path: root/web/lang/hr.po
diff options
authorLukas Fleischer <>2011-04-07 03:57:34 +0200
committerLukas Fleischer <>2011-04-10 15:40:50 +0200
commit0662f428847a9f968ecd9f9c87d5302de895ccef (patch)
tree3f76f44eb8e3c59ac49be5dd2ee3950cf9adf3c7 /web/lang/hr.po
parent22a718ea89bb78e25532d5256dc212cd0bcba94e (diff)
Remove "web/lang/".
Those legacy ".po" files and translation helpers are no longer needed as we moved to gettext compatible portable objects. Signed-off-by: Lukas Fleischer <>
Diffstat (limited to 'web/lang/hr.po')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 440 deletions
diff --git a/web/lang/hr.po b/web/lang/hr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 93028b7..0000000
--- a/web/lang/hr.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-# Croatian (Hrvatski) translation
-# Translator: Dino Krtanjek <>
-global $_t;
-$_t["View this user's packages"] = "Pregledaj pakete ovog korisnika";
-$_t["It must be between %s and %s characters long"] = "Mora biti najmanje %s a najviše %s znakova";
-$_t["Missing a required field."] = "Nedostaje Vam obvezno polje.";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully created."] = "Račun, %h%s%h, je uspješno kreiran.";
-$_t["Error trying to modify account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Desila se greška prilikom izmjene računa, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["Your password must be at least %s characters."] = "Lozinka mora sadržavati najmanje %s znakova.";
-$_t["The email address is invalid."] = "Email adresa je neispravna.";
-$_t["Error trying to create account, %h%s%h: %s."] = "Desila se greška prilikom stvaranja računa, %h%s%h: %s.";
-$_t["The username, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Korisničko ime %h%s%h je već zauzeto.";
-$_t["Can contain only one period, underscore or hyphen."] = "Može sadržavati samo jednu točku, donju crticu ili povlaku.";
-$_t["Account Type"] = "Tip računa";
-$_t["The account, %h%s%h, has been successfully modified."] = "Račun %h%s%h je uspješno izmijenjen.";
-$_t["Account Suspended"] = "Račun je suspendiran";
-$_t["Start and end with a letter or number"] = "Zapični i završi sa slovom ili brojkom";
-$_t["New Package Notify"] = "Obavijesti me o novim paketima";
-$_t["IRC Nick"] = "Nadimak na IRC-u";
-$_t["Trusted user"] = "Pouzdan korisnik";
-$_t["No results matched your search criteria."] = "Nema rezultata pretrage.";
-$_t["Normal user"] = "Običan korisnik";
-$_t["Never"] = "Nikad";
-$_t["User"] = "Korisnik";
-$_t["Active"] = "Aktivan";
-$_t["Last Voted"] = "Posljednje glasao";
-$_t["Real Name"] = "Vaše stvarno ime";
-$_t["Edit Account"] = "Podesi račun";
-$_t["Password fields do not match."] = "Lozinke nisu jednake.";
-$_t["Status"] = "Stanje";
-$_t["The username is invalid."] = "Korisničko ime je neispravno.";
-$_t["Language"] = "Jezik";
-$_t["A Trusted User cannot assign Developer status."] = "Pouzdan korisnik nemoše dodijeliti Developer status.";
-$_t["The address, %h%s%h, is already in use."] = "Adresa %h%s%h je već iskorištena.";
-$_t["No more results to display."] = "Nema više rezultata za prikaz.";
-$_t["Type"] = "Tip";
-$_t["Click on the Home link above to login."] = "Kliknite na link Početna kako bi se logirali.";
-$_t["Re-type password"] = "Ponovno upišite lozinku";
-$_t["Language is not currently supported."] = "Jezik trenutno nije podržan.";
-$_t["Suspended"] = "Suspendiran";
-$_t["Trusted User"] = "Pouzdan korisnik";
-$_t["Missing User ID"] = "Nedostaje ID korisnika";
-$_t["Developer"] = "Developer";
-$_t["Reset"] = "Resetiraj";
-$_t["Username"] = "Korisničko ime";
-$_t["Email Address"] = "Email adresa";
-$_t["Less"] = "Manje";
-$_t["Clear"] = "Briši";
-$_t["required"] = "obvezno";
-$_t["Update"] = "Ažuriraj";
-$_t["Submit"] = "Pošalji";
-$_t["Password"] = "Lozinka";
-$_t["Create"] = "Kreiraj";
-$_t["More"] = "Više";
-$_t["Missing package ID."] = "Nedostaje ID paketa.";
-$_t["Invalid category ID."] = "Neispravan ID kategorije.";
-$_t["Enter your comment below."] = "Ovdje unesite komentar.";
-$_t["You are not allowed to delete this comment."] = "Brisanje ovog komentara Vam nije dozvoljeno.";
-$_t["Missing comment ID."] = "Nedostaje ID komentara.";
-$_t["Package category updated."] = "Kategorija paketa je ažurirana.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can edit package information."] = "Morate biti logirani da biste mogli mijenjati informacije o paketu.";
-$_t["Comment has been deleted."] = "Komentar je izbrisan.";
-$_t["You've found a bug if you see this...."] = "Pronašli ste bug ako vidite ovu poruku....";
-$_t["Comment has been added."] = "Komentar je dodan.";
-$_t["Select new category"] = "Odaberite novu kategoriju";
-$_t["Category"] = "Kategorija";
-$_t["Votes"] = "Glasovi";
-$_t["Adopt Packages"] = "Posvoji paket";
-$_t["Comments"] = "Komentari";
-$_t["orphan"] = "napušten";
-$_t["Out of Date"] = "Zastario";
-$_t["First Submitted"] = "Prvi put poslan";
-$_t["Tarball"] = "Arhiva";
-$_t["Voted"] = "Glasao";
-$_t["Location"] = "Lokacija";
-$_t["Delete comment"] = "Briši komentar";
-$_t["Go"] = "Traži";
-$_t["Unflag Out-of-date"] = "Obilježi kao ažuriran";
-$_t["Error retrieving package details."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom preuzimanja detalja o paketu.";
-$_t["Leave the password fields blank to keep your same password."] = "Nemojte ispunjavati poslja za lozinku ukoliko želite zadržati dosadašnju lozinku.";
-$_t["Description"] = "Opis";
-$_t["unknown"] = "nepoznato";
-$_t["This package has been flagged out of date."] = "Paket je obilježen kao zastarijeli.";
-$_t["No New Comment Notification"] = "Nemoj me više obavještavati o novim komentarima";
-$_t["Dependencies"] = "Ovisi o";
-$_t["Disown Packages"] = "Odrekni se paketa";
-$_t["Required by"] = "Potreban za";
-$_t["Package details could not be found."] = "Nije moguće naći detalje o paketu.";
-$_t["You must log in to view user information."] = "Morate se logirati kako bi pregledali informacije o korisniku.";
-$_t["Package Details"] = "Detalji o paketu";
-$_t["Package Listing"] = "Lista paketa";
-$_t["Files"] = "Datoteke";
-$_t["Name"] = "Ime";
-$_t["License"] = "Licenca";
-$_t["Last Updated"] = "Posljednji put ažuriran";
-$_t["Could not retrieve information for the specified user."] = "Nije moguće naći informacije o zadanom korisniku.";
-$_t["UnNotify"] = "Ne obavještavaj";
-$_t["Showing results %s - %s of %s"] = "Rezultati %s - %s od %s";
-$_t["Vote"] = "Glasaj";
-$_t["Use this form to search existing accounts."] = "Koristite ovaj formular za pretraživanj postoječih računa.";
-$_t["Use this form to create an account."] = "Koristite ovaj formular za kreiranje računa.";
-$_t["Un-Vote"] = "Makni svoj glas";
-$_t["change category"] = "promijeni kategoriju";
-$_t["Use this form to update your account."] = "Ovim formulatom ažurirajte Vaš računa.";
-$_t["Delete Packages"] = "Izbriši pakete";
-$_t["Maintainer"] = "Održavatelj";
-$_t["Add Comment"] = "Dodaj komentar";
-$_t["Comment by: %s on %s"] = "Komentirao %s u %s";
-$_t["Flag Out-of-date"] = "Obilježi kao zastario";
-$_t["You are not allowed to access this area."] = "Nije vam dozvoljen pristup ovom području.";
-$_t["Actions"] = "Radnje";
-$_t["Sources"] = "Izvor";
-$_t["Toggle Notify"] = "Mijenjaj obavještavanje";
-$_t["Yes"] = "Da";
-$_t["Accounts"] = "Računi";
-$_t["Notify"] = "Obavijesti";
-$_t["You do not have permission to edit this account."] = "Nemate ovlasti da bi mjenjali ovaj račun.";
-$_t["Home"] = "Početna";
-$_t["New Comment Notification"] = "Obavijesti me o novim komentarima";
-$_t["Error retrieving package list."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom stvaranja liste paketa.";
-$_t["No packages matched your search criteria."] = "Nijedan paket ne odgovara kriterijima traženja.";
-$_t["None of the selected packages could be deleted."] = "Nijedan odabrani paket nije moguće izbrisati.";
-$_t["Your votes have been removed from the selected packages."] = "Vaši su glasovi maknuti s odabranih paketa.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to un-vote for."] = "Niste odabrali pakete s kojih želite maknuti glasove.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been unflagged."] = "Odabrani paketu su postavljeni kao ažurirani.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to adopt."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite posvojiti.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can flag packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi obilježavali pakete.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can get notifications on comments."] = "Morate biti logirani kako bi mogli dobivati obavijesti o novim komentarima.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can vote for packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi glasali za pakete.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been flagged out-of-date."] = "Odabrani paketi su obilježeni kao zastarijeli.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been deleted."] = "Odabrani paketi su izbrisani.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to vote for."] = "Niste odabrali pakete za koje želite glasati.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can disown packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi se mogli odreknuti paketa.";
-$_t["Error trying to retrieve package details."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom dobivanja detalja o paketu.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been adopted."] = "Posvojili ste odabrane pakete.";
-$_t["Your votes have been cast for the selected packages."] = "Glasovi su dodijeljeni odabranim paketima.";
-$_t["Packages"] = "Paketi";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can adopt packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi posvojili pakete.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to disown."] = "Niste odabrali pakete kojih se želite odreči.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can un-vote for packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi mogli maknuti svoje glasove s paketa.";
-$_t["You must be logged in before you can unflag packages."] = "Morate se logirati da bi mogli obilježiti pakete kao ažurirane.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to unflag."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite obilježiti kao ažurirane.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to delete."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite izbrisati.";
-$_t["You have been removed from the comment notification list for %s."] = "Niste više na listi za obavježtavanje o novim komentarima za %s.";
-$_t["Couldn't add to notification list."] = "Nemogu dodati u listu za obavještavanje.";
-$_t["You did not select any packages to flag."] = "Niste odabrali pakete koje želite obilježiti.";
-$_t["The selected packages have been disowned."] = "Odrekli ste se odabranih paketa.";
-$_t["You have been added to the comment notification list for %s."] = "Dodani ste u listu za obavještavanje o novim komentarima za %s.";
-$_t["Error trying to unpack upload - PKGBUILD does not exist."] = "Došlo je do greške prilikom raspakiravanja poslane datoteke - PKGBUILD ne postoji.";
-$_t["Unknown file format for uploaded file."] = "Nepoznat format poslane datoteke.";
-$_t["Could not change directory to %s."] = "Nisam mogao promijeniti direktorij u %s.";
-$_t["Invalid name: only lowercase letters are allowed."] = "Neispravno ime: Dozvoljena su samo mala slova (kurenti).";
-$_t["Missing "] = "Nedostaje";
-$_t["Could not create incoming directory: %s."] = "Nemogu kreirati dolazeću mapu: %s.";
-$_t["Upload package file"] = "Šalji datoteku paketa";
-$_t["Missing build function in PKGBUILD."] = "Nedostaje build funkcija u PKGBUILD.";
-$_t["Sorry, uploads are not permitted by this server."] = "Oprostite, ovaj server ne dozvoljava slanje.";
-$_t["Could not create directory %s."] = "Nemogu kreirati direktorij %s.";
-$_t["Could not re-tar"] = "Nemogu ponovno kreirati tar";
-$_t["Upload"] = "Šalji";
-$_t["You must create an account before you can upload packages."] = "Da biste mogli slati pakete, morate prvo kreirati račun.";
-$_t["Error - No file uploaded"] = "Greška - datoteka nije poslana";
-$_t["Package URL is missing a protocol (ie. http:// ,ftp://)"] = "URL paketa mora sadržavati protokol (npr. http://, ftp://)";
-$_t["You are not allowed to overwrite the %h%s%h package."] = "Paket %h%s%h već postoji i nemate ovlasti mijenjati ga.";
-$_t["Package Category"] = "Kategorija paketa";
-$_t["Select Category"] = "Odaberi kategoriju";
-$_t["Search by"] = "Traži po";
-$_t["Logged-in as: %s"] = "Logirani ste kao: %s";
-$_t["Username does not exist."] = "Korisničko ime ne postoji.";
-$_t["Sort order"] = "Način sortiranja";
-$_t["Submitted: %s by %s"] = "Poslan: %s od %s";
-$_t["string"] = "string";
-$_t["Remember me"] = "Zapamti me";
-$_t["%s already has proposal running for them."] = "%s već ima prijedlog.";
-$_t["Total"] = "Ukupno";
-$_t["Any type"] = "Bilo koji tip";
-$_t["Could not retrieve proposal details."] = "Nemogu pronaći detalje o prijedlogu.";
-$_t["Next"] = "Sljedeći";
-$_t["(defaults to 7 if empty)"] = "(7 ako je prazno)";
-$_t["Advanced"] = "Napredno";
-$_t["This vote is still running."] = "Ovaj glas još vrijedi.";
-$_t["Vote ID not valid."] = "ID glasa je neispravan.";
-$_t["(empty if not applicable)"] = "(prazno ako nije prikladno)";
-$_t["Per page"] = "Po stranici";
-$_t["New proposal submitted."] = "Novi prijedlog je poslan.";
-$_t["Current Votes"] = "Trenutno glasova";
-$_t["Back"] = "Natrag";
-$_t["All Votes"] = "Svi glasovi";
-$_t["UnFlag Out-of-date"] = "Obilježi kao ažurirano";
-$_t["No results found."] = "Nema rezultata.";
-$_t["No"] = "Ne";
-$_t["Discussion"] = "Rasprava";
-$_t["Start"] = "Početak";
-$_t["Add"] = "Dodaj";
-$_t["Length must be at least 1."] = "Doljina mora biti najmanje 1.";
-$_t["End"] = "Kraj";
-$_t["This is a %h%s%h problem!"] = "Ovo je %h%s%h problem!";
-$_t["Proposal cannot be empty."] = "Prijedlog nemože biti prazan.";
-$_t["Search"] = "Traži";
-$_t["Orphans"] = "Napušteni";
-$_t["Voting is closed for this proposal."] = "Glasanje je zaključeno za ovaj prijedlog";
-$_t["Bugs"] = "Bug-ovi";
-$_t["You've already voted for this proposal."] = "Već ste glasali za ovaj prijedlog.";
-$_t["You cannot vote in an proposal about you."] = "Nemožete glasati o prijedlogu koji se tiće Vas.";
-$_t["Search Criteria"] = "Kriteriji traženja";
-$_t["Any"] = "Bilo koji";
-$_t["Logout"] = "Logout";
-$_t["Proposal"] = "Prijedlog";
-$_t["My Packages"] = "Moji paketi";
-$_t["UnVote"] = "Makni glas";
-$_t["Length must be a number."] = "Duljina mora biti broj.";
-$_t["%s has %s apples."] = "%s ima %s jabuka.";
-$_t["Login"] = "Login";
-$_t["Abstain"] = "Suzdržan";
-$_t["Could not chmod directory %s."] = "Nemogu napraviti chmod na direktorij %s.";
-$_t["Sort by"] = "Sortiraj po";
-$_t["Submit a proposal to vote on."] = "Pošalji prijedlog za glasanje.";
-$_t["Proposal Details"] = "Detalji prijedloga";
-$_t["Last vote"] = "Posljednji glas";