></span></span></td>
<td class='<?php print $c ?>'><span class='f4'><a href='packages.php?ID=<?php print $row["ID"] ?>'><span class='black'><?php print $row["Name"] ?> <?php print $row["Version"] ?></span></a></span></td>
<td class='<?php print $c ?>' style="text-align: right"><span class='f5'><span class='blue'><?php print $row["NumVotes"] ?></span></span></td>