path: root/web/html/index.php
diff options
authorCallan Barrett <>2008-06-08 01:58:07 +0800
committerCallan Barrett <>2008-06-08 01:58:07 +0800
commitf197dff5079a26b0295255cca64d02470a1add9c (patch)
tree3476e94a6790373ad9172fe6581ec859a730bd12 /web/html/index.php
parent0cf3c5ea8bd2799e1354aa2008edb542e01635ba (diff)
Revert "Split html from front page"
This reverts commit 0cf3c5ea8bd2799e1354aa2008edb542e01635ba.
Diffstat (limited to 'web/html/index.php')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/web/html/index.php b/web/html/index.php
index e530a85..895fc8a 100644
--- a/web/html/index.php
+++ b/web/html/index.php
@@ -2,20 +2,84 @@
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../lang');
+# include("");
include(""); # Add to handle the i18n of My Packages
-# Hey, how about listing the newest pacakges? :D
+# Big Top Level Table (Table 1)
+echo "<div class=\"pgbox\">\n";
+echo " <div class=\"pgboxtitle\"><span class=\"f3\">AUR ".__("Home")."</span></div>\n";
+echo " <div class=\"frontpgboxbody\">\n";
+echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='3' width='90%'>\n";
+# MAIN: Top
+echo "<tr>\n";
+print "<td class='boxSoft' valign='top' colspan='2'>";
+print "<p>".__("Welcome to the AUR! Please read the %hAUR User Guidelines%h and %hAUR TU Guidelines%h for more information.", array('<a href="">', '</a>', '<a href="">', '</a>'))."<br>";
+print __("Contributed PKGBUILDs <b>must</b> conform to the %hArch Packaging Standards%h otherwise they will be deleted!", array('<a href="">', '</a>'))."</p>";
+print "<p>".__("Remember to vote for your favourite packages!")."<br>";
+print __("The most popular packages will be provided as binary packages in [community].")."</p>";
+print "</td>";
+print "</tr>";
+# MAIN: Bottom Left
+print "<tr>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft' valign='top'>";
+#Hey, how about listing the newest pacakges? :D
$q = "SELECT * FROM Packages ";
$q.= "WHERE DummyPkg != 1 ";
$q.= "ORDER BY GREATEST(SubmittedTS,ModifiedTS) DESC ";
$q.= "LIMIT 0 , 10";
-$result_newest = db_query($q,$dbh);
+$result = db_query($q,$dbh);
+# Table 2
+print '<table class="boxSoft">';
+print '<tr>';
+print '<th colspan="2" class="boxSoftTitle" style="text-align: right">';
+print ' <a href="/rss2.php"><img src="/images/rss.gif"></a> <span class="f3">'.__("Recent Updates").' <span class="f5"></span></span>';
+print '</th>';
+print '</tr>';
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
+ print '<tr>';
+ print '<td class="boxSoft">';
+ print '<span class="f4"><span class="blue"><a href="/packages.php?ID='.intval($row["ID"]).'">';
+ print $row["Name"]." ".$row["Version"]."</a></span></span>";
+ print '</td>';
+ print '<td class="boxSoft" style="text-align: right">';
+ # figure out the mod string
+ $mod_int = intval($row["ModifiedTS"]);
+ $sub_int = intval($row["SubmittedTS"]);
+ if ($mod_int != 0) {
+ $modstring = gmdate("r", $mod_int);
+ }
+ elseif ($sub_int != 0) {
+ $modstring = '<img src="/images/new.gif"/> '.gmdate("r", $sub_int);
+ }
+ else {
+ $mod_string = "(unknown)";
+ }
+ print '<span class="f4">'.$modstring.'</span>';
+ print '</td>';
+ print '</tr>'."\n";
+print "</td>";
+print "</tr>";
+print "</table>";
+# End Table 2
+# MAIN: Bottom Right
+print "</td>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft' valign='top'>";
$q = "SELECT count(*) FROM Packages,PackageLocations WHERE Packages.LocationID = PackageLocations.ID AND PackageLocations.Location = 'unsupported'";
$result = db_query($q, $dbh);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
@@ -57,6 +121,22 @@ if (!empty($user)) {
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$flagged_outdated = $row[0];
+ print "<table class='boxSoft'>";
+ print "<tr>";
+ print "<th colspan='2' class='boxSoftTitle' style='text-align: right'>";
+ print "<span class='f3'>".__("My Statistics")."</span>";
+ print "</th>";
+ print "</tr>";
+ # Number of packages in unsupported
+ print "<tr>";
+ print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+ print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages in unsupported")."</span>";
+ print "</td>";
+ print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$maintainer_unsupported_count</span></td>";
+ print "</tr>";
# If the user is a TU calculate the number of the packages
$atype = account_from_sid($_COOKIE["AURSID"]);
@@ -65,12 +145,79 @@ if (!empty($user)) {
$result = db_query($q, $dbh);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$maintainer_community_count = $row[0];
+ print "<tr>";
+ print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+ print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages in [community]")."</span>";
+ print "</td>";
+ print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$maintainer_community_count</span></td>";
+ print "</tr>";
+ # Number of outdated packages
+ print "<tr>";
+ print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+ print "<span class='f4'>".__("Out-of-date")."</span>";
+ print "</td>";
+ print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$flagged_outdated</span></td>";
+ print "</tr>";
+ print "</table><br />";
+print "<table class='boxSoft'>";
+print "<tr>";
+print "<th colspan='2' class='boxSoftTitle' style='text-align: right'>";
+print "<span class='f3'>".__("Statistics")."</span>";
+print "</th>";
+print "</tr>";
+print "<tr>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages in unsupported")."</span>";
+print "</td>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$unsupported_count</span></td>";
+print "</tr>";
+print "<tr>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages in [community]")."</span>";
+print "</td>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$community_count</span></td>";
+print "</tr>";
+print "<tr>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+print "<span class='f4'>".__("Packages added or updated in the past 7 days")."</span>";
+print "</td>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$update_count</span></td>";
+print "</tr>";
+print "<tr>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+print "<span class='blue'><span class='f4'>".__("Registered Users")."</span></span>";
+print "</td>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$user_count</span></td>";
+print "</tr>";
+print "<tr>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'>";
+print "<span class='f4'>".__("Trusted Users")."</span>";
+print "</td>";
+print "<td class='boxSoft'><span class='f4'>$tu_count</span></td>";
+print "</tr>";
+print "</table>";
+# Close out the right column
+print " </td>";
+print "</tr>\n";
+print "</table>\n";
+# End Table 1
+echo "<br /><span class='important'>".__("DISCLAIMER")."</span>";
+echo " </div>";
+echo "</div>";
# vim: ts=2 sw=2 noet ft=php