path: root/LAUNCH.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'LAUNCH.txt')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/LAUNCH.txt b/LAUNCH.txt
index a42f0bf..0770d82 100644
--- a/LAUNCH.txt
+++ b/LAUNCH.txt
@@ -9,12 +9,16 @@ TIER 1 (critical)
* a package should be made of tupkg client tool
TIER 2 (pretty important)
-* when aur takes over a package, it should reset maintainer - Paul
* tupkg and tupkgs should not output unhashed passwords
* config file capability for tupkg client in user's homedir
* email notification of errors in tupkgupdate - Paul
* move config options for php code to separate file and make that file
a ".proto" file in svn
+* add foreign key constraints with on delete cascade to make sure
+ entries are not orphaned in PackageSources and PackageDepends
TIER 3 (noncritical)
* tupkgupdate should use updatesync instead of gensync - Paul
+* error message when a non TU tries to adopt packages
+* add method from the web for setting/changing package category
+* only allow the maintainer to tupkg upload packages he owns (in tupkgs)