path: root/web/template/pkg_details.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'web/template/pkg_details.php')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/web/template/pkg_details.php b/web/template/pkg_details.php
index 193af84..b41fded 100644
--- a/web/template/pkg_details.php
+++ b/web/template/pkg_details.php
@@ -3,177 +3,188 @@ $atype = account_from_sid($SID);
$uid = uid_from_sid($SID);
$pkgid = intval($_REQUEST['ID']);
-if ($uid == $row["MaintainerUID"] or
- ($atype == "Developer" or $atype == "Trusted User")) {
- $catarr = pkgCategories();
- $edit_cat = "<form method='post' action='packages.php?ID=".$pkgid."'>\n";
- $edit_cat.= "<p>";
- $edit_cat.= "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='do_ChangeCategory' />";
- if ($SID) {
- $edit_cat.= "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='".htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['AURSID'])."' />";
- }
- $edit_cat.= "<span class='f3'>" . __("Category") . ":</span> ";
- $edit_cat.= "<select name='category_id'>\n";
- foreach ($catarr as $cid => $catname) {
- $edit_cat.= "<option value='$cid'";
- if ($cid == $row["CategoryID"]) {
- $edit_cat.=" selected='selected'";
- }
- $edit_cat.=">".$catname."</option>";
- }
- $edit_cat.= "</select>&nbsp;<input type='submit' value='" . __("Change category") . "' />";
- $edit_cat.= "</p>";
- $edit_cat.= "</form>";
+$catarr = pkgCategories();
-else {
- $edit_cat = "<span class='f3'>" . __("Category") . ": " . $row['Category'] . "</span>";
+$submitter = username_from_id($row["SubmitterUID"]);
+$maintainer = username_from_id($row["MaintainerUID"]);
-if ($row["SubmitterUID"]) {
- $submitter = username_from_id($row["SubmitterUID"]);
- if ($SID) {
- $submitter = '<a href="account.php?Action=AccountInfo&amp;ID=' . htmlspecialchars($row['SubmitterUID'], ENT_QUOTES) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($submitter) . '</a>';
- }
-} else {
- $submitter = "None";
-if ($row["MaintainerUID"]) {
- $maintainer = username_from_id($row["MaintainerUID"]);
- if ($SID) {
- $maintainer = '<a href="account.php?Action=AccountInfo&amp;ID=' . htmlspecialchars($row['MaintainerUID'], ENT_QUOTES) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($maintainer) . '</a>';
- }
-} else {
- $maintainer = "None";
-$votes = __('Votes') . ': ' . $row['NumVotes'];
-if ($atype == "Developer" or $atype == "Trusted User") {
- $votes = "<a href=\"voters.php?ID=$pkgid\">$votes</a>";
+$votes = $row['NumVotes'];
# In case of wanting to put a custom message
$msg = __('unknown');
$license = empty($row['License']) ? $msg : $row['License'];
# Print the timestamps for last updates
-$updated_time = ($row["ModifiedTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("r", intval($row["ModifiedTS"]));
-$submitted_time = ($row["SubmittedTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("r", intval($row["SubmittedTS"]));
-$out_of_date_time = ($row["OutOfDateTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("r", intval($row["OutOfDateTS"]));
+$updated_time = ($row["ModifiedTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("Y-m-d H:i", intval($row["ModifiedTS"]));
+$submitted_time = ($row["SubmittedTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("Y-m-d H:i", intval($row["SubmittedTS"]));
+$out_of_date_time = ($row["OutOfDateTS"] == 0) ? $msg : gmdate("Y-m-d", intval($row["OutOfDateTS"]));
-<div class="pgbox">
- <div class="pgboxtitle"><span class="f3"><?php echo __("Package Details") ?></span></div>
- <div class="pgboxbody">
+$urlpath = URL_DIR . substr($row['Name'], 0, 2) . "/" . $row['Name'];
- <p>
- <span class='f2'><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['Name']) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['Version']) ?></span><br />
- <span class='f3'><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['URL'], ENT_QUOTES) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($row['URL']) ?></a></span><br />
- <span class='f3'><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['Description'], ENT_QUOTES); ?></span>
- </p>
+$deps = package_dependencies($row["ID"]);
+$requiredby = package_required($row["Name"]);
- <?php echo $edit_cat ?>
- <p>
- <span class='f3'><?php echo __('Submitter') .': ' . $submitter ?></span><br />
- <span class='f3'><?php echo __('Maintainer') .': ' . $maintainer ?></span><br />
- <span class='f3'><?php echo $votes ?></span>
- </p>
- <p><span class='f3'><?php echo __('License') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($license) ?></span></p>
- <p>
- <span class='f3'>
- <?php echo __('Last Updated') . ': ' . $updated_time ?><br />
- <?php echo __('First Submitted') . ': '. $submitted_time ?>
- </span>
- </p>
+# $sources[0] = 'src';
+$sources = package_sources($row["ID"]);
+<div id="pkgdetails" class="box">
+ <h2><?php echo __('Package Details') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($row['Name']) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($row['Version']) ?></h2>
+ <div id="detailslinks" class="listing">
+ <div id="actionlist">
+ <h4>Package Actions</h4>
+ <ul class="small">
+ <li><a href="<?php echo $urlpath ?>/PKGBUILD"><?php echo __('View PKGBUILD') ?></a></li>
+ <li><a href="<?php echo $urlpath . '/' . $row['Name'] ?>.tar.gz"><?php echo __('Download tarball') ?></a></li>
+ <li><span class="flagged"><?php if ($row["OutOfDateTS"] !== NULL) { echo __('Flagged out-of-date')." (${out_of_date_time})"; } ?></span></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
- <p><span class='f3'>
+ <table id="pkginfo">
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('Description') . ': ' ?></th>
+ <td class="wrap"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['Description']); ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Upstream URL:</th>
+ <td><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['URL'], ENT_QUOTES) ?>" title="<?php echo __('Visit the website for') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars( $row['Name'])?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['URL'], ENT_QUOTES) ?></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('Category') . ': ' ?></th>
- $urlpath = URL_DIR . substr($row['Name'], 0, 2) . "/" . $row['Name'];
- print "<a href='$urlpath/" . $row['Name'] . ".tar.gz'>".__("Tarball")."</a> :: ";
- print "<a href='$urlpath/PKGBUILD'>".__("PKGBUILD")."</a></span>";
- if ($row["OutOfDateTS"] !== NULL) {
- echo "<br /><span class='f6'>".__("This package has been flagged out of date.")." (${out_of_date_time})</span>";
- }
+if ($SID && ($uid == $row["MaintainerUID"] ||
+ ($atype == "Developer" || $atype == "Trusted User"))):
- </p>
+ <td>
+ <form method="post" action="packages.php?ID=<?php echo $pkgid ?>">
+ <div>
+ <input type="hidden" name="action" value="do_ChangeCategory" />
+ <?php if ($SID): ?>
+ <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['AURSID']) ?>" />
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <select name="category_id">
- $deps = package_dependencies($row["ID"]);
- $requiredby = package_required($row["Name"]);
- if (count($deps) > 0 || count($requiredby) > 0) {
- echo '<p>';
- }
- if (count($deps) > 0) {
- echo "<span class='boxSoftTitle'><span class='f3'>". __("Dependencies")."</span></span>";
- while (list($k, $darr) = each($deps)) {
- # darr: (DepName, DepCondition, PackageID), where ID is NULL if it didn't exist
- if (!is_null($darr[2])) {
- echo " <a href='packages.php?ID=".$darr[2]."'>".$darr[0].$darr[1]."</a>";
- } else {
- echo " <a href='".urlencode($darr[0])."'>".$darr[0].$darr[1]."</a>";
- }
- }
- if (count($requiredby) > 0) {
- echo '<br />';
- }
- }
- if (count($requiredby) > 0) {
- echo "<span class='boxSoftTitle'><span class='f3'>". __("Required by")."</span></span>";
- while (list($k, $darr) = each($requiredby)) {
- # darr: (PackageName, PackageID)
- echo " <a href='packages.php?ID=".$darr[1]."'>".$darr[0]."</a>";
- }
- }
- if (count($deps) > 0 || count($requiredby) > 0) {
- echo '</p>';
- }
- # $sources[0] = 'src';
- $sources = package_sources($row["ID"]);
- if (count($sources) > 0) {
+ foreach ($catarr as $cid => $catname):
- <div class='boxSoftTitle'><span class='f3'><?php echo __('Sources') ?></span></div>
- <div>
+ <option value="<?php echo $cid ?>"<?php if ($cid == $row["CategoryID"]) { ?> selected="selected" <?php } ?>><?php echo $catname ?></option>
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ </select>
+ <input type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Change category') ?>"/>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+<?php else: ?>
+ <td>
+ <a href="packages.php?C=<?php echo $row['CategoryID'] ?>"><?php print $row['Category'] ?></a>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ </td>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('License') . ': ' ?></th>
+ <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($license) ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('Submitter') .': ' ?></th>
- while (list($k, $src) = each($sources)) {
- $src = explode('::', $src);
- $parsed_url = parse_url($src[0]);
- if (isset($parsed_url['scheme']) || isset($src[1])) {
- # It is an external source
- echo "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars((isset($src[1]) ? $src[1] : $src[0]), ENT_QUOTES) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($src[0]) . "</a><br />\n";
- }
- else {
- $src = $src[0];
- # It is presumably an internal source
- echo "<span class='f8'>" . htmlspecialchars($src) . "</span>";
- echo "<br />\n";
- }
- }
+if ($row["SubmitterUID"]):
+ if ($SID):
- </div>
+ <td><a href="account.php?Action=AccountInfo&amp;ID=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['SubmitterUID'], ENT_QUOTES) ?>" title="<?php echo __('View account information for')?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($submitter) ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($submitter) ?></a></td>
+<?php else: ?>
+ <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($submitter) ?></td>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php else: ?>
+ <td>None</td>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('Maintainer') .': ' ?></th>
- }
+if ($row["MaintainerUID"]):
+ if ($SID):
+ <td><a href="account.php?Action=AccountInfo&amp;ID=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['MaintainerUID'], ENT_QUOTES) ?>" title="<?php echo __('View account information for')?> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($maintainer) ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($maintainer) ?></a></td>
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($maintainer) ?></td>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+<?php else: ?>
+ <td>None</td>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('Votes') . ': ' ?></th>
+if ($atype == "Developer" || $atype == "Trusted User"):
+ <td><a href="voters.php?ID=<?php echo$pkgid ?>"><?php echo $votes ?></a>
+<?php else: ?>
+ <td><?php echo $votes ?></td>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('First Submitted') . ': ' ?></th>
+ <td><?php echo $submitted_time ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <th><?php echo __('Last Updated') . ': ' ?></th>
+ <td><?php echo $updated_time ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <div id="metadata">
+ <div id="pkgdeps" class="listing">
+ <h3><?php echo __('Dependencies') . " (" . count($deps) . ")"?></h3>
+<?php if (count($deps) > 0): ?>
+ <ul>
+ while (list($k, $darr) = each($deps)):
+ # darr: (DepName, DepCondition, PackageID), where ID is NULL if it didn't exist
+ if (!is_null($darr[2])):
+ <li><a href="packages.php?ID=<?php echo $darr[2]?>" title="<?php echo __('View packages details for').' '.$darr[0].$darr[1]?>"><?php echo $darr[0].$darr[1]?></a></li>
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <li><a href="<?php echo urlencode($darr[0])?>" title="<?php echo __('View packages details for').' '.$darr[0].$darr[1] ?>"><?php echo $darr[0].$darr[1] ?></a></li>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php endwhile; ?>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ <div id="pkgreqs" class="listing">
+ <h3><?php echo __('Required by') . " (" . count($requiredby) . ")"?></h3>
+<?php if (count($requiredby) > 0): ?>
+ <ul>
+ # darr: (PackageName, PackageID)
+ while (list($k, $darr) = each($requiredby)):
+ <li><a href="packages.php?ID=<?php echo $darr[1] ?>" title="<?php echo __('View packages details for').' '.$darr[0]?>"><?php echo $darr[0] ?></a></li>
+ <?php endwhile; ?>
+ </ul>
+<?php endif; ?>
+ </div>
+ <div id="pkgfiles" class="listing">
+ <h3><?php echo __('Sources') ?></h3>
+ </div>
+<?php if (count($sources) > 0): ?>
+ <div>
+ <ul>
+ while (list($k, $src) = each($sources)):
+ $src = explode('::', $src);
+ $parsed_url = parse_url($src[0]);
+ # It is an external source
+ if (isset($parsed_url['scheme']) || isset($src[1])):
+ <li><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars((isset($src[1]) ? $src[1] : $src[0]), ENT_QUOTES) ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($src[0]) ?> </a></li>
+ else:
+ # It is presumably an internal source
+ $src = $src[0];
+ <li><?php echo htmlspecialchars($src) ?></li>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php endwhile; ?>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+<?php endif; ?>